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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

She shook her head. "I don't remember, all I know was I didn't fit in there. I left as soon as I could." She laid down next to him looking at the stars. "I've been traveling ever since. I don't stay in one place for too long." 

Keto looked over at her "Well I have been traveling for 20 years, it definately gets tiring after so long" he smiled then turned back to the stars "It'll be nice just to stay in one place for awhile"
"Well October lets me stay here at the castle." she smiled "it's been nice, no one here bothers me, because there is no one here. October is gone half the time anyway." She looked over at Keto. "Where are you planning to stay?"

"Well I'm not too sure Miss Izsumi" He looked over at her "Miss October I believe her name was said I could stay here so it's something to think about, I've met some friends here and some nice people so it's a possibility of me sticking around" Keto turned to look at her 
"Well it'd be nice to have someone to talk to every once in awhile." she looked back the sky, she was blushing a bit. "October is gone most of the time and when she is around Dirk and her tend to always be in the middle of something." she sighed and stretched. 

Keto knew in her own way she was asking him to Stick around he smiled at her "Well I would be honored to be the one you talk to every once in a while Miss Izsumi"
"You know you can call me Izumi, you don't have to say Miss every time." she turned her head to look back at him. "just Izumi. drop the formal thing it doesn't suit you." she smiled

Izumi shrugged "you may be from old times but you need to get with the times." she smiled "you don't get around humans a lot do you? we aren't so formal."
Keto smiled at her "No I do not get around humans, most humans try to kill me Izumi." Keto thought for a moment "Hey! You can teach me about the new times! we can learn from eachother"
Keto smiled warmly at her "I believe we can help each other mi.. I mean Izumi, it's been nice talking to you, I've rather enjoyed it." 
Keto say up looking at her "Well you can help me catch up the times, we can talk to each other it'll keep me planted here and help you with people skills." Keto smiles at her "What do you think?" 
"I think like I'm going to bore the hell out of you." she did a small nervous laugh. "A human friends with a vampire, sounds like a made up story to me, it'll end with you trying to kill me, or us falling in love. So Cliche right?" she shook her head

Keto laughed a bit "Well I'm definately not going to try and kill you Izumi, and us falling in love is cliche. I don't think you'll bore me at all, and I can always tell you details about my past if you get bored" He smiled warmly at her "just relax Izumi, I know you just got nervous"
"okay is that a vampire thing, or am I that transparent?" she turned to look at him. "I thought I had a little more depth than that." she sighed and held her stomach. "I don't know what it is but I see everything is just cliche." she rolled her eyes, a million more things popped into her mind, one was a thought, was could he read peoples minds whenever he felt like it.

Keto laughed then said "No not exactly a vampire thing, after many, many years you learn body language Izumi, that and I can't sense your feelings, hear many of your thoughts and talk to you using telepathy, so there's many different ways. As far as seeing everything as a cliche it's hhow.ou perceive things and it helps you understand things that are new to you" 
She stopped and looked back at him. "So you can hear thoughts whenever you want to?" she shook her head. "that's a little much don't you think?" She turned back now thinking about of course everything she didn't want known, her depression, the fact she rarely eats, the reason she wore long clothes was to hide the self inflicted scars, the fact she still felt guilty about a demon taking control of her. All she could think was she hoped he didn't hear these thoughts. She grabbed her head trying to get her mind off everything and on to something else, but she couldn't.

Keto sat there and looked at her for a minute then hugged her tight he spoke softly "It's ok Izumi, none of it is your fault. Your safe now, I'll make sure of it."
Izumi started blushing. "so that answers that question." she starts tearing up "that's so unfair." She shook her head as he held her. "no, you can't do that. you can't just look into someone's head."

Keto continued to hold her "It's not by choice, I hear everyone's. I can't control hearing them, I can only control who I talk to telepathically" Keto gently wiped her tears away "I'm so sorry Izumi"
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Izumi was crying uncontrollably now. She never had someone who knew so much about her, and she didn't even have a choice about it. She wanted to run, she wanted to go back to her room and grab the knife she had under her pillow and make more scars, she wanted to get away from him, she didn't want to talk to anyone, or have them know about her. But she was frozen, she couldn't move instead she sat there in his arms crying. She felt like a failure, but she couldn't do anything about it.

Keto slowly ran his fingers through her hair "I don't want you hurting Your self Izumi, your not a failure dear. Your much stronger than you realize by still being here. Your an amazing person" Keto held onto her tightly not wanting to let her go
Izumi did her nervous laugh. "Well, it's a little late for that" She pulls back just one sleeve, her whole arm was covered in scars, there was barely any normal non hurt skin left, it was all covered in scars. "You don't even know me." She was sniffling. "I have and always will be a failure."


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