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Fantasy Franzia Highschool:School for the supernatural.

"Not the butt?" Casper teased with a chuckle. "I don't know if I can abide by that rule." He joked before slowly breaking the hug. "And I am fabulous.. I mean, I didn't wake up with this silky and perfect hair... okay, I totally did. But that's not the point." He winked charmingly. "Actually, it totally was the point. We all can't be as fabulous as me."

Zizi backed away, the togetherness and touchy feelies getting to be a bit much for her. But the understanding look in both of their eyes... It was exactly what she needed. They were all monsters in the human world--things of the dark, spoken of in children's tales as horrible creatures that stole souls and destroyed lives. But here, with these two... "Monsters we may be," she whispered, "But no one said monsters couldn't be friends, too." She sighed. "Do your spell, Alice. I'm tired of being afraid."
Clarissa felt the blood of the man run down her snout. She heard his bones crunch and his body spasm as he died. She could hear his sister screaming at her to stop still to afraid to come stop the wolf herself. Clarissa wanted to stop she did but she had no control over this. She's telling her wolf to stop that this man had been good to them and that he had a family something they couldnt have. The wolf paid no attention to her. She growled and let go of the body. She turned towards the girl with blood matting her fur together. She looked at the girl with hungry black eyes. When Clarissa grabbed ahold of the control she looked at the girl with sad guilty eyes and turned and ran. She got to a lake and cleaned herself off. She changed back and began to cry. She slept there that night not caring if she died. If this was what it was like to be a monster she hated it. She wished she would die but everytime she almost did her wolf would take over and stop her.

Clarissa woke up and howled loudly probably so loud most could hear. She ran to the school remembering the girl for the first time. She walked in the school still in her wolf form. Her eyes black and her growling. People stayed away or came outside to look at her. She still had a lot of blood in her fur not being able to wash it out good. She howled again.

(Sorry if it was to gruesome for anyone but its what came to me)
Alice nodded, and took a deep breath, before taking Zizi's hands in her own. She focused all her energy into Zizi, to take the bond off her soul. A dark fog of magic, surrounded the two of them, a the dark magic keeping Zizi human was slowly drawn out of her.
Casper watched from the edge of the room, looking at the two girls before peering out the window. A wolf was outside. He wrinkled his nose and stuck his head back in. Most vampires were never really fond of werewolves. The vampire turned back, and looked at Zizi and Alice with wonder as the process took place.

DreamCatcher99 said:
Clarissa felt the blood of the man run down her snout. She heard his bones crunch and his body spasm as he died. She could hear his sister screaming at her to stop still to afraid to come stop the wolf herself. Clarissa wanted to stop she did but she had no control over this. She's telling her wolf to stop that this man had been good to them and that he had a family something they couldnt have. The wolf paid no attention to her. She growled and let go of the body. She turned towards the girl with blood matting her fur together. She looked at the girl with hungry black eyes. When Clarissa grabbed ahold of the control she looked at the girl with sad guilty eyes and turned and ran. She got to a lake and cleaned herself off. She changed back and began to cry. She slept there that night not caring if she died. If this was what it was like to be a monster she hated it. She wished she would die but everytime she almost did her wolf would take over and stop her.
Clarissa woke up and howled loudly probably so loud most could hear. She ran to the school remembering the girl for the first time. She walked in the school still in her wolf form. Her eyes black and her growling. People stayed away or came outside to look at her. She still had a lot of blood in her fur not being able to wash it out good. She howled again.

(Sorry if it was to gruesome for anyone but its what came to me)
Darling, that was wonderful :)
Zizi felt dizzy, the magic beginning to take effect. Her mind went somewhere else, back to the night where her brother was ripped apart. His screams filled her ears as a burning pain filled her chest.



"Don't stop! GO!"
Pazen shouted, and unwittingly Zizi screamed in the same instant, begging for the wolf to stop, but once the wolf turned, the black eyes upon her...

The pain became intense, and Zizi collapsed, her own scream dying on her lips. Pazen... No...
Alice held tight o Zizi, even as she fell. Alice was in a deep trance, and couldn't be snapped out until she was done. Trying to brake the trance now, could prove fate to both her and Zizi.
Clarissa growled at a fairy that came to close. She listened for her. The girl she was looking for. She looked terrifying blood matting her fur. She walked though the hallways in blind anger. This isn't her she's trying to stop it. Her wolf is controlling her again but Clarissa was stronger now. She had more control than she used to she could keep the wolf from hurting people but not from letting it run. She was looking for something or someone. And this wolf will find them.
Casper decided to lay on the floor, his feet against the wall as he waited for Alice and Zizi to get done. In his view, it was silent and he had no idea what was going on. The walls are a nice color... He thought to himself.

Clarissa howled in pain. She felt someone tug on her tail. She turned quickly growling at them. Her teeth bared and snapping at the girl. She was so small but still she grabbed her tail.
Casper could hear the quarreling below. He sighed, wincing at all the sounds of howls, barks, and growls. It sounded painful. The vampire scavenged through his bag finding a bottle of red spray paint. Slowly he sprayed it on the wall so that it would have a giant red star on it. Oh well.

Clarissa heard something. She quickly turned and ran to the place where she heard it. The door seemed locked so she started scratching at it. She smelt paint and barked at the door. It seemed like the logical choice plus she could smell three people in there. A ugh vampire, a fairy and a... She thinks a dragon. The scent was much stronger than when she first met her. Just the girl she was looking for.
The vampire continued to graffiti on the walls, perking up when he heard the bark. Since Alice and Zizi were still doing their weird little ritual thing. He walked to the door and pushed a few chairs over it. It smells like wet dog. He complained to himself. Brushing off his hands, he added a few more contents in the room to block the door so that the werewolf would have difficulties when opening the door. "Darn... mutts..."

Clarissa heard the chairs being pushed against the door and growled. She changed back to her human form and shook her hair. Her eyes were still black and she still had blood dripping off her from the deer she killed. She knocked on the door. "Bloodsucker I know its you in there please let me in. I mean no harm I need help"She said as convincingly helpless as she could. She really didnt want to hurt anyone.

(I've got no ideas so dont blame me if its bad my mind I so tired)

Casper listened to the wolf, hearing her transform back into her human form. He hesitated, removing one chair from the blockage. "Bloodsucker? Well, of course now I'm just dying to help you." He teased. "Okay... but seriously... what do you need?" The vampire asked, uncertain of what she could ask for. He didn't fully trust the wolf, his genetics pushing him to dislike her.

(( Nah. It's good. ))​
"Sorry harsh words, I just I dont know your name. I need to speak with you just let me in. I promise I wont hurt anyone"Well at least she hopes she promises she's not all the way in control right now. "I understand you dont trust me seeing my genetics but I wasn't born like this. I wasn't made to hate things like you"She realizes that even the words she is saying makes her seem like she is lying but she really isnt.
"Casper. It's Casper, Clarissa." The vampire reminded her, his voice sounding soft. "You won't hurt anyone? I need a vow. The other people in the room are..." He glanced back at them. "Not really in a good position." Casper said. "I know. A few thousand years ago I was a human just like you. But when we're bit or scratched our genetics alter over the years. I'm just worried." He removed another chair. "Why do you need to talk?"

"Nelina" Clarissa said softly. "I vow not to hurt anyone. I need to tell Nelina something when she wakes."Clarissa said tears welling up in her back eyes.She remembered the girl from that night. Her yelling at the monster to stop and her brother telling her to run. It was Nelinas brother. She needed to tell her it was her that killed her brother that she couldn't stop herself. That she had no control.
Casper looked at the door. "You've came to make things right haven't you?" He guessed. "I can tell by how much your voice is wavering that you're sincere and sorry about something." The vampire said. "I fear that she's in an alternate state of mind." He looked down at the floor, combing a hand through his hair. "I'm the only one that is in a stable state." He told her. Slowly the vampire opened the door, looking at the crying girl. He opened his arms because she looked like she needed a hug.

((Vespertide here. My character's going to look a little different, but she doesn't realize it quite yet. Wanted to give you guys a head's up. Scales are covering her arms, starting from the base of her fingers to her shoulders. She's wearing a long cloak, so you may only see the scales on the hands. Her eyes have changed from brown to glowing gold. You guys are so amazing! First time RPing and I'm having a blast.))

Zizi woke up, her head spinning, and a lingering pain in her chest. The ceiling of a castle came into view, made of stones and carved in gothic ways. Where....

The school. The spell. Alice.

Zizi went straight, remembering vividly the tormenting spell. The bracelet, still on her wrist, had a small crack in it, splitting the dragon's head in half. Zizi got up, and saw Casper hugging Clarissa, who was crying. Dizzily she fell against a wall, but she still wanted to make sure both Alice and Clarissa were alright.

She didn't even notice the scales beginning to form on her hands, or the bracelet fall from its owner.

"Clarissa? Are you okay?"

(( Okay. Sounds cool. Character updates are always cool. (: Glad you're enjoying the roleplay. ))

Casper sighed, breaking the hug. He felt a little odd being the only guy in the room. Once he saw that the dragon had awoken with her former self. He smiled softly, letting Clarissa go. Rubbing his neck, he slowly slipped past the crowd. His work was done. Zizi was a dragon again, Clarissa was able to talk to her, and Alice had her wings. It felt nice watching the experiences occur, and he was happy for them. Thanks for the memories. He thought happily, hoping that everything would end alright. If it didn't, he would always be in the shadows willing to lend a hand. But until then, he headed towards a vacant classroom to reside in.​
Still slightly dizzy, Zizi stepped away from the wall. "Casper, wait! Just wanted to say thanks. Can we be friends?"
Casper was heading down the hall when he heard Zizi. He was already directed in his own ways. The vampire was a little confused on why the dragon wanted to thank him considering that he didn't really do anything in her benefit other than being a tour guide."I'd relax if I was you. The dizziness will go down." He assured her. "Yes." He told her from the hallway.


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