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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

"I know you don't know me, but you don't know him either right?" She stood there hoping he would trust her. "Everything I've done since I met you was to help you, I help people it's what I do."

Scar walked out of the restaurant. "you mean like you helped that little witch girl?" Scar leaned against the wall smirking, she wanted to cause drama.

"and who do you think" October turned to look at the voice who just spoke, looking at the girl she could feel something off about her, but she didn't know exactly what it was. "I am saving her"

"I know you don't know me, but you don't know him either right?" She stood there hoping he would trust her. "Everything I've done since I met you was to help you, I help people it's what I do."

Scar walked out of the restaurant. "you mean like you helped that little witch girl?" Scar leaned against the wall smirking, she wanted to cause drama.

"and who do you think" October turned to look at the voice who just spoke, looking at the girl she could feel something off about her, but she didn't know exactly what it was. "I am saving her"


"Well No, I don't know him Either" Dirk realized "Which means that One of you is playing me, but yeah, so far you have been pulling through. But don't think that I can be some sort of Puppet" He paused, then turned and glanced over at Scar, instantly growing embarrassed, he knew that she had witnessed the entire fiasco. "What Little Witch girl?!" he muttered, then glanced over at October "Is she talking about you? Or somebody else? Where is this witch girl? And who is This?!" he jerked his thumb at Scar, now demanding answers
October glared at Scar "I have no idea who she is, I've never met her before."

Scar smirked "true we haven't met, not in this lifetime at least." she walked over to Dirk looking him up and down "so you're the one?" sighs "you don't seem like much. maybe my crystal was wrong." She wasn't making very much sense to them.

October looked at Dirk, realizing he already forgot about Izumi in the forest. "we were having a conversation, you're not apart of it." She looked over at Scar still trying to figure her out, but she wanted her to leave.

October glared at Scar "I have no idea who she is, I've never met her before."

Scar smirked "true we haven't met, not in this lifetime at least." she walked over to Dirk looking him up and down "so you're the one?" sighs "you don't seem like much. maybe my crystal was wrong." She wasn't making very much sense to them.

October looked at Dirk, realizing he already forgot about Izumi in the forest. "we were having a conversation, you're not apart of it." She looked over at Scar still trying to figure her out, but she wanted her to leave.


"The name rings a bell, I'll take your word for it" Dirk muttered in agreement with October, taking the cigarette out of his mouth. By this point, he had simply learned to accept things with a grain of salt. "Looks are deceiving, little red head" Dirk raised his chin "You seem to be under-estimating me. What else does your crystal say about me?" He questioned, trying not to appear interested, though he did see this as a potential opportunity to learn more abut himself and gain more answers
Scar walked around him "you can't be the father, your not alive." she sighed. "you bore me" she turned and headed back to the restaurant. "I will see you around."

October watched her as she walked away. She wanted to go after her, figure out, but she didn't have the time right now. "that was weird" October turned back to Dirk "I have no intention to use you as a puppet.


((okay i need sleep be on later))
Scar walked around him "you can't be the father, your not alive." she sighed. "you bore me" she turned and headed back to the restaurant. "I will see you around."

October watched her as she walked away. She wanted to go after her, figure out, but she didn't have the time right now. "that was weird" October turned back to Dirk "I have no intention to use you as a puppet.


((okay i need sleep be on later))

"the father? I was Once alive" he stated, growing alarmed as he watched scar leave "just you wait,,," he exclaimed, then paused and glanced at October "you haven't a clue what that was about?"
October shook her head "I really have no idea, I've never seen her before." she sniffed the air "I also couldn't tell what she was. There was something very odd about her." she turned back to Dirk, she wanted to straighten things out with him, since he already  brought it up once. "I don't know what that other vampire showed you about me, and I know he's doesn't trust me. But it's not true." She rolled her eyes "I know that sounds cliche, but I am only here to help others.'

October shook her head "I really have no idea, I've never seen her before." she sniffed the air "I also couldn't tell what she was. There was something very odd about her." she turned back to Dirk, she wanted to straighten things out with him, since he already  brought it up once. "I don't know what that other vampire showed you about me, and I know he's doesn't trust me. But it's not true." She rolled her eyes "I know that sounds cliche, but I am only here to help others.'


Dirk was about to move towards the entrance, still intrigued, but then he paused and glanced back at October "So you want me to take your word for it? I mean, yeah, you've pulled through so far, but that's still all I know. I don't know you at all, you're just here. What exactly is your story?"
October smiled "now that can take awhile"  she shook her head "I have no problem telling my story, I have nothing to hide."


"I'm a man who has All the time in the world, it's not like I have anything to do" Dirk replied simply, then he opened the door of the bar and motioned with his arm
October nodded as a thank you for holding the door open. "I will explain if you try to breathe around food in here." she went through the door, the table he threw was back to normal and she took a seat at a table in the back. "so where did you want me to start?" 
October nodded as a thank you for holding the door open. "I will explain if you try to breathe around food in here." she went through the door, the table he threw was back to normal and she took a seat at a table in the back. "so where did you want me to start?"

Dirk sat at the table, surprised that they had fixed everything back up to normal, it was almost as if nothing had ever happened. "I don't plan on ordering anymore Food, I don't want to risk another embarrassing situation" he explained "That being said, How old are you really?"
Hikari~Chan: Hikari~Chan scampers through the forest in kitty form, hearing footsteps. "Why are they here, what do they want?" She thinks. She hides in a cave, thinking she's safe from harm, but the footsteps run closer and closer...

 Hikari Human Form >Nya!.jpe

Hikari Kitty Form >  
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October sighed trying to think. "I lost track exactly awhile ago but I'm over 700 years old." the waiter came back and gave October her usual order of blood without even asking. "I wasn't always a vampire I used to be human, I was a witch when I was alive." 

"Nyaaa!" Hikari would scamper to the other side of the forest, not hearing footsteps anymore. She found a little house and decided to wait near it, as it may have more people like her in it. 
October sighed trying to think. "I lost track exactly awhile ago but I'm over 700 years old." the waiter came back and gave October her usual order of blood without even asking. "I wasn't always a vampire I used to be human, I was a witch when I was alive."


Dirk gasped in surprise "700 plus?! Holy shit, you're old!" He covered his mouth "Well, I didn't mean it that way, of course. So what sort of Magic do you know from your days as a witch?"

(Our characters are at a bar of sorts)
October chuckled "it's quite alright." she sipped her blood and saw that Scar was still in the bar. "I remember everything, I try to help new witches, it's why I was in the forest looking for Izumi to help her out." 

October chuckled "it's quite alright." she sipped her blood and saw that Scar was still in the bar. "I remember everything, I try to help new witches, it's why I was in the forest looking for Izumi to help her out."


"So you're saying that, for seven hundred years, you took on the role of Good Samaritan" Dark muttered "But what about your days as a human witch? How did you use your abilities?"
October thought back "I didn't really do much, I experimented. I couldn't help people without risking my life, witches werent know as being friendly back then, we were sought out and killed." she looked down "that isn't how I died though... 

October thought back "I didn't really do much, I experimented. I couldn't help people without risking my life, witches werent know as being friendly back then, we were sought out and killed." she looked down "that isn't how I died though...


"Oh" A look of understanding crossed Dirks face "You were back in the Dark ages, or something like that. So you must've been hiding a lot" he tilted his head in curiosity "Well, if you don't Mind me asking, how exactly Did you die?"
October slowly looked up it wasn't something she talks about much. "I was on my way home and I was robbed, these men were horrible they beat me and..." she paused not being able to say the rest so she skipped that part. "I was lying in the street I was so badly injured, next thing I knew I woke up a vampire. I don't remember who exactly turned me." she took another drink of blood. "I was alone and had to figure out this whole new world by myself."

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"Nyaaa!" Hikari would scamper to the other side of the forest, not hearing footsteps anymore. She found a little house and decided to wait near it, as it may have more people like her in it. 

Scarecrow got up and walked around for a bit. The lanky creature was easily 7 feet tall, and he barely noticed the tiny cat. He did though and sat down in front of the creature. The scarecrow reached out to pet the cat as if curious about it.
October slowly looked up it wasn't something she talks about much. "I was on my way home and I was robbed, these men were horrible they beat me and..." she paused not being able to say the rest so she skipped that part. "I was lying in the street I was so badly injured, next thing I knew I woke up a vampire. I don't remember who exactly turned me." she took another drink of blood. "I was alone and had to figure out this whole new world by myself."


dirk stirred his glass of vodka as he listened to her story. He quickly looked up at her, a brief moment of horror crossing his face when he understood the gap in her story. Yet another reason he stayed away from 'civilization' "so you were in my situation once,,," he muttered, that being ask he could say at the moment.
October nodded "yes, and with no one to help me understand it took many years to figure everything out. I did some awful things in my time. Some I regret, some I don't but without guidance it was a hard couple of years. It's why I like helping people now, I don't want people to go through what I did." 

October nodded "yes, and with no one to help me understand it took many years to figure everything out. I did some awful things in my time. Some I regret, some I don't but without guidance it was a hard couple of years. It's why I like helping people now, I don't want people to go through what I did."


"The lust for blood probably brought you to do some horrible things" Dirk mused "Though, if I had been you, I wouldn't have trusted Anybody after that, would have wanted to lash back out at the world"

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