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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Izumi rolled her eyes and scoffed. "if you ever hurt October again I will hurt you." he tone was serious, she knew he stabbed her but couldn't figure out why. "October cares about you more than you or hell even she may realize, she just that type of person." her voice was more relaxed but she was annoyed at him.  

Grov looked at dirk and said. "Be nice, she made juice for me." Then looking at Iuzmi he said. "If you like magic there is a big book behind the bookself with ruby button on the foot of a bookshelf with all my makers best spells."
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Dirk looked looked at Izumi as if he was about to tear her head off right then and there. However, no matter how annoyed he was with her, his mind knew that every single word she said was correct. He was about to protest the point, but remembered how he earlier decided to live with honor. "I won't do it again,," Dirk muttered through his teeth "Just.." He grew a little desperate now ",,Don't tell anybody" He turned and quickly exited the room, wanting to get a little bit of time away from them so that he could think.
Keto smiled a little being able to tell where Dirk was telepathicly. He turned to Redd, "they are at a castle, see you there" Keto closed his eyes. when he reopened them he was standing behind Grov. "Got to love teleportation!" 

Keto looks around at the new faces then bows slightly "Hello, my name is Keto Uskai"
Izumi looked back at Grov "so what will you do now?" she then saw the man teleport into the room..."uh hi...?" she was a bit surprised. 

October feeling the disturbance in the air from the teleport opened the back door and stood looking at him since he was now in her castle. But she didn't say anything, she realized Dirk was no longer in the room. 
Dirk stepped outside the castle, but didn't leave, he simply leaned against the wall and stared into the trees quietly. Now that he had calmed down and had time to think things over, he began to realize how much his obsession over his past had grown. Was he really willing to sacrifice anything to learn the truth? He shook his head, then remembered what October said about just leading a new life, not worrying about the one he lead before. "Perhaps it is time to move on.." He dropped the cigar to the ground and gently stepped on it with his boot.
Keto lightly smiled looking at October "I hope I am no bother, Grov and Dirk are friends of mine ma'am" 

Keto looked at Izumi "nice to meet you ma'am"
"ahhh don't call me ma'am I'm only 17." Izumi said she was slightly offended by the remark. 

October nodded at him "welcome, I'm October stay as long as you like." she stepped back outside she didn't want to be around a lot of people right now. 

Keto nodded to October as a thanks as she left then turned to Izumi bowing slightly "Miss I am 248 years old, it's a custom of my time to show respect in that manner, no offense was meant and I apologize"
Looking at keto Grov said. "Izumi made me 'juice', and I was made here."
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"well save the ma' am remarks to someone over 40." she crossed her arms and realized how old he said he was. She wondered if October was older or younger, she never did ask how old she was. "so are you a vampire too?" 

Dirk turned quickly, half expecting it to be Izumi again. "Listen, I just assured you that.." He began defensively, but stopped when he realized that it was October. "Oh.." He breathed out "Mistook you for somebody else" He gave a weak smile and added the last part jokingly "As if that's the worst thing that happened recently, right?" Of course, this was his dark humor showing through.
October looked at him surprised but realised he didn't know if my was her. She smiled softly at his joke, she had gotten past it already.  "Dirk I will help restore your memories since you obviously want them back that much."

She looked at him seriously but with a little sadness in her eyes. 

October looked at him surprised but realised he didn't know if my was her. She smiled softly at his joke, she had gotten past it already.  "Dirk I will help restore your memories since you obviously want them back that much."

She looked at him seriously but with a little sadness in her eyes. 


Dirk smirked slightly, glad that she wasn't offended by his off colored joke. "You told me to be honest with you, so I'm going to do just that" he stated finally "I've been thinking a lot about everything, and it all seems to revolve around one thing; my obsession over my previous life" He turned to face her, reading the sadness in her eyes "I need to let it go, I should simply move on and look to the future" He bit his lip, not sure if this was what he really wanted, but decided to go ahead with it "Don't restore my memories, I don't want to live in the past"
Keto took Izumi's hand kissing the back of it "thank you for helping Grov miss, he is a funny and respectful Golem and a great friend, and yes I am a Vampire, have been for 220 years" 

Keto then turned to Grov smiling "I am happy you have found your home my friend " 
October looked down. "but are you sure you can move on and live without them?" she was prepared either way, but wasn't sure if could come live in the present with a huge chunk of his life missing. 

Izumi pulled back her hand as soon as he kissed it. Her hand was almost as cold as his, she was weak, she didn't like people touching her. "your so old fashion just like October."

@Knightling  @Keto_Uskai
"Yeah, this is were I was made. My maker wasn't vary nice but his daughter was." Grov said. "I like this place because of her, she treated us like people and not tools. Like you guys."
October looked down. "but are you sure you can move on and live without them?" she was prepared either way, but wasn't sure if could come live in the present with a huge chunk of his life missing. 

Izumi pulled back her hand as soon as he kissed it. Her hand was almost as cold as his, she was weak, she didn't like people touching her. "your so old fashion just like October."

@Knightling  @Keto_Uskai

Dirk moved forward and hesitantly placed his hands on her shoulders, not sure if she would still trust him this close "I could deal with it, I've dealt with it for many years before" He narrowed his eyes thoughtfully "Sure, perhaps my previous life was interesting, but what if it was something horrible? Perhaps I was supposed to leave it behind"
Keto nodded, "I am very old fashioned, old habits die hard" He laughed a little "If they haven't died as of now I doubt they will" 

Keto smiled at Grov "You sir are a great being, it makes no difference in who made you or why. You changed that outcome abd became someone so much better,"
October put her right hand on his as her touched her shoulder, she was okay with him touching her. She nodded, and accepted his answer. "If you ever change your mind let me know." She smiled at him.

Izumi nodded. "well make that one habit die around me okay?"

@Keto_Uskai @Knightling
Grov looked at keto and had no word to thank him with so he just looked at him with a look of joy.
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October put her right hand on his as her touched her shoulder, she was okay with him touching her. She nodded, and accepted his answer. "If you ever change your mind let me know." She smiled at him.

Izumi nodded. "well make that one habit die around me okay?"

@Keto_Uskai @Knightling

Dirk glanced at her hand when it touched his, now seeing that she was not bitter "I will let you know, though I still struggle to understand why you havn't lost your patience by now, I know it's tough to deal with me sometimes"
October shook her head. "Hundreds of years gives you lots of patience." she rubbed his hand a little, before letting go. Se turned away not sure what happens next. She wasn't used to being around people this much, having her feelings exposed.

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