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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Keto was pushed back against the wall, already being weak from his fight with grimaced in pain. with a frim grip on his sword he quickly ran at Jason since his attention was occupied. Keto swung his sword in a downwards slash at Caine.
He would get hit from the bullets, he stood there as the bullets bounced off of him skin like dragon scale hard for anything to pierce it including wit the power of darkness aiding him. He turned and faced Dirk. An evil grin formed on his face " nice try human, but you fail with your weak weapons" he stood his ground as his dark aura began to quickly move towards Dirk and wrap around right leg. 

Dirk lowered his gun and sighed "Aw shit" when he realized that his attack was completely and utterly ineffective. All it had done was get him some unneeded attention. "What the hell?" He gasped in surprise when the dark aura wrapped around his leg, trying to shake it off as soon as he noticed it. In an attempt to get away, he began to desperately swing his sword at the stuff, as if he were trying to cut away vines. "What the devil is this crap?!"
Being shoved back Grov ran beside keto and as keto slashed he punched with every thing he had. "NO HURT MY FRIENDS!" He roared.
He would quickly catch the blade in his hand the aura around his hand prevent his hand from getting cut. He did while glaring at Dirk " i can hear you movements.. from the sound of your muscle fibers to the smell of your blood.. " he quickly made the dark aura that wrapped up around leg and pulled him over towards Jason which he caught him by his throat with a very tight grip slightly choking him. He than shifted his gaze towards Keto and spun him with his blade and got him in a choke hold with his left arm tightly " you two are pathetic your facing something even the gods fear.. your no match for me..
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As Jason grabbed and spun Keto around Keto had tucked his chin so he couldn't fully choke him. Keto smirked slightly as he elbows  Jason in the ribs then kicks his knee
Dirk, meanwhile, gasped and clawed at the arm that held his neck. Sure, it was futile, but he instinctively tried to wrestle out.
Seeing dirk grov runs over and grabs jasons arm and squeezes hard enough to crush steel. "Let him go." Grov says.
Has he felt the hit to his ribs and knee he moved a bit from the impact with a grin as Grov grabbed him by the arm trying to crush his at he let go of Dirk and then he sent another shock wave sending them flying back into the wall with much more force this time. Causing them to be pinned by the shockwave unable to move. " try as you might.. but you will not defeat me.. I told you to run away, clearly all of you want to die.. 
"You kill me you die too, I go boom." Gov said as he was over powered, something he wasn't used to as a golem. "It's how I was made, very big boom." He looked at Izumi and noded trying to get her to run with the others.
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Keto gasped for air as he hit the wall, once catching his breath he smirked at Jason "If you could kill us you would have already, I have spent too many years around killers and being one to know their habits" 

Caine walked into the pub walking behind the bar grabbing some alcohol looking at Keto "Seems your in a tight spot there Keto, looks like I failed to kill you again." he grinned an evil grin "looks like I can finally have my chance."
Adriana held out her hand Jason's darkness was staying away from Dirk and Keto, she was using the barrier magic to prevent him from coming near. "he's not someone you want to pass off, he could be worse than Scar."

Scar smirked now that Jason didn't want to fight her. "silly witches think they can keep us out do they." she walked so she was standing next to Jason "I haven't seen a dragon in many years it's fascinating." she looked at the girls "why don't you fight instead of defending?" 

October stood behind Scar now, her plan may be ruined since Jason wants to fight them as well. She had enough time her spell was finished. A white glow barrier surrounded Scar, she was trapped. "Jason I don't know why your here but unless you want me to trap you like Scar here I suggest you stand down." her voice was calm but inside she was scared. 
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He would look over at Scar " I'm  not just a normal Dragon.. girl.. " he said then saw the barrier form over her and he would glare at October and could sense her fear " i highly doubt you have the power to trap me with such weak magic... " he started use his dark energy and focused it at the barrier to break her spell
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Izumi looked at Caine "Keto stay in my barrier and he can't touch you."

Scar pounced on the barrier but couldn't get out of it. "damn you bitch."

"wanna test me?" October asked. Her barrier stayed up, "I have more power than you think Jason. I'm more than just a vampire."
He would grin evily " you got guts girl for thinking you can out match my power " he made hand movement calling back force the darkness then suddenly he vanished and reappeared grabbing her by the wrist tightly crushing her wrist where she cut her self as some of his dark energy started to go inside of her cut causing her great amount of pain 
Scars barrier stayed up, but October screamed. As her wrist shattered, and the darkness flowed in her she used her strength to use her magic to push it out. October's blood pushed out his darkness. "Jason I don't want to fight you, I just want Scar."
Keto growled loudly, his eyes turning red glaring at Caine "To hell with you Caine!" His voice and his demeanor took on a dark almost sinister side, he threw down his sword stepping towards Caine "I have tried for many years to leave this behind me. I now see I have no choice" 

Caine took a step back looking at Keto "As I see" Caine pulled his sword lunging quickly at Keto hoping to catch him off guard. 

Keto quickly side stepped Caine, grabbing his wrist that was hold the sword sending a knee through Caine's elbow, a loud crack was heard and his elbow broke. Caine screamed in agony

Keto laughed "feel that good does It?" Keto had a evil smirk upon his face as he twists Caine's arm out of socket moving behind him sweeping Caine off his feet making Caine land on the floor face down as Keto dropped a knee into Caine's back grabbing him but his hair pulling his head up. Keto leaned down "Tell me how you want it Caine! Beheaded or do you want your neck snapped!" 

Caine yelled in pain, a shocked scared look in his eyes. 

Keto smiled "So I get to chose do I? let's go with my favorite then" there was almost a demonic pleasure about Keto. Something he hasn't done and or felt in well over 20 years. He twisted Caine's head 180 degrees snapping his neck, then without wasting a single moment Keto grabbed Caine's sword beheading him. 

Keto slowly stood up, looking at Caine's headless body and the scared look still upon Caine's face and in his eyes "You wanted it you son of a bitch and now you got it" Keto took a long deep breath, throwing down the sword looking at the blood on his hands and clothes. The Keto his friends knew was now back, a calm protective demeanor now about him he looked over at Izumi with saddness in his eyes. he wanted nothing more than to leave the person he was in the past.
Izumi looked up at Keto in shock but shook her head and turned away still chanting with Adriana to keep a protective barrier up. 
Keto stared at Izumi, his eyes filling even more with sadness he reached out to her telepathically ~I'm sorry my dear.  I never wanted you or anyone to see who I used to be. Please, forgive me.~ 

With his own commotion Keto didn't realize what was going on with Jason and October he turned towards them, seeing Jason hurting October he screamed as he ran hitting Jason making him let go of October. His eyes now glowing red again looked into Jason's eyes. "Back off you son of bitch" 
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He would grin evily " you are strong Girl.. no wonder this one fears you.. " he laughed as he saw Keto head towards him and take his hand off October as he grabbed him. He would quickly grab his wrist and started to crush his wrist with strength and then  swiftly moved to his left putting him in an Arm bar and slamming him into the ground " you wanna know why I don't kill on the spot.. you met killers during your life, but I like to torture my victims.. I love to see them break emotionally, physically and spiritually. You see their true selves that way " he laughed has he moved quickly and punched Keto so hard down on his back that the ground shook underneath him like the force could shatter bones but he held back.. " he than put his foot on Keto's head " release her or I crush his skull.. 
Keto screamed in pain as Jason injured him, he closed his eyes then teleported standing in front of October "Your not the only one that can teleport around. I like your theory on torturing your 'Victims' problem is, I enjoy pain. Makes me feel alive" he smirked looking at Jason "You are much stronger than anyone I have ever fought but don't think it's going to be easy to get the better of me"
He would smirk looking up at him as he would grin evily " Thanks for letting me know but I got already what I wanted the blood of the witch.. I can now use the same magic to break her barrier with my own darkness " he would place his hand on scars barrier as it started to crack around her.. " 
Keto stood there shocked, he knew he had to at least try and stop him at any cost. Keto threw a knife at Jason's hand that was on the barrier then teleported on the other side of him kicking him in his kidney
"no" October said as the barrier was cracking. "I am no witch Jason." she needed someone strong who could fight, at this rate Keto was going to get himself killed. "why do you want Scar free you don't even know her."

Scar watched as the barrier started to disappear she punched it and the rest crumbled. "thanks" she looked at Jason. Then around at everyone else. She was by Keto now, she grabbed Ketos arm magic pulsating from her touch, he could no longer teleport, "now look what I got here."

Adriana shook her head, nothing was supposed to happen like this, at this rate Izumi will die before she's even born. She had to do something. 
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Keto smirked looking at Scar "We have a pissed off Vampire with hellish intent" Keto grabbed scar by the throat squeezing hard enough to close off air passage ways 
Scar still managed to smirk, She gripped harder on his arm crushing the bone, and kicked him in the chest with enough force to send him flying, except she didn't let go of him. As long as she had him he couldn't teleport. "I have no need for breathe." she laughed as he had no effect. 

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