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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Izumi cut her hand with ease and dropped blood on the mirror and tried again, but still nothing. Adriana was preventing her from finding Scar. She couldn't have her mom get killed before she was born. 
Scar sighed she hated human fighting. She stuck out her hand and a sword appeared in it and she blocked Dirk's sword. "you should of screwed and killed her like I asked. You will die, you don't have magic or strength to fight me." 

October was behind Scar in an instant she had a knife and plunged it into her back. She put a hand on her shoulder. "your scared of me I can feel it." October said. 
Grov looks at adriana and sees her concentrating and 'accidently' knocks her over. "Sorry, here have extra big golem hug to make all better." He then proceeds to pick her up and hug her just hard enough to have her gasp for air.
Dirks sword sword Scars violently, but he steadied himself to keep his balance. "What good is life without honor? Nothing" He replied, then he drew his sword back when October stabbed her in the back "That may be true, but strength isn't just Physical"
Scar laughed and disappeared in a purple smoke and appeared across the room. "and why would I be scared of you?" the dagger was still in October's hand it was black, not red blood. 
 "let go of me!" Adriana squirmed "what is with everyone in this time and picking me up?" the spell still didn't work. 

"maybe Scar isn't her real name." Izumi said, "that could be why it's not working."
"You were stoping spell." Grov said as he puts her down and asks. "Why you stop spell. " He looks at Izumi. "She mess with spell."
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A dark figure would appear seeing the fight from the distance watching carefully scanning carefully his eyes glowing a bright yellow a very dark energy coming from him. He tilted his head to the side has he started to sniff the air catching their scent as he crouched down. An evil grin formed on his face has he appeared between everyone in has he stood there a dark aura around him. He had pitch black spiked hair. His skin tone very pale his eyes bright yellow standing at the height of 6 feet tall 

He had on a black sleeveless leather trench coat with black sleeve undershirt. His nails very sharp that could easily rip through flesh. He also had on black pants with black leather boots. He stood there not saying a word his eyes shifted as he turned his head towards the people on one side of the room than his glare went towards Scar " interesting.. tilted his head to the right slightly as he had a bit of a psychotic look In his eyes. " greetings The name is Jason.. and your worst nightmare!!! " he yelled 

(( hiya I'm an old friend of Scarlet she invited me to rp and I hope we become great friends and have fun))
 ((omg u used ur old photo and everything hahaha)) 

October looked down at the black blade, only ancient ones have black blood. Then Jason appears, she really doesn't want Dirk here, this was no place for a human. She was in an instant standing in front of Dirk to protect him. 

Scar looked at Jason, "are you here to play too?" she was laughing still. "you might actually put up a fight" she flipped the sword in her hand playing with it. 
He would shift his eyes to the girl that spoke flipping her sword in her hand. He than shifted his eyes to the girl in front of the human and than the others " Oh to play with meat sacks or not to play with meat sacks " he started to walk to the left and than turned to the right has he paced back and forth his eyes scanning everyone closely watching their muscles movements, but then he suddenly disappeared his speed was fast and he appeared next to Dirk.

He leaned his arm on his shoulder. He glared at the girl ahead of him " So Human wanna know something.. If your having this much trouble facing that weakling there " he pointed at Scar " Your going to have one hell of time with me " he started to chuckle a bit " has he patted his back than he started to walk towards Scar " besides I don't waste my time on weaklings.. " he glared and would turn his head " if you value your lived retreat for you won't survive .. I'm not sparring your lives I'm Saving you all for later " he chuckled as he stopped crossing his arms tilting his head to the right staring at Scar " you will know fear girl.. 
October turned the second he disappeared and was next to Dirk. He was there to help them, that made her relax a bit. But why was Jason here, and who is he exactly? October let the questions pass, she needed to focus on keeping Dirk safe. 

Scar pretended to shake. "oh I'm so scared" she shook her head. "I am fear, boy so you got a lot to learn." she smelled the air. "you create a lot of fear Jason I like it."

Izumi looked at the mirror,  "If October found them we can check that way." she yelled again but this time looking for October and it showed her where they were. "there in town."
Grov noded and said. "Stay here I'll go and smash Scar. You protect the kid." He rushes out the castle and towards the bar the one place in town he saw scar at. "I'm going to smash her into red goo." bloodlust pourd off him as he neared the bar.
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His eye brow raised a bit and a slight smirk formed on his lips "  Well guess it's not hard.. I just woke up from an amazing slumber not to long ago maybe caught the scent worthy of my time " he chuckled a bit " but I highly doubt it " The ground started to shake underneath him. His eyes started to glow brightly. His aura of darkness whipped around him as he quickly vanished and appeared punching Scar so hard it send her flying through the walls and through the other buildings
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Scar went through one wall and disappeared in purple smoke and appeared behind them. "now that is what I call power." she was bruised. "why are you helping these scum? They are nothing."

"Grov wait" Izumi yelled. She turned towards Adriana "we have to get there now." Adriana sighed and grabbed her hand "learn this spell soon." they disappeared in smoke and appeared next to the fight. Izumi ran next to October and Dirk. "who is he? " Izumi asked as she saw Jason. 

"oh shit it's Jason" Adriana got scared "he is not someone you want to be around." she walked over to them "we need to protect you." she starting chanting grabbing Izumis hand. Both were chanting you could see a protection spell around Izumi,  Adriana, Dirk, and October. 

((boarding my plane now don't expect a reply for over 24 hours maybe longer RP not priority on vacation)) 
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Dirk glanced over at Adriana and the others "About time backup arrived" he stated, lighting a new cigar "But it seems that Scar already has her hands full. I say that if Jason kills her, that'll be the end of our problems. If She kills Jason, then we should all move in and take her down ourselves. There would be too many of us for her to fight, especially with a Golem on our side"
He would smirk and his eyes shifted towards them " Yes.. Yes they are.. I can easily kill them all " he would grin evilly " but that would be too easy. I'm having my fun with you and when I'm done I will handle them " he started to laugh " by the way was holding back that hit there.. " he started to slowly walk towards her " so ready to have fun girl? Ready to face true darkness? 
Grov roars."Scar, I'm gonna grind you to goo." He punches the bars door open and stomped in. He saw Izumi and stoped in surprisel "Howed you get here?" He the sees Scar and Jason fighting. "Who's that? Whats going on?" Grov asks as he gets very confused.
Dirk stepped aside as the door swung open, making sure that he didn't get caught in the charge. Now they were gathered as a complete team, so he placed his hand against Grovs arm and explained "Not Exactly sure who he is, but seems rather powerful, turns out he's a match for Scar, possibly more..." He glanced back at the fight scene "Unless Scar steps up her game, she just might end up six feet under. If that's the case, Jason over there will have done our job for us" He paused "Of course, He isn't exactly fighting For us, so he's no friend"
Keto shot up from his sleep, he felt something was wrong even from afar. He slowly got out of bed walking down stairs, when he saw no one he closed his eyes trying to find a familure thought, he could only find Grov and his distress. Keto sighed heavily teleporting to the bar with the rest of everyone leaning on the bar weakly "Well well" he looks from Scar to Jason and the rest "Well I'm definately in a tough spot" he stood straight drawing his sword walking over intron of Izumi to protect her. 
Izumi and Adriana kept chanting keeping up a protective space around them. 

Scar glared at everyone else who showed up. "too much of a crowd for my taste." she brushed off the blood coming from her mouth. "why fight me Jason? Let's take these weaklings together." she smiled wondering what he had to gain fighting her anyway. 

October left the protective space and cut her hand with the knife she stabbed Scar with. She wanted Scar and Jason to keep stalling, she had a plan of her own. 
Keto watched Izumi and Adriana as they chanted then Keto stepped out walking to the side of Scar and Jason "Why don't we just hash this out and I do away with both of you?" he smirked as he said it, he knew in terms of magic he was beat but hand to hand combat her would have the upper edge. Keto wanted to keep attention away from the others by drawing it to himself
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Grov walked up beside keto and said. "You fight him, you fight me." He looked at keto and said. "You not stop me this time right? I will not let my friend fight alone."
He would glare at Keto and he would growl " stay out of my fun pests!!!! " he yelled as the ground started to shake underneath him as more of his power started to pulse like he was holding back. " i told you and your friends to leave, but now you pissed me off!! " He walked up his eyes glowing brightly as he the darkness whipped out like a force it shot out at Keto and Grov. It wasn't going to kill them but it was more of a painful push back away. " you know what Scar.. I take you on that offer " he would slightly turn his head looking at her " with a grin on his face"
Dirk glanced over at his companions when they were attacked. There was a hint of annoyance in his face, that they had aggravated this stranger so much, he would much rather preferred to stay out of the way until either Jason or Scar emerged as the victor. Now they ran the risk of fighting Both of them instead "All because they didn't listen!" he muttered in frustration, finishing his own thought. Despite just being an ordinary human, he couldn't stand by and watch his friends get involved without him. 

Having stayed unnoticed up until this moment, Dirk suddenly opened fire with his pistol, shooting his bullets at Jason from behind. Only when his chamber was empty did he stop firing, then lowered the gun slowly.
He would get hit from the bullets, he stood there as the bullets bounced off of him skin like dragon scale hard for anything to pierce it including wit the power of darkness aiding him. He turned and faced Dirk. An evil grin formed on his face " nice try human, but you fail with your weak weapons" he stood his ground as his dark aura began to quickly move towards Dirk and wrap around right leg. 

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