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Fantasy Franzia Highschool:School for the supernatural.

((Hey, me too, totally fine (: ))a

Zizi couldn't breathe. "You... you killed him?"

Instantly her new dragonic senses told her what she was, even though she already knew. But her memory flashed, mixing with reality. Clarissa's whimpering became growls and snarls, and it was then Zizi remembered the knife in her boot. Clarissa didn't move, but when she stood on her feet, Zizi, for lack of a better word, freaked.

She fled, jumping completely over the werewolf and skidding to a awkward half-fall before picking up speed again. She ran, because in her mind, Clarissa wasn't there to apologize.

She was there to finish the job.

Pazen's screams followed her, almost pushing her forward. She looked behind her to see if Clarissa was following, and when she looked back she collided through Ally and into Casper. Without giving Casper an explanation she bolted from them, twisting down random hallways until she was completely alone, her cloak billowing out from behind her.

Casper looked at Ally, his shining. "Well what would the fun be if I told you all of my secrets?" He asked the ghost. "I'm more secretive. I don't let anyone know my backstory. Because backstories are weakness, Al. My parents were killed because they were weak and couldn't defend themselves against the vampires. I vowed never to show weakness... and cowardice doesn't look good on anyone." He laughed. "Well, I might pull it off. But only because my hair allows it to be fabulous."

He watched as Zizi ran off. The vampire arched an eyebrow, hesitant to follow her.​
Allison jumped as the girl ran past them, blinking. She looked at the vampire. "But it's not healthy to bottle up feelings." She tried to tell Cas. The girl frowned slightly. "I'm sorry. About your parents. I'm here." The ghost said softly. "And your hair is fabulous? Have you seen mine?" Ally smiled widely at the boy.
Clarissa howled when zizi left. She trotted out of the room they were in and into where Casper and ally were.she started whimpering and fell to the floor panting. She was still feeling the effects of the transformation. She looked up at Casper and whimpered looking back to where zizi fled. She shakily stop back up just to fall again. She needed to get to zizi to protect this girl from everything else out there but rissie was to tired to even move.she whimpered and barked. When she couldn't take the pain anymore she let the wolf take some control and she changed back to normal. She looked at the ghost and the vampire before collapsing to the floor passed out.
Casper groaned. "I don't need anyone to be there for me." He said, standing up. "And yes, yes your hair is fabulous." He rolled his eyes before walking after the dragon. "I don't need anyone to tell me what to do with my feelings." The vampire hissed. "If I want to bottle them up, I'll do just that." He said, sighing. "Burdens are the worst, I like that you care about me. But caring won't fix the past, Al." Cas headed after Ziz, but came to a halt when he saw Clarissa pass out.

"You say you don't need it, Casper. But I can tell that you do. You can only hold back for a certain amount of time before you slowly kill yourself. You can't protect others when you can't even protect yourself" Ally whispered, before turning to the passed out girl. She floated over, a put a hand to the werewolf's cheek. She looked up at the vampire. "Grab a wet wash clothe, I'll watch over her." She said worriedly.
It was dark and gloomy where she was, but for whatever reason, Zizi blinked and the room she was in was filled with orangish light.

She sat in a corner, away from the doorway, and huddled in her cloak. Pieces started to fit, why Clarissa got so angry at first, and then decided to make her sympathize by appearing depressed and alone. She just waited for Alice and Casper to leave so she could get her alone. The tears must have been fake.

Oh skies above... What if Casper and Alice were in on it? What if she only removed the spell to get Zizi to show her real identity?

She ran her hands through her hair, pushing her hood off. Where was that strange light coming from? There wasn't a window or candle or lightswitch in sight. She tried to distract herself from the harsh truths, by trying to find its source.

Anxiously her hand went to her wrist, feeling for the bracelet. Instead she felt smooth scales. Zizi gasped, flinging her wrist to get whatever creature was on her off.

But there was nothing on her. It was her scales that she was feeling. With shaky breaths she pushed her sleeve up, revealing more and more copper scales. Spotting a mirror at the front of the room, Zizi pushed her way through the empty desks. Apparently she was in some sort of unused classroom, one that hadn't seen the light of day in a long, long time. Now that Zizi was looking at it, cobwebs covered the corners of everything, heavy with dust. And where there wasn't cobwebs, there was dust, so thick it almost looked like fine sand.

She made her way over to the mirror, and gasped.

Her eyes were bright orange, glowing in the darkness. She blinked, the orange light disappearing from the room. She was left with her orange eyes, not glowing anymore, and a nearly pitchblack room. She blinked again, the orange light returning, her eyes beginning to glow once more.

So she made the orange light. What other abilities came with being a dragon?

Being a dragon, of course, she thought. But how do I... turn?

Zizi tensed, hearing footsteps. SHe immediately crawled under a dusty desk, huddling in fear.
Clarissa fluttered her eyelids not feeling much pain anymore but still very tired. She looked up to see the ghost hovering over her with a worried expression on her face. Clarissa's eyes were back to their normal electric blue eyes. She shakily stood up and looked at the girl with frantic eyes. "Where did Nelina go?"She asked frantically. She realized she didn't change all the way back she still had her ears and her canines were still piercing her lips. She listened and smelled for the dragon girl. She needed to explain she didn't want to harm her she wanted to help her.
Allison was helping the passed out girl, her eyes fluttering when she woke up. "She went that way." The ghost slowly pointed towards the hallway. Ally told the newly awoken girl with a soft smile.
Clarissa smiled back at the little girl. "Thank you. For helping me too"She took off running the way the little girl showed. She ran till she got to a dark corridor. She smelled around for anything. She smelt Nelina. And began walking. The only problem was that there was another smell that kept confusing her. She walked past some doors looking for any sign that the girl was here.
Zizi was beginning to wonder how big she would be if she needed to turn, to defend herself. Pazen was always huge when he turned, a magnificent green dragon. Now that she thought about it, he always had green eyes that were much more green than they should have been, and once, they even glowed. It must be a dragon thing.

She heard heavy breathing, and huddled even further under the desk. Pazen never taught her how to become a dragon. And now, thanks to this werewolf, he never would.

Zizi grabbed her knife, staring at it curiously. Pazen had claimed that it had come from her parents, but she saw him buy it from a pawn shop in Vegas. It was serrated on both sides, and as long as her thigh. Could she kill Clarissa? She deserved to die, for what she did to Pazen. But Zizi was no killer.

Was she? Would she kill for her brother?

Pazen's dead, she thought viciously. He's not here because of her.

Controlling her fear, Zizi stood. She held the knife in one hand, and walked towards the doorway, standing at it's left, planning to ambush her.

"Clarissa!" She called. "Come and find me, you killer!"

She had never felt this angry before. But the more she thought about it, the more angrier she got. She had been orphaned. Pazen was all she had left, and Clarissa took that away from her. She felt a sudden pull in her gut, but she ignored it. Clarissa deserved to die. It was only Zizi's mercy that would make it a quick death.
"Clarissa!Come find me you killer!" Clarissa heard. Clarissa was going to have to fight she already knew it. "Nalina I'm not gonna hurt you. Just like i didnt mean to kill pazen. It was my first change I couldnt stop the monster. I was only seven Nalina I had no control over what I was doing."She said trying convince nelina. She let her claws come out a little so she could be ready. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness so she could see everything just like if it was day. "Please come out so I can talk to you."
"Why were you in a motel then!" Zizi shouted back. "Why did you go to some place where you knew you could hurt someone? No, you knew he was there. You wanted to hurt us, like everyone else! You're a liar!"

Zizi held the knife in a offensive position, just like Pazen had taught her. And he had taught her well.
Clarissa heard these words and yelled."I was seven years old!I had no where to go I was abandoned in the woods! I wanted safety I wanted someone to stay with. He offered me a place when I was wondering around town after getting attacked by the same monsters that I am. Then by your people! I was alone and a lost little girl. Please wont you listen to me I dont want to hurt you if I wanted to I would've back then. But I didn't I ran and I cried and I cried. I'm a murder and a monster. If you want to hurt me then come do it. Kill me! I dont care I'm just a monster. I have no one because no one cared about me."Clarissa said crying.
"I cared!" Zizi shouted back. "I thought you were my friend. But Pazen was the kindest monster in the world, and you... I thought you understood." Angry tears choked her throat as Clarissa's words echoed in the dark hallways. She knew exactly what she was talking about. They had been the same age, with the same predicament. A monster in a human world.

But she took Pazen from her. Pazen, the best monster she had ever known. A dragon who thought there was good in everyone. Her words rang true; Pazen would have easily offered her a place to stay. Anyone, no matter how bad, and he would give them the clothes off his back. For no other reason other than he was kind.

And what had kindness got him? Death.

Another pull in her gut, this time far stronger than the last. Zizi hissed, dropping her knife in surprise. What was happening?

Alice would know, right? Wouldn't she know about these things?

But she had to deal with Clarissa. She was convinced that the werewolf was either telling the truth, or lying. But either one would make the self preservation come out in her the moment Zizi slashed with her knife. And then she would have an out of control werewolf on her tail.

But I'm ready, Zizi thought, regripping the knife. I'm so ready for this.
{Hey there, guys! I've been looking at this thread, and I think it looks pretty cool. Would you mind if I joined?}
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Two teens walked to the entrance of the school. Both of the guys looked tired, or rather warn out, from the run they took this morning. The first one they'd had in a while.

Jay appeared more tired than the shorter, wide awake werewolf that walked beside him. He scanned the exterior of the gothic-styled school with drowsy eyes, marking it in his memory as to not forget it. A deep sigh from his side caught his attention, diverting it from the school to his brother, Soren. Soren looked like he was on high alert, his light green eyes darting around nervously. It was obvious why: Jay knew Soren was always nervous around other people, especially 'monsters', which this school was full of. Jay rolled his own odd-shaded eyes slightly and placed his right arm onto Soren's shoulders, cupping the top of his head of dark curls,"Chill out, Soren. Everything will be Fine."

Soren didn't say anything at first. He simply looked up at Jay with a blank expression. Was it that obvious? A familiar scent tickled at his nostrils and he wiggled his nose,"I smell other wolves..." He was nervous, but doubted anyone here would try to hurt him for no reason. he just didn't trust them. There was no reason to yet.

"Other wolves? C'mon, You didn't seriously expect to be the only werewolf did you?" Jay replied, raising a brow as he paused his steps, causing Soren to stop too.

Soren shook his head in response. No, he had just never met another werewolf. Smelling their scents and following their tracks was something he always did. It shouldn't bother him so much. Besides, how different could werewolves be from a Dremora? Soren thought to himself, sneaking a glimpse at the back of Jay's neck where the moon-shaped birthmark was stained dark on his skin.

Jay whipped back around to face the school, letting go of Soren with a pat on his head, and continued to walk until he made it to the main entrance of the building. He reached a hand out and opened the door, waiting for Soren to catch up. This place did reek of other supernatural creatures, but he had yet to smell a witch among the different scents. This eased him quite a bit. "Hurry up, sloth."

Sloth. A term Jay often used towards Soren for various reasons. It was rather insulting, sometimes. Soren rolled his eyes and followed after him into the school.

When they got inside, they wandered around a bit. By that time, they already realized that they had missed one or two classes. So, they decided to head back outside and have a check around the woods.

Soren sat his bookbag down under a tree next to Jay's and transformed into his wolf. Its easier for him to look around like this. Which he immediately started looking around, heading deeper to get a look at and memorize the woods with its various scents.

Jay stayed put in the tree above their bags. He still had a few hours until he could fully transform again, which he bit at his nails in waiting. His self-instructed task was to listen up for the next bell. Though, he would much rather be a wolf forever than sit there patiently. Nevertheless, he wouldn't leave Soren hanging by his claws in a new environment. He knew how his little brother was and, blood or not, he wouldn't do that. Anyone else, on the other hand, he would in a heart beat.

After a little while, a sharp and loud whistle shrieked from his lips. A signal he used to rush or call Soren. Now, he waited for the bell, listening to the woods and the ruckus of the school grounds whilst the sounds of Soren trudging around in the leaves behind him echoed around.

(Ohhhh that was longer than I expected...))
Chloe was bored in her doorm room, so she decided to go on a walk in the woods alone. when she got there she sat down on the ground against a tree. Then she started thinking about her parents, she hasn't seen them in years. She thought how they went missing a couple years ago and never came back, but the fact that they never paid very much attention to her and left her out sometimes, made her snap out of her thoughts and feel something hot and wet on her cheeks. Chloe felt her cheeks. " No, I can't be crying now. I haven't cried ever since my parents left me." she thought just as she thought she relised how strong she was all this time, all the feelings and emotion she kept in for so long just exploded into a mental breakdown and found her self crying her eyes out, by herself, with no one to help her, no parents to make her feel safe anymore, she was just crying all alone.....
A low bark-like sound rang in Jay's ears from below, knocking him from his thoughts. He looked down from the branch to see Soren looking up at him with his paws pressed against the tree. "What?", Jay asked with a slightly agitated tone. The werewolf dropped onto all fours and gestured into the woods with his pointed ears erect. "Did you find something?" He continued to guess. It was hard to communicate with him like this.

Soren didn't know what to do to get him to follow him, and after trying for a few minutes, he simply never minded it and followed the sound alone. Yes, what he had been inspecting was a sound. Almost like weeping. Coming from somewhere in the woods. He was quiet with his steps as he neared the source of the sound, peeking his head over a tangled mess of underbrush and bushes. From what Soren could see, it was actually someone crying, and he hadn't been noticed yet. The wolf stayed put, his ears moving with the sounds. He was curious as to why this person was crying, but he didn't want to draw attention to himself as he might scare the girl off. So he didn't move voluntarily, just watched and listened. Is it normal for people to go crying in the woods? What if it's a trap? No, no, I doubt it's anything like that.
chloe had this disturbing feeling that someone was watching her, so she looked around with tear stained cheeks. And was kind of scared. She was so scared that she was shaking uncontrollably.
UltraFomi said:
{Hey there, guys! I've been looking at this thread, and I think it looks pretty cool. Would you mind if I joined?}
Go ahead :)


Magni said:
A low bark-like sound rang in Jay's ears from below, knocking him from his thoughts. He looked down from the branch to see Soren looking up at him with his paws pressed against the tree. "What?", Jay asked with a slightly agitated tone. The werewolf dropped onto all fours and gestured into the woods with his pointed ears erect. "Did you find something?" He continued to guess. It was hard to communicate with him like this.
Soren didn't know what to do to get him to follow him, and after trying for a few minutes, he simply never minded it and followed the sound alone. Yes, what he had been inspecting was a sound. Almost like weeping. Coming from somewhere in the woods. He was quiet with his steps as he neared the source of the sound, peeking his head over a tangled mess of underbrush and bushes. From what Soren could see, it was actually someone crying, and he hadn't been noticed yet. The wolf stayed put, his ears moving with the sounds. He was curious as to why this person was crying, but he didn't want to draw attention to himself as he might scare the girl off. So he didn't move voluntarily, just watched and listened. Is it normal for people to go crying in the woods? What if it's a trap? No, no, I doubt it's anything like that.
(Was this for me when I was little or now?)

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