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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

October came down the stairs looking at them. "Hello Amber I'm October what seems to be the problem?" 

Adriana followed them inside "she lies he's annoying" she said hearing thee entire conversation from before. 
Grov looked at his friend and laughed and said. "You look like you were swallowed by a giant slug." He sniffed his friend. "You smell like it to."
"I will leave you two alone." He said, walking back out to retreive his book. He picked it up, dusted it off then went back to the garden to go study it, sitting in a sunny spot of the grass.
Grov looked at his friend and laughed and said. "You look like you were swallowed by a giant slug." He sniffed his friend. "You smell like it to."

dirk smirked briefly "don't think you'd be laughing if you were in my shoes" he stated "I really don't know how this happened"
"Are you hurt?" He asked suddenly very serious. "If someone hurt my friend I'll turn them into red goo."
"Are you hurt?" He asked suddenly very serious. "If someone hurt my friend I'll turn them into red goo."

dirk quickly shook his head "all my weapons and personal effects are gone, had these weird needles in me, but I feel uninjured" he paused, staring at his open palm. The scar was gone, completely.
October smiled "you don't need to be scared dear." October looked her up and down shew was just a young girl not much older than Adriana. "what brings you here?" 
Grov shrugged. "I'll get you new wepons, maybe a cannon." He patted his friend on the back. "You should go put on some pants."
"What I'm not scared, I'm never scared... Ok other than spiders and small spaces, but still, I don't know why I really came here to be honest..." 
dirk palmfaced "thanks for the help, Grov, I can take it from here" he quickly walked into the castle "you are here cause you're lost, kiddo, welcome to the club" dirk quickly explained as he briefly passed by amber, having heard a little of their conversation.
October turned around hearing Grov and saw Dirk. It put a smile on her face to see him okay, but what exactly happened. She figured she'd let him clean up a bit before asking him questions. "down the left hall 4th door on the left."

Adriana laughed" October is just too kind she takes in almost anyone."
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Milo walked into the woman's living room. She finished setting a timer on her microwave and turned, leaning on the island in the kitchen.

-So, where are the herbs?- Her face turned serious. -They did give them to you, right? They didn't make you pay for them?-

Milo stood there, dumbfounded.

"Er, yes! I got them, what else were you expecting?" He shoved his hands into his pockets and threw a guess. "You are the wife here. I wouldn't not listen to you." He put on a somewhat convincing smile.

-That's right, I'm the wife, don't wear it out- She giggled.
"I think he was swallowed by a giant slug." Grov said to October then turned to the girl. "Hey I'm Grov."
dirk laughed "that was an Expression I used, and I thought only Grov takes stuff that literally" He reached in his pockets for cigarettes, but found none "didn't mean to Confuse you, grasshopper" he shook his head in amusement, then smiled at October "thanks, you're a lifesaver, as always" he began to continue on his way.
Amber managed a smile, though she never had a smile of some innocent child, all of times of murder, just for fun, never got to her, but it had changed her personality.
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Grov looked at her and asked. "What were you doing hiding outside before, I promise I'm a nice golem." He was a little sad, that would be the second person scared of him. "Oh and the Milo we saw today was from a different time, I meet our time milo today and gave him herbs for his daughter." he told October.
Milo laughed nervously, and glanced over into a hallway where he heard some coughing.

-She's begun coughing more. Just while you were gone her temperature has risen about four degrees-

Milo stared into the hallway. It was dark, and sad, as though that were supposed to signify something. He almost asked who she was talking about but in doing so, she would know something was up. At first he felt happier. Surely he had gone into the forest to retrieve the herbs she spoke of, and perhaps he passed out. Though it would not explain the memory loss, or that moment that wound opened up on his shoulder. It certainly wouldn't explain how he had woken up with that strange stone in his hand. He became vaguely aware that it was still resting in his pocket. He had a wife, and perhaps a child. He tried to remember. He figured he would be able to recall at least one thing from his past using the newfound information, but nothing came to mind except a small headache.
dirk finally arrived back, fully clothed and wearing the lab coat, as his previous jacket had been burnt up "looking for bullets?" He scoffed, then turned to Grov "she's insulting your intelligence"
Grov looked at her and said. "I'v been in to many ambushes and wars to mistake looking for ammo for hiding. So what were you doing?" He looked at her with a serious look.

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