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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Grov was outside in a garden that he had started in the woods as a hobby. His garden was full of plants and not all of them were normal. He was humming as he planted a carnivores fern, it was busy trying to eat his foot.
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Keto saw Grov and he started to smile slightly he walked up patting Grov on the back "I'm going to be gone for a bit my friend"
Riku would smile at Adrianna " i still don't understand most of it but I think I will be fine " he said as he scratched the back of his head " i can't believe I'm a father in the future.. guess I changed a lot when I got older

Jason would smirk " you call me a dog again and you will regret it " he would shift his eyes towards her 
Grov said. "Okay, be careful." He swated the fern away from his friends leg. "Sorry, this ones a little hungry."
"you don't know" Izumi looked at him with a raised brow. "How do you not know?" she laughed a little "did you loose your memory or something?" Izumi looked at his shoulder curious of what could do that. Maybe October or someone at the castle would know.

Adriana gave a weak smile she wasn't sure he would be okay. "Riku your a great dad. You taught me a lot. And I can tell your unsure yourself that the darkness won't consume you" she crossed her arms. "you even told me to warn your future self you must be scared of something"

Scar laughed "oh lighten up a little it was just a joke." she shook her head still laughing. "you don't have to be so broody all the time."
Grov laughed and said. "Yes I can see." He got up and patted keto on the back. "You've gotten good. So where are you going."
Keto looked up at Grov "I'm not exactly sure my friend, I just feel like it's time to move on from here for awhile. if you need me just think to me and I'll hear you. Tell Dirk and October thank you for me and I'll be around eventually" Keto smiled a little bit heading into the Forrest 
"I-i-i just don't know dammit.."

Milo was shivering from the experience.

"Perhaps I did lose my memory. I can't remember my name, a-and I have no idea where the hell I am..."

He frowned and stared at the ground, trying to remember anything at all.
Grov noded. "Okay. If you get into trouble you can always count on me to help." He said watching his friend go. He turned around and scoped something up tossing it to keto. "Its a warning bud, it only blossoms when there is danger around." It was a red flower bud with one long root. "Just put the root in a cup of water every three days to keep it alive."
Dirk opened his eyes and tossed the sheets aside, "Damn, slept more then I thought,,," he said to himself, checking the clock on the wall. With a stretch, he got up and headed downstairs to find some food.
"I have some friends nearby at a castle I can take you there"Izumi took a step back, she didn't want to touch him but he need some sort of help. "if you come with me we might be able to help you." she gave a small smile "some place to eat, rest, and maybe help get your memories back."

October was sitting downstairs at the castle she was meditating in the front room of the castle. 
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Milo sat still for a minute, thinking about his scenario.

"well uh I'm headed there now so if you want to come now is the time." Izumi turned to walk away but looked back to see if he was coming. "it not far just a few minutes from here"
Grov got up and walked over to the castle. As he entered and walked to the kitchen and saw dirk. "Hey Dirk, do you know if October has any fertilizer around I could use.." He asked as he brushed ash of his arm. "The Dragon Lotus is grumpy when it dosn't get enough. OH, and Keto left, he told me to tell everyone thank you."
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Milo nodded slowly. He saw no other option but to follow this stranger. If he stayed out in the forest, he would likely be dead within a few hours. He stood unsteadily.

"Right then.." He rubbed his shoulder. "Lead the way.."
Logan walked to the library, decided to read up on magic as he had the time. He tried saying a spell that would send a bolt of lightning, but he ended up shocking himself. He flew back into another table and slumped to the floor, not unconscious, just laying there.
dirk lit up his cigar and cast Grov a weird look "maybe we'll see Keto again some time. Now who the hell is the dragon lotus? Sounds like some sort of hallucinogenic drug"
Grov shrugs, "It's one of the plants I've got in my garden that I made to pass time since I can't sleep. Its a lotus that breaths fire." He says as he looks at dirk. "I found it in a cave with lots of bones."
Grov shrugs, "It's one of the plants I've got in my garden that I made to pass time since I can't sleep. Its a lotus that breaths fire." He says as he looks at dirk. "I found it in a cave with lots of bones."

dirk nodded slowly as he listened "think that it could act as security for the castle? It sounds dangerous enough"
Izumi continued walking to the castle. "I know this might be strange and you have no reason to trust me but I'm a trustworthy gal." She looked back at him. "once back at the castle I can gather my supplies and get your memories back for you. I mean as long as you want them." she shook her head thinking of Dirk. "someone else I know lost their memories and doesn't want them back."

October opened her eyes, she could feel Izumi coming back to the castle, plus the explosion upstairs had her curious. She walked up to the library and saw Logan lying on the floor. "spell gone awry?"

@LoneSniper87  @Wick
"I thank you for your care.."

Milo was still unsure as to whether or not he should trust this girl, but nonetheless, he continued forward, hoping she didn't decide to kill him.
Grov shrugs. "It's it would take time to train but it could be done, along with the other plants." He says as he starts to think. "I could plant a few Carnivorous plants near the castle at first, until I can tame the others." He looks at dirk and asks. "Would you help, it'ed make it go faster."
The castle was coming into view from the forest, it was vast, Izumi walked up and opened the front door. "uh your going to see weird um." she paused thinking of Grov. "people, to say the least, here." she held open the door and stood aside so he could walk inside. "I'M BACK!" she yelled loud enough anyone downstairs could hear her, and knowing vampire hearing October probably heard her as well."


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