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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Riku would walk up Grov and smile calmly and patted him on his arm " your strong.. don't ever doubt yourself " he would smile calmly " besides the next time we see those two you will pound them to dust or goo which ever makes you happy " he would grin
Keto looked over at Grov his speech very ragged his pain was growing from within "My friend.... You are a very strong and good being, never doubt yourself"
He looked at them both and said. "Thank you." He got up and looked at Izumi and said. "My makers book should have something to cure keto. I can take you to it. It's full of strong spells and other magic stuff, but it can be a little grumpy."
Izumi shook her head. "I'm tapped out on magic energy right now sorry Grov." She looked at Riku he looked young for his age. She turned away avoiding contact with Keto.

Adriana was wondering about Keto, she wasn't her father but Riku was. But October thinks maybe she's in the wrong timeline. Only way to find out was ask Riku some questions that she actually knew the answers too."How did you stop Scar and Jason? the two in the town?"

October left she needed to get more food. She walked into the forest, she found the nearest deer and killed it, she was feeding from it. She needed strength back. After she drained the deer she headed towards the town. She needed to get more blood bags for everyone. On her way she was thinking about Scar. If only Jason wasn't there she would of had Scar and could of stopped her.

Scar took a drink of whiskey, and poured more into his cup. "I plan to kill Izumi. I got a message from the future that her daughter gets in my way." She down the glass and poured herself another. "Also her and October seem to stop me in the future." She glared into the distance thinking about it. 
Keto grunted in pain getting up looking at everyone around "You all have been good to me" he bowed slightly wincing in pain as he did so "I must go now, nothing can be done so I would rather go in peace" he managed to get outside of the castle and head towards the forrest

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Riku would look at her and scratch the back of his head " well normally I would use my Chakra to attack but I didn't.. i used the power of lighting that I can use.. " smiles calmly " it's effective and can kill if I put a lot of force behind it which I did.. but those two are just too strong which I could only stun them just for a few seconds.." he said

He would smirk " well now things have changed " he took another sip " i doubt they can stop the both of us, but the one from the future puzzles me. " he said as he crossed his arms " who was the one from the future? " he asked.

Riku looked at Keto and quickly got in front of him " no we need your help.. " he said looking up at him " we need to figure out a way to seperate the two so we can stop them. More importantly help you " he said looking at him
"Whats his problem?" Adriana said, "he has an attitude problem doesn't he?" 

Izumi watched Keto leave, she didn't know what to say to him, and she was too weak to follow after him. She looked up as Riku stepped in front of him. 

October was still in the forest but heading towards the town.

Scar turned toward him. "The little one, the blind half vampire girl," she shook her head. "She came back to stop me to warn them."

@Keto_Uskai @Jason Thorn
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Keto looked at Riku "Young man, I lived a life of sorrow, pain, destruction and full of death, leading armies, killing...." he trailed off as he sighed then glanced over at Izumi then back at Riku "Then left that life, for many years. Found someone for the first time in over 200 years that could see me for me, not the monster eternal life had made. One fight, one moment, I let my old life out in front of someone that hasn't looked at me the same. I don't blame the person either, it's my fault. Hate took over as it did for well over 200 years." 


@Jason Thorn
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Riku would shake his head " But you found happiness and you can't leave it just because something came out.. Don't let your past haunt you like that your future is still unwritten.. Can't give up on that.. we do stuff we regret, but we learn from it which makes us far stronger.. And I know with your help we can do anything.. Scar and Jason do not have what we have and that's friends and allies. That's what makes us stronger.. 

Jason would nod and look at her " i overheard her and I think she knew me from the future too.. strange.. " he would glare straight ahead " but how far exactly from the future is she? " he asked " he took another sip " what of her father? We kill him and that's that. She doesn't exist and than we kill Izumi and October..
Keto smiled slightly "There's really nothing that can be done my friend, you are wise far beyond your time and you are right to an extent, sometimes there's nothing you change once someone views you a certain way."
"I don't hate you" Izumi said weakly she couldn't bring herself to get off the couch. she looked over at Riku, he was smart, and right. "do you have a plan Riku?"

Scar shook her head. "not sure who the father is, but If Izumi doesn't have a kid nor is she pregnant she has to be a few years into the future."
Keto looked over at Izumi "I have never once thought you did, but the way you looked at me is far different from how you look at me now, your eyes give it away Izumi, and it bothers me and hurts me that I caused it." he walked over touching her warm skin closing his eyes for just a moment 


@Jason Thorn
Riku nodded and then looked at him as he went to Izumi and he walked back towards Adrianna and sat down next to her. " How did you meet everyone? " he asked calmly

Jason would scratch his head and sighed " anyone could be her father oh well. Same plan kill Izumi and October and anyone that gets in our way " he would grin evily " he grabbed another glass " to you Michael where ever the hell you might be.." downs the rest of the whiskey
"you can't read my thoughts anymore so don't even try to understand what I'm thinking." Izumi said as she pulled away from him, she was frustrated. She started snapping the rubber band on her wrist. 

Adriana sat up. "Keto how are you still standing?" She could feel the struggle of Jason's darkness and October's light in him. "Those poisons should of killed you by now"

October arrived in the town, she wondered if Scar or Jason could sense her. She masked her presence as best she could but she was still weak. 

"Who is Michael?" Scar asks him intrigued.

@Jason Thorn @Keto_Uskai
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Jason looked over at Scar " so while we wait for those pests to try again? What do you want to do for fun? " he asked as he poured another glass. Jason would look over at her " someone that I trust.. " i have seen him in thousands of years " he chuckled " he loves to kill and has an anger problem.. 

Riku looked towards them hoping they were okay
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Keto looked at Izumi, "I don't have to hear your thoughts to see how you feel in your eyes and body language"  Keto sighed "Well why don't you please tell me how your feeling and thinking"

Keto turned to Adriana "I have no idea to be honest, I feel it inside of me but I'm also feeling a sense of empowerment." Klooks down at the arm Scar broke and it was healed, along with his open wounds. He had a look of amazement on his face "how?!"

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"Da-" she stopped at shook her head. "so ninjaboy you have any way to heal someone?" She walked closer to Keto and put a hand on his arm. "maybe October's blood is stronger than we thought and it's healing the darkness."

Izumi shook her head, she didn't want to speak anymore. She laid back on the couch, he just wasn't understanding and she didn't want to argue in front of everyone.

Scar drank more of the whiskey. "we can take the fight to the pests. Or you can tell me who this Michael person is."

October walked through town to her normal butcher shop, she passed close by the bar where Scar and Jason were at.

@Keto_Uskai @Jason Thorn
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Riku shook his head " i don't have healing abilities sadly " he sighed has he crossed his arms " sounds like your having a hard time saying my name with D-riku " he joked calmly

Jason would look at her and laugh " well if I knew where he was we could have someone that can help us, but I don't know he probably want to kill you too.. " he laughed. " he's the strongest Archangel in the world and we'll He disappeared . I don't smell his scent anymore. It seems he doesn't want to be found at all
Keto looked at Izumi sighing then turned to Adriana "No, that's not it. I feel the darkness inside of me as well, it seems to becoming stronger as well." Keto thought for a moment "Wait! I teleport and use telepathy using my mind, not magic. What if the blood and and darkness are getting to my brain and I'm absorbing their power instead of them destroying Me? I could never teleport or use telepathy before I was turned, I took on those traits from the woman that turned me."

Keto sat near Izumi he felt calm near her "October is a Goddess, Jason is some sort of Archangel, so is that possible? I've gotten the powers I have from accepting blood from a donor. Am I merely a vessel for donor's powers?"

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"An archangel? that's interesting." Scar said and turned towards the door. "well well someone come out of hiding." she stood up. "I can sense October she is nearby." 

October was at the butcher shop and bought way more blood bags, she needed some herself and she had 2 other vampires to feed now too. She got what she needed and headed back to the forest. She was still too weak to teleport back.

"sorry I" Adriana shook her head, she didn't want to tell Riku that he's her father. "you only got those traits because your sire had them. you wouldn't be taking October and Jason's power. It's not how that works." she sighed "it's killing you and your brain thinks your beating it when in fact your not."

Izumi snapped her rubberband on her wrist and was looking away from everyone else, she didn't want to be here, she didn't want to be around these people. Somehow she got wrapped into this without even wanting to. One of the snaps broke open a scar on her wrist, having it bleed just the tiniest bit.

"Mom is this really what your like as a human?" she spoke up aggravated, she was surrounded by idiots. "oh boo hoo I'm human I want to die, I'm a failure." she didn't mean to call Izumi mom it just sort of slipped out. She walked closer to her. "you better toughen up fast or Scar WILL kill you."

@Keto_Uskai @Jason Thorn
Jason would grin evily catching her scent " wait let her go.. she will lead us straight to where they are hiding ." He would smirk " we will attack once her scent disappears. I will know which path to take.

Riku eyes went wide looking at Adrianna thinking it was ok since he thought Izumi they were related. Than he looked at Keto and his shocked expression which confused him. " I'm confused?
Keto looked at Riku "You and I as well, even more so for other reasons." Keto stood up "October has been gone quite a while. I'll go find her" 

Keto teleported next to October "let me help you please" he grabbed some of the items from her 

"Did you just call me mom?" Izumi was shocked. "I'm your mom? your the reason Scar is after me? And what do you mean as a human?" she finally got off the couch. She had many questions and wanted the answers.

"I'm not the reason, your future self is the reason." Adriana sighed. "You won't always be human, and from what I understand you don't like yourself even when your a vampire." 

October gave a small smile at Keto. "I got it, you have the poison to deal with why are you using so much energy?"

Scar smirked. "I like how you think"

@Keto_Uskai @Jason Thorn

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