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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

"Watch out!" Dirk called out, seeing the slab being caught and thrown. "What was it I said earlier? Didn't want to learn magic? Guess it's a bit too late to change my mind" he smirked to himself, then looked up at Grov "Gotcha" he gave a thumbs up "Before you go at him, I'll see if I can't impede him a little bit. Try not to breath this stuff in" he advised, then stepped forward and pulled a metal ball out of his pocket. As soon as it was tossed at Jasons feet, pepper gas poured out in a cloud around him. "
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Izumi saw Jason throw the slab at her, she raised her hands but Grov already stopped it. "your not going boom Grov" she walked around the earth wall and she put out her palm, fire appearing in it. She threw the fireballs at Jason, one after another.

Adriana knelt by Riku. "okay so this is only kind of weird, but it won't turn you I promise." she bit her wrist drawing blood and put it to his mouth. "Please drink this, it'll heal you." She could hear his heart slowing and she needed him alive, it was partially his blood anyway she wasn't sure if that would work or not. But she knew it wouldn't turn him, that was certain. 

@Jason Thorn @Knightling
Riku felt some blood go down his throat and his eyes shot open like he was being healed he looked at Adrianna and sat up. " did you use a lightning attack " he asked as he looked and saw Jason " i need your help to stub Jason so October can trap him than we can worry about Scar.. 

Jason couldn't see and was being hit by the fire balls. " you pests!! " he closed his eyes taking the hits which were stunning him as he rubbed his eyes
Adriana nodded "Yeah I did a lightning attack." she helped him stand up. "just tell me what to do and I can do it."

Izumi kept throwing fireballs at Jason. 

October stayed watching Scar be trapped if she went and helped Jason might know what was up.
"I don't breath." He said befor runing at Jason and throwing a punch that was so strog it sent a shock wave out when it hit.
Dirk stumbled backwards when the shock wave hit him. "Damn dude" he muttered, then steadied himself and backed off. "So bullets are ineffective,," he pondered, deciding to update his arsenal later
Riku would smile calmly " focus your attack at Jason it's not hard it doesn't come from Chakra but within.. I'm shocked we have the same abilities.. " he chuckled a bit and regained his stance after the shock wave.

Jason flew into the wall and would glare at him able to see. He would grin " that hurt a bit. He quickly vanished and punched Grov so hard the earth shook underneath them and the ground underneath Grov was being torn apart by the sheer force of the hit.

Riku would take Adrianna's hand by the wrist and lead her to a safe spot behind Jason " ready Adrianna once we do this they can seal Jason in bubble..
Grov returned the hit in kind with twice the force as last time, his arm cracked as he sent Jason flying. He then stomped and a spear of stone up beside him, he grabed it and launched it at jason with the same force. The cracks grew bigger.
"ready" Adriana sent lightning at Jason again, she needed him to step back one step into the trap, she could feel it was there even though it wasn't visible. 

Izumi looked at Grov "slow down Grov or you'll kill yourself."
He would grin evily as he got hit back as he stopped and moved out of the way from the spear. " your going to bring me to using more of my power " he started to charge up then felt the lightning hit him hard and made him arch " how's that possible!!! " He stepped back

Riku join in with the lightning attack and he would grin " we got you Jason!!! " he continued on but he was still weak but able to do more with Adrianna's help
"just a little more Riku" Adriana sent another wave at him sending him back a few steps. Once he stepped back he would be locked, no magic would be able to work once he was trapped. 
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Grov stomped agine and a wall erupted in front of him, he punched the wall at Jason, the cracks widened. "I can't slow down, if I do we all die."
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"This place is going to need some Serious remodeling after we're done with this" Dirk said, moving back so that he wouldn't get injured in any of the action.
Jason couldnt move and took the hit as he took a step back falling into the trap as the bubble formed around him "damn you!!!! " he tried punching it trying to break it but couldn't.

Riku would smirk "now for Scar" he said breathing heavily has he looked over at Scar
October walked out. "Scar is trapped as well." she had a bottle of juice in her hand. "here Grov I saved some extra from last time we made it."

Adriana stopped with the attacks. She was glad everyone was safe. 

Izumi fell to her knees she was out of magic power. 
Dirk walked past Grov, now with determination "Then we must kill her while we have the chance! She's caused us Enough trouble as it is"
"don't enter the bubble or she can grab you" October said turning to Dirk. "we will deal with both of them." she walked back toward Scar and waves Jeremy hand so she could speak again. 

"I will kill you all." Scar said hitting the bubble but having no effect to get free. 
Keto had stumbled out of view of everyone after Jason used the darkness that was inside him to hurt Riku. He was laying on the ground looking at the sky breathing heavily, he couldn't move or talk because of the pain. Staring at the sky he thinks to himself ~So this is how my life finally ends... Pathetic.~ He had basically given up, he closed his eyes waiting for death to come
Keto looked over at her slowly not able to speak cause of his internal pain, from October's blood and Jason's darkness ~I can't speak dear, I can't even move. I'm dying Izumi and there's nothing anyone can do~

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Jason would smirk " only I can save him " he would laugh " i can take both the blood and darkness out of him " he would grin evily while crossing his 

Riku would look down " no your not getting out Jason " 
Grov looked at jason and said. "If you get out, you die. Izumi you could use a spell to heal him right?"
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Keto reached out to Grov and Riku ~If I die I die, by no means let Jason loose. Y'alls safety is more important to me than my life~

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