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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Grov looks at dirk and says. "Or you could look for my makers book on non-humans, it tells you all about them, even there weaknesses. Its in the book room some where."
dirk looked from Grov to Adriana "thanks for the advise, you're just all Eyes" he smirked "now how about you figure a way back to Your time before I teach You a lesson"
Izumi gave a small smile and grabbed her arm in pain. She stood up and headed for the door. "I'll be back okay?"

October waved her hand unsealing the room, and letting Scar free. Scar dropped to the floor on her feet, she grabbed her wrists where her shackles were, the markings on her body disappeared but her hair didn't return to it's normal red. She almost looked like a completely different person. She didn't say a word she just teleported out of the castle and back to town, she was on the highest building on the roof. She appeared and laid down, she was exhausted, and she didn't know what October even did to her. She looked down at her hands, the tips were black, she stripped her of the poison, that was for sure.

Adriana sat up "you want to teach ME a lesson?" she smirked "I'd like to see you try"
dirk looked up at Grov "I'm not, it was just a metaphor" he explained "sorta like how.." He paused and glanced at Adriana "I would have taken you up on that challenge, if not for your supernatural abilities..." He smiled humorously
Jason caught Scars scent returned to town. He got up quickly and appeared towards her to see that she was weakened severely. He crouched down next to her " what did that goddess do to you? " he asked as he glared down at her

The cloaked figure watched from the distance and he reached up to his cloak and unhooded himself it was Riku, but older. He followed his daughter to the past. But something was different his eyes were a bright orange. Instead of the blue normal eyes he had.
"So if I didn't have powers you just said you want to fight a blind pretty much 12 year old girl." Adriana laughed "I don't think you understand how this works."

Izumi walked out of the castle, when she was outside she pulled her sleeve up, the poison from Scar was inside her, it burned, but she didn't know how to heal it yet. She started walking back towards the town.

Scar looked up at Jason, she was a bit surprised he recognized her like this. "besides the massive torture and taking away my ability to glamour and my poison I'm not exactly sure." She looked at her arms the markings were gone but they had to of meant something. "some sort of spell is all over me, I just don't know what."

((wtf u future too hahaha i love it))
dirk sighed and gave Grov a quick pat "I'll explain later, the kid brings up a damn good point" he turned towards Adriana "okay, you're on!"
Adriana got to her feet. "then lets take this outside." she smirked and walked to the door holding it open for him. "After you"
Keto went up to his room taking out his sword starting to sharpen it ~My skills just aren't enough anymore~ Keto got up going to the Library pulling a few books down starting to read after about a 30 minutes he thought he had a simple spell figured out, he chanted it and a small explosion of force threw him into the wall and she castle vibrated. He stood there shaking his head.
(( lol yep ))

Jason would look at her feeling the magic coming from her and he would nod " She did something, but I don't know what. " he would place his hand on her cheek as the darkness started to enter body to help her recover her strength a bit

Riku would grab his hood and cover his face and the black portal formed behind him as he walked through it. Disappearing somewhere else
dirk took out his canteen and sipped from the whiskey, then he past Adriana on his way out "if you insist" he muttered, shaking his head as he cast a wary glanced back at her.
Grov runs up to keto and seeing the book he hade he says. "If you want starer spells try the blue one with a green stone on the cover." He goes over and helps him up.
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October was standing by the library door. "are you doing okay?" she gave a small chuckle 

Adriana laughed "don't hold back you don't have to worry about hurting me even though I'm small okay?" She stepped outside and moved her bare feet around in the dirt, she knew this area well, it was where she trained in the future. She was at the advantage, but she thought kicking this poor dude's butt would be fun.

Scar looked up at Jason. "thanks" she brushed the hair out of her face, and saw it was white. "damn bitch took my disguise" she sighed 
Keto laughed a little " I am fine Miss October." he sighed a little "My skills just isn't enough any more, I asked Izumi to help me at least get started to learn and her only response was that she was still learning herself, I didn't mean to worry anyone."

Keto smiled at grove grabbing the book "Thank you friend"
"oh you didn't worry me. but I would suggest not just reading random spells allowed" she shook her head. "Izumi might not be the best teacher, but these books will be a start, and I can help you as well."
"no holding back at all?" Dirk queried, pulling a gun out of his pocket "I may not appear to be very sophisticated, but I know to work smarter, not harder" he began to circle her, then suddenly fired a dart at her.
He shruged. "I was here when my master showed young ones how to cast so I know a thing or two. You should start with the spell that gives a wepon the power to set fire to it's self. It's pretty weak but good for starters, what do you think October?"
Keto sat down at the table looking at October "Thank you so very much Miss October, I knew she probably wouldn't be the best but it could.have at least opened the door." Keto looked down at the book. Keto's eyes lit up "aford. weapon?!?!?! I'm in!"
Adriana ducked the dart. "nope no holding back at all." she smirked and wanted to see what he could do first before she made a move. She easily ducked the dart, she was born magic, being part vampire she had great reflexives and great speed, plus she was taught the ways of a ninja.

October smiled. "It is a basic spell but there are defiantly more powerful things you could do." She sat down next to him. "You don't know Izumi very well, but I've watched her for weeks living here, she is scared, fragile, but doesn't like relying on others, she usually won't take help from others either."

Izumi walked into a magic shop and got some supplies, as soon as she was done she walked into an alleyway, she knocked over a trashcan it was getting harder for her to move her arm. She needed to make this ointment and fast.
"too bad for you, guess you're about to experience a complete ass kicking" he spun the gun in his hand, then put it in his belt. Now he held up both hands wearing brass knuckles, then he lunged forward and took a few swings at her "this is about to get really brutal!"
Keto looked over at October "I know all about Izumi Miss October, along with you, Grov, Dirk, I knew about Adriana before anyone else" he tapped his head "Thoughts, past events, everything calls out to me Miss October. I don't ask for it, it just happens. Izumi stopped it by enchanting a necklace. I can't hear here anymore." Keto thumbed through the book until he found the spell they had been talking about "This one maam?"

Cairo had been jumping roof top to roof top praying upon Izumi, sniffing into the air following her scent, he could sense she was wounded and would make easy pray. As she stopped he jumped down behind her howling as he stood over 7ft, a lycan of royal decent 
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