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Fantasy Franzia Highschool:School for the supernatural.

Hannah looked at him and smiled. "Demons dont sleep and if they do its to blend in with other creatures and humans. If they do dream though its of hell."
((Heads up. RPing was so much fun with you guys! Thanks for giving me this opportunity. Shoot me a message if you have an RP and need more people :) I think I'm going to murder Zizi, partly because Ms. Shy and Quiet is getting annoying to play, and partly because I can't be on as much. I may or may not make a new character (Would this be okay with you @DreamCatcher99 ?) But I'll be signing off. Hope you guys remember Zizi fondly!))

Zizi got up at the sound of the knocking at the wooden door. Who wanted to come to her dormitory on such a night?

Thinking it was Clarissa or Alice, Zizi wrapped her cloak around her and opened the door. It flung open, the storm forcing the door to swing wide into the rainy night.

But there was no one there.

"Hello?" Zizi called out into the storm, but the wind picked up. "Hello!"

Skies above, I hope no one's out there, Zizi thought. Not only was it a terrible storm, but there was no room in her dorm for a second person. Zizi turned back, trying with all her might to pull the door shut again. But the storm was strong, much stronger than her.

Her cloak was ripped from her shoulders, as Zizi had forgotten to fasten it. The black cloak flew into the trees and dark sky, quickly becoming invisible in the night. Zizi tried to run after it, knowing it was the last thing Pazen had given her. She thought she saw it, and something catch it out of the air. The creature's back was turned to her as she dashed into the clearing, landing in a puddle. Water splashed everywhere. The gothic castle was close, so much so that there was only a few trees blocking her and the school The rain beat down like fists, plunging into the grass and trees.

"Hey! That's mine!" Zizi shouted, running over to him. The creature's back straightened, becoming at least a foot taller than Zizi. When he turned, his yellow eyes flashed, turning to flames it seemed instead of eyes.

She shouted something, lost to the wind, and the knife plunged into her chest faster than the lightning strike that followed after it.

"Didn't I always say I'd be your doom?" the haunting voice whispered, and he twisted the knife. Zizi screamed, but wasn't sure which was louder: her or the storm. "Well, doomsday has come. Die you bloodthirsty, insolent filth. May your death be in pain, dragon."

He stabbed the knife further in her chest, and blood choked her throat. Leaving the knife there, the creature dragged her body into the air, while Zizi was barely alive. Her lungs shredded, she couldn't scream. But the pain deepened, and it was only the thought of Pazen that kept her from sinking into the depths of her mind.

Ten feet above the steps of Franzia, with no one around, the man dropped her, and Zizi was dead before her back hit the steps, before her blood mixed with the rain.

The man cast a spell, a warning to all other dragons, though he had spent a hundred years, terminating all of them. They had killed his family, every friend he ever had. Now, he would kill them.

The spell cast words above the treacherous dragon's body.


With that, the man opened his wings and flew away, satisfied that he had cleared the high school of the terrible scourge that was dragonkind.

((Whoo! That was fun. Love you all!))

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