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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Dirk reached into his pocket and pulled out a small canteen of whiskey. Downing it all in one take, he tossed it aside and stood up firmly, feeling renewed energy coursing through his body. "Looks like she's done enough for the day" he muttered to himself, picking Izumi up carefully, then began carrying her over towards the nearest couch.
Riku would look towards everyone and sigh calmly " i take it those two were pretty strong.." he started to stand up getting his energy back. " what is this place " he asked calmly

Jason turned his head " well did you decide you want to die!! " he glared as he his dark energy started to form around Keto wrapping quickly around his leg
"this is my castle." October stated. "it's in the middle of the forest out the outskirts of the town we were just in." She smiled, she would shake his hand but couldn't. "My name is October. Izumi is the girl who just passed out." 

Scar laughed. "will Izumi come after you if we keep you here?" she appeared behind him grabbing his arm again so he couldn't teleport again. "you can barely stand, you must have a death wish."
Dirk set Izumi down on the couch. He still wasn't Completely familiar with the castle, so this was the best he could do for now. "I think I'll skip the gym tonight" he quietly joked to himself, shuffling back towards the others slowly.
Keto growled at Scar "I came here for one reason and that was my sword, I was hoping you were gone" Keto looked at her "As far as Izumi, I doubt it."
Oh that's good not to far where I need to turn in my mission " he smiled calmly " it's a pleasure to meet you all " he said as he stretched a bit " I'm still in training with the art of ninjutsu but I think I'm doing good " laughs a little "

Jason would walk up to Keto and look at Scar " no were not killing him and Izumi is not coming here, but I got an idea " he said with a evil grin " let's send them a message a clear message..that true pain awaits them all 
Keto spit in Jason's face "To hell with both of you" Keto growled trying to get loose so he could defend himself
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Scar looked at Jason. "sounds fun" she laughed. "do what you must."

October nodded "you are doing very well." she smiled softly "we owe you Riku." she looked over at DIrk. "why don't you rest. You took a great beating."
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Scar grabbed his other arm. She was gripping tightly she cut him with her nails. They were covered in poison. "no but your human bitch will die." She digged all 10 of her nails into his arms, the poison going into him.
"A beating?" Dirk smiled slightly with humor "Babe, I didn't get Fraction of the action that the rest of you got. I'm good, trust me" Of course, he didn't mention the part that he was only human, unlike most of the others.
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Keto almost screamed in pain "Good luck" he took a deep breath controlling his breathing "I will kill you, both of you"
He would grin evily " i was goin to go easy on you and let you teleport back not in pain but now your going back with extreme amounts of pain.. trust me you enjoy pain now.. you won't after this.." he would use his sharps nails and slash down his shirt cutting him deep than sent some of his darkness into his cuts attacking every cell in his body " you will live with this pain and their magic can't stop it.. courtesy of October's blood mix with the darkness which is the last bit of it " he laughed " turning around " you can send him back with his pathetic weapon
Scar watched him scream it was magic to her ears. she let go so her nails weren't digging into him anymore. "tell Izumi her time is almost up." She figured he didn't have much ability left so she did a 'return to sender spell' It teleported him back to where he was last, which was the castle, he had his sword with him She looked at Jason, "you know October is a Goddess right? mixing her blood with another vampire and darkness, the internal struggle alone will kill him." she smirked "I like your style.

October looked over at Dirk, she knew he was just playing the strong card. He must really be hurting. She looked back at Riku. "you are welcome to come and go as you please here. There will always be shelter here for you.

Adriana smiled and sat up. "D..Riku you have no idea what you just did for me. Thank you."
Keto landed on his bed, he managed to get to his feet trying to make it to the others he stumbled and fell down the stairs landing and the foot of the stairs. He struggled to speak, when he Did it was with alot of pain "October...... Dirk......"
Jason would smirk " I've lived since the beginning of life and I'm still alive so I think your wrong pest. " he turned around and crossed his arms " yeah but I don't care. Every second will be his last and thanks. First time anyone told me they like my way of fun " he chuckled a bit

Riku would nod and smile at Adrianna " anytime I'm glad I was close by. I'm just exhausted who were those two.. they were powerful never seen any thing like them before.. " he asked he looked at Keto his eyes wide hearing him stumble
Scar touched his shoulder. "your way on torture and fun. I like it." She smirked turning around. "You haven't been meeting the right people if no one likes your ways."

October went to the stairs. "Keto? what happened?" She tried to help him up but she had only the one good arm, so she couldn't get him up all the way."can someone help me?" 

Adriana rushed up and was there helping picking him up. they walked him to the other couch across from Izumi. She could smell the poison. 'Scar got her claws in you. you reek of poison."
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Keto looked at both Adriana and October speaking slowly, his voice shakey from pain "Scar put poison in me, Jason put darkness and October's blood in me" he involenteerly started shaking "I thought they had left and went back for my sword"
Jason would look over at her and nod " yeah true " he would grin has he stretched and went to the bar and sat on one of the remaining stools and reached over grabbing a bottle of whiskey " i give humans this they know how to make a good drink 

Riku watched them but stayed behind seeing if they could help them as he watched hoping he was ok
"Riku how old are you?" Adriana asked. walking away from Keto and closer to Riku.

"my blood?" October said. "mixed with darkness that will kill you." She sat him down and looked around. She held her hand. "I can't do anything like this. I have to go." She bowed. "Please excuse me"

Izumi was starting to wake up.

Scar grabbed the whiskey from him and poured some in a glass. she handed him the glass and took one for herself. "whiskey is my favorite." she smirked 
Keto watched October leave then looked over at Izumi then looked away from her, he couldn't stand how she had has looked at him since he killed Caine
Riku would look at her and smile calmly and nod I look 17 but I'm a bit older than that I'm actually 20 years old right now.. we ninjas train and our bodies age differently than normal.. by the Time I turn 40 I will look 20 years old " he looked at her.

Jason took the glass and took a huge sip of it and would smirk " so what's your plans with those pests? 
Dirk yawned, all the action beginning to catch up to him finally, not even alcohol could keep him going. "I need to bounce" he muttered, turning and walking up a pair of stairs. When he got up to the second story, he wandered through the hallway until he found a room that had a good view of the forest.
Grov sat down and muttered. "I couldn't help, I'm so weak." He shuffeled his feet. "I need more power ,but how?"
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