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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Adriana stood up worried now. "How does she have a body? that doesn't make any sense." she started pacing now. "Scar didn't get a body until after I was born it should be at least 5 years from now."

"5 years? you were born and this size after five years?" October looked at her. She walked over to her, looking her up and down walking in a circle around her. "When we extracted Azula from Izumi and gave her a body, Scar jumped in taking the body for herself and killed Azula."

Adriana started biting her finger. "no that's not what happened Azula got a body of her own, she tormented Izumi for awhile, and Izumi finally got strong enough to kill her. Scar still wasn't in a body yet. hardly a player yet." she grabbed October by the arm. "you can stop that now. I'm half vampire but also human I grew up fast."

Adriana stood up worried now. "How does she have a body? that doesn't make any sense." she started pacing now. "Scar didn't get a body until after I was born it should be at least 5 years from now."

"5 years? you were born and this size after five years?" October looked at her. She walked over to her, looking her up and down walking in a circle around her. "When we extracted Azula from Izumi and gave her a body, Scar jumped in taking the body for herself and killed Azula."

Adriana started biting her finger. "no that's not what happened Azula got a body of her own, she tormented Izumi for awhile, and Izumi finally got strong enough to kill her. Scar still wasn't in a body yet. hardly a player yet." she grabbed October by the arm. "you can stop that now. I'm half vampire but also human I grew up fast."


"you grew up very fast for a five year old" dirk stated "earlier, I thought you were 12 or 13" he shook his head in surprise, then lit up a cigarette "it seems that you live in a split timeline, which means that our future might not be the same as yours"
"split timeline? what does that mean?" Adriana walked over to him she was very confused. she grabbed his hand as he lit a cigarette,. "these things can kill you you know." She dropped his hand, she wasn't going to stop him she just wanted to warn him.

"A split timeline Adriana is maybe you came back but this isn't your past." She was worried a bit on the cigarette comment, she wondered if Adriana was trying to give her a clue, or if she was just over thinking things. "there could of been something that went wrong with the spell. Or someone came back with you to make sure you didn't change anything."

"split timeline? what does that mean?" Adriana walked over to him she was very confused. she grabbed his hand as he lit a cigarette,. "these things can kill you you know." She dropped his hand, she wasn't going to stop him she just wanted to warn him.

"A split timeline Adriana is maybe you came back but this isn't your past." She was worried a bit on the cigarette comment, she wondered if Adriana was trying to give her a clue, or if she was just over thinking things. "there could of been something that went wrong with the spell. Or someone came back with you to make sure you didn't change anything."


dirk cast a glare over in Adrianas direction, now having grown very annoyed with her "nobody asked you" he muttered underneath his breath grudgingly "now perhaps you should go back to your time before you ruin the course of events too much" it was at moments like this that his tongue was sharpest.
"Dirk please she's just a child." October said to him softly. "so we need to figure out if someone came back with you or if you just ended up in the wrong past."

Adriana growled "I'm not just a kid." she sighed calming down. "who else could of come back? Scar? " 

Keto leaned up kissing Izumi, "Go ahead my dear, I'll be ok" he smiled touching her cheek "Thank you for everything you've done, for making me happy and for keeping me alive. I am grateful for you"
Izumi smiled she didn't know what to say, it was still awkward for her to be with someone so kind. She wanted to distance herself, so she left him to rest in the room, and she walked down the hall to the stairs. Just in time to hear October. 

"Well Scar does get benefit from it, she got a body a whole lot sooner. This could be her coming back too, but I'm not sure." October said. 

@Knightling @Keto_Uskai
Izumi smiled she didn't know what to say, it was still awkward for her to be with someone so kind. She wanted to distance herself, so she left him to rest in the room, and she walked down the hall to the stairs. Just in time to hear October. 

"Well Scar does get benefit from it, she got a body a whole lot sooner. This could be her coming back too, but I'm not sure." October said. 

@Knightling @Keto_Uskai

Dirk cast one more angry look at Adriana, before calming down and letting loose a casual smile "You gotta be kidding me. Are you saying that we might have Two Scars to deal with? As if one wasn't a pain in the ass already.." he paused and turned his head towards Adriana "Forgive my french, forgot that we have a Kid present"
Grov looks at dirk then says. "Two mean ladies, will need really big rock." He thought out loud as he listened to them talk. "Maybe a tree would be better....no big rock will hurt more."
Grov looks at dirk then says. "Two mean ladies, will need really big rock." He thought out loud as he listened to them talk. "Maybe a tree would be better....no big rock will hurt more."

"Then here's my suggestion; Use a rock on one Scar, then use a tree on the the Other Scar. Whichever one seems best, you use from then on" Dirk suggested
"Yes that good idea." Grov nods. "You should have Izumi cast a spell on your sword so it can hurt mean ladies."
Adriana laughed "Izumis magic isn't powerful enough, no offense mo-" she paused "I mean miss Izumi."

Izumi gave her a weird look as she head down the stairs. "my magic doesn't seem like enough but what about yours?" 

Adriana laughed. "last time it took." again she stopped "I'm not supposed to say huh?" she sighed "man this sucks. " 

"Grov, we don't need no magic spell, just keep your fits handy. Tear her to pieces if you see her" Dirk explained what was on his mind. "It sucks having memory problems, doesn't it?" Dirk smirked and leaned back "Try living for years on end like that"
Grov looks at dirk and says. "Okay, I'll keep my fists ready and if I see her I'll turn her to red goo, both hers."
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"memory problems?" Adriana  shook her head. "oh I remember what happened clearly I just shouldn't say."

Izumi  was very confused. "what is going on here?" 

October looked at Dirk she knew he was still sore over his memories being gone. "Adriana are you saying something actually stopped Scar?" 

"not something, someONE . " Adriana shook her head. "but saying that can really change the future."

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Dirk grimaced, finding the mental image to be rather gruesome.

"If it was me who stopped Scar in your future, don't be afraid of saying so" He joked "But you still don't remember Why you came back, and that's the important part, because you don't know what you were supposed to do here"
Izumi was starting to put the pieces together that Adriana was from the future. 

October thought back, she remembered Scar was looking for 'the father' and that Dirk and October were close but not it. Because Scar is looking for Adrianas father. But Adriana said it's not Keto. "I think Adriana is back to make sure she gets born. Scar is trying to prevent it."
Grov asks. "But if they're in the wrong timeline, then scar can't stop Adriana's birth, Scar will need to get to the right timeline....right?" Grov scratches his head and mutters. "This is so confuzzeled."
"But if we were to kill Scar, could that also have a butterfly effect, stopping Adriana from being born?" Dirk pointed out "Ultimately, I'm not really sure what we should do"
"as it's going right now it doesn't look like Adriana will be born soon." October said

Izumi nodded "it is confusing" she shook her head. "So let's find your mom and make sure she has you, how hard can it be?" 

Adriana stayed silent how do you tell your mom it's her but not with the guy your with. Plus if she was in wrong time line there's ruining that

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Izumi nodded "it is confusing" she shook her head. "So let's find your mom and make sure she has you, how hard can it be?" 

Adriana stayed silent how do you tell your mom it's her but not with the guy your with. Plus if she was in wrong time line there's ruining that


Dirk laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head, also realizing how bad of a pinch this situation was "Uh, yeah maybe later though, right? Maybe we should find out what Scar is up too..."
Izumi looked at Dirk "well you've had contact with her right?" she figured that's how he ended up stabbing October. 

October shook her head. "no Izumi I know what your thinking and no." October was concerned this could be the exact reason he isn't in the future. 

"Yeah I've had contact with her" Dirk growled grudgingly, still bitter about the entire situation that had transpired "But, that being said, I agree with the big guy" he pointed his thumb at Grov

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