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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Izumi rolled her eyes and looked at older Riku. The darkness was now gone, but was this what her life was destined to be like, a constant battle. She wondered if her future self was tired of everything as well.

Adriana "daddy we have to stop the darkness for good." she pointed at young Riku "in him is darkness too we must get it out so it can't affect you."

October waited at the top of the stairs inside the castle for them to enter.
Keto looked at Kai then back up to October "Kai, this is Miss October. She is an elder Vampire older than both you and I and deserves the utmost respect." 

Kai bowed then looked at October "Hello Miss October, my name is Kai. It's nice to meet you." 

Keto smiled then looked back up to October "Miss October this is my son"
Older Riku would look down " it's not darkness it's just what we both called it.. it's what me and My younger self is. It's apart of us we get rid of it we die.. me coming back into time corrupted me, but if I go back to our future I will be fine. " smiles calmly at her "

Younger Riku looked down " so it's a part of us. We can't get rid of it?

Older Riku looked at his younger self and smiled calmly " both Izumi and Adrianna are my light.. this past is far back from when Adrianna  was born. I didn't meet Izumi until I was the age 30.. " he stood up and looked up at Izumi " i have to go back. Before I become corrupted again.
Keto bowed slightly "I just wanted to introduce you to my son Miss October, and to ask if he can stay with me in my room?"

Kai turned to Keto "She is much nicer than Izumi" 

Keto looked at his son and snarled a little "Now is not the time son"
"30? wait then that means I'm nowhere near the right time." Adriana shook her head "mommy is only 17 now I was only supposed to go back 5 years before I was born." 

Izumi sighed at least she had awhile before she had a kid, but how long until she dies and becomes a vampire. "nothing of this timeline is adding up to our stories." she hoped maybe everything in their future weren't in her future. She didn't want to be a vampire, she didn't want a kid.

October nodded "yes he can stay here."

@Keto_Uskai @Jason Thorn
Keto smiled and bowed "Son, my room is the third door on the left past the stairs, go ahead and go up" 

Kai nodded walking up the stairs bowing before passing October, he walked to the room shutting the door. 

Keto approached October "I don't understand, I can't seem to do anything right. I save someone from dying, I protected her, grov, my son and others from getting injured and I just don't understand. Everyone has their battles miss October but Why? When I have done nothing but try and be good do I get treated as if my efforts to help save people aren't enough?"
Axel: That's not true at all,man.

Alice: Hmph.......some folks just don't appreciate goods deeds done on their behalf. Might I advise that you only do good deeds for those who are greatful to you?
"I assume your referring to Izumi?" October asked. she looked out the window and saw them in the garden. "I warned that you didn't really know her." she looked back at him. "they are a family, whether if it's in this reality or not they're family and Izumi got thrown into that without asking. So many emotions and thoughts must be racing through her mind. She just learned she falls in love, get married, has a child, and becomes a vampire. It must be confusing."

Keto nodded to October "I'm not speaking in that kind of manor ma'am, none at all. It's about some kind of kindness, or awknolege ment, when you, Grov, Dirk, even Izumi helped or saved me I did my best to show my gratitude, even though Grov almost got me Killed as well as Izumi" he looked down "I just don't understand how anyone to act as if another being just doesn't matter when all they do is protect everyone around them, or die trying."

Keto turned to Axle and Alice bowing "I apologize for my actions in the Forrest, I kind of had my hands full and wasn't really trying to kill him, I just wanted him to leave us alone." he turned to Alice "Ma'am, I'm selfless. I'll fight on someone's behalf that I just met. it would be nice to be awknoleged once in awhile."
Alice: it's quite alright.  I saw your courageous acts,firsthand.

Axel: As did I. You do deserve more acknowledgement,than what you get,if what you're saying is true. Alice has helped me on many dangerous adventures, and I am eternally greatful to have her at my side.
Keto smiled slightly at them "Thank you both, my name is Keto Uskai, I used to be the Commander of the Royal Vampire's Army before leaving to return to humble beginnings"
October smiled "humans are complicated I learned that a long time ago."  she looked at the two new people. "I'm October welcome to my castle."
Keto bowed to them all "I'm going to retire to my room, me and my son have much to discuss" Keto walked up the stairs hugging October "Thank you for your kindness, it's much appriecated" 
Axel: Yes,humans are quite confusing at times. Epsecially,when some help you,and some seek to destroy you.

Alice: I'm Alice Hedgehog Duran. This handsome man next to me,is named Axel,ms. October. We rule a world,named Horrandia. I'm it's emperess,and Axel is the emperor.
Older Riku would look back down at Adrianna and nod " yeah, also I've never met anyone here before they are not of our future. " he sighed and shook his head " Scar might of done something bringing you back further, but what is done is done. I'm going to stay behind managed to find out both Jason's and Scar's plan. They are going to find Michael.. 

Young Riku would look at Adrianna " who's Michael?
"Jason's brother." Adriana said shaking her head. "he's hell bent on killing humans, and anyone who gets in his way."

"Because Scar and Jason weren't bad enough already?" Izumi sighed "well this is just great" 

"an emperor?" October asked sounding shocked." and why are you out here in this land?" 
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Older Riku would nod and shake his head " yeah nows he's going to be involved. But it's just them three Doubt Michael even met Hazuki yet. "He crossed his arms. " I'm going to do some Recon on them see how close they are coming to find Michael. 

Young Riku would nod and look at Adrianna " let me come with. If Scar and Jason catch us it would be hard if they faced us both.
"Hazuki? who is that?"  Izumi asked confused. 

"Michael's wife? Or lover. I forget if they're married." Adriana answered

"lover!" Izumi exclaimed "you mean there is someone out there who could love pure evil?" she shook her head this was ridiculous, crazy, what kind of world did she live in. 

Adriana could feel the tension and fear in her mom's voice "Izumi calm down." she grabbed her arm.  

"don't touch me" Izumi said as she pulled her arm away. 
Older Riku would sigh and shake his head " sorry can't risk it. If you die than I will not exist In the future. Again we don't even know if this the same timeline or a different universe." He looked at Izumi " don't worry so much about anything alot of things here just don't add up.. besides Adrianna is still here and you found out she's your daughter yet your bent on not having a kid.. so I'm thinking it's a different universe.

Younger Riku would look down " if this is a different universe let me come with you. We need to stop them or there won't be no future for any of us.. " he said looking at his older self. " we can trap them all and seal them away forever with October's help " 
"you haven't even met Sayomi" Adriana said in a sad voice, "Sayomi was your anchor, your best friend" Adriana stepped back wanting to confront her but didn't know what to say. "daddy if we stay wont mom come looking for us like you came looking for me?" 

Izumi looked at her confused, a best friend Yeah she never had one of those. Her future self might come here? This was getting too weird, she didn't want this any of it. "what makes you think October will help?" 
Older Riku would shake his head " no she can't or she would be here right now.." he said than he looked at Izumi " you two are the only ones that can seal all three of them. " he said as he looked at his younger self. " still not risking it. " a dark portal formed behind him and he turned around " i will be back later with the info. Than both me and Adrianna are heading home together.

Younger Riku looked down wanting to help some more but he knew his older self was right he die. Than he might die too. 
"good to know I have no choice in the matter" Izumi said, she was on the verge of tears. She was 17 she was never normal but now she has to go out and play savior? She grabbed the rubber band on her wrist and started slapping it on her wrist. 

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