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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

October took a seat at a table. "these types of places are all over if you know where to look." She motioned for you to sit with her. "demons, vampires, creatures eat here when they don't want to get caught in the real world." 


(( @Yohimitsu dude I'm sorry but we understand real life shit comes first)) 

Dirk cautiously took a seat in front of her "So I'm one of them, still hard to think of it that way, guess I'm just not used to places like this. Just until the full moon, then I will be able to rejoin human society"
October nodded "that is the plan yes" the waiter came up to them...

Waiter: "October nice to see you again. I see you have a friend. Its nice to actually see you with someone." she smiled and was bit overexcited. "what can I get you two?"

October smiled looking up at her not really one for chit chat.  "glass of O- with a splash of AB+ " she looked over at Dirk not sure if he knew how to order. 

October nodded "that is the plan yes" the waiter came up to them...

Waiter: "October nice to see you again. I see you have a friend. Its nice to actually see you with someone." she smiled and was bit overexcited. "what can I get you two?"

October smiled looking up at her not really one for chit chat.  "glass of O- with a splash of AB+ " she looked over at Dirk not sure if he knew how to order. 


Dirk looked up at the waiter, then back towards October, starting to make sense of the restaurant finally. "Calm your heels there, I've heard how vampires are about that Red Stuff" He teased, then gave the waiter a serious look "Hey, uh,,,could I have some Vodka maybe? I'm sure you have a very wide selection here, right? I just want your strongest alcohol"
The waiter nodded giving him a weird look, then back at October, and walked away to get their order. 

October looked at Dirk and chuckled.  "are you nervous?" she looked around "you know I brought you here so you can eat. You must be starving." 

The waiter nodded giving him a weird look, then back at October, and walked away to get their order. 

October looked at Dirk and chuckled.  "are you nervous?" she looked around "you know I brought you here so you can eat. You must be starving." 


dirk shifted in his seat, as he was still unaccustomed to the supernatural world, and he knew that the waiter knew. "well, maybe nervous, yes" he admitted to October "this just takes some adjustment is all. I guess I'm just following your lead"
October shook her head. "I ordered food for myself. Blood is what I live off of. It's my food." she looked around "look aruond you, there may not be a lot of people here, but they all live off something. Humans live of mainly animals, vampires- blood, and you." she paused for a moment. "Well, you live off flesh, human. trust me when I say it's not a weird request here."

The waiter came back dropping off their drinks, October's was in a large goblet, and Dirk's was in a small glass. "Here ya go." she smiled dropping off their drinks. "Anything else I can get you?"

October shook her head. "I ordered food for myself. Blood is what I live off of. It's my food." she looked around "look aruond you, there may not be a lot of people here, but they all live off something. Humans live of mainly animals, vampires- blood, and you." she paused for a moment. "Well, you live off flesh, human. trust me when I say it's not a weird request here."

The waiter came back dropping off their drinks, October's was in a large goblet, and Dirk's was in a small glass. "Here ya go." she smiled dropping off their drinks. "Anything else I can get you?"


"It's an ugly fact" Dirk muttered quietly, then looked up at the Waiter. "Could I,,uh,," his eyes glanced around nervously "If I could just order some meat? but, well, human meat? And,,raw, uncooked. You have that,,right?"
The waiter held her tray against her body? "OHHH, newbie huh?" she laughed "I'm sorry, it's nothing to be ashamed about. anything here, we're a safe zone." she pointed to a sign on the wall. "supernatural beings come here for sanctuary, no fights, no issues, place of peace. I'll be back with your food." she stopped realizing she was talking a lot and walked off.

October took a drink of the blood, it was warm, and brought a little color to her face, didn't look as pale, it was awhile since last time she had blood. She closed her eyes savoring the taste.

The waiter held her tray against her body? "OHHH, newbie huh?" she laughed "I'm sorry, it's nothing to be ashamed about. anything here, we're a safe zone." she pointed to a sign on the wall. "supernatural beings come here for sanctuary, no fights, no issues, place of peace. I'll be back with your food." she stopped realizing she was talking a lot and walked off.

October took a drink of the blood, it was warm, and brought a little color to her face, didn't look as pale, it was awhile since last time she had blood. She closed her eyes savoring the taste.


Dirk gave a half smile at the waitress, starting to feel more comfortable "Yeah, I'm new, but don't expect me to become a Regular" he stated with a stronger sense of confidence, then watched her leave. He wondered what her deal was, vampire? or something else? It was an interesting guessing game for him to look around and try to figure who was what, since nobody was just a regular human. "Huh, Newbie, I could've been this way for Hundreds of years for all we know" he scoffed "Maybe I was once a rather well known,," He looked over at October, noticing how drawn in to her drink she was. "Looks like you're in a world of your own. I've never seen you like that..."
Ocotber opened her eyes, looking at him. "Oh I'm sorry" she covered her mouth licking her fang. "it's just been awhile since I had anything to eat." she shook her head realizing he was actually starting to say information about himself. "So sorry if she offended you, she tends to talk a lot." she looked away. "but um you said you might have been well known?" she didn't want to pry but she was curious.

Ocotber opened her eyes, looking at him. "Oh I'm sorry" she covered her mouth licking her fang. "it's just been awhile since I had anything to eat." she shook her head realizing he was actually starting to say information about himself. "So sorry if she offended you, she tends to talk a lot." she looked away. "but um you said you might have been well known?" she didn't want to pry but she was curious.


"Well, you're a vampire, and you do what you do best, what else would I expect?" Dirk shrugged briefly, not taking his eyes off the fangs "I'm just guessing right now, I don't know how long I've been like this, but if it has been a long time, then maybe I was once very familiar with the,,uh,," he glanced around "The,,,supernatural community. There are, of course, so Many possibilities. I mean, nobody Here recognizes me, so I must be new in this area. The Waitress, being as talkative as she is, definitely would have said Something"
October nodded "this is true. but it is easy to hide if you know what your doing." she smirked 

the waiter put a plate in front of him, it didn't look like flesh, it looked like a fancy meal, the plate was decorated, it looked like a regular human meal. "Here ya go made it extra special for ya." she winked "looks like you need a feel for normalcy."

October nodded at her. "thank you" she gave a soft smile as the waiter left. 

October nodded "this is true. but it is easy to hide if you know what your doing." she smirked 

the waiter put a plate in front of him, it didn't look like flesh, it looked like a fancy meal, the plate was decorated, it looked like a regular human meal. "Here ya go made it extra special for ya." she winked "looks like you need a feel for normalcy."

October nodded at her. "thank you" she gave a soft smile as the waiter left. 


"IF you know what you are doing" Dirk clarified, preparing a napkin on the table in front of him as the waiter approached. "The normalcy I do appreciate" he looked up at the waiter "I can't even tell that it's..." He finally stared at his plate, something very different coming over him. In an instant, all restraint and control seemed to leave his entire being. With the fresh food in front of this starving person, he was suddenly snatching it all up in his hands like a wild animal and stuffing it in his mouth. He didn't seem to care about anything else around him, just the meat in front of him. He didn't stop stuffing his face in this fashion until every single bit of it was completely gone.
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October sipped her blood watching him. "I knew it would be a bad idea for you to be around humans, You were way to starved." she shook her head "did you need more to eat? I don't know how much it takes to satisfy your hunger."

October sipped her blood watching him. "I knew it would be a bad idea for you to be around humans, You were way to starved." she shook her head "did you need more to eat? I don't know how much it takes to satisfy your hunger."


Dirk finished the food quickly, as it had only taken him a minute or two. Grabbing the plate, he tossed it aside firmly and demanded "More! I want more! I'm still hungry! Where is the Waiter at?!" His eyes were wide and intense
The waiter looked over at October a little mad. "you didn't...October you know they have control issues." she sighed going into the back and coming back with another plate. "now listen here buddy you eat and be quite, she wasn't as bubbly as before. "I have no problem letting someone here take you outside if you catch my drift." she looked over at October. "handle him or it's your ass."

October sighed hoping it wouldn't come to this, but she knew how tempting food could be. She grabbed the second plate before Dirk could get his hands on it. She pulled it away from him out of his reach. "If you want more, you must keep it down and breathe. Just breathe, don't let the urge consume you."

Dirk reached for the plate, only to have it pulled away from him. He glanced over at the waiter, then back at October. "Breath?" he muttered "Right, just,,breath" He inhaled, attempting at it. "I want it now!" Dirk suddenly exploded, grabbing the table and shoving it aside, then he jumped at October, hands outstretched as he went to wrestle it back from her
waiter---"OCTOBER" her voice was raised.

October stood up the plate still in her hand, she outstretched her other arm to stop him. "breathe Dirk, breathe." she shook her head "please just listen to my voice, remember please." 

waiter---"OCTOBER" her voice was raised.

October stood up the plate still in her hand, she outstretched her other arm to stop him. "breathe Dirk, breathe." she shook her head "please just listen to my voice, remember please." 


Dirk gripped her wrist with one hand and pulled out his knife with the other hand, his eyes dilating. "I.Want.The.Meat.Now!" he exclaimed, pushing forward and trying to slice at her throat "Give me,,remember,,yes,," His eyes darted around, suddenly growing self conscious about what was going on.
October stayed still not scared about the knife. "Dirk have a seat, please. I need to to calm down, breathe, and have a seat." She moved her other hand now attempting to grab the knife while he was disoriented. 

Scar a girl with long bright red hair, she was in dark clothing, she was wearing a cape, sitting in the corner, but Dirk's little outburst made her interested. She turned around on her chair watching them. It wasn't out of place for people to be somewhat secretive in this place, but if you looked around she wasn't the only person staring at them. Scar felt something, she knew she had to keep an eye on him.

October stayed still not scared about the knife. "Dirk have a seat, please. I need to to calm down, breathe, and have a seat." She moved her other hand now attempting to grab the knife while he was disoriented. 

Scar a girl with long bright red hair, she was in dark clothing, she was wearing a cape, sitting in the corner, but Dirk's little outburst made her interested. She turned around on her chair watching them. It wasn't out of place for people to be somewhat secretive in this place, but if you looked around she wasn't the only person staring at them. Scar felt something, she knew she had to keep an eye on him.


Dirk narrowed his eyes, trying with his effort to pull his mind together. He let go of the knife, then backed off, still calming down. "Okay, I've got a grip!" he growled, clenching and unclenching his fists "Just get that food away from me! I can't seem to control myself! I didn't want things to go this way! I had no idea I would lose my shit!" He backed off a little more
October smiled again "it's okay,it happens. Every race, every species, it's sometimes hard to control." she took a step closer "I can help you control it." October looked around the room "if you're done maybe you should sit back down." 

October smiled again "it's okay,it happens. Every race, every species, it's sometimes hard to control." she took a step closer "I can help you control it." October looked around the room "if you're done maybe you should sit back down." 


"Sit back down?!" he exclaimed "Not after this! Now you see why I live in the deep woods! Stuff like this can be avoided!" he suddenly turned and swung the door opened, then quickly moved outside. He immediately let out a sigh of relief, calming down even more
October set the plate down and followed him out the door. She couldn't leave him alone especially since they were at the edge of town, there were humans around, she didn't want anyone getting hurt. "Dirk wait, please let me help you." She looked around, seeing exactly who was around, and how many people exactly.

October set the plate down and followed him out the door. She couldn't leave him alone especially since they were at the edge of town, there were humans around, she didn't want anyone getting hurt. "Dirk wait, please let me help you." She looked around, seeing exactly who was around, and how many people exactly.


Dirk ignored her as he reached into his jacket with a shaky hand, then pulled out a cigarette and attempted to lite it a few times. Taking a deep breath of smoke, he turned towards October and nodded carefully "I wish I could let you help, but I don't know if I can even trust you" he stated "That guy, he told me that you were trouble, said you were no good. Me? I don't know Who to believe, I just don't Know" He spoke quietly, so that nobody else would listen in on their conversation.
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