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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

dirk slowly made his way towards the forest, his business in town being done. "just a little more.." He said to himself, then stopped "what the devil?" He stood in front of a small graveyard. It looked old, but he could swear there had been nothing here before.
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Adriana smiled she knew a little of what he was talking about. "I will tell him" 

Izumi looked at Riku what if it wasn't a different timeline she wanted to know more she wanted to go to the future herself and see. She sat there a million different scenarios running through her mind. 
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Keto sat beside Izumi looking at her with a bit of worry in his eyes "Do you want to talk about what's been bothering you Izumi?" 

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((kks I deleted what I wrote to u then)) 

Izumi looked at him. "I can't be a mom.." her face was serious she never wanted kids she didn't take care of herself let alone another human. 
dirk slowly walked inside the graveyard, a familiar feeling about it, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Walking past a few gravestones, he stopped in front of an empty grave, and it all made sense when he read the title of the stone. "so this is it..." He smirked grimly, picking up a compass with his name on the back.
Riku would nod and smile calmly " bye everyone and I hope to meet you all again " he would walk up to October and smile " if you ever need for anything let me know " he smiled calmly and held out a small little radio. " you can use it to communicate with me " he bowed and started to walk outside
October took the radio. "thank you, if you ever need shelter feel free to come here." she watched him leave and she herself left the room, she opened up a door showing the stairs to downstairs, she went down the steps and Scar was there chained to the wall, she was badly beaten and didn't look like her usual self. Scar now had white hair and markings all over her body. She had a mask on so her screams couldn't be heard. 

"so your true form comes out."

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Keto looked at Izumi "I knew about Adriana before you did" Keto tapped his head "Peoples thoughts jump out at me, it's not my choice but to hear them" he smiled a little bit "I honestly think you would make a great mother." Keto pointed at Riku "Supposedly that is Adriana's father but by coming back in time she screwed up her future. She has no idea and neither do we what await her now, or even if she is even born, she's half vampire. You and Riku are both human so there's that question to add to it."

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Grov walked out to Riku and gave him a golem hug and said. "Thank you for helping my friends." He put him down and said. "If you need someone strong you can count on me."
dirk finally stepped inside the castle, carrying his big pack with him. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed, them put his pack down.
Riku was caught off guard and started laugh a little " no problem just don't crush me.. and glad to make new friends. " he would look up Grov and smiled as he made an hand sign disappearing in a cloud of smoke

In the basement a cloaked figure stood there looking up at Scar while October was heading into the basement. He had his hood up and was all in black. He turned his head hearing her come down but he stayed
Izumi looked down. "she said I become a vampire." she turned away, she didn't want to be a vampire she barely wanted to be human. She wondered how she turned was it against her will? 

October waved her hand and the face mask came off Scar so she could talk. "I know Scar isn't your true name." she looked over at the hooded figure. "who are you" 

Scar slowly looked up at October, hatred in her eyes then she looked at the hooded figure 
Grov went back inside and looked at dirk and asked. "Whats in the bag?"
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dirk looked over at Grov with a grin on his face "weapons, plenty for a human to survive in this place" his face grew serious "and something I need you to hold onto" he pulled a compass out of his pocket and held it out.
Keto picked up izumi's face looking into her eyes "My dear, everything is going to be ok." Keto took her hand "I will always do my best to protect you even though I pretty much have failed so far."

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Grov took the compass and said. "Okay, I'll take good care of it." He gentaly closed his hand and his hole flashed and when he opened it the compass was gone. "It is safe inside my belly."
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"just know that if Anything happens to me, that compass will least you to my final resting spot, okay?" Dirk narrowed his eyes "trust it"
The cloaked figure looked over at them and didn't say a word. Say a word he turned around and a black portal formed as he walked inside and it vanished not to be found. 
Grov noded and said. "Okay, but nothing will because if something tries to kill you I'll punch it until it's goo." He patted his friend on the back.
dirk nodded and smiled slightly "I'll get old before I die" he stated"but hold onto that compass, just in case.." He glanced around "I think I just had an epitome"
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October watched the clocked figure leave she wondered how it even got into this room to begin with. She turned to Scar. "I know Scar isn't your true name." She walked up to her and grabbed one of the chains. "You can never turn back into 'Scar' again. I will let you go for now."

"what type of weapons did you get that you think will work against demons?" Adriana asked without even sitting up.

Izumi looked up at Keto but turned away. She didn't know what to say or think, should she let what supposed to happen in her future decide her future?
"well we'll see exactly what my wide variety will do to him" he glanced around "and scar, when the time comes" he glanced at Adriana "anything, really, I got it, so don't worry. Kiddo"
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Adriana sighs "if they're human weapons they won't do you munch good." she shook her head "you should have Riku teach you a few things

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