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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

"That's the past there is nothing you can do about it now." she leaned into him. "There is something you can do now though, to help me." she looked up at him. "I'm hungry can we go get something to eat?"

Izumi shook her head. "No I just want something to eat. I don't care where we go." she gave a weak smile. "Somewhere where we can talk, I have more questions for you." 

Keto smiled at her sweetly "Well how about I make you some breakfast and I can bring it to you here in your room, would that work?" Keto put his shirt and jacket on
"I'm not sure what food October has here, being a vampire and all she doesn't eat" Izumi sat down on her bed and looked up at him "I know she buys things for me, but I can tell you now it's not a well stocked kitchen." she laughed a little. "just bring me whatever and promise you'll answer some questions after?" 

Keto have a little smirk "I'm full of surprises, and yes, i promise to answer any question you have after" 

Keto smiled and closed his eyes, he had teleported to the nearest town walking through buying eggs, flour, fresh milk, baking soda, bacon, and sausage. Once he was satisfied with what he had bought he teleported back to the castle's kitchen and started cooking. He cooked a stack of 3 pancakes, 2 eggs over easy, 2 pieces of bacon and 2 sausage patties.

Keto had found a tray big enough to set the two plates of food, glass of milk and syrup on. He walked to Izumi's room lightly knocking as he entered 
While he was gone Izumi reached into her bag and pulled out an ancient book. It's been with her for years, ever since she started practicing magic. She opened up to a page she marked and starting reading, she had nothing else to do while he left. She didn't have anything to change into, she looked up as he knocked. "you can come in." She saw the tray of food, she looked away he didn't have to do so much.

Keto walked in smiling at her setting the tray of food next to her "I hope you like it Izumi, I knew you were hungry so I just started cooking, if it's too much I apologize. Do you need anything else my dear?"
She shook her head. It was still a little nerve wracking he could be in her mind. She picked up a piece of bacon. "what else can you do besides teleport? magically I mean? I can feel the power coming from you."

Keto set down across from her "Well Izumi, I'm telepathic which you know, I have extrodinary strength and speed, I'm a Master Swordsman and Master Martial Artist, there's also another thing that no one knows" He looked at Izumi "Do you want to see?"
Izumi turned her head, something to see? that striked her as odd, but she was curious. "What is it?" she took a bite of the bacon. The strength and speed she realized all vampires must have, October had them too. She wondered if being a swordsman and martial artist were things from his human time, or something he learned over time.

Keto smiled looking at the plate of food, he concentrated then it started to levitate, once it was about a foot above the bed he made it stop, slowly spin around then lowered it back onto the bed "The swordsmanship and martial arts I learned after being turned after my first love was killed, I was only good with a gun and knew that wasn't enough for the supernatural world, I spent almost 100 years mastering the arts."
She watched as he levitated the plate, and put it back down. "100 years to master a skill." she lowered her head "guess that's out for me." she looked up at him curiously thinking about his magic verses hers. "Do you use energy to use magic? Is it draining?" She looked at the plate and made it levitate just as he did, and slowly put it back down. "magic is my defense from the supernatural world."

"I don't use magic dear, I use my mind" Keto got up sitting next to her "Izumi, if you want to learn I can teach you, it doesn't take a 100 years to master a martial art, I have mastered Jujitsu, Aikido, Taekwondo, Karate, and Judo." Keto smiled at her sweetly
Izumi nodded. "your mind to levitate things?" she shook her head, "not exactly possible for humans." she finished the one slice of bacon, then pulled out the book she was reading when he walked in. "so spells, things in here," she motioned to the book, "You wouldn't be able to do them?"

Keto looked intently at the book "I'm not exactly sure, I've never tried or ever was taught, but I would be willing to try to learn dear" Keto smiled at her "I don't know how you do it but you make me feel alive again"
Izumi shook her head. "I want to try a spell, and I'm not trying to make you mad or anything, but I want you out of my head." She opened to the page she was on. "Remember last night I blocked your presence for a few minutes I want to do that, but this time it'll be enchanting an object, like a necklace or something." She flipped through to the next page "it requires a lot less magic to upkeep but as lg as I wear whatever I enchant no one can get into my head." She wouldn't look at him, she was afraid he might be mad, she just didn't like the idea that someone could read her thoughts whenever they like.

Keto smiles at her and looks her in the eyes "Why would I be mad at you? I truly don't mind at all" He touched her cheek so he could feel her warmth 
Izumi nodded. "good." she set the food aside, she only ate just the one slice of bacon. She grabbed her bag off the floor and pulled out a necklace. "this should do." she sat on the floor and grabbed candles from her bag and started setting up. 

Izumi set the candles in a circle with the necklace in the middle. She lit the candles, and pulled out a jar it was a reddish color sand she poured it over the necklace. She started chanting evoking the power of a goddess. After she was done the necklace glowed for a moment and then stopped. She was breathing heavier it still look a lot of energy. But she picked up the necklace and put it on. 

Keto smiled at her "That is very interesting! I wonder if I could do spells ad things like that, do you think i could Izumi? Would you be willing to teach me?"
Izumi shrugged "I could try but I'm no expert." she sighed "I'm still learning myself." she bent down blowing out the candles. She was relived he could no longer hear her thoughts, she finally had her mind at ease. Although., something still bugged her. "do you feel like you need to protect me? I mean we met yesterday I was a wreck and helpless, and yet for some reason your still here" 

Keto smiled at her "I don't feel a need not obligated to protect you Izumi, I'm still here because I like to be, you make me feel alive and being me happiness i haven't felt in many many many years. You may have been a 'Wreck' or 'Helpless' by your standards dear but I saw and see a cheerful, beautiful person that just needed a kind word and to see that people do care." He softly touched her "Thank you for making me feel alive and making me happy"
She smiled weakly "glad I can make someone happy." she out the candles back into her bag and was cleaning up her supplies putting them back in her bag. "I just don't understand you."


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