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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Dirk leaned against the ground, now in pain. With a labored grunt, he pulled his burnt trench coat off and tossed it aside, glad that atleast it took most of the fire. "How in the hell did you expect me to get out of That situation?!" he growled.
She pointed the sword at the ground by his feet and sent a small amount of lightning at it, it broke up the dirt and his feet were feet. "you just needed to buy time to get free so you could move again." She flipped the sword in her hand playing with it. "don't think of it just as a weapon, it's a shield, it's a tool, it's an extension of your body." 
"So you're saying you have no clue?" He asked. "You can't, like, figure it out somehow? There isn't like magictests or something?" He said, once again this being unfamilar territory.
Keto stood up smiling a little and nodding at Grov he closed his eyes and formed a bubble shape with his hands around him while chanting the spell, as soon as the last words came out of his mouth he winced and slowly opened his eyes to see a light red sphere around him he yelled out with excitement "Grov! I didn't go flying this time! I did it!"
"It was the Only weapon I had for a Long time, for as long as I can remember" Dirk growled, snatching it out of her hand "And I would prefer if only I handle it!"
"Good job, now let's see how strong it is, okay?" Grov said as he got closer. "Don't worry I'm not going to punch too hard at first. Tell me when your ready." he pulled back ready to throw a punch when keto said.
October smiled "you want to know if you have magicks inside you?" she walked into the library and came back with a small crystal. "hold this, if it turns purple you have maigicks inside yourself."

"is it powerful?" Adriana sent a ball of fire at Keto's barrier spell 
Milo woke up with a start. His heart was racing and it felt as though he had fallen from five stories off the ground. He sat upright and flicked his head around, checking his new surroundings. Where was he? He frowned. Who was he? the air was incredibly still, and although the clearing he was in was ringed by a dense forest, nothing living seemed to be nearby. The only thing he could hear was a nearby river, no, it was too loud, it sounded more like a waterfall, a rather large one at that. He was about to stand when something in his hand stung him. He flinched and opened his hand, revealing a small stone with markings etched into it. He stared at it for a moment before looking away. Looking at it gave him a headache. He was about to toss it aside, but something held him back. It felt as though it was more important to him than it let on. He hesitated, but ultimately decided to pocket it, just in case he needed it for anything. Perhaps if he was in danger he could throw it at whatever might be chasing him. He mused over this as he stood, and made his way to the sound of the waterfall.
Grov let lose his punch sending keto back a few feet and cracking it a little but the spell was still up. "Good job it's great for a second try." Grov said full of joy.
Keto watched the fire ball fly threw it and gave a sigh of relief, he walked back over to Grow a determined look on his face, he did the same sphere movements but put more of a stern commanding voice behind the spell trying with all his might, as he opened his eyes he noticed the sphere was a much darker red and this intrigued him "Well friend, what do you think?" he looked to up to Grov bracing for another hit
Grov looked at him and noded. "Okay this time I'm going half power." He pulled back then threw the punch only this time Keto only moved a few inchs. "Okay, mutch better. This time try cuting yourself, magic is stronger with payment."
He carefully took the crystal and watched it as it flickered like mad for a solid minute before it died out. He gave a frown, but sure enough as a THX logo on a Pixar movie, the crystal came in a bright lavender color. He handed it back to her, a suprised look oh his face, though he quickly recovered himself. "So ah... What do you do with me now? I assume I need training so I don't accidentally fly out my apartment window?" He said, making a small joke while still being serious.
Izumi left the town walking back through the forest heading back to the castle. She walked by the river following it as a guide to get back to the castle. She came across Milo she stopped once she saw him, she wasn't sure if he was friend or foe so she waited quietly watching him.

October smiled at him. "if you go to the backyard Keto is also trying to learn magic." She looked outside the window to see Keto trying barrier spells and Adriana teaching Dirk hand to hand combat "this isn't a school though." she looked back at him. "I don't have any reason to teach you magicks.

Adriana let go of the sword letting him take it back. "geez just trying to help you understand don't get all huffy."
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Keto nodded smiling at his accomplishment so far, he did the exact same spell but this time while making the sphere motion he cut his hand open using a small ritual knife the royal family gave him, when the sphere appeared it was a deep maroon. Keto could see out but he didn't know if grov could see in "Alright friend, let me have it!"
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Grov threw a full force punch and yet Keto didn't budge. Grov laughed and said. "Good very good this is a good spell for blocking but it means you can't attack. Go ahead and try." He opens his arms giving keto a good shoot at his chest.
"You wouldn't mind me taking the window, right?" He said, obviously joking by the grin on his face before stepping outside to talk with the others. "Ello!" He said as he walked over to the two fighting. "Sorry if I disturbed you two, but I was wondering if I could have a go against one of ya." He said. "I could use the opprotunity to learn how to combat magic and whatnot so why not, right? Never hurts to gain an ally." He said.
Keto raised an eyebrow for a second then smirked disappearing out of the sphere behind Grov kicking him full force knocking him against the sphere "Like that friend?"
"Dirk your doing well" Adriana said to Dirk "you got a magical weapon you just need to think out of the box sometimes." Adriana faced Logan, as he approached them from the castle. "and who the hell are you?" she put her palms up ready to send magicks his way. 
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Grov laughed as he turned around and grabbed keto in a golem hug. "You trickster." He huged his friend tight then set him down. "Now do you know any summonings? Like a pranksterish imp?" Grov noded over to the others.
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Dirk gave a sigh "It's been a long day" He stretched "Imma go hit the sack, later" he shuffled inside the castle, yawning
Older Riku would glare at Scar from under his cloak. He would shake his head as a black portal formed from behind him as he disappeared and reappeared outside of the castle. He looked up at it his eyes scanning it. The hood still making it hard to recognize who he was

Jason would look at Scar and he would smirk " it's Riku but he's way different than that kid. Their blood is different.. like its not part of this world.
October watched as he walked back inside, she was at the top of the stairs. "so did you learn anything new today?" she smiled waiting for him to come upstairs.

"not of this world? how is that even possible?" Scar shook her head 

Adriana felt the presence of older Riku nearby the castle but didn't know it was him. "what is with all the new people today?" she sighed
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Keto laughed "Well friend, no one said I had to hit you in the chest, you have to remember I didn't survive 200 years of war by doing what the enemy expected" Keto thought for a second "Well I did read a spell about summoning or perhaps is was creating I would be willing to try. It would come in handy with training hand to hand combat" Keto took acouple steps bacl focusing his energy and started chanting, he opened his eyes and an almost perfect shadow clone of himself stood next to him "Will that surfice Grov?" pointing over to the clone

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