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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

He would grin evily looking at her " she's very interesting and besides. I could kill her easily anytime I want, but I decided to see how this goes " he said his eyes glowing brightly as his power started to increase again.. then suddenly a small pellet was thrown in front of as it exploded and a thick smoke screen appeared in front of him causing to cough a bit and close his eyes 

A young man just a few years older the Adrianna appeared running in. He was in had on a black shinobi mask with a long red bandana on. He had on a black sleeveless gi with a red sash around his waist and black pants with black shinobi shoes. He appeared next to Scar and focused all his attack on her it was strong enough to kill her but it was able to stun her enough for every to escape.  He pointed his finger tips at Scar and shot lightning at her  stunning her for a bit " leave!!! Go this is not a battle you can win.. I can hold her just for a few seconds.. 
Keto grimaced in pain kneeing her in the gut then elbowing her in the side of the head "Keep it up, I love the pain" 

Keto looked at the young man "Get the women out of here!!!!"
Adriana smirked she was pretty sure she knew who this was. She stopped chanting. "everyone get over here NOW" 

Adriana moved her hand and Dirk came next to her, Dirk, Grov, were next to her she threw down a seed and they were transported to the castle. 

Izumi stayed behind she needed to make sure October and Keto were safe. 

Scar let go of Keto as soon as lighting was shot at her. Ocotber "thank you" October grabbed Keto and teleported him back to the castle as well. Izumi was the only one left. In the fog she ran from Adriana and was looking for Keto and October. She was there with this mysterious person, Scar and Jason. 
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After the chock-hold, Dirk had been unconscious for the remainder of the action. Only after getting teleported back to the castle did he slowly waken. Blinking his eyes, he stared up at the ceiling, feeling the world spin around him until he came to. "Feels like I got hit by a goddamn train..." he muttered, sitting up and rubbing his head.
Keto breathy deeply trying to mend his arm. He walked over sitting in a dark corner by his self regretting his actions. 
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****back at the castle****

Adriana laid back on the ground, she was exhausted she used a lot of magic protecting these people. A few moments later October arrived with Keto, her right hand was shattered and she two used magicks, she scanned the room. Dirk was a bit beat up but was safe next to Adriana, and Grov next to them. She had Keto, but realized Izumi wasn't there, she was the only one missing. "where is Izumi?" 

Adriana sat  upright "mom?"
Dirk sat with his back against the wall, just needing to rest it off at the moment. "If Izumi is back there, the stability of the future is at stake. We need somebody to pull her out of there" he stated
The young ninja stopped with the lightning. Then he charged it up again and hit both Jason and Scar with the lightning " i can't hold them too long they are too strong " regroup with your friends.. "he said as he glared at both Scar and Jason as he kneel down on one knee the amount of energy he was using was draining him.

Jason was stunned but started could barely move " I'm going to rip you to shreds kid.. " he growled as he started to walk closer to him. " The ninja saw Keto reappear " go hurry take her.. I can't hold them for too long.. it's taking everything I got!!
Keto ran over to Izumi grabbing her with his one good arm then Teleproted them back to the castle before collapsing on the ground next to Izumi
"nooo" she squirmed out of Ketos arms as she was back at the castle. "you ran you just ran. We could of helped the guy who saved us." she fell to her knees next to him. "I can't let him just die out there."

Scar stood there unable to move. "your dead kid."

Adriana laid back down as soon as Izumi reappeared. 
Dirk rubbed his head in annoyance, they had Barely gotten out alive as it was "Well the fellow is screwed. Yeah, he saved us, but lets Stay saved, okay?" he explained impatiently "You did good" he glanced at Keto
Keto sighed looking at Izumi "Stay here my dear" Keto was tired and exhausted.

Keto looked over at Dirk "Not good enough my friend" he stood up teleporting back to the pub "Come on kid, come with me or get out" Keto was breathing heavily looking at Jason and Scar
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He would smirk " that maybe but I still stopped you and you have to live with it.. a Human Ninja stopped you.. " he then saw Keto appear next to him and nodded stopping his attack and grabbed his arm going with him.

Jason glared " I'm going to rip you apart!!! " he yelled as they saw them both teleport away
((finally on a laptop again :] yay...))

"how can you live with yourself?" She stood up walking toward Dirk. "we did everything to protect you and he saved us, and you don't care that he might die?" She was mad, out of breath, she herself was barely standing, she used way more power defending them.

October walked into the kitchen grabbing some blood bags, and walked back out. "Adriana here, you must be weak." she had another in her hand for when Keto returned. Her right hand was crushed, it took her remaining energy to not focus on it.

Scar sighed. "human huh?" 

@Jason Thorn @Knightling
((Wohoo! I'm always on my phone lol))

Keto looked at the kid as they got back to the castle and the rest of his friends.

Keto turned towards Dirk "Izumi is right Dirk" he slowly and quietly walked towards the stairs "If anyone needs me, I'll be in my room" he slowly and wearly walked up the stairs.
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"Keto" October called, "take this." she threw him a blood bag. 

Izumi turned around looking at the ninja. "who are you? why did you save us?"
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Dirk shielded his eyes as the two teleported back, then looked over in surprise when Izumi came at him like that "Listen,," he quickly replied, trying to stay reasonable "Okay, good point" he replied curtly, not wanting to get in an argument at the moment. He was too tired for anymore conflict.
Keto caught it with his good arm "Thank you, for everything you've done October, as well as to the rest of you." he continued his walk to his room sitting on his bed opening the bag of blood drinking it all then laid there staring at the cieling
October walked over next to Dirk. She was out of blood bags, but she was one to always take care of others before herself. She wouldn't heal much without any, but she would deal with the pain. She held her right wrist in her left hand, She looked at Izumi, with this new ninja in her castle. 

Adriana drank the blood bag and stayed on the floor. Her eyes were closed, her mom was safe, that's all she cared about for now.
The Ninja was breathing heavily " i was on a mission.. just completed it too. Felt the quake nearby and went to check it out and I find you guys in trouble so I figured I help.. " he said as he went to go sit down leaning up against the wall. He removed his mask revealing his face. He was very young had silver slightly long hair that went to his shoulders " My name is Riku.. I come from a Clan of Ninja that remain in the shadows.. 

Back at the bar Jason stood there with his arms crossed " they all will die all of them!!
Dirk smiled slightly "A human around these parts? Rather rare, gotta say" he placed a hand on his own jaw, glad that the sore feeling was leaving his throat
Keto sighed heavily speaking to himself "I left my damn sword" he stood up the reached out to Izumi using telepathy ~I have to go back to the Pub, y'all stay here. please.~
Adriana heard the name Riku and smiled. She knew who he was but thought she should stay silent. 

Izumi glared around the room, and looked over to Riku smiling. "Thank you, I wanted to make sure you were okay, I tried..." she collapsed, she didn't get to hear Keto's message.

October nodded at Riku glad he could save them. She watched Izumi fall, normally she would be there to catch her but she didn't have the energy. It was a good thing she had lots of self control because being around 3 humans while hungry was not a good combination.

Scar looked over at Jason. "our fun ran away." She stretched. "I need that pesky witch dead."
Keto teleported back to the pub to grab his sword hoping Scar and Jason would be gone, when he arrived only to his dismay they were still standing there as he grabbed his sword

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