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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

October felt him cringe as she touched him. She pulled back her hand, she wasn't trying to make him uncomfortable. "I'm sorry, i know she's not after you but I haven't figured out what she wants yet." 

"book room? You mean the library?" She started walking back up stairs. "Follow me."

@fuil  @Knightling

Dirk sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, deciding on the quickest way possible. "I'm not entirely sure..." he stated, then pulled her into a hug with his left arm, his right arm carefully pulling the silver knife out of his belt "I guess I'm just overly worried. Just be careful"
Grov followed her up the stairs with a giddy step.
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October awkwardly hugged him, it wasn't there usual level of awkwardness. "I'll be careful, you don't have to worry about me." she smiled  "I should be worried about you." She hugged him. "She doesn't seem like someone we want to be messing with."

Izumi led him to the library. "Sorry for the mess I've been reading a lot in here lately." Books were sprawled out all over the floor.

@fuil  @Knightling
Grov looked around and said. "Its okay." He then turns to her and says "The book is really old and big with a stone cover."
October awkwardly hugged him, it wasn't there usual level of awkwardness. "I'll be careful, you don't have to worry about me." she smiled  "I should be worried about you." She hugged him. "She doesn't seem like someone we want to be messing with."

Izumi led him to the library. "Sorry for the mess I've been reading a lot in here lately." Books were sprawled out all over the floor.

@fuil  @Knightling

Dirk seemed to grow more calm as he spoke "There's only one problem" His hand readied the silver knife, then he brought it towards her back, with the intention of stabbing it "She has something that I want, the Only thing that I want"
"A stone cover?" She looked around "Should be easy to find, stone cover isn't a common thing." She scanned the library for the book. "ah here we go." She pulled it off the shelf, "is this it?"

October realized she meant his memories. "what you want is your memories right?" October shook her head "how does she have what you want? Dirk please whatever she promised you it has to be a lie." She looked at him "Dirk why didn't you come to me? I can help you.

@Knightling  @fuil
"A stone cover?" She looked around "Should be easy to find, stone cover isn't a common thing." She scanned the library for the book. "ah here we go." She pulled it off the shelf, "is this it?"

October realized she meant his memories. "what you want is your memories right?" October shook her head "how does she have what you want? Dirk please whatever she promised you it has to be a lie." She looked at him "Dirk why didn't you come to me? I can help you.

@Knightling  @fuil

For a moment, he faltered, considering the option that she brought up a good point. "I'm sorry, but she's more powerful than you. She's my only chance" he stated, then he plunged the silver knife into her back, holding on to her firmly during the process "Things just don't work out the way we want..."
"Ummm...He would turn to the page with the drawing of a golem and a bottle of 'juice'." Grov said as he tried to remember. "It had a lot of words."
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October leaned into him more as the knife went into her back."You're right." she was in pain from the knife, she started bleeding, she hoped it wouldn't come to this. She stayed leaning into him, like she was falling from being stabbed, but really she wanted to see what his next plan was.

Izumi flipped through the book more and found the page. "is this it?" She held up the book so he could see.

@fuil  @Knightling
Grov looked and noded when he saw it. "Thats it. He would make it then put it in our hole."
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October leaned into him more as the knife went into her back."You're right." she was in pain from the knife, she started bleeding, she hoped it wouldn't come to this. She stayed leaning into him, like she was falling from being stabbed, but really she wanted to see what his next plan was.

Izumi flipped through the book more and found the page. "is this it?" She held up the book so he could see.

@fuil  @Knightling

"She won't help me recover my memories until you are dead" Dirk stated bitterly, supporting her while he held the knife in her back "That was the one thing I couldn't deny, guess it is a bit selfish..." He figured that she was now in the process of dying, he pulled it out of her back quickly, then dropped it to the ground in disgust
Izumi nodded "okay she looked over the pages it looks like a simple potion. Supplies should be downstairs in the kitchen."  She picked up the book and walked out of the room. "Follow me so we can get this started.

October pulled her weight off him and grabbed both of his arms and pinned him to the wall. "Stabbing me won't kill me, it just hurts." She pushed his whole body against the wall so he was unable to move, "You could of asked me for help Dirk, I was trying to teach you magicks for a reason. I was trying to help you."

@Knightling  @fuil
Izumi nodded "okay she looked over the pages it looks like a simple potion. Supplies should be downstairs in the kitchen."  She picked up the book and walked out of the room. "Follow me so we can get this started.

October pulled her weight off him and grabbed both of his arms and pinned him to the wall. "Stabbing me won't kill me, it just hurts." She pushed his whole body against the wall so he was unable to move, "You could of asked me for help Dirk, I was trying to teach you magicks for a reason. I was trying to help you."

@Knightling  @fuil

Dirk gasped in surprise, not having expected her to survive. He struggled, of course, but wasn't much against a vampire goddess. "I had no interest in magick!" he insisted desperately "I just wanted my life back! To become whoever I was before. Besides, she was going to try to kill you regardless if I help..."
He nods and starts to follow her up stairs. He was happy he was going to get his glow back.

(gotta go :( )
She flipped him around so he was facing her. "Have you ever thought why didn't she just try herself? Why send you?" she let him go "Dirk I did everything for you because you're a friend. I can restore your memories, but you never asked. I thought maybe just being a human again you'd create your own life this time." She shook her head picking up the knife and wiping off the blade with her dress. Her back was to him, she was crying, she honestly thought she made a friend out of Dirk. 

She flipped him around so he was facing her. "Have you ever thought why didn't she just try herself? Why send you?" she let him go "Dirk I did everything for you because you're a friend. I can restore your memories, but you never asked. I thought maybe just being a human again you'd create your own life this time." She shook her head picking up the knife and wiping off the blade with her dress. Her back was to him, she was crying, she honestly thought she made a friend out of Dirk. 


(gtg too)

Dirk carefully gripped his wrist and rubbed it carefully, not taking his eyes off the ground. For now, he had no words to speak, and he didn't know what to do either. "I didn't know.." he stuttered, moving forward, but stopping himself "Didn't think to ask...the offer just swept me away" Yet again, he still didn't know what to say for himself
She turned back to face him. "Do you want me dead? Was I just a way to help you, you never even cared?" She held the knife out with an outstretched hand on her palm. "If you didn't think this was real, that we weren't ever friends, then take this knife right now." You could see the tears run down her face. "Dirk..."

Keto watches this all happen before his eyes confused, wondering what he has spaced out and missed. He slowly walked to Dirk and October "May I be of some assistance?"
((sorry for skipping over people, didn't mean too. We're in the castle, Izumi a witch and Grov the Golem are upstairs, coming out of the library, October and Dirk are sharing a private moment where he tried to kill her))
(Your completely fine, just skip my last one and I'll make a new one for Keto, I apologize. today has been rough, emotional and devasting. this is my escape) 

Keto stumbles out of the bar falling on the ground rolling over gazing at the stars ~Well isn't this just lovely~ he signed heavily trying to get to his feet. He stumbles in no particular direction trying to find the others "Grov! Dirk! Mr. Freeze! Kina!"

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(Your completely fine, just skip my last one and I'll make a new one for Keto, I apologize. today has been rough, emotional and devasting. this is my escape) 

Keto stumbles out of the bar falling on the ground rolling over gazing at the stars ~Well isn't this just lovely~ he signed heavily trying to get to his feet. He stumbles in no particular direction trying to find the others "Grov! Dirk! Mr. Freeze! Kina!"


Redd walks out and strolls beside him "Oh man" he groans

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