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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Pulling the needles out of his arm, Dirk made his way through the street, trying to ignore the strange looks he received. "Did I get kidnapped? Drugged?" He muttered to himself. Aside from the glass tube, there had been nothing in that small room to indicate what had happened. With his weapons and clothing gone, he now made his way towards the forest with nothing but a lab coat. He wanted answers, but first he was going to get back to the castle, for he felt very vulnerable at the moment. Dirk gripped the coat tighter as he stepped into the edge of the forest, the pine needles sticking to his feet since his skin was still slimy and wet. "I need a beer.." he muttered to himself.
Keto looked at Izumi "cause last time we saw him he decided to try and electrocute Grov and I, you want to talk, then talk after he sets Grov down" 
After walking for a bit, Milo stumbled upon something that scared him more than his memory loss and the episode he had earlier combined. Evidently lab coats were not the best way to cover things up. He stopped when he saw the man. He was only wearing a lab coat, and he was covered in some sort of goo. Genuine fear flashed across Milo's face.

After walking for a bit, Milo stumbled upon something that scared him more than his memory loss and the episode he had earlier combined. Evidently lab coats were not the best way to cover things up. He stopped when he saw the man. He was only wearing a lab coat, and he was covered in some sort of goo. Genuine fear flashed across Milo's face.


Dirk paused in his tracks, staring back at Milo.

"You're that new guy who recently showed up, right?" he finally spoke after the long paused, as he needed to break the awkward silence. It was very evident to Dirk that this fellow seemed equally confused, so he clarified "Don't ask, cause I don't have any answers yet" he gripped the coat tighter around himself.
Milo tilted his head, confused. Where the hell had he come from?

"Should I know you?"
Milo tilted his head, confused. Where the hell had he come from?

"Should I know you?"

Dirk smirked slightly in amusement as he shook his head "Nope" he answered "I only saw you Once, Briefly, at the castle, but never spoken before. This is one hell of an introduction, and I gotta say, in a very bizarre circumstance"
MIlo nodded slowly, trying to keep his eyes on the man's upper half, even if he had covered up better.

"Well, uh, are you alright?" He pointed behind him. "Er, you know where the castle is already i suppose"

MIlo nodded slowly, trying to keep his eyes on the man's upper half, even if he had covered up better.

"Well, uh, are you alright?" He pointed behind him. "Er, you know where the castle is already i suppose"


Dirk gave a slow nod and glanced down quickly "Well I havn't any mysterious scars on my torso, so I would say that I seem alright. Just woke up in a mysterious warehouse, so I'm still on edge right now" he explained "And yes, I do still know where the castle is, that's the best place for me to go right now. Hey, watch your back out there, this place is full of surprises, some you might not like.."
Younger Riku would nod and smile " i haven't attempted anything like that before.. but anything to prevent me from falling into it and I will be happy " he looked at Adrianna

Older Riku would see the fire balls head towards him and he lifted up his right hand as they stopped in mid air. While Keto was stuck and could moved like something was holding him in place.. his eyes shifted towards Izumi. As moved his left hand towards Keto really fast launching Grov at him hitting Keto. He then moved his hand towards Izumi as she felt like an invisible force began to wrap around her neck choking her and lifting her off the ground.

Jason would smirk and nod " agreed let's go find him " he turned and started to sniff the air again and he started to walk north and than he caught the smell of blood in the distance and an evil grin formed " he's close..

(( going to reveal Michael in a topic in the group :D
Grov got off of keto and said sorry as he ripped a tree out and threw it at Riku. He the followed up by saying. "Sick'em Dave." Dozens of roots erupted from the ground binding his feet in place.
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((woo Michael!! Beware everyone so should we continue the Jason and Scar hunt there? )) 

Izumis hand went to her throat. She couldn't breathe. What was going on, why was future Riku hurting her? 

((g2g need food will be on soon)) 
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Logan was mentally saying his spells, and soon was sending one intense searing beam of light, causing a scorch mark in a wall. Logan sheepishly looked down and went outside to keep practicing.
Kai ran out of the castle towards his dad and Grov a black aura around him, his eyes were pitch black as he stood next to Izumi and put a barrier spell around them.
(( yes we will continue with Scar's and Jason's hunt there))

Older Riku let Izumi go so he could dodge both the tree and the flame. He then landed sway from everyone a as he glared at both Keto and Grov. He started to float in the air as the rocks underneath him started to rise from the ground and levitate. The air being sucked towards him like a blue aura started to form around him as Keto and Grov got pulled towards him as he Riku sent out a shockwave sending them both flying back hard into the ground
Grov hade a crack on his arm and he was mad his hole brightened and he got up and stomped sending a volley of stone spears at Riku, then as they neared Riku, Grov said. "Shatter." The spears exploded into razor sharp shrapnel.
Keto moaned as he hit the ground getting up looking at Grov running and jumping at Riku sword in hand growling putting a barrier around himself in mid air
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October smiled watching him go outside she went to join him but saw the fight in the garden she pulled out the walkie "Riku your future self is here causing trouble, thought you should know."

Izumi watched Riku not understanding "Riku listen please you need to stop this."
"It was a pleasure to meet you, and yes, I will watch myself."

Milo gave a half bow and moved past the man, giving him a small wide berth. He continued on in the direction of the town.
dirk, meanwhile, continued on in the direction of the castle. This area he had become very familiar with, so he let gotta feet guide him towards his destination.
A short time later, Milo arrived at the edge of the forest, looking down a large hill at the town he had been directed to. He smirked to himself.

"not that far at all.."

He began to descend the hill, looking out over the vast valleys.
Amber walked the ever so narrow allies in the town, stoping around corners here and there. She bushed back her red hair to look down the path. 'Some one new she thought', she thought, 'well then this may be quite interesting'. She ran around the stand that was set up, just like many other stalls, selling produce. Grabing an apple she smirked back at the owner, oh how she loved getting away with things, especially for only being 13.

(appearance (omg this looks so bad, welp) )

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