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Fantasy Franzia Highschool:School for the supernatural.

Soren froze when she started looking around. The ears on his head fell back when he realized he was being noticed slowly. He quietly backed up, moving from her line of sight as he backed away. The last thing he wanted was to startle someone already. Soren inched backwards, ever so slowly making his way back to Jay. This low pace came to a halt when he heard the familiar sound of his brother whistling again. Jay must've been growing impatient, and he had asked him to accompany him. Geeze. I forget he is so serious.
(( I didn't get any previous notifications. >.< What the heck is wrong with my thing? Did I miss anything? o>o ))

Casper got up, excusing himself from the ghost to walk down a set of stairs. The sound of howling filled his ears from every direction. The vampire sighed, and heading towards the entrance of the building. The sun was bright- but with the spell that the fairy had set on him he was all good. Grabbing his bag of stuff, he headed into the courtyard - scanning the castle walls like they were an open canvas.
Right. Thanks for letting me join! =D

Oh, this is so exciting! Vespertide recommended I join it.

A few questions, though.

1.) How long ago did the school year start?

2.) How exactly are humans blocked from entering the school? Is it just a bunch of wards and barriers?

3.) Where is the school? I don't mean latitude and longitude--that's just boring. I mean, what's its surroundings? Big forest? Next to a Fae maincity? Abandoned island?

4.) What does the school look like? I heard someone mention it's a gigantic castle. Is that true?

5.) Are there any school rules?

6.) Could I get a list of a person's name with the monster they are, or will I have to keep switching back and forth between the RP page and the Character page?

7.) What's the current moon phase?

8.) Spring, Winter, Summer, or Autumn right now?

9.) How many characters am I allowed to make?

10.) How long should a typical post be?

11.) How long has this school been around?

12.) Is Franzia High School the official name, or is that just the nickname? Is it something
waaay longer like Sr. McDellis Franzia the Great's High School of Magic and Beyond?

13.) How are students enrolled?

14.) What are schedules like? How many classes a day?

15.) How long is lunch?

16.) How does the mortal realm differ from this one? Like, are the nights longer? Does time pass faster here? Are there certain plants that only exist here? Or are they not different realms at all?

17.) How does a student get enrolled?

18.) What would it take to get expelled?

19.) Any special events that happen on school grounds? Say, an assembly, a trial, some sort of obstacle course or initiation ritual?

20.) Is there a dungeon in the basement, and if so, how do we get to it?

21.) If the mortal and magic realms are different, where is this school in the mortal realm? Or, better yet, how do you get to the school if you're in the human world?

22.) Leading with the previous question, if there is a different human and magic realm, how do you travel between the two?

23.) How big is the school?

24.) Is there a pool? A big one?

25.) Where are the dorms?

26.) Could you make a map of the school? Or at least describe where the areas are?

27.) Does the school provide lunch, or do students have to bring their own?

28.) Any famous stories/rumors about the school? Like, how a mysterious wraith had once attended but went mad with grief after losing his father in the war and ended up haunting the school?

Wow. I had more than I thought I did. That's . . . a lot of questions. Anyway, if you could answer all of those, that'd be fantastic. Or, it doesn't only have to be you, DreamCatcher99. It could be any of you, so long as you knew the answer. Thanks a million in advance!

Clarissa walked over to the wall and slide down it putting her knees up rest her arms on them."I dont want to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt anyone. I was only seven. I had a family once a mom, dad, even an older brother. They abandoned me in the forest. They said we were going to go camping. I was so excited. I was so stupid that I let them do it to me. We set up camp but I had my own tent. I never had my own tent. Again I was so excited because I thought I was finally big enough to be by myself. I was wrong. In the middle of the night the left me. I woke up as they drove away. I began crying for them to come back. But what was the use. It drew the wolves towards me. I tried to fight back but I couldnt instead I got bit on my thigh and stomach. I ran as fast as I could I'm pretty sure they let me run cause a little girl cant run away from a pack. I laid next to a little lake and cried for my mother and father. Even for Daniel. My brother. They didn't come. I though I was gonna die so I fell asleep. The next day I woke up perfectly fine. Heal with only a few scars to show what had happened. I cried because I hadn't wanted to live I wanted to die. I knew that I wasn't going to so I got up and began to wander around looking for the woods."Clarissa's voice broke and she began to cry her eyes already black for sadness."I found the motel and saw your brother. I was dirty and bloody and your brother saw me and took me in. I had no control that night. Because it was my first change. When youre bit you see your first change is when the full moon comes. Well it was that night. It was my first time and I had no control because I didnt know what was happening. This monster inside killed your brother whole o screamed on the inside for it to stop. I cried telling it that your brother meant us no harm. Then It heard you. I stopped right in time you see. I turned and ran because I knew you were going to kill me and it would take over again. I ran to a lake and was going to try and drown myself but it took over again and kept me from doing so. I wanted to die so badly but instead I grew up. I lived and now I will remember his screams while he was dying. I dream about it non stop and havent had a good dream sense. I became cold and cruel. I hated everything and everyone. I went off for the tinniest of things. No body got close to me because of it. I dont want to fight you. If you want me to die then so be it kill me now if not come out and lets talk."She said softly but still letting the other girl hear her.
Little did Zizi or Clarissa realize that they were on opposite sides of the same wall.

The knife lowered, and Zizi sank to the floor, listening to Clarissa's story. Her gut pulled again, but she ignored it, completely shocked. No one would fake a story like that. No one.

Which left only one possibility.

That Clarissa was telling the truth.

When she finished, there were tears in Zizi's eyes. She understood Clarissa so much, and empathy for her filled her from the bottom of her heart.

"I hated wolves," Zizi whispered. "I thought for so long that every creature was out to get me. One after another, it was the same. But Pazen was always there, getting me out of trouble." She laughed sadly, remembering the troubles she would get herself into. "But that night he died, he... I don't know. He was always so trusting, you know? Kindest soul you'd ever meet. But... I just never considered it from your perspective. He was trying to get you to calm down, wasn't he? To get yourself under control?"

Her stomach twisted painfully, and this time, Zizi groaned because of it. "That's Pazen for you. Always..." she moaned in pain, doubling over.
Clarissa heard Nelinas moans. They were coming from behind her. She stood up and kicked the door down. "Zizi!"She said frantically. she ran to the girl tears still in her eyes. "Nelina.what is wrong"She said. She thought to her self. God you are stupid how is she supposed to know."She pulled the girl in her lap and howled for help. Someone would have to come.
"It hurts," Zizi moaned. "I think... Unngh..."

She let Clarissa pull her in close, appreciating the comfort. Furiously she tried to think, because she knew Clarissa wouldn't know what to do. Alice had cast the spell... And she got the scales... the eyes to match.

But why golden scales and eyes? Was that what her dragon form would look like?

Her back arched in painfully, and this time, iit felt like it was moving. But not like twisting. More like... lengthening.

Oh skies above. She was turning.

"Clarissa, get me..." she moaned before the next wave of pain hit her. "Outside. Now."
UltraFomi said:
Right. Thanks for letting me join! =D
Oh, this is so exciting! Vespertide recommended I join it.

A few questions, though.

1.) How long ago did the school year start?

2.) How exactly are humans blocked from entering the school? Is it just a bunch of wards and barriers?

3.) Where is the school? I don't mean latitude and longitude--that's just boring. I mean, what's its surroundings? Big forest? Next to a Fae maincity? Abandoned island?

4.) What does the school look like? I heard someone mention it's a gigantic castle. Is that true?

5.) Are there any school rules?

6.) Could I get a list of a person's name with the monster they are, or will I have to keep switching back and forth between the RP page and the Character page?

7.) What's the current moon phase?

8.) Spring, Winter, Summer, or Autumn right now?

9.) How many characters am I allowed to make?

10.) How long should a typical post be?

11.) How long has this school been around?

12.) Is Franzia High School the official name, or is that just the nickname? Is it something
waaay longer like Sr. McDellis Franzia the Great's High School of Magic and Beyond?

13.) How are students enrolled?

14.) What are schedules like? How many classes a day?

15.) How long is lunch?

16.) How does the mortal realm differ from this one? Like, are the nights longer? Does time pass faster here? Are there certain plants that only exist here? Or are they not different realms at all?

17.) How does a student get enrolled?

18.) What would it take to get expelled?

19.) Any special events that happen on school grounds? Say, an assembly, a trial, some sort of obstacle course or initiation ritual?

20.) Is there a dungeon in the basement, and if so, how do we get to it?

21.) If the mortal and magic realms are different, where is this school in the mortal realm? Or, better yet, how do you get to the school if you're in the human world?

22.) Leading with the previous question, if there is a different human and magic realm, how do you travel between the two?

23.) How big is the school?

24.) Is there a pool? A big one?

25.) Where are the dorms?

26.) Could you make a map of the school? Or at least describe where the areas are?

27.) Does the school provide lunch, or do students have to bring their own?

28.) Any famous stories/rumors about the school? Like, how a mysterious wraith had once attended but went mad with grief after losing his father in the war and ended up haunting the school?

Wow. I had more than I thought I did. That's . . . a lot of questions. Anyway, if you could answer all of those, that'd be fantastic. Or, it doesn't only have to be you, DreamCatcher99. It could be any of you, so long as you knew the answer. Thanks a million in advance!

(1)this is the first day. I know seems a bit dramatic but alot had happened.

2)yes if you have ever read "The Mortal Instruments"Then it is the wards the use to guard the glass city. They are powered by some angel magic and cannot be seen by humans if a human tries to walk to the school they will be teleported to the other side and they will be a little dazed and confused but nothing major happens. So humans are accepted to the school but it is only if they know of the supernatural world. They have been given something that allows them to go through the gards

3)The school is located in a big forest. There are lakes for creatures such as the mer people.

4)yes it is a beautiful gothic style castle.(Kinda looks a little like Hogwarts)

5)I mean its the normal highschool rules except the put a major thing to fighting out of the sparring class.

6)I can try to give you a list and If I miss anyone in sorry.




•Alice-Night fairy


•Kylie-Dream fairy

•I'm sorry I forgot the mermans name

•chloe-Winter fairy

•Amber-fire fox demon

•I haven't checked any of the new people but ill be sure to accept them

7)I'm not sure this matters but ill say the half moon


9)ill allow four if that's fine.

10)doesn't matter. The longer the better I like to read. But it always depends on your ideas

11)for 300 years or more they didn't keep recods that far back

12)itd Franzia school for the supernatural.

13)they are usually united but some are enrolled through the head master.

14)8 a day plus lunch.

15)Thirty minutes to an hour

16)there aren't different realms

17)you asked that already

18)fighting. Like I said that is major and they expell you and wont let any other school take you in

19)they have obstacle courses sometimes but rarely. The have assembly's but its usually for sparring seeing as they don't have many sports

20)sure if you want there to be. I mean it is a castle.if you want one you can come up with how to get in.

21)I dont understand this one

22)no there isn't.

23)pretty big. Its a huge castle able to hold two thousand people

24)yes there is we have a swim team also

25)they are located a little ways from the school closer to the edge of the forest

26)I cant do that sorry the corridors are so confusing in my head. I can tell you the gym and the library are close though

27)it provides lunch. Usually nice stuff like steak. You can usually order from them and they will make it.

28)there is a ghost that haunts this school. She was killed in a fight which is why they don't allow it. She is a human that knows of the supernatural world.

If that's all you need thank you and I'm happy to help sorry for not being able to answer everything though:))


UltraFomi said:
Wait. Do I just jump right in? Do I have your permission, DreamCatcher99?
Yes you do have my permission just jump right in. I hope the answer to my questions help you :)

Clarissa looks at the girl."Clarissa get me outside now"She said. Clarissa understood. She grabbed the girl and carried her out side she wasn't that heavy thanks to Carissa's werewolf strength. She put her down carefully understanding what was happening. She was changing.
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Zizi screamed, but it wasn't heard by Clarissa or anyone else. This scream came from inside her body, as her organs shifted around, her spine and legs extending and changing. Orange light surrounded her, and to anyone passing by, it would have looked like a bright ball of golden light had suddenly appeared in the forest.

She must have blacked out, but she came to in a second. Instantly she thought of Clarissa, and with a dreadfull thought assumed that she had lost control. Had she?

No. Clarissa was standing beneath her, far beneath her, watching her carefully. How did... Why was she so small?

And then she felt her wings.

She extended them, and they were absolutely beautiful in Zizi's eyes.


"Clarissa!" She cried, her voice sounding much more deep but still having a youthful sound to it. "I have wings!"
Clarissa couldn't help it she smiled at the dragon girl. "Yes you do and hey are beautiful."She said back to her. "Just be careful with them dont want people getting hurt!"She yelled back up to the girl.
Zizi laughed, and then remembered the first thing Pazen did when he turned. Triumphantly she pointed her finned head towards the sky and roared, as loud as she could. It could be heard for miles, and echoed everywhere. Her wings stretched themselves, and with a wily grin Zizi crouched, her back claws digging into the ground. With all her muscles tensed, she leaped into the air, the orange wings catching the air and shooting her upwards. This was, of course, before Zizi remembered that she didn't know how to fly.

But for whatever reason, it came naturally to her. Like taking a breath of air.

Speaking of breath... Zizi thought mischievously. She took a deep breath, feeling fire in her belly, and spewed it forth, the fire harmless hitting one of the castle's turrets. Zizi laughed and flew around the castle, very clearly enjoying herself. Oh, to fly! She hadn't flown since she was little.

And Clarissa hadn't flown at all. How to land...

She found the same clearing that Clarissa was in and touched down, gathering air beneath her cupped wings as she slowly descended. Like a baby spider knows how to spin a web, a baby dragon knows how to fly.

She touched one of her wings to the ground, like a platform. "Wanna fly with me?"
{OoC: DreamCatcher, you've been wonderful! I'm so sorry I put you through that gigantic task of answering all those questions. =)

You were perfect. Now, this is me, jumping right in!}

Chandre fingered the note in his palm again.

The evening was cool, the last rays of sun ducking behind the canopy of the forest around him. Overhead, thick, dark clouds blanketed the sky, threatening rain, and he knew that it wouldn't be long before a large storm would brew up. Beneath his robes, he shivered slightly as a chilling breeze passed through.

"Come on!" he shouted, clenching his fists and crushing the note. "I've been out here for hours! You idiots forgot to put down your wards, and now I'm stuck!"

Directly in front of him was an incredibly large abandoned warehouse--or so it appeared to him. According to his father, this place was supposed to be a high school of some sorts for magical creatures. Now, he didn't know much about schools, but he did know that they weren't typically hosted in, well, abandoned warehouses. Or, at least he hoped they weren't.

In growing frustration, his mouth screwed down into a tight light, and he began to pace in front of the building. Again. He'd already made a small trodden-path where he'd been walking. What was he supposed to do? They obviously couldn't hear him, or they'd have come to open to him. Unless they could, in which case they were just being jerks. A storm was about to hit, a big one, and he needed to get indoors as fast as possible, otherwise his spellbook would get drenched from the rain and ruined. He couldn't have that happen.

Of course, his father had explicitly suggested he attend
this school. It couldn't have been some other school, oh, no. It had to be the only school that actually prevented humans from going to it.

A bright flash suddenly illuminated the dark area, startling him. He held his breath, tentatively checking around him for rain. He waited. No drops seemed to be falling--which was great. Following the lightning came the ear-splitting crack that shocked him more than the flash had. It sounded like an avalanche tumbling down a hill. Still slightly shaken, he tried to focus on getting into the school.

"Let me in!"

His patience was growing thin; you could only yell at an empty building for so long. He finally kicked the front metal door in some wild attempt to break through. Where his foot made contact, he saw a faint burst of red light--the ward acting up--and begin spreading across the walls in a fast wave, as if someone had dropped a stone in a pond. It didn't seem to do anything. Just like all his other failed attempts at disarming it. Sighing, he leaned against the wall, feeling an invisible force stop him from actually touching the warehouse wall.
Father, why did you send me to a school that won't even let me in?

Word Count: 468

{Whoa. Okay, that ended up being way longer than I anticipated. Anybody else hating the long response? I'll cut them down, if you like.}
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Clarissa looked at the dragon and smiled. She wanted her to fly. Clarissa had never flown before. Maybe she will get the same thrill of her hunting. "Yes id love to"she shouted up to her. She grabbed one of the scales on the Ing and climbed up. She got to the top and smiled even bigger. "Lets go Zizi time for some flying."She said excitedly
(Clarissa was the one who killed nilinas brother. And nelina and her made up and now she is turned into a dragon.anyone else wanna add they can)
(I guess.)

Hannah was walking down the street. She wasn't able to get in like the other creatures who swarmed to the school. No she had to get in like the the humans. She got to the place where she was supposed to go. The storm coming since she has been here. She heard something. Like a person screaming.

"Let me in!"They yelled. She guessed it was a human trying to get in. She went into the shadows which was easy for seeing as she was a demon in black clothing. Her only problem were her bright red eyes which always stood out. She watched this boy as he paced. When she finally had enough of his whining at the door she walked out and smiled. "Hello there"She said grinning menacingly.

Clarissa must have gone back inside, and so Zizi flew around some more, doing loopty loos and and tricks, before her dragon senses kicked in. She could see into the trees, details she had never seen before. To be a dragon! Ah, it was like nothing else.

Did she have to stay at this school? She had only been here for a day! She sighed, breathing out a little flame as she settled on the turrets of the castle. It was actually quite comfortable, as soon as she found a flat part large enough for her to land. Like a cat she stretched, and her muscles felt sore. How long had she been flying?

The sun was just beginning to fall towards evening. Vaguely she wondered what her newfound friends were doing, and this brought the same question from before: Should she stay?

She found Pazen's killer. She had forgiven Clarissa. There was nothing left for her here but goodbyes and thank yous.

But where would she go? Where would she fit in but here? She knew of no other school, and now she didn't look human. Alice did say she could put the bracelet on again, but now she was convinced that it was, indeed, a trinket. She grinned, baring her sharp teeth. She was free of it, but that brought a whole new set of problems. Like how she was going to blend in when there wasn't very many dragons... anywhere. Not in Franzia High, not in the world.

She sighed. Being supernatural wasn't all fun and games.

Zizi tried turning back, just to see if she could, and found that it was easier for her and much less painful than turning into a dragon had been. She was soon sitting on the rooftop of the gothic castle, her feet dangling over the edge, watching the sun make its descent into the trees.
(Soooo I'm just gonna throw Jun in now)

In a burst of flame, a large hound appeared out of nowhere. Definitely not a normal hound, this once had coal-black skin that appeared to be the consistency of stone, and it had large, sharp claws and fangs. This stone-like skin was not its defining feature however. Its defining feature were the fearsome flames that emanated from its skin, sizzling with every raindrop. Looking around, it was pleased to discover that it had arrived at its destination. It then noticed the two beings in front of it. With a deep, rumbling growl, the hellhound stalked forwards, leaving a trail of flaming paw prints behind it.

@DreamCatcher99 @UltraFomi
Casper still sat in the courtyard, flipping through a book that he had brought with him. He could see the dragon above him, and he could note that multiple people were entering the castle. Kicking back with a sigh, the vampire supported his legs by leaving them on the unused table. The boy ducked subconsciously so that he fit into the shadow of the umbrella that was on the table. Not sure what to do, the vampire decided to glance at the words on the page. He read them but he didn't really focus on them. The day was dragging out and tiring him. The first day surely was something.

Alice popped up out of f*cking no where, and sat down next to Casper. "First day.... Not bad...." She said. Her wings ruffled, as a breeze blew by. "I wish it was calmer, but, who knows..." She popped her back, and smoothed out her blue dress.
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Casper dropped his book on the floor as the fairy seemed to pop out of nowhere. He leaned over, picking it up and brushing it off. "First day? Well I have mixed feelings." He said honestly. "I can't recall what just happened. It happened so quickly." He chuckled, looking at her. "And as much as we wish it was calmer... heaven knows that would never happen." He pulled his hair back behind his ear. "Thank you once more. For making this possible." He told her, motioning to the sun.
Alice smiled, glad to have helped. "Any time! It's kind of what I do... Ever since I was cast away for being a dark creature, I've helped other creatures of the night... I saw how humans and other Day Walkers treated them... It still sickens me..."

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