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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

"If you try and hurt keto I will grind you to goo, He's my friend." Grov looked at the vamp then got out of the way. "But if your trying to help come on in. I'll be watching you though mister vampire."
Kai nodded walking inside looking at Izumi bowing slightly "I need help finding my father, my name is Kai Uskai ma'am"

Kai thought about what the Golem had said ~my father must be a well liked man around here~


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Milo looked back and forth between the three, staying silent as they spoke. He wasn't sure he wanted to intervene within a conversation including a golem made of boulders, and a rather impatient looking, vampire they called him?
Izumi eyes grew wide "Keto is your father?" she sounded surprised. She closed her eyes thinking for a moment. she shook her head and laughed at the word ma'am it's exactly what he would say too. "don't call me ma'am I'm not over 40" she was stern with her voice now. 

@Keto_Uskai @Wick @fuil
Grov watched Kais every move even as he seemed to relax by leaning on a wall. He was surprised to learn Keto had a son but was skeptical about what he told him. "If your really his son tell me something only his son would know because for all we know you could be a Doppleganger assassin."
Kai bowed "I apologize miss, yes Keto is my father." Kai looked to the golem "I have never met him" Kai looked down for a moment "I am 220 years old, my mother turned Keto when he was dying. She was attacked by a Lycan and so was he. From what I've been told he believed my mother to be dead when he couldn't wake her and he went after the Lycan after he fled." He looked back to Izumi "My mother raised me the best she could and always told me how my father was. My mother could rejuvenate and sje suspects Keto never knew that. He had some powers he couldnt control but that's one he got from her"


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"keto was here but he left earlier today." she looked him up and down. Was he all vampire, or half human like her 'daughter' was going to be. "you should be able to follow your nose to him correct?" her voice was cold, she was a bit rude about it but she didn't really care.

Grov noded. "Okay, I still don't trust you but I'll hear you out. But it's not me you have to worry about its your dads girlfriend." Grov noded at Izumi. "As you can see she isn't so trusting."
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Kai looked between the two sighing "this is where my nose brought me, it's like he just disappeared in the forest" Kai looked at Izumi up and down "So you are with my father? You don't know where he has gone?"

Keto deep in the Forrest, just after walking out of sight he Teleported there, all he could think about was Grov, Izumi, Dirk and October. He thought it would be best if he left but now he was second guessing himself


Izumi shook her head. "I'm not with him okay?" she sounded defensive. "he didn't even tell me bye so I can't exactly help you." she turned to Logan. "are you ready to get your memories back?" she faced away from Kai ready to just walk away she didn't want to deal with this right now. After this spell it'd be over and done with, that's what she had to focus on.

@Keto_Uskai @Wick
Grov said. "He told me to say thanks to everyone then just left, I was the last one to see him." He got up and said. "Even gave him a gift to stay safe with, a warning bud."
Kai looked at the two and seemed really down "Please, is there anything y'all can do? I mean no one any harm?" 

Keto sighed "Well fuck me." he teleported to right in front of Izumi he hugged her speaking softly "I'm sorry, I thought me leaving would be easier on you, and everyone else. I've been kicking myself since I left."

Keto didn't even notice Kai, he was focused on Izumi 
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"Hey keto you got a kid and your wifs alive." Grov said as he watched them hug. "Just thought youd like to know."
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Keto stood there in shock for a moment then growled fiercely "Impossible!" he also yelled it, his eyes turning blood red grabbing Kai slamming him against the castle wall holding him with his left hand his right hand drew back catching on fire 

Kai almost squealed "K-K- Keto! Stop! Please! Please stop father! I came looking for you after mother died!" Kai was squirming trying to get loose but couldn't, Keto was much stronger. 


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Grov walked over and grabed ketos right hand keeping it still. "Drop the kid keto he knows your story, he looks almost just like you. Its true." He said in a calm voice.
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Izumi sighed watching him get angry, like it seems he always does. "separate" Keto and Kei were flown apart from each other. "you can use words you know." she sighed and crossed her arms, watching them with little interest

Keto looked at Izumi then back at Kai staring at him "it's impossible, she died in my arms, I had to crawl to her, she took her very last breath in my arms" he stared at the ground for a moment realizing how he reacted. Realizing what his temper that he worked so hard to destroy had come screaming back with a vengeance after Caine had shown up. 

Kai stood there shaking, the man in front of him was not the man he had been told of "Mother lived father, she could rejuvenate her health. She died about 10 years ago now, we couldn't find you. We tried" Kai started crying looking at him "I have heard of the man you were, mother  told me alot about you. Always said you were a great man, a caring man, what changed father? What created the man you are now" 

Keto looked up at Kai tears still in his eyes "When I thought your mother died, I chased down that Lycan, took me over a year. When I found him I ripped him limb from limb" Keto looked back down at  ground "I then spent 200 years killing, I became the Commander of the Royal Vampire's army. I got that position for my ruthlessness, for my combative skills, for my tactics. No matter how much I killed I could never fulfill that lust and hunger towards the Lycans for taking your mother from me. One day I left and started wandering for 20 years then I found Izumi, I thought my past was behind me" Keto looked back at Izumi, almost staring into her eyes with tears streaming down his face as he talked  "Then my anger came flooding back one day right in front of her, I turned from the man your mother and her knew to the beast everyone knew. A vampire had been hunting me and almost killed me. Izumi saved me..." Keto dropped to his knees almost sobbing "How do I repay her? Not by being the man she expressed care for but by turning into the monster I had became 220 years ago, right in front of her."


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Milo watched the scene unfold. After a moment, Izumi turned to him and asked if he was ready for his memory to return. He was about to respond when another man who's facial features nearly completely matched Kai's, appeared directly in front of her, nearly giving Milo a heart attack. He had appeared so suddenly. Izumi turned him toward Kai and he immediately attacked him. After that, they spoke for a moment, emotions flaring about. He simply stood and watched, unsure if he should say anything.

(Sorry xP gtg for the night, peace) 
Izumi sighed, she didn't know what to say. She figured she'd let the boys handle their situation she didn't want to be if the middle. She never asked for any of this. She grabbed Milo by the wrist and half dragged him to the kitchen. "I'm ready so this is going to happen." She took a deep breathe and let go of his wrist. "are you ready?"

@Keto_Uskai @Wick

((i g2g too sooo sleepy))
Grov walked over to keto. He patted him on the back and said. "You don't get over what you did, trust me I know, I was like you only I had no reason to kill, just orders. You just have to live with it and try to be better." He looked at him and sighed. "You can't just forget it you have to face it head on. I'll help you but you have to stop being afraid you'll turn back. That just keeps you miserable."

(gotta go too)
Kai looked at Keto slowly walking over to him "You must have loved mother very much..." Kai looked down at his father "She loved you father, she was heart broken her entire life, we tried so hard to find you. She never would have thought that's where you were or I know she would have found you." 

Keto looked at his son then looked over at Grov then slowly stood up dusting off his clothes, "Can I have a few moments to process this please?"
Riku would nod and scratch the back of his head " i am a bit scared to be honest. I once almost fell when I saw one of my friends died because the mission went south. The remaining shinobi in the mission saw it. They managed to sedate me but what they saw in me was not good and they told me to learn to control my emotions..

Jason would smirk " I've been in slumber for millions of years and woke up a few thousand years ago to annoying pests. So a joke is kind of something I'm not used to " he would turn around and look at her
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Grov looked at him and noded. "You take as mutch time you need." He walked over to Izumi and said. "Lets go do that spell."
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