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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Keto slowly and softly ran his hand down her arm "I know more than you think, you radiant a sense of wonder and cheer, it's just covered by your past. It takes someone to see the real true you to see it, you let your past control your future Izumi" Keto smiled looking into her eyes "You don't have to hide who you are from me, your not a failure. You are a gifted person, you learn all you can, you listen you bring joy to others, you healed Grov! That is not the Mark of a failure dear"
Izumi looked up at him. How could he see this when she couldn't see it herself. another cliche moment popped into her head and she started blushing. she pulled her sleeve back down to cover her scars. she looked away, she couldn't look at him anymore. "I hide everyday, I might have power but even that screwed me over." She grabbed her head, "I can't make it stop, please just make it stop."

Keto ran his fingers through her hair again trying to calm to her again "make what stop dear" He held onto her tightly looking at her 
"my emotions, my feelings, my thoughts." She looked up into his eyes. "it's just too much. and you're in there just crawling along reading every little thought I have it's nerve wracking."  

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Keto brushed her hair out of her face "It's not like I chose to to hear them...." He paused for a second gazing into her eyes "even the strongest have feelings, including me. seeing where you been, what has happened to you makes me uncontrollably sad but I know your so much more than all of that, I feel it and see it, it just takes one person to show you that you are so much more than you see yourself" Keto leaned in and kissed her forehead "Your emotions are perfectly healthy"
"That may be so but it's none of your business." Izumi closed her eyes as he kissed her forehead. She felt happy for just a moment, she opened her eyes and looked into his, he was pale, and it made his eyes stand out. She put her hand on his cheek, he was cold, "my emotions should be my own. not yours to read. not yours to see and warp thinking they are your own. Can you even trust your emotions, can you tell them apart from the ones your reading off me?"

Keto felt her warm touch, it reminded him of many years ago. It made him feel alive again "Izumi, I don't chose to hear your thoughts or anyone else's, they talk to me as your voice does as well. As far as your your emotions, I can see them in your eyes, upon your face, your body language. You can read mine and others well, whether you notice or not is totally different dear. I know your thoughts are your own business and I'm sorry that they speak to me...." He paused for just a moment "I don't ask for them too, as far as trusting my own emotions, that is something I can do with all my being and I can tell yours  apart from my own" Keto smiles sweetly leaning in and kisses her gently placing a hand on her cheek
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Izumi was taken aback that he actually kissed her, but then she closed her eyes and she kissed back. she put her hand on his, it felt so nice. She open her eyes and pulled back with a smile on her face. "Can I try something?" she closed her eyes and focused for once tonight she had a focused train of thought. She changed her aura and opened her eyes. "Can you tell what I'm thinking now?" She was concentrating on a spell to put a barrier around her thoughts, if it was strong enough he wouldn't be able to hear her anymore. She had some deep emotions she wanted to hide at the moment.

Keto looked at her and smiled "The last thing I heard or felt was that you were surprised yet happy that I kissed you" He ran his fingers through her hair. He knew that she had put a spell herself to block her thoughts from speaking to him but he was ok with that, he was just overwhelmingly happy that he had brought joy to her. 
"So it worked." she smiled and dropped the spell she folded over and blood was coming from her nose. She wasn't quite strong enough for a spell like that. "I needed to make sure your feelings were your own." she looked up wiping the blood from her nose and shook her head, the spell made her light headed. She coughed, it was hard to breath, for more than one reason.

Keto looked at her with worry in his eyes wiping the blood away that she missed, he stood up carefully picking her up "I believe its time that you rest dear, that spell took alot out of you and your already weak" 
Izumi nodded "yeah sure." She leaned into him, normally she'd stand her ground and fight, but she did a too powerful of a spell for herself, she already hadn't been getting enough sleep, and she was hungry. Not to mention the butterflies in the stomach that the kiss left her. "my room is the one next to the library on the 2nd floor."

Izumi nodded "okay" she closed her eyes, she felt safe with him, she trusted him. She didn't know why she never trusted someone before. But he was different. She shut her eyes and drifted to sleep.

Keto closed his eyes and teleported them to her room, once inside he gently laid her in her bed then covered her up. He stood there smiling at her for a moment, he leaned down kissing her forehead speaking softly and quietly "Good night dear, sweet dreams" Keto stood up and quietly walked towards the door to her bedroom
Keto stopped and walked over next to her bed sitting on the edge "I hardly ever sleep my dear, nightmares plague my dreams so I've learned to go without sleep" He ran his fingers through her hair softly and slowly "Get some sleep, I'll stay in here with you" He leaned down kissing her softly 
Keto walked to the other side of her room sitting in a chair to show her respect and make her feel comfortable. He began smiling at her, he hadnt felt happiness like this in a very long time. He closed his eyes embracing his happiness and drifted off to sleep
---hours later--- Izumi woke up she looked around realizing she was in her room. She looked across the room and saw him sitting in a chair. She looked at him curiously, did they really kiss? She pulled back her sleeve and saw the wound she opened last night. If that was real everything else must have been real too. She pulled her sleeve back down covering her scars. She sat up in her bed, she was hungry. She sat and watched him, she thought he said he didn't sleep. 

((hey i g2g im soo tired, be on tomorrow morning))

Keto's eyes bolted open he was breathing heavily, he frantically looked all over the room his hand inside his jacket after a few moments his breathing slowed and he saw Izumi looking at him. He pulled his hand from inside his jacket and a calm was brought over him. It it was strange to him, after a nightmare he had never been calmed just by someone looking at him, it was an extrodinary feeling "Good morning my dear, how did you sleep?" 

((Yes ma'am, I'm heading that way shortly))

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Keto's smiled faded abit as he looked away "a little over 20 years ago now, me and my men entered a battle, not just with Lycans, but with humans, wizards and their Golems, after the first day of battle me and my army had the upper hand, that night while we slept they snuck into out camp a slaughtered us" He stood up, taking off his jacket and shirt showing hundreds of scars all over his torso, he turned around and the sight wasnt much better on he back. He turned and looked at her, saddness  in his eyes "It's the same night mare ive had since, every time I sleep. I went to sleep overwhelmingly happy, I hadn't felt that way in many years Izumi and you gave it to me" He smiled at her "Then when I seen you, an instant calm over came me." He picked up his clothes starting to put them on 

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Izumi walked over to him and put her hands across his scars, he had almost as many as her, but his weren't self inflicted. "I thought vampires can heal, how is it your scars still show?" she traced some of the scars with her finger and stopped, looking up at him. "it's not your fault it was a war, people die all the time in wars." she wanted to say more but stopped herself she knew she couldn't talk him down since she felt the same way about herself. 

Keto smiled at her "I heal but there's always scars left behind" He loosely put his arms around her "I know it was war, and that it happens but I should have known, I should have stopped it, I should have taken better care of my men." Keto kissed her gently "Thank you for making me.feel better dear. It means alot to me"

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