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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Milo moved through the trees some much taller than the others. The place was strange. After a short time he found the location of the waterfall and stepped out into the clearing it was in. It was relatively large, about the height of a two story. The water pounded against the lake and spread out becoming surprisingly still closer to the shore. He shuffled forward and nearly collapsed as he fell onto his knees at the water's edge. He put down the stone and cupped his hands, pulling up some water and drinking it. He hadn't realized how thirsty he was until that first sip, and at that point, he kept going, drinking more and more until finally he was refreshed. He finished up sipping his last handful and opened his eyes. His hand had a mark on it, like a tally. There was only one, but it appeared to be carved into his skin, right where he had felt the sting after he woke up. He frowned in confusion and picked up the stone again, observing it for any sharp edges.
Grov followed keto and with henry the clone over his shoulder. "He wasn't moving. so I carried him, I think he's broke." Grov sat the clone down.
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Keto looked at Henry "come on Henry you can walk just fine" Henry walked up to Keto "Looks like I have to command this one Grov." Keto thought for a second then looked at Grov "hmmmm let's go mess with dirk" Keto sent Henry to stand in the door way to Dirks room motionless
Riku was confused " my future self? " he looked down and than he looked back at his village " ok I will be there shortly waiting for my next assignment 
Keto got back on the radio "Riku, I don't think this matter can wait. He shocked me and Grov for no reason, the look in his eyes showed nothing but chaos" 
"Riku just tell me where you are. I'll come to you." Adriana said "shut up Keto this doesn't concern you." Adriana was impatient she could go back to her time at anytime she just needed to speak to Riku. 

October smiled "well they're easy to enchant I can give you other items if you like." she watched Dirk yawn, it must have been a long day for him. "did you want to catch some sleep?" 

Scar sighed "let's go find this brother of yours." she tried to make herself appear how she was, but couldn't she was stuck in this form. 

Izumi watched him reach the waterfall she curiously followed him. She walked out from cover into the clearing but didn't get too close. "hey are you alright" 
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Keto glared at Adriana "Look here kid, I'm trying to help so just simmer down. You shouldn't even be here in the first place!"
Riku would nod " give me a second " he rushed to his clans leader and told him to hold off on the mission he was going to take a three day break. " ok I'm at my ninja can't headquarters, but let me meet you outside of it " he rushed outside and would step outside of the gate. He stopped waiting for Adrianna

Jason would nod and then a dark portal would open as he walked in first waiting for Scar to walk in too
Milo jumped, nearly dropping the stone into the dark water. He stood and turned on his toes, facing the newcomer with his back to the lake. The waterfall was so loud he hadn't heard anyone come up behind him.

"Erk, y-yeah, I'm fine. Who are you?"
"I didn't ask for your help, this is family business so leave me alone." Adriana turned away from him, giving the radio back to October. "go hang with that new guy." she then teleported to outside headquarters, her daddy showed her where it was before, so she knew exactly where to go. "Riku I need your help, can we go somewhere alone?" she sounded rushed, she needed to hurry and get as much info as she could.

Scar looked at the portal wondering where it was his brother was last seen. She followed him inside.

Izumi walked a little closer only so it was easier to communicate. "My name is Izumi." she smiled "I was headed back home when I stumbled upon you." she thought of what she just said. 'home' was that what the castle was, is that really her home. It was odd to think she had a home and not just someone on the streets anymore.

Milo put the rock back into his pocket and took a deep breath. He didn't notice right away, but he was gleaming with sweat, and he began to feel short of breath. He spoke through gasps, straining a little to get air.

"I just... waterfall here.." He motioned to the waterfall, his face contorting in exhaustion. "Er.. pretty waterfall.." He laughed for a brief moment, coughing after doing so.
Riku would nod " sure what's going on. What did my future self say? What happened? " he walked up to her very curious on why his future self made an appearance. He took held her by the wrist softly and they teleported to a location to get some privacy.

Jason would scan the ruins. They were very old and his eyes were wide " his scent it's very recent here. " he would start to walk around " he was here maybe a few days ago
Adriana felt weird being only a couple years younger than her dad. She let him grab her and once they were alone she spoke. "remember you were telling me about the darkness within? What exactly did you mean?" she shook her head her dad even said he was doing things differently in this time. 

Izumi gave him a weird look and continued walking toward figuring he wasn't a threat. "dude your exhausted." she was only a few steps in front of him now. "what exactly happened?" 

Scar looked around the ruins, she hadn't been to a place like this in many many years. "is your brother a dragon as well?" 
Milo blinked hard and stepped back barely, nearly slipping into the water.

"Perhaps I should take a.. mome.."

He grimaced in pain and let out a short shout. A brutal stabbing feeling made his acquaintance, and the skin began to part just above my clavicle, blood soaking my shirt rather quickly.

"Oh, shi.."

He collapsed onto one knee, squeezing his eyes shut.
Riku would scratch his head " when he came what was different about him? It's weird that my future self came.. but the thing is Adrianna were not from this world. I'm an orphan the ninja clan that  they found me in a some metal craft that came from the sky.. they found me when I was a baby." He looked down " i have abilities the ninjas don't and I age differently too. But I also realized something else.. one day when I got so angry my eyes turned orange and I felt different it was me but it was very strange like a darkness was calling to me.. a power that felt so addicting but I broke free.. " he looked at her " you have to be cautious even when fighting to stay in control of not you will fall to a level close to Jason..

Jason would shake his head " no he is an Arch angel.. I consider him a brother since he Has disgust for mortals
"dude what the?" Izumi grabbed him she noticed all the blood on his shirt. "what just happened?" she was confused, who breaks out like that.

Adriana thought about it for a moment, "he said he followed me here because I was taking to long, but he wouldn't let me come home with him." she looked up when he mentioned the darkness. "he talked about the darkness he said being here it was hard to control, he was falling, he said you were feeling it now sooner than he did when he was here." she shook her head. "don't fall into darkness, you can't I need to to fight it. If your darkness doesn't that mean I might fall too?"

"an angel huh?" Scar smirked she never met arch angels before just gods and goddess. She was curious, gods seems to love humans but this angel doesn't. "sounds fun, who wants to love mortals anyway?" 

((going to bed then doing a 20 hour flight so won't be online for at least 24 hours))
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Milo kneeled there, breathing heavily. The pain in his shoulder was unbelievable. It was as though it spread throughout his entire body. After a moment the pain began to subside, and the wound closed up, the blood following it. It all disappeared and Milo inhaled sharply, gasping as he spoke.

"What the hell?"
Riku would look down " he must of started to fall trying to get to you but was able to still fight it. He should be fine when you return to the future. " he smiled calmly " i promise not to fall " he said looking at her " your magic must be protecting you from its influence so I think your safe.

Jason would smirk and nod " yeah just need to follow his scent and we will find him. " he started to walk where the scent was strongest " he went north. That's where were heading
"what are you?" Izumi asked him in shock. She was used to seeing wounds heal but not that fast, and not that could take the blood with it. Who is this guy?  She thought. 

"what is it that makes you fall?" Adriana asked him. "I could use magic to stop it so darkness can never consume you. Please let me help you," 

Scar laughed "your like a dog following scents and shit." she shook her head but followed him north. 

((TTYL in 24 hours about to get on plane)) 
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Keto practiced for days in solitude, he walked into the castle replacing the books he borrowed, looked around for a moment then walked out of the castle sighing. He headed towards the woods 
He raised a hand up and placed it on his shoulder where he had felt the wound open up. It was strange. It had felt familiar in a way, like he had actually been stabbed there before. He had the faintest memory of the pain it had brought, the feeling of blood.

-What are you?-

Milo looked up at the girl and blinked the remaining spots out of his eyes.

"I don't know."

Although it had been closed up, he thought he could still feel it, just a bit.

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