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Fantasy Franzia Highschool:School for the supernatural.

Casper looked at her and nodded. "I know creatures of the night are treated and portrayed horribly. Legends occur. I mean, once a day walker asked me if I sparkled in the sunlight. My ashes might, though." He chuckled. "And that's awesome- not a lot of people would take time out of their day to help others. But you did. And now I don't have to worry about being set on fire."
Ariettie said:
Alice popped up out of fucking no where, and sat down next to Casper. "First day.... Not bad...." She said. Her wings ruffled, as a breeze blew by. "I wish it was calmer, but, who knows..." She popped her back, and smoothed out her blue dress.
Hey, prefer you don't use f word. If you do, use f***. I don't mean to be offensive, but I ask you to respect this.
Vespertide said:
Clarissa must have gone back inside, and so Zizi flew around some more, doing loopty loos and and tricks, before her dragon senses kicked in. She could see into the trees, details she had never seen before. To be a dragon! Ah, it was like nothing else.
Did she have to stay at this school? She had only been here for a day! She sighed, breathing out a little flame as she settled on the turrets of the castle. It was actually quite comfortable, as soon as she found a flat part large enough for her to land. Like a cat she stretched, and her muscles felt sore. How long had she been flying?

The sun was just beginning to fall towards evening. Vaguely she wondered what her newfound friends were doing, and this brought the same question from before: Should she stay?

She found Pazen's killer. She had forgiven Clarissa. There was nothing left for her here but goodbyes and thank yous.

But where would she go? Where would she fit in but here? She knew of no other school, and now she didn't look human. Alice did say she could put the bracelet on again, but now she was convinced that it was, indeed, a trinket. She grinned, baring her sharp teeth. She was free of it, but that brought a whole new set of problems. Like how she was going to blend in when there wasn't very many dragons... anywhere. Not in Franzia High, not in the world.

She sighed. Being supernatural wasn't all fun and games.

Zizi tried turning back, just to see if she could, and found that it was easier for her and much less painful than turning into a dragon had been. She was soon sitting on the rooftop of the gothic castle, her feet dangling over the edge, watching the sun make its descent into the trees.
I got on you back.
Alice shook her head. "My Uncle Alistair is a vampire... When he found me he told me that humans threw rocks at him until he thought he was dead.... His crime: existing..." She sighed heavily. "I don't understand them..."
((Oops. Sorry. Must've missed that post... Let's say I dropped you off, and... yeah... unless you want me to do something else?))
Vespertide said:
Hey, prefer you don't use f word. If you do, use f***. I don't mean to be offensive, but I ask you to respect this.
I apologize, and I won't do it again. I was not awair it would offend you.
Casper nodded. "Well, humans have a... well, humans have a weird mind. They become afraid of something so they instantly want to hurt that creature even if they're innocent."
Hannah looked over at the growling mutt. She knew a hellhound when she saw one. She rolled her eyes and smiled. "Well aren't you just the most adorable thing"She said. She flashed her red eyes at it. "Learn your place mutt I do not appreciate growling."She said darkly.


Vespertide said:
((Oops. Sorry. Must've missed that post... Let's say I dropped you off, and... yeah... unless you want me to do something else?))
We could sit together and talk on the roof I you want.
Alice nodded sadly. "Humans think dark creatures are bad, and their the ones killing innocent creatures..." She felt tears in her eyes. "Humans tortured my best friend.... For no reason other then breathing... She's a nocturnal mermaid... You know, they're enchantresses... They usually eat humans, but she didn't.... That didn't stop them from staking her out to dry in the sun... Only half in the water... Not enough to live... Just enough to torture her to death...."
The hellhound glared at the girl, sniffing at the air. She didn't smell like a human. She smelled like a demon. Growling again, albeit lower, the hellhound approached closer to the demon girl. Continuing to watch the girl, he circled around her, sniffing her more.
Casper hugged her. "I'm sorry about your best friend." He whispered. "People are cruel. I would burn down their villages, but it would be no point. It would only get more supernatural creatures killed and tortured." He said softly. "People have a tendency to act before thinking about the consequences." He told Alice with a small smile in an attempt to cheer her up. "I'm here if you have to talk to someone."
Hannah watched as the hellhound circled her. She glared back at it. "I'm a demon you mutt back off."She said. Her wings folded in so she wouldn't frighten people. Not like she cared if she did but it was the only way the other demons would let her out of hell. Horrible place really but sadly it was home.
Alice smiled, and nodded. "And you know I'm here if you ever need to talk..." She put one hand on the boy's shoulder, before making a large arching motian with the other. "Annnnything! Okay, Mr. Fabulous?"
Casper smiled, nodding. "Of course, and Mr. Fabulous?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "I like it." The vampire said with a smile. "So tell me about yourself." He told Alice. "Anything."
The hellhound circled all the way around the girl, stopping in front of her. Standing up on its hind legs, it assumed a position that human dog owners called 'begging'. Standing like this, the hellhound's fiery eyes were level with the demon girl's. It leaned close to her face and sniffed her one last time, before it went back down on all fours and trotted away. After a few steps, the hellhound disappeared in a flash of fire, being replaced with what appeared to be a human boy.

"I'm not a mutt," he said quietly.
Alice thought for a second. "I like rabbets!" She said. "Particularly white ones.... Although, hairs are nice to... But where I come from, hairs get mad really easy... It happens more in the spring... Usually around... Oh, about March I guess...."
Casper nodded. "That is so odd.. not an answer that I was expecting... but definitely an answer I'll accept." He smirked at her, his white fangs shining happily. "And angry hares? Are you sure they aren't demonic hares?"
Alice shook her head, and said, "No! Not angry, mad! You know mad... Off their rocker, Missing their marbles, Coo-coo bananas. You know what I'm talking about! They like to hang out with this werewolf friend of mine... Uncle Alistair says he's insane, and that he's a bad influence on me, but he makes good tea, and tells stories, so I don't mind! He also let's me wear his hat!"
Hannah wasnt expecting to hear that."I like the name. I use it when I don't know their names. So what's you name pup."She said looking him in the eyes.
Casper put a hand to his head in realization. He felt stupid. "Yes. Okay. I got it. And don't werewolves usually eat rabbits?" The vampire asked. "And the insane always do tell the best stories." He joked. "I'm sure he's a lovely person."
"My name is Jun," he replied, blowing a strand of white hair out of his face. "And I'm not a pup either," he mumbled.
Alice shook her head again. "He doesn't like the way the hairs taste... Says it's not buttery enough.... I told him to add butter next time, but he can't find his butter knife and if he uses the bread knife, he'll get crumbs in the butter..."
Casper laughed slightly. "The issues some people have." He smiled. "Sanity is like a tissue. It is easily ripped and ruined and once it is - I fear that it never can be replaced." The vampire said. "So... I have a feeling that the werewolf will be searching for his butter knife for a long while." He didn't say it to sound mean. "But, honestly... that guy must have party written all over him."
Alice shrugged, and said, "He get's kind of wild at tea parties... He once let a human have a tea party with us... Oh, but that was centuries ago.... He was a good guest though... Didn't mind the company... He was one of the few Day Walkers who I let in the forest... I don't regret it! He was nice!"
Casper nodded, listening. "You had a tea party with a human?" He thought it sounded weird when Alice said it but he thought it sounded even weirder when he repeated it. "And it went well? The human didn't try to kill everyone?"

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