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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

October nodded "yeah, I didn't trust anyone, not even myself." She looked over noticing Scar had left the bar, she don't know why but she had a feeling they would meet again. "I lashed back on the world, I lashed back n everyone. The thirst for blood was like how you reacted for flesh, except walking by helpless people the urge was just too much."

October nodded "yeah, I didn't trust anyone, not even myself." She looked over noticing Scar had left the bar, she don't know why but she had a feeling they would meet again. "I lashed back on the world, I lashed back n everyone. The thirst for blood was like how you reacted for flesh, except walking by helpless people the urge was just too much."


"People" Dirk set his empty cup down "We seem very much alike, with only a few pivotal differences. If you can master your urges, then so can I. Being over 700, I'm going to Guess that you've got a few hundred years on me, so for now, it all makes Perfect Sense. Just one final question; would you preferred to have stayed human and lived out an ordinary life?"
"hmmm" She shook her head. "no, my life had no meaning. In my time I was a simpleton girl, it's nothing like life is today. If I were human in this year, in this century my answer might be different. But I wouldn't want to go back to my time." she looks down at the goblet of blood, and swirls it around. "besides being a little pale, and not eating solid food what makes me any different now? I'm faster, stronger, and can hear better."

"hmmm" She shook her head. "no, my life had no meaning. In my time I was a simpleton girl, it's nothing like life is today. If I were human in this year, in this century my answer might be different. But I wouldn't want to go back to my time." she looks down at the goblet of blood, and swirls it around. "besides being a little pale, and not eating solid food what makes me any different now? I'm faster, stronger, and can hear better."


"Simple is sometimes good" Dirk stated, standing up "Because now you're a hell of a lot more dangerous then you ever were. With the full moon coming up, and the possibility for me to become human again, You should take that opportunity as well. That I would Highly encourage"
October looked up at him. "you can't save me." She gave a weak smile "I don't have the type of opportunity you have. I can't go back after all the things I've done. Magic always comes with a price, and I can't live with the price I have to pay."

October looked up at him. "you can't save me." She gave a weak smile "I don't have the type of opportunity you have. I can't go back after all the things I've done. Magic always comes with a price, and I can't live with the price I have to pay."


"Never say Never" Dirk simply replied, determination in his voice as placed a little bit of money on the table "You've at least got to Try, promise me that, October"
October didn't comment more on the subject, she didn't know what else to say, she didn't want to make a promise she couldn't keep. Instead, she just moved on. "what is your plan? If you get to be human again, and you know about 'our world' what would you do? How could you just go on being normal?"

October didn't comment more on the subject, she didn't know what else to say, she didn't want to make a promise she couldn't keep. Instead, she just moved on. "what is your plan? If you get to be human again, and you know about 'our world' what would you do? How could you just go on being normal?"


Dirk opened the door and cast a knowing look back at her "You're horrible at changing the subject, not subtle one bit" he stated "Now come on, we need to get moving. I don't have Much of a plan, all I know is that I want to be Alive again"
October blushed it was very noticeable considering how pale she was. She was embarrassed he called her out like that. She got up and followed him out the door. "well let's go work on that shall we." she smiled and walked out the front door. "you might want to start thinking about it."

October blushed it was very noticeable considering how pale she was. She was embarrassed he called her out like that. She got up and followed him out the door. "well let's go work on that shall we." she smiled and walked out the front door. "you might want to start thinking about it."


Dirk pulled an apple out of his pocket and traded it between hands, returning the smile briefly before growing serious again "To taste of this food, that is the first thing I will do. To eat and feel again, that is all I care about. For far too long have I wandered this world lost between the land of the living and the other side. I hope you don't seriously think I've quit trying to convince You, though"
October shook her head. "nothing can convince me to be human again." She looked up at the sky. "We better get going I need enough time to gather supplies if she needs anything." She looked over at the apple, "you know it's been so long I don't remember the taste of food."

October shook her head. "nothing can convince me to be human again." She looked up at the sky. "We better get going I need enough time to gather supplies if she needs anything." She looked over at the apple, "you know it's been so long I don't remember the taste of food."


"Then lets get those supplies, more than enough, this is what I've been waiting for" He stuffed the apple back in his pocket "I've thought of nothing but my hunger for food. And now the time fast approaches. Lead the way"
October started walking back to the forest. "we will be going back to my place. I can get everything we might need there. It's not a far walk from here, it's in a clearing in the forest." She looked over at Dirk as she was walking. "I'm surprised you didn't ask more about what exactly will be happening. I mean magicks get tricky are you nervous?"

October started walking back to the forest. "we will be going back to my place. I can get everything we might need there. It's not a far walk from here, it's in a clearing in the forest." She looked over at Dirk as she was walking. "I'm surprised you didn't ask more about what exactly will be happening. I mean magicks get tricky are you nervous?"


"I'm  not nervous" Dirk replied defensively, as though she had hit the spot perfectly "I know very little about magick, how it works or why it works, I havn't the faintest clue" He had calmed down by now "I trust that, as long as you're there, it will run smoothly, right?"
October nodded "yes, that's the plan. you know maybe you should get into magicks, it can be a good defense for you." She looked back seeing that they were almost there. "You can trust Shikoku, she is a Goddess, she can't do wrong. It's not in her nature."

October nodded "yes, that's the plan. you know maybe you should get into magicks, it can be a good defense for you." She looked back seeing that they were almost there. "You can trust Shikoku, she is a Goddess, she can't do wrong. It's not in her nature."


Dirk let out a laugh, for the first time in a long time "I need worry about defenses After I leave the side of the Undead. You think that I needed to worry about anything up until now? Don't put your luck on it, if I were you"
October shrugged "okay then." coming up in the clearing of the forest you could see a small castle. It wasn't too large, but it was surrounded by trees. "oh here we are." She said while looking up at the castle smiling. "home sweet home."

October shrugged "okay then." coming up in the clearing of the forest you could see a small castle. It wasn't too large, but it was surrounded by trees. "oh here we are." She said while looking up at the castle smiling. "home sweet home."


"Home?" Dirk looked up at the small castle, a little put off by its appearance. "You live here? Carrying on the tradition of Dracula?" Without waiting for her, he moved ahead and put his hands against the doors "It's not booby trapped, is it?"
"I don't sleep in a coffin if that makes you feel any better, and no it's not booby trapped." As you opened the door, it was a vast open floor plan, there were two grand staircases on either side of the room. It was a bit dusty, didn't look like anyone has been here in months, let alone lived here. October walked into the castle, she walked to the right down the hall to the kitchen. "Sorry for the dust it's been awhile since I've been back here."

"I don't sleep in a coffin if that makes you feel any better, and no it's not booby trapped." As you opened the door, it was a vast open floor plan, there were two grand staircases on either side of the room. It was a bit dusty, didn't look like anyone has been here in months, let alone lived here. October walked into the castle, she walked to the right down the hall to the kitchen. "Sorry for the dust it's been awhile since I've been back here."


Dirk looked around at the walls, then over at the stair cases. "A while? Like, a couple hundred years?" he joked, randomly walking up one flight of stairs. He was so intrigued by the castle that he left her to the kitchen, drawn in by his sense of exploration. There was something oddly familiar about being in a place like this, but he couldn't put his finger on it
While October gathered the supplies, Dirk explored, he would notice lots of rooms, a library full of books, mostly magical ones, bedrooms, rooms that were empty.

"fill free to look around"

While October gathered the supplies, Dirk explored, he would notice lots of rooms, a library full of books, mostly magical ones, bedrooms, rooms that were empty.

"fill free to look around"


"You don't need to say that twice,," he muttered quietly, losing himself within the castle as he looked around thoroughly. Finally, he stood at a ledge, looking over the forest. Placing one hand on a random gargoyle, he glanced down at the ground below, then looked over in the direction that the tavern was in "Good vantage point,,," a random thought crossed his mind, but this he decided to keep to himself
October gathered all the supplies they would need, and starting setting up out back in the courtyard. She drew a large circle on the ground and was in the process of putting other symbols and candles around the area. She looked around and stopped now thinking about what Dirk said, what if she became human, she would be able to use magicks again, not just be on borrowed power. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine it, but couldn't she couldn't picture anything but the way it was now.

October gathered all the supplies they would need, and starting setting up out back in the courtyard. She drew a large circle on the ground and was in the process of putting other symbols and candles around the area. She looked around and stopped now thinking about what Dirk said, what if she became human, she would be able to use magicks again, not just be on borrowed power. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine it, but couldn't she couldn't picture anything but the way it was now.


Dirk rubbed his chin, paranoia setting in. "Don't trust her" was what that other vampire said. He looked down at the courtyard silently. "Were you the father?" He began to pace, it was if he had pieces of a puzzle, but was unable to fit it all together yet. All of this was on borrowed trust, and now he began to question himself. "Vampires,," he couldn't recollect much of them, but he knew enough basics to start with. Dirk moved back into the castle, now determined to get himself contingency plan in case she wasn't who she seemed to be. What better place then the tavern? He thought to himself as he snuck out the back, If he was quick enough, he would be able to get the silver knife and return in no time.
October opened her eyes and shook her head, ridding herself of the thoughts. She places candles all around the courtyard and finished with the symbol for Shikoku. "Shikoku hear my call, please come forth when the moon is full." October sat at the edge of the circle meditating, she figured she'd let Dirk explore the castle for awhile. 


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