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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Shikoku nodded "I can, and as a favor to October I will do it." She grabbed him and pushed him down in the center of the circle. she didn't care if it hurt, she didn't like his tone, and didn't trust him. Shikoku put her hand on his head, her eyes turned all white and she started chanting in a dead language. October took a step back out of the circle, she grabbed a bag, and was sprinkling what looked like black salt around the circle she stood waiting. Shikoku put her hand out in the direction of October, she was magically pulled into the circle, and pushed on her knees. Shikoku put her hand on her head as well. Dirk would start feeling pain, real pain, his organs being remade, able to work again, October was on the floor also in pain, her essence her fiber of being was being remade, Shikoku had to link them in a way there essence was being tied both changing both in different ways. The spell was over and both Dirk and October would be lying on the floor, different, one man human, and one women..?


((if you didn't want the spell to work, feel free to say so.))
Shikoku nodded "I can, and as a favor to October I will do it." She grabbed him and pushed him down in the center of the circle. she didn't care if it hurt, she didn't like his tone, and didn't trust him. Shikoku put her hand on his head, her eyes turned all white and she started chanting in a dead language. October took a step back out of the circle, she grabbed a bag, and was sprinkling what looked like black salt around the circle she stood waiting. Shikoku put her hand out in the direction of October, she was magically pulled into the circle, and pushed on her knees. Shikoku put her hand on her head as well. Dirk would start feeling pain, real pain, his organs being remade, able to work again, October was on the floor also in pain, her essence her fiber of being was being remade, Shikoku had to link them in a way there essence was being tied both changing both in different ways. The spell was over and both Dirk and October would be lying on the floor, different, one man human, and one women..?


((if you didn't want the spell to work, feel free to say so.))

(I'm pretty flexible with my RPs. What exactly is the side effect of this spell? Dirk didn't become a female, did he?)
(I'm pretty flexible with my RPs. What exactly is the side effect of this spell? Dirk didn't become a female, did he?)

((haha no side effect, is with October, she didn't ask to be in the spell she gets to become a Goddess, as well. it's not really a bad side effect lol, if you wanna create your own side effect fill free))
Shikoku nodded "I can, and as a favor to October I will do it." She grabbed him and pushed him down in the center of the circle. she didn't care if it hurt, she didn't like his tone, and didn't trust him. Shikoku put her hand on his head, her eyes turned all white and she started chanting in a dead language. October took a step back out of the circle, she grabbed a bag, and was sprinkling what looked like black salt around the circle she stood waiting. Shikoku put her hand out in the direction of October, she was magically pulled into the circle, and pushed on her knees. Shikoku put her hand on her head as well. Dirk would start feeling pain, real pain, his organs being remade, able to work again, October was on the floor also in pain, her essence her fiber of being was being remade, Shikoku had to link them in a way there essence was being tied both changing both in different ways. The spell was over and both Dirk and October would be lying on the floor, different, one man human, and one women..?


((if you didn't want the spell to work, feel free to say so.))

Normally, he would've resisted any sort of physical force, but for this occasion, he stayed still where he was positioned. "I'm ready,," He stated, staring up at the sky continuously as the process began. "Oh shit!" he exclaimed, clenching his fists when the pain began. He hadn't Felt Anything in a long time, and now he felt unprepared. "Holy,," He gasped, now passing out from the agony. When it was all over, he laid still on the floor, face growing tan slowly and his hair becoming brown.
October laid flat on the floor, he back starting to burn it felt like it was on fire. Her eyes opened, they were pure white. She stood up, she was holding her shoulder. "What did you do Shikoku?"

Shikoku shrugged "you knew there would be consequences." 

October had a beam of black energy come off her, she got black wings, they came out of her back where it felt like it was on fire. "what am I?"

Shikoku smiled. "a vampire Goddess."

October laid flat on the floor, he back starting to burn it felt like it was on fire. Her eyes opened, they were pure white. She stood up, she was holding her shoulder. "What did you do Shikoku?"

Shikoku shrugged "you knew there would be consequences."

October had a beam of black energy come off her, she got black wings, they came out of her back where it felt like it was on fire. "what am I?"

Shikoku smiled. "a vampire Goddess."


Dirk stirred, then he slowly blinked his green eyes as he stared up at the sky. "Huh?" Everything began to focus as he woke up completely. Sitting up, he glanced around with confusion, then noticed October "Hey, what happened?" he looked up at Shikoku, then he curiously placed his hand on one of her wings.
"A Goddess?" October said confused and surprised. "does this mean..?" she paused almost seeming hopeful. "how?"

Shikoku smiled. "what he had was supernatural power, I transformed his power in powers for the taking, I couldn't set them free so I put them in you."

October looked back at her wings realizing the possibilities, she rolled her shoulders back and her wings disappeared. She looked down at her hands feeling the power flowing. She looked over at Dirk with a smile. "How do you feel?"

"A Goddess?" October said confused and surprised. "does this mean..?" she paused almost seeming hopeful. "how?"

Shikoku smiled. "what he had was supernatural power, I transformed his power in powers for the taking, I couldn't set them free so I put them in you."

October looked back at her wings realizing the possibilities, she rolled her shoulders back and her wings disappeared. She looked down at her hands feeling the power flowing. She looked over at Dirk with a smile. "How do you feel?"


Dirk gave a grin, his eyes lighting up with joy as he replied enthusiastically "I feel,,human!" he slowly stood up, realizing how much he had missed his senses. "I'm alive!" he looked over at Shikoku "You were legit! That was incredible! I gotta keep your number handy!"
Shikoku smiled "well October has power like mine so all you need to do is stick close to her."

October---"Shikoku before you go I need to ask you about Izumi." 

"Izumi?" Shikoku said, "I haven't heard that name in awhile. I thought she died." she closed her eyes, "her timeline is changing someone is messing with it. A red haired girl."

Shikoku smiled "well October has power like mine so all you need to do is stick close to her."

October---"Shikoku before you go I need to ask you about Izumi."

"Izumi?" Shikoku said, "I haven't heard that name in awhile. I thought she died." she closed her eyes, "her timeline is changing someone is messing with it. A red haired girl."


Dirk straitened himself and stretched his arms, like he was finally free. Reaching into his belt, he pulled out his knife. Placing the blade inside his hand, he sliced it across his skin and cringed in pain. Holding his hand up, Dirk  watched the blood drip down his arm "I'm alive,," he muttered, as if mesmerized. Nothing else seemed to matter anymore, as he was caught up in his own world "To hell with Izumi,,," he swiped up some of the blood on his finger
October looked over at Dirk. "Excuse me?" She faced him with a look of anger, she looked at his hand and the knife. "Izumi needs saving just like you did, just in a different way." 

Shikoku looked up at the sky, it was almost daybreak.. "I'm sorry I can't stay October, but now you have a way to always contact me." She smiled and waved at her old friend, as she disappeared. "be safe, and use the power wisely"

October looked over at Dirk. "Excuse me?" She faced him with a look of anger, she looked at his hand and the knife. "Izumi needs saving just like you did, just in a different way."

Shikoku looked up at the sky, it was almost daybreak.. "I'm sorry I can't stay October, but now you have a way to always contact me." She smiled and waved at her old friend, as she disappeared. "be safe, and use the power wisely"


Dirk put the knife away, watching Shikoku leave. "Think about it, you're more powerful then before" he explained, taking a step towards October "Izumi is no longer a threat towards you, why not just move on and have fun in life? That's my plan, and you should come along. Forget anything else"
"she was never a threat towards me." she said stressing the word me. "She's a threat to others and herself. I want to help her." She looked at him and tilted her head. "I'm still not alive remember? and since when do you have a plan?" October raised her hand making all the supplies from the spell disappear, there was no more circle, she wanted to test her power so she figured she may as well clean her courtyard with it.

"she was never a threat towards me." she said stressing the word me. "She's a threat to others and herself. I want to help her." She looked at him and tilted her head. "I'm still not alive remember? and since when do you have a plan?" October raised her hand making all the supplies from the spell disappear, there was no more circle, she wanted to test her power so she figured she may as well clean her courtyard with it.


"Then why worry about something that doesn't concern you?" Dirk stated, watching all of the supplies disappear "And yeah, I don't have a plan" he gave a shrug "Why, do you have any suggestions?"
"Have you never wanted to help someone just out of kindness?" October asked with concern in her voice. "my plan is to find Izumi help her and figure out how she's connected to the the girl without a corporeal body." 

"Have you never wanted to help someone just out of kindness?" October asked with concern in her voice. "my plan is to find Izumi help her and figure out how she's connected to the the girl without a corporeal body." 


"nothing is ever free, you should know that" he stated, a sly smile on his face "I have no real reason to help that vampire girl" he stepped back "I'm going to the village, I hope you don't expect me to help you in your little mission"
"She's not a vampire, she's human, just like you." she was a bit upset, she felt like all he cared about was becoming human, he used her. "how do you know you won't get into your old habits, and end up undead like you were before?" She was a bit sassy but she wanted to get through to him. "You were all curious about the red head before but now your human you're all care free. Now that your human you realize your more in danger. Blood is life and demons, vampires, wolfs, everything you can think of is out there and we aren't always nice." She was getting a bit rude, but it's true once you know about the supernatural world, it's hard to walk away from it. "That other vampire you met how do you know he won't use you for a snack now that you're alive, or worse kill you? He reeked of fresh blood."

"She's not a vampire, she's human, just like you." she was a bit upset, she felt like all he cared about was becoming human, he used her. "how do you know you won't get into your old habits, and end up undead like you were before?" She was a bit sassy but she wanted to get through to him. "You were all curious about the red head before but now your human you're all care free. Now that your human you realize your more in danger. Blood is life and demons, vampires, wolfs, everything you can think of is out there and we aren't always nice." She was getting a bit rude, but it's true once you know about the supernatural world, it's hard to walk away from it. "That other vampire you met how do you know he won't use you for a snack now that you're alive, or worse kill you? He reeked of fresh blood."


dirk rubbed his chin, now realizing exactly how vulnerable he really was. This was the consequence of being human. "but I could run away, get to the human world and stay there, forget about,,,," he paused, realizing that he would no longer forget "so I guess you're really the only person standing between me and hungry creatures..."
"human world? What exactly do you consider the human world?" She laughed "demons are all around everywhere. I'm not saying you have to stick around but you should learn something to protect yourself just in case." She took a deep breathe and turned away, she hated the 'tough love' thing she was doing, but he was finally understanding. She didn't want him to stick around just for her to be his bodyguard, they were talking she thought they were friends. It's been awhile since she had a friend. She just wanted someone to talk to. She shook her head still with her back to him. She wasn't sure what she should do.

"human world? What exactly do you consider the human world?" She laughed "demons are all around everywhere. I'm not saying you have to stick around but you should learn something to protect yourself just in case." She took a deep breathe and turned away, she hated the 'tough love' thing she was doing, but he was finally understanding. She didn't want him to stick around just for her to be his bodyguard, they were talking she thought they were friends. It's been awhile since she had a friend. She just wanted someone to talk to. She shook her head still with her back to him. She wasn't sure what she should do.


"so there's no escaping it!" Dirk stated "I'm a survivor, I know my limitations, I can adjust and ready myself. I'm aware that it's a danger, I've accepted that!" He glanced over at the forest, then he walked up behind October "but I'm not going anywhere. I've been so tunnel visioned recently, I can't let that mind set consume me" he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder "I'm done being selfish, let's stick together"
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October put her hand on his and smiled as she turned around to face him. "thank you! I can teach you magicks if you want to protect yourself. Since you had supernatural in you, you should be able to adapt to the craft." She shook her head "I mean it's up to, I understand if you don't want to learn." She felt awkward, for some reason she kept feeling like she had to choose her words, and that she wasn't saying the right thing. She wasn't used to speaking much, no one to ever speak to but it still seemed out of place.

October put her hand on his and smiled as she turned around to face him. "thank you! I can teach you magicks if you want to protect yourself. Since you had supernatural in you, you should be able to adapt to the craft." She shook her head "I mean it's up to, I understand if you don't want to learn." She felt awkward, for some reason she kept feeling like she had to choose her words, and that she wasn't saying the right thing. She wasn't used to speaking much, no one to ever speak to but it still seemed out of place.


"I'm very much used to surviving on my own physical prowess" Dirk replied, a sly smile now forming on his face "But I would like to learn a few defensive spells" He held onto her hand and pulled her towards the forest "After I go find a bite to eat, I need human food, and you will show me where I can find such things, right? There is so much to look forward to, I can guarantee that"
October smiled "I can take you to town, but I can't recommend any food items." She gave a small laugh "You'll have to figure out what food is good on your own." She looked down at her hand in his, the warmth of his hand, it feel nice in her cool hand, she hadn't felt something like that in awhile. She was used to the dark and cold. "I imagine you must be starving. There is one thing I can do now that I have magicks again." She gave a smirk and grabbed his other hand. "Hold on tight, this might make you dizzy if it's your first time." In an instant they were teleported to town, the ride only took a second, but it has been described to put people's stomachs in knots.

October smiled "I can take you to town, but I can't recommend any food items." She gave a small laugh "You'll have to figure out what food is good on your own." She looked down at her hand in his, the warmth of his hand, it feel nice in her cool hand, she hadn't felt something like that in awhile. She was used to the dark and cold. "I imagine you must be starving. There is one thing I can do now that I have magicks again." She gave a smirk and grabbed his other hand. "Hold on tight, this might make you dizzy if it's your first time." In an instant they were teleported to town, the ride only took a second, but it has been described to put people's stomachs in knots.


"I've got a strong stomach" he stated firmly "So whatever you think that,," he paused when they teleported to the town. He gave a weak smile and let go of her, then he stumbled towards an alley and threw up. "That was the weirdest thing ever!" he muttered, then wiped his mouth and glanced back at October "Now I'm definitely hungry. This is where I take over, you just need to follow my lead" he hooked his arm around hers confidently and began towards the first bar in sight
October held back a smile, everyone she knew threw up their first teleport. But she was happy to be able to do it again, magicks, it was the one thing she missed the most when she was human. She might be powerfully strong, and fast, but the power of magicks coursing threw her was the thing she craved the most. "You get used to it over time." She gladly took his arm in hers and followed his lead, she was curious of exactly what he had in mind.


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