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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

October held his hands firmly in hers, she hoped she wasn't hurting him. "she pushed off from the ground and took flight, she was doing just fine, no issues. The wind was cool on her face, not much different than normal. She flew toward the forest, when she saw the waterfall she started to decend, she was far enough away from Izumi that she couldn't see them. October pulled back her wings and they landed perfectly. She retracted her wings and put a cloaking spell on herself so Izumi couldn't sense her powers. "are you okay?" she asked still holding Dirks hand. 

October held his hands firmly in hers, she hoped she wasn't hurting him. "she pushed off from the ground and took flight, she was doing just fine, no issues. The wind was cool on her face, not much different than normal. She flew toward the forest, when she saw the waterfall she started to decend, she was far enough away from Izumi that she couldn't see them. October pulled back her wings and they landed perfectly. She retracted her wings and put a cloaking spell on herself so Izumi couldn't sense her powers. "are you okay?" she asked still holding Dirks hand.


As far as he could remember, he had not been in flight before. He had thought he was prepared, but it turned out that it wasn't the case. Feeling light headed, Dirk stumbled on his feet slightly, but used October for balance "Uh, yeah" he muttered, pulling it together "Yeah yeah, just give me a second"
She grabbed his shoulder helping to steady him. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize it would disturb you like this." She looked at him with concern on her face. "Was it worse than teleporting?" 

She grabbed his shoulder helping to steady him. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize it would disturb you like this." She looked at him with concern on her face. "Was it worse than teleporting?"


Regaining his senses, Dirk quickly straitened up "I didn't throw up, did I?" he stated stubbornly, then he swiftly moved towards the forward "Cmon, lets get this done with"
"no" she said rather quiet, she offended him, she didn't mean to, she wasn't good at gaging the situation, especially with humans, she was weird in that way. She shook her head, she figured she could brush if off. "oh okay" she started walking to the riverbed she could now see Izumi next to a tree, she was in a protective circle of candles, October wouldn't be able to cross. She turned toward Dirk. "I need you to take this and give it back to Izumi." she pulled the flute once more from her sleeve. She chanted a few words and it glowed then turned back to normal. "once she touches it she will be paralyzed, it's her flute I took it from her last time we ran into her. It won't affect you."  She held out the flute so he could grab it. "if she sees me she'll know what's going on so I need you to do this please." 

"no" she said rather quiet, she offended him, she didn't mean to, she wasn't good at gaging the situation, especially with humans, she was weird in that way. She shook her head, she figured she could brush if off. "oh okay" she started walking to the riverbed she could now see Izumi next to a tree, she was in a protective circle of candles, October wouldn't be able to cross. She turned toward Dirk. "I need you to take this and give it back to Izumi." she pulled the flute once more from her sleeve. She chanted a few words and it glowed then turned back to normal. "once she touches it she will be paralyzed, it's her flute I took it from her last time we ran into her. It won't affect you."  She held out the flute so he could grab it. "if she sees me she'll know what's going on so I need you to do this please."


Dirk paused and glanced cautiously at the flute, then he took it "Sounds easy enough" he stated simply "Just hand it over to her, watch her freeze in place, job is done. I'll be right back" he tucked it into his jacket and turned away. Striding casually, he began to make his way towards Izumi, making a B line as he just wanted to get it done and over with
Izumi was sitting on the ground, surrounded by candles, her eyes shot open as soon as Dirk got near. "Who are you?" she tilted her head looking at him, he looked familiar but she was unsure.

Izumi was sitting on the ground, surrounded by candles, her eyes shot open as soon as Dirk got near. "Who are you?" she tilted her head looking at him, he looked familiar but she was unsure.


"me?" Dirk paused, then folded his arms casually "just a traveler, I've been around recently. Don't think I know you, but I found this here flute on the ground. Not sure who the owner is, perhaps you would know?"
Izumi eyes narrowed she had a spell on her bag nothing can just fall out, and it shocks anyone who goes into it. She didn't believe him he had to be with someone. "I can tell your lying." she sensed around but he had no powers, and she didn't sense another presence. "how did you really get my flute?" 

Izumi eyes narrowed she had a spell on her bag nothing can just fall out, and it shocks anyone who goes into it. She didn't believe him he had to be with someone. "I can tell your lying." she sensed around but he had no powers, and she didn't sense another presence. "how did you really get my flute?" 


(it's very understandable)

"I'm a man of little words" dirk replied, purposely avoiding her questions "if you don't want it, I'll gladly keep it, I reckon to sell for a good price..." He rubbed his chin
Iz limited kept glaring at him. She didn't feel power from him, but maybe he was hiding it. Why would he offer to give it back, it was full of magic, but then again how did he get it. So many questions ran through her head. "and you'll just hand it over?" 

Iz limited kept glaring at him. She didn't feel power from him, but maybe he was hiding it. Why would he offer to give it back, it was full of magic, but then again how did he get it. So many questions ran through her head. "and you'll just hand it over?"


"Of course I would hand it over" Dirk scoffed "It's just a goddamned Flute! Why are you being so particular? It is expensive or something?"
Izumi stood up and walked out of her circle of candles. She still wasn't sure if she should trust him. She sighed and extended her hand waiting for him to give it to her. "Shut up and hand it over." 

Izumi stood up and walked out of her circle of candles. She still wasn't sure if she should trust him. She sighed and extended her hand waiting for him to give it to her. "Shut up and hand it over."


"I oughta give you a cussin'" Dirk muttered as he casually tossed it over to her "Next time, I'll just hold onto it, and that's a promise"
Izumi reach out and caught the flute. "Thanks" she said but then couldn't move. "What is this?" October heard, and walked out from behind the tree line. "Sorry Izumi it's for your own good." October said. Izumi tried to move but couldn't "You don't have powers, how did you?" October walked closer to her. "We can discuss that later, right now I need you to tell me the name of the demon inside you. She is locked for now and can't take over so please tell me." Izumi tried to shake her head but couldn't "Uh Azula, her name is Azula." October nodded, she had no time to waste, she extended her hand and the candles, circled around Izumi. October started chanting, she went over to Izumi and grabbed her hand a seal, appeared on her hand. "Azula I call you, come to the surface, show your true face." Izumi screamed. And Azula came out in her true form. "You know to kill me you must give me a body first." Azula said laughing, because it's exactly what she wanted.


Izumi reach out and caught the flute. [COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)]"Thanks"[/COLOR] she said but then couldn't move.[COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)] "What is this?"[/COLOR] October heard, and walked out from behind the tree line. [COLOR= rgb(128, 128, 128)]"Sorry Izumi it's for your own good." [/COLOR]October said. Izumi tried to move but couldn't [COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)]"You don't have powers, how did you?" [/COLOR]October walked closer to her. [COLOR= rgb(128, 128, 128)]"We can discuss that later, right now I need you to tell me the name of the demon inside you. She is locked for now and can't take over so please tell me."[/COLOR] Izumi tried to shake her head but couldn't [COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)]"Uh Azula, her name is Azula." [/COLOR]October nodded, she had no time to waste, she extended her hand and the candles, circled around Izumi. October started chanting, she went over to Izumi and grabbed her hand a seal, appeared on her hand. [COLOR= rgb(128, 128, 128)]"Azula I call you, come to the surface, show your true face."[/COLOR] Izumi screamed. And Azula came out in her true form.[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)] "You know to kill me you must give me a body first." [/COLOR]Azula said laughing, because it's exactly what she wanted.

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Dirk had taken a few steps back when the entire process had started, especially the part when Azula surfaced. At this very moment, he felt very much like a third wheel, since he barely knew anything of the supernatural world. Only when Azula made her demand did he finally speak up "Like hell you'll get a body, that's the opposite of what we're trying to do. This is going to go down on Our terms!" he pulled out his sword.
October look back at Dirk. "Oh no we'll give you a body, and then we can kill you for good." she smirked. October started chanting again, Izumi screamed as Azula was forced out of her, her mouth opened, and black smoke came out, it was Azula. You could see the outline of Azula but she wasn't ready yet. Izumi fell to the floor passed out from the pain. October stopped. "Be ready Dirk" she put out her hand about to touch Azula and make her form permanent. But as she did so, Scar the red head from before stood in the same place. You could see Azula and Scar merging into one, but it now looked like Scar. October pulled back her hand, but it was all ready too late. "Thanks for the body." Scar said. She moved her her hands, being able to feel them, for the first time in forever. 

October look back at Dirk. [COLOR= rgb(128, 128, 128)]"Oh no we'll give you a body, and then we can kill you for good."[/COLOR] she smirked. October started chanting again, Izumi screamed as Azula was forced out of her, her mouth opened, and black smoke came out, it was Azula. You could see the outline of Azula but she wasn't ready yet. Izumi fell to the floor passed out from the pain. October stopped. [COLOR= rgb(128, 128, 128)]"Be ready Dirk"[/COLOR] she put out her hand about to touch Azula and make her form permanent. But as she did so, Scar the red head from before stood in the same place. You could see Azula and Scar merging into one, but it now looked like Scar. October pulled back her hand, but it was all ready too late. [COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"Thanks for the body." [/COLOR]Scar said. She moved her her hands, being able to feel them, for the first time in forever.


Dirk lowered his hand and squinted in surprise, not expecting to see Scar at this moment. At first, he clenched his sword, but then he stabbed it into the ground and carefully moved closer "Is that what you really want? To live with a demon in you? I know how badly you wanted to be alive, but this Can't be right"

(What Time does this RP take place?)
Last edited by a moderator:
((time like time period? Modern)) 

Scar laughed "silly boy, I won't have a demon inside me." she closed her eyes and you can see her body was changing again, it was an internal fight. Azula and Scar were fighting, Scar was winning and killed Azula. Then it looked like just Scar again. "I have a much better will than the weak human. " she looked down at Izumi and kicked her in the gut as she said it. "I'll deal with you guys later, for now I need to have some fun." she disappeared in black smoke. 

October was in shock,  what did she do. Who is this Scar person and how did she, why did she give her a body. Now that Scar had corporeal form, and was fighting she could feel the immense power coming from her. Who was she? October couldn't bring herself to move or even speak. 

((time like time period? Modern))

Scar laughed "silly boy, I won't have a demon inside me." she closed her eyes and you can see her body was changing again, it was an internal fight. Azula and Scar were fighting, Scar was winning and killed Azula. Then it looked like just Scar again. "I have a much better will than the weak human. " she looked down at Izumi and kicked her in the gut as she said it. "I'll deal with you guys later, for now I need to have some fun." she disappeared in black smoke.

October was in shock,  what did she do. Who is this Scar person and how did she, why did she give her a body. Now that Scar had corporeal form, and was fighting she could feel the immense power coming from her. Who was she? October couldn't bring herself to move or even speak.


(What about the lost vampire girl? What time does that take place?)

Dirk now picked up his sword, holding it ready in case he needed it. Not that it would do much good, since there was nothing special about it, but it was his preferred weapon of choice. Stepping back when the flash of smoke appeared, he watched in surprise when Scar disappeared, then he moved forward and crouched beside Izumi  "Looks like we solved One problem only to create a bigger problem,," he muttered, checking her pulse
((same, all my RPs can be connected, just that vampire is from the future)) 

Izumi was still alive, she was just unconscious. October held her head, what did she just do. She slumped down sitting on the ground. As she held she head she started shaking it trying to stay focused. "Izumi is safe now that's all that matters." she gave a weak smile, but she knew they were in trouble. Whatever Scar was it wasn't good. 

((same, all my RPs can be connected, just that vampire is from the future))

Izumi was still alive, she was just unconscious. October held her head, what did she just do. She slumped down sitting on the ground. As she held she head she started shaking it trying to stay focused. "Izumi is safe now that's all that matters." she gave a weak smile, but she knew they were in trouble. Whatever Scar was it wasn't good.


Dirk removed his hand from Izumi and stood up, feeling very weird. He knew that this was a very bad situation, yet the severity of it all didn't seem to hit him. He was not used to the feeling of danger and vulnerability. In his zombie form, nothing had ever mattered, and now he had to come to terms with the fact that he was human. Walking over towards October slowly, he pondered how to handle this situation, if she was that worried, it seemed to be a very bad turn of events. "Hey, perhaps that was all She wanted, maybe we won't see anymore of her,," He tried to comfort October, crouching down to her level
October looked over at Dirk and nodded "Maybe you're right." She pulled her arms off her face, and slowly brushed the hair out of her face. "We'll deal with her if and when the time comes." She didn't believe a word she was saying, but she didn't want to worry about it now. "did you want me to teach you magicks?" She looked up at him, at least maybe training him they will be ready if something happens.

October looked over at Dirk and nodded "Maybe you're right." She pulled her arms off her face, and slowly brushed the hair out of her face. "We'll deal with her if and when the time comes." She didn't believe a word she was saying, but she didn't want to worry about it now. "did you want me to teach you magicks?" She looked up at him, at least maybe training him they will be ready if something happens.


Dirk glanced at Izumi, then back to October. "Now isn't the time to teach me magick, you know that" he stated calmly "You're much too stressed out and worried, I can tell. We're going to take the girl back to civilization, then worry about things afterwards" Already the panic was starting to spread to him, but he kept it hidden the best he could. "Cmon now, lets get going" he took her hand firmly and stood up, pulling her with him "I never realized how Cold I used to feel until came across you"

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