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Fantasy Franzia Highschool:School for the supernatural.

"Are you alright?" Casper asked her as they entered the hallway with the library and drinking fountain. Zizi glanced at him, thinking for a second that he could read her mind. Vampires couldn't read minds... right?

She nodded. "I just... You know what I am now, right? Well, I haven't turned for so long, I don't really know what will happen."
Casper looked at Zizi, with a nod. "Well, I'm sure not sure how this really will go. I am really not sure. But for your sake, I hope it goes well." He told the dragon with a nod. The vampire glanced at the water fountain before turning and looking at the brunette. "If it doesn't... this is going to sound sweet and mellow- which I despise- but I'm here, dude." Cas assured her.

Alice finally found the water fountain, and came to a screeching halt. She had to use her wings to catch her balance, and nearly hit Casper and Zizi with them. "Sorry!" She said.
Casper smiled at Zizi, tilting his head slightly with a chuckle. He then turned to Alice, ducking. "Gheesh." The vampire said, putting his hands to his hair making sure that it hadn't ruined his hair. "Watch where you put those things." He teased.

(Someone please explain,what is happening I had no wifi all day and I don't have data. I wanted to be able to fight in the class :( )
Zizi spat, fairy dust getting in her mouth. She watched the vampire fix his hair, and she anxiously waited for Alice to start. She didn't know what would happen, but maybe Alice would know.

"What will happen? After you complete the spell, I mean. Do you know?"
(( So, long story short Casper and Alice noticed something strange with Zizi. They decided to confront her. After a twist of events, they left the classroom in an attempt to remove the band from her arm that was preventing her from coming into a dragon. Right now they're heading somewhere isolated to talk about what happened and Alice will remove the bracelet. ))

Casper looked at the two girls, coughing slightly. He glanced at Ziki then slowly over to Alice. "So how does this exactly happen?"
Alice's wings drooped slightly. "I'm sorry... I can hide them if you want, but that makes me go into a severe depression.... I'm kind of bipolar, and my wings are my mania.... I'm happy and excited when they're out..."
"No, no. It's alright." Casper said quickly. "I mean warn us if you're going to spin them." The vampire gave Alice a genuine smile, and offered her a hand. "It's alright." He repeated.

Clarissa didnt want to go the next class instead she wanted to go to the woods. She got outside and jumped transforming into her beautiful white wolf form. She shook put her form and took off running into the woods. She hopped no one saw her in the windows. She got to a tall rock and hopped on there and howled. She smiled as much as a wolf can showing her fangs. She smelled there are and smelt a deer. She took off running loving it. She got close enough and hide in the grass. She pounced on the deer grabbing it by its neck and clamping downs. The blood went all over her white neat fur making it blood red.she growled not wanting it to mess up her fur. She let go and walked away she didn't want to eat it just kill it. She ran back to lake she passed and jumped in washing the blood off. When she was done she got put and shook out her fur. She ran back to the edge of the forest and waited for the bell to ring. She curled in a ball and fell asleep.
Alice smiled, and said, "The spell is a little tricky, and long, but I got it... As for you... You will be engulfed in dark magic, wich will absorb the darkness chaining your soul to the band. After that the band can be removed the same way you would any bracelet! Then you can easily change back, and if you want to stay human for now, you can keep it on, and wait to take it off!"
"W-when do we start? Can we start right now?" Zizi asked eagerly. "Y-you might need to teach me how to fly. I haven't flown in... well, forever."

Casper listened to Alice's explanation, looking up. He could have sworn he heard a howl, but he dismissed it. Instantly he turned to Zizi. "You don't spit fire, do you?" He asked the girl. "I mean, I assume that you're a dragon. I picked up on the little hints and the smell you let off... and you aren't going to blast me with a fire ball, right? Just one tiny ash lands on me and I'll perish." He asked the dragon.

"W-when do we start? Can we start right now?" Zizi asked eagerly. "Y-you might need to teach me how to fly. I haven't flown in... well, forever."

Cas looked at her and then Alice.​
Alice smiled sympathetically at Zizi, and said, "Of cores I'll teach you how to fly again... Poor soul... How long has that thing been restricting you?"
"Well, I don't know," Zizi said truthfully. "I guess if you won't suck my blood, I'll try not to breathe fire. When Pazen was in humanoid form, he could breathe fire sometimes. But he was much older than me."

She glanced at Alice. "Too long."
Alice looked like she was about to cry, as she wrapped the girl in another hug. "I'm so sorry, doll! You don't deserve to be treated so horribly! What monster trapped your soul with this retched band!"
Casper looked at her, a little concerned but not very. Personally, he didn't know what he appeal in flying was. The first time he turned into a bat and flew he bonked his head. But he guessed under the circumstances, the thought of Zizi flying would be nice. Especially after everything she had been through.

Alice backed up and held Zizi an arms length away from her, and said, "Why did you do that?" Alice could understand trying to look human, but she didn't understand doing it without reason.
Casper ducked in the shadows. "Did you do something you regretted and you used this to punish yourself? Or did you do it to save yourself? Or what?" The vampire asked.

Zizi smiled, but it was without warmth. "You do what you have to to survive. After... After I was left alone, I was in a human city. New York. It took a long time before I found out about a place where Supernatural creatures could go. But at least I looked human." She looked down, clearly regretting that decision. "Pazen was against it, but I didn't see another option."
Alice gave her a sad smile. "It's like me and my wings... I had to hide them when I went to this human school, and I was super depressed and angry, but it kept me looking human... I stopped going to that school, because the depression the hidden wings caused was making me hurt myself, and want to die... Some times the things we think are good ideas at the time turn out to be crap..."
Casper nodded, understanding why she had done what she had done. He knew that survival was key, and that people went to incredible lengths when desperate. After all, that's what gotten him adopted by vampires. Slowly, the vampire leaned in and hugged Zizi. He rarely hugged anyone because the thought of someone else's germs on him had disgusted him. But he thought the dragon needed a hug.After hearing Alice's story he slowly leaned in and gave her a hug as well.

Alice hugged back but whispered to Casper, "I would tell you not to touch my butt or you'll die, but you also called yourself fabulous a few minuets ago, so I don't know if I need to...."

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