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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Riku would look at Adrianna? " your from the future? " he was so confused like he had no idea that was physically possible. 

Jason would stand up and grin evily " i know where they are hiding let's go it will take a few minutes to get there. " he started to walk outside 
Keto smiled a little "To be completely honest I feel better and stronger than i have in years" he put an arm around October teleporting them back to the castle into the kitchen. As soon as they were back he pulled his arm away from her "Sorry October I can only teleport people by touching them, why is my body healing itself?"

Adriana nods. "yes I'm from the future. I came back to stop something. I don't quite remember what exactly." she tried thinking about it back magicks kept making everything fuzzy. "I know it's something to do with my mom"

October smiled weakly. "It's okay." she put the blood bags into the fridge. "I don't know why your healing it doesn't make any sense."

Izumi was confused nothing made sense to her anymore, she had a kid, she wasn't human she sat back down. "how?" 

Scar followed him outside. "this shall be fun."

Riku would scratch his head still a bit confused himself " oh i see.. So is Keto your dad? " he asked Adrianna as he walked up next to her " you trying to save your parents from Scar..

Jason would grin " the fools should of went further but no matter they all will die shortly " he said as they continued to walk. He started to sniff the air where October was catching her scent " this way
Keto helped her put things away "I also feel empowered for some reason, like I'm stronger, Adriana and I talked about it but she said it was impossible that I should be dead but what if I am a vessel? What if when someone injects something into my body I absorb some of their powers like healing? I teleport and use telepathy by using my mind, this happened after I turned and the woman that turned me had the same powers"

"well it's normal to get the same power as the one who turned you." October said. "I don't know if being a vessel is even possible."

Adriana shook her head. "he isn't my father." she scratched the back of her head. "but enough about that we need to figure out a way to stop Scar, my future is already changed enough"

Izumi looked up at Adriana when she said Keto wasn't her father. Who was her father, was he human or vampire? She knows she turns into a vampire later but was that before or after Adriana was born. She was half human but which half. 

Scar followed Jason.

@Keto_Uskai @Jason Thorn
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Keto looked at her "I'm not sure either, but between the darkness, your blood entering me and the poison? I should be dead" he looked at his arm "Theres no reason for my arm and injuries to completely heal"

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Riku would nod and cross his arms " well hey guys I need to go turn my mission in. It's not far and I will be right back to help you all with Scar and Jason " he said as he started to head out. He made his way outside and started to walk then suddenly he got caught off guard by Jason grabbing him by the throat.

Jason would grin evily gripping his throat tightly " thought you can hide? We found you.. I want them to watch this ninja die.. get their attention Scar
Izumi watched him go, "bye" she had so many questions still she wasn't focused.

Adriana didn't want him to leave, he couldn't die either so she went after him. She sensed Jason next to Riku, and felt Scar coming this way. "she put her hand up sending lightning at Scar. 

Scar dodged out of the way of the lightning. "just the person I'm looking for. did you learn a new trick?" She appeared behind Adriana and grabbed her by the throat. "can't do spells if you can't chant."

October shook her head looking at his arm."we will have to figure it out later we have trouble." She could tell Jason and Scar were outside. "lure them inside don't go outside okay?"

@Keto_Uskai @Jason Thorn
Riku tried to move but couldn't from Jason's grip around his throat choking him. 

Jason would look at Scar and grin evily " don't kill her just yet. This ninja dies first than she will.. he got in the way of our fun " he started to walk towards the entrance has he walked in holding Riku by the throat " what a nice home.. to bad it's about to be destroyed.. " he laughed bringing Riku close to him
Keto growled loudly running to the front door seeing Jason having a Hold of Riku he clenched his fists, a black arura started around him as his eyes started turning red "Let the kid go Jason"
Adriana was also being held by the throat but heard October's plan that she wanted them inside. She stayed silent she wanted them to think October didn't know they were here. "you can't kill us" she barely got the words out.

Scar walked inside the castle shaking Adriana as she talked. "I can and I will kill you" she looked up seeing Keto "you're not dead yet?"

@Jason Thorn @Keto_Uskai
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Jason would grin evily as he shook his head " i wanted you to think you were strong enough to use the darkness to let it out so you can do this for me " he moved his hand towards him as Keto's own aura shot out at Riku stabbing him through his lower back, his right shoulder and his upper back.

Riku coughed up blood as he was stabbed by the darkness " this is the message you killed the kid not me!! " he dropped him and Riku eyes were wide has he fell and hit the ground.
Adriana wanted to yell out but didn't want them to know Riku was her dad. She put her hand on Scar's arm and shocked her with lightning. It was enough for Scar to drop Adriana. She ran over to Jason and Riku and she sent a shockwave of lightning at Jason. She wanted him to get away from Riku. 

Scar dropped Adriana and took a step back. "You bitch" 

@Jason Thorn
Jason got pushed back by the the electric shockwave by her and he would jump back and glare at her " you annoying pest!!! " his dark aura started to form a round him as the earth started to quake underneath him. The castle started to shake as his power started to grow " you all die today!! 

Riku looked at Adrianna " Run.. Adrianna.. Run.." unable to move has blood was pouring out from his body..
"no I won't leave you here" Adriana said as she sent more lightning at him. "you want to kill me fine, I just disappear. but you won't kill anyone in this time." she kept sending lightning at Jason she just needed him to step back a few feet...

October came out of the kitchen, she was behind Scar. "Hey it's me your after correct?" She was a couple steps behind Scar.

@Jason Thorn
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Grov looked around and said. "Izumi whats going on why are we shaking?!" He walked over to Izumi and waved his hand in front of her.
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Dirk opened his eyes, now staring at the ceiling of the bedroom. "You Got to be shittin' me" he said as he sat up, hearing the commotion from downstairs "They found us already?" He jumped to his feet and began put all of his weapons on his person, then added his trench coat. "Now we're doomed,," he said to himself, but knew that there was nothing else to do aside from jumping into action. As he made his way downstairs, he paused beside Grov "I think it's time that you do what you do best, big guy, go apeshit with your fists"
He looked at Dirk and noded as he followed him outside.
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Jason would glare at Grov and Dirk as he would grin evily " let's have fun shall we " he said as he charged at both Grov and Dirk with great speed has he shot out his dark aura at them hoping to pierce through them both.

Riku looked at Adrianna but suddenly blacked out but was still breathing slowly 
Grov saw jason and riped a large chunk of earth out the ground and threw it at jason befor his darkness could reach them.
Dirk, meanwhile, turned and ducked behind Grov while he tossed the slab of floor. "Too close" he said to himself, then quickly began to reload the chamber in his revolver.
Scar took a step towards October but a boundary spell went up making her unable to move. October's Castle was full of traps inside for people with bad intentions. October raised her hand so Scar couldn't be heard, she was out of sight from Jason she didn't want Jason knowing or he would set her free. 

Adriana went to Riku. "wake up please wake up." 

Izumi shook her head and ran outside to help fight Jason
Jason saw the slab and he put both his hands out catching it. He slid back as he put it on the ground " he would smirk " your strong.. " he said seeing Izumi he lifted up the slab and threw right at her.

Riku didn't respond to her. He could hear her but his body didn't want to listen. He stayed unconscious as he was losing more blood 
Grov saw this and screamed. "Nooooo!" His hole flashed bright and runes glowed on his body as he stomped and an earthen wall shot up between Izumi and the slab. He then turned to Jason and stomped agine and his hole flashed as four stone spears erupted from the ground and at Jason. Grov looked ar Dirk. "I can only do this by using up 'juice' if I can't win run, I'll take him with me when I go boom."
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