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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

October held back a smile, everyone she knew threw up their first teleport. But she was happy to be able to do it again, magicks, it was the one thing she missed the most when she was human. She might be powerfully strong, and fast, but the power of magicks coursing threw her was the thing she craved the most. "You get used to it over time." She gladly took his arm in hers and followed his lead, she was curious of exactly what he had in mind.


As they drew closer towards  the bar, Dirk picked up the pace, even slightly shaking with the anticipation build up. It had been so long that he had lived in constant hunger, and now he was finally able to do something about it. "Or use those wings of yours, it seems that teleportation is not agreeable with me" he suggested, opening the door and stepping inside. Now he felt at home, "Cmon, hurry up, over here" he insisted, practically dragging her to the nearest table
October sat with him at the table. She looked around the bar "what type of food will you be ordering first?" October felt a little out of place, she was at a human bar, there was nothing there for her. She thought about it for a moment and realized that will be normal now that she's friends with a human, so she better get used to it. 

October sat with him at the table. She looked around the bar "what type of food will you be ordering first?" October felt a little out of place, she was at a human bar, there was nothing there for her. She thought about it for a moment and realized that will be normal now that she's friends with a human, so she better get used to it.


"Well,," Dirk began, then paused "That's a good question,," he glanced up and waived the waiter over "What's the special today?"

"The cheesestake burger" The waiter replied "Is that what you would like today?"

"Yeah, and get me a beer while you're at it" Dirk explained, then he turned towards October "I suppose none of this human food is desirable for you"
October looked at the waiter "I'll take a glass of red wine please." she smiled softly and turned to dark "no, solid food doesn't agree with me. I can however still drink, just the full taste doesn't always come though." 

October looked at the waiter "I'll take a glass of red wine please." she smiled softly and turned to dark "no, solid food doesn't agree with me. I can however still drink, just the full taste doesn't always come though." 


dirk rested his elbows on the table "don't you miss being human? If you could change things now to be like me" he lifted an eyebrow "wouldn't you do it?
October shook her head. "no, the only thing I missed about being human was the magicks  and now thanks to you I have more power than I ever could as a human." She looked around "as a human I was weak, helpless, and couldn't comprehend the world."  she shook her head "I could never go back to that." 

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October shook her head. "no, the only thing I missed about being human was the magicks  and now thanks to you I have more power than I ever could as a human." She looked around "as a human I was weak, helpless, and couldn't comprehend the world."  she shook her head "I could never go back to that."


"So you actually enjoy being a vampire, being something unhuman,," Dirk mused, confused by the idea. It seemed that they handled the world of supernatural differently. It was at that very moment that his food showed up "If you'll excuse me, this is my time" he stated, before beginning his consumption eagerly
October giggled at how eager he was over the food. She drank her wine and sat there in silence while he enjoyed his food. She looked down at her wine glass, wondering what others tasted when they drank it. 

October giggled at how eager he was over the food. She drank her wine and sat there in silence while he enjoyed his food. She looked down at her wine glass, wondering what others tasted when they drank it.


Dirk ate like a savage, just like a starving man would. This was the moment he had been waiting for, and now it was here. As he finished the meal and sat back, he sipped from the beer and gave a sigh of content "To be honest, even if I died tomorrow, I would go happy"
October shook her head "oh no, after all that I can't let you die in a day." she laughed, there had to be other things you missed besides a sandwich." She drank the wine. "food was really the only thing you missed about being human?" 

October shook her head "oh no, after all that I can't let you die in a day." she laughed, there had to be other things you missed besides a sandwich." She drank the wine. "food was really the only thing you missed about being human?"


Dirk finished his beer slowly, then he set the cup down and leaned forward "You're joking" he smirked "Of course there's more to it than food" He handed the silverware to the waiter "Being able to drink and quench that undying thirst. being able to feel the warmth of the sunlight on your skin" he glanced out the window "To have a clear mind, where my memories stay for good" Dirk held up his hand and carefully examined the scar "To feel pain, and pleasure,,," he lowered his hand and glanced at her.
October looked down at her pale hand, even though she could walk in sunlight she didn't feel it.  "I understand the memory part, but to me that isn't an issue." she took her hand and cut it with just her nail, letting it bleed. "as far as pain this doesn't hurt, I can feel pain but not like humans do. So I have no reason to want to be human." 

October looked down at her pale hand, even though she could walk in sunlight she didn't feel it.  "I understand the memory part, but to me that isn't an issue." she took her hand and cut it with just her nail, letting it bleed. "as far as pain this doesn't hurt, I can feel pain but not like humans do. So I have no reason to want to be human."


"Well it's different. being a zombie vs being a vampire, they are Not the same" Dirk narrowed his eyes "I wish I had been a vampire instead of just undead. To be Empty all the time is a sort of hell, something I would never want to go back to. Personally, though, I would still much rather be a human then anything else, so many things I took for granted before.." he ordered another beer "You could say that I'm splurging on Life right now"
"you never truly miss something until it's gone. That's the saying isn't it?" she shrugged "I wouldn't want to be undead either." she looked around the bar, it was pretty empty "now that you ate will you come with me to find Izumi?" she pulled a flute out of the sleeve of her dress, it was hidden before she closed her eyes and opened them they were white she was doing a locater spell looking for her. "I know where she is." she said as her eyes changed back to normal. 

"you never truly miss something until it's gone. That's the saying isn't it?" she shrugged "I wouldn't want to be undead either." she looked around the bar, it was pretty empty "now that you ate will you come with me to find Izumi?" she pulled a flute out of the sleeve of her dress, it was hidden before she closed her eyes and opened them they were white she was doing a locater spell looking for her. "I know where she is." she said as her eyes changed back to normal.


"But why now?" Dirk replied "Can't you just sit back for the moment and relax? We can go after Izumi later. Chill out, everybody needs to rewind, right? What's the hurry?" he finished his drink
She thought about it and couldn't think of any reason why they wouldn't do it now. They had nothing to do, Dirk already ate, what else is there. The only thing she could figure was he wanted to do something else he missed while being undead, so she nodded "okay then what do you propose we do instead?" 

She thought about it and couldn't think of any reason why they wouldn't do it now. They had nothing to do, Dirk already ate, what else is there. The only thing she could figure was he wanted to do something else he missed while being undead, so she nodded "okay then what do you propose we do instead?"


Dirk leaned back and let out a quiet chuckle. "You got me there, I guess we can go find Izumi now, but only on one condition; you teach me whatever magick I want to learn"
October thought about it. Didn't she already offer to teach him magick? She dint think about the word 'whatever type'. So she smiled at him, "of course" she stood up ready to go but looked at him "is your stomach okay to teleport?" 

October thought about it. Didn't she already offer to teach him magick? She dint think about the word 'whatever type'. So she smiled at him, "of course" she stood up ready to go but looked at him "is your stomach okay to teleport?"


Dirk also stood, though now he hesitated "My stomach is full, if that gives you any idea how that would work out" he opened the door "I want to hold on to my dinner, October, so no, I'm Not ready to teleport quite yet"
October heard the little bit of sass in his voice and laughed. "it does get easier I promise." she started to walk out of the restaurant. "either way she's in the forest not to far from where she was the last time we saw her." 

October heard the little bit of sass in his voice and laughed. "it does get easier I promise." she started to walk out of the restaurant. "either way she's in the forest not to far from where she was the last time we saw her."


"Well I'm not about to test that out on a full stomach" Dirk replied, following her "So here's what we're going to do" His eyes lit up with an idea "You are going to grow those magnificent wings of yours and Fly us there, because they aren't just for show, right?"
October took a deep breathe "no they're not just for show." she paused thinking about it.  "but I've  never had wings before." She warned.  "I'm willing to try but I haven't gotten to test it out yet." 

October took a deep breathe "no they're not just for show." she paused thinking about it.  "but I've  never had wings before." She warned.  "I'm willing to try but I haven't gotten to test it out yet."


"Of course, this is your First time,,,being a vampire goddess" Dirk stated, feeling self conscious when saying such an outlandish statement "I'm sure it'll work out, lets give it a shot, Right Now"
October smiled and grabbed his hand dragging him to an alleyway. She couldn't just pull out her wings in front of everyone. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and her large black wings came out. She took a few minutes to make sure she had control. Moving the left wing independently then the right one. She nodded thinking she was ready and could do it. "Okay I should be prepared. Are you ready?" 

October smiled and grabbed his hand dragging him to an alleyway. She couldn't just pull out her wings in front of everyone. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and her large black wings came out. She took a few minutes to make sure she had control. Moving the left wing independently then the right one. She nodded thinking she was ready and could do it. "Okay I should be prepared. Are you ready?"


"As ready as I think I am" Dirk replied, having done his best to keep up with her. Now he could feel a spark of excitement as he anticipated the flight. "Just Don't let go, it's the sudden landing that hurts" he reminded her, then suddenly took both her hands firmly

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