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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Izumi looked back at Jason. "You will tell me how to fix him." she got up moving towards him, she touched the bubble sending fire in it to burn him. 

October walked over to Scar. "why do you want me dead?"

Scar laughed "I might be trapped but I'm not telling you anything." 
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Jason would smirk and shake his head " so Scar any ideas how to get out of this one? " he looked over at her as he remained calm glaring at everyone in front of him
Izumi sent another wave of fireballs into Jason's bubbles. "you tell me now" 

October moved a wall so Scar and Jason couldn't see each other. October touched Scars bubble and it filled with lightning, and fire. She couldn't move so once she got hit Scar screamed out in pain. "why do you want me dead?"  October asked again. 
Grov looked at Izumi and October and said. "You could just use the truth bug my maker made, it even works on gods." He scrached his head. "But it is really gross and mean, so maybe not."
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Keto reached out to Izumi ~Izumi please come here, please. I just want to feel your warmth right now, I'm sorry for my actions in the pub~

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A half naked man leaves the house, giving his farewells to the house he stayed in and the food that remained there. "I will remember this place, I wish I could stayed there for longer but I need to find some little girls...."

Jason would cover his eyes getting hit and would smirk " you set me free and I will help " he said as an evil grin formed on his lips. " if you don't he dies.. 
"I'm not setting you free Jason." Izumi said and then walked back to Keto "I'm here Keto" 

Scar looked up at October. "ask the future bitch" 
Keto looked over at Izumi ~Please, just stay here next to me for a moment, please. If you could, please touch me. I'm feeling colder my dear~

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Jason would grin and shake his head " let me out or he dies.. trust me you don't someone far worse than me and Scar will come and kill you all " he said as he crossed his arms " i like to have fun.. but him he just straight up kills.. and the fact you trapped his brother will piss him off even more.. 
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Keto thought out to Jason ~ If his brother wouldn't stick his nose where it didn't belong maybe he wouldn't be dying after being trapped like the animal he is, I've made peace with my death. At least I can die knowing I did it helping someone, not 'Having fun' good riddance you sorry bastard,~ Keto smiled looking back at the stars

@Jason Thorn
He would laugh and shake his head " i will do what I want and how I want " he would grin. " your going to die knowing you can't protect anyone and Izumi. I will get out and you know it. " he laughed " their magic will break and when I'm free everyone will die..
October looked back at Adriana. "so why does she want me dead? What happens in the future?"

Adriana sighs and walks over to her. "I don't think you want me to say in front of everyone." she decided how was the best way to say without exactly saying it. "Let's just say your scary October, with your cellar."

October nodded she understood a little more of what she meant. She looked at Scar. "I'm guessing you don't know everything otherwise you never would have stepped foot in this castle." She had almost a sadistic smile and wave her arm, the floor underneath Scar disappeared, and Scar fell into the basement, it's completely magic proof once sealed, when she fell chain would grab her and attach her to the walls. "I will deal with you shortly." the floor closed and you could no longer see Scar, it looked as if nothing happened.

Adriana turned back to Riku. "Are you okay Riku?"

Izumi was by Keto's side she was trying to figure out a way to help him.
Riku would nod " just tired. Kind of glad I'm on your side. " laughs a little " do I know you in the future Adrianna?  " he asked her a bit curious.

Jason would glare at them punching the bubble. " you think you can contain me in this bubble your wrong!! " he would glare at them as he kept punching it. It shook the ground underneath him 
Adriana nodded "yes I know you." she smiled "you taught me a lot of what I know."

October walked over to Jason. "I can contain you as long as I please." she crossed her arms and looked at Adriana.  "should I send you to the basement as well" the vampires in the room could hear muffled noises coming from the basement. 

Adriana shivered "scary" she could feel what was happening in the basement
"No more basement, no more questions or delaying" Dirk insisted "We should Kill the both of them while we have the chance. They're too dangerous to let live, and they will only try to get out"
"Is the basement going to kill her? That's all that matters right now!" Dirk insisted, obviously not content with that answer
"there are far worse punishments than death" Adriana said as she wiggled her feet. "Once this is done I might actually be going back home." she smiled. 
"Well that's good" Dirk smiled "So that when they break out someday, their anger and lust for vengeance will be completely fueled. Make sense?" He made his way towards October, since this was all her project "How long do you plan on keeping them down there?"
"no understanding" Adriana huffed. 

October looked at Dirk. "When I strip her of her power I will let her go." she gave a weak smile. "Jason on the other hand," she looked at him, "I'm not quite sure yet. He doesn't have purpose or reason just a need to kill."
"taking away their powers, good idea,,," Dirk muttered, a plan beginning to form in his mind, but he decided to keep it to himself "As for Jason, he's just a psychopath, it's not that complicated"
October held her wrist her hand wasn't fully healed yet. She looked at Keto she wanted to help. How could she pull the darkness out of him. "we will figure something out" she gave a small smile 

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