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Fantasy Franzia Highschool:School for the supernatural.

The fairy fighting the shifter twisted suddenly as the shifter moved underneath her, her wings getting caught on the ground. The fairy kicked out, but didn't hit the shifter, and wildly tried to stand. The shifter moved in, pinning her down easily and kneeling on her.

"Did he win?" Zizi asked the people around her, not sure who would answer.
Alice smirked at the vampire, and said, "I don't like stupidity, or Day Walkers.... I'm Alice by the way..." She looked at the fight, and answered Zizi. "Yes, he won.... He won on a technicality, but he won...." She crossed her arms, and yawned.
"Then who fights next?" Zizi asked, truly curious. She jumped when she realized the vampire Casper had been standing behind her, and she took a shallow breath. I hate vampires.
"Alice." He repeated. Alice... sweet little Alice in wonderland... Casper thought to himself. "Well, I don't like stupidity or daywalkers either." He said with a smile that showed his fangs. "Daywalkers that are afraid of the dark are also another complication as well." The vampire glanced at Zizi, picking up on the hatred.

Nervously Zizi wrapped her dark cloak around her, wishing that the creepy vampire hadn't been there. She could be there, alone among the books. Instead of here, where she was hated for being born.

Yeah, great job. What were you thinking, coming here? Zizi chastised herself. Telling them you're a werewolf? Please. You couldn't lie to a blind man. Dragons aren't welcome anywhere. You should just leave.

Zizi was seriously considering it, listening to the conversation of the vampire and the night fairy. They didn't like her, she could tell. Well, she didn't like them either. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to fight them. They both looked like they could kill her in less than a second.

She shuddered, her fingers rubbing the bracelet.
Alice smirked, and said, "I hope it's me..." She looked at the vampire, and said, "Now you have me at a disadvantage... You know my name, but I don't know yours..." Alice stood up an turned to face the vampire, with her hand out stretched.

Casper glanced at Alice, he grinned. "Well, if you insist on learning my name I'll tell you." He said, his eyes focused on Alice's eyes. "Casper." He told the fairy, shaking the hand that was offered. The vampire glanced back at Zizi, his eyes narrowing. He cleared his throat.

"Why so isolated?" He asked. "Don't you want to come and chat? We won't bite." Cas told the dragon. "I mean, when you fell into me I didn't kill you, did I?" He asked, his face softening.​
No, but you sure look like you could, Zizi thought. "I... I don't know you."

It was a dumb excuse, but all she could think of. Unless they knew something about her bracelet, maybe a way to get it off safely, then she wasn't interested in chatting with them.
The vampire looked at Zizi, his eyes following her. "Yes, you do. You ran into me. You talked to me. You ran from me. I gave you instructions to a library. I'm not stupid." Casper said. "You don't hate me... do you?" He asked, arching an eyebrow.

Alice crossed her arms and said sarcastically, "Well I guess this is a good way to get to know us!" She walked over to Zizi and stood in front of her. "Look I don't know you, but I already know your a liar, and not a very good one ether! You called yourself a werewolf, yet it's obvious you've never willingly stayed up till midnight before! I don't know who you are, what you are, or what you're doing here, but I know that you have a dark aura around you, and a element of darkness surrounding, and trapping your soul... What are you hiding?"
Fear filled Zizi's eyes. She glanced around, searching for an exit. I wish I made a map before I came!

"No, I don't hate you... I'm not hiding anything, honest!" Zizi told her. "I'm a strange werewolf, but I am one. A werewolf, I mean." Oh, skies above. Her lie was useless and she was just making it worse. "What do you mean by dark aura?"

Her bracelet fell below her sleeve again, and Zizi vowed to put it up on her shoulder instead of her wrist. Fool thing kept falling into view.
Casper grabbed a seat and sat down. He crossed his legs, looking at the girl. She did smell odd for a werewolf. But since he was a vampire, he couldn't really catergorize or pin point one exact smell for a werewolf. "It's adorable, really." The vampire told Zizi, tracing a finger up and down the chair's arms. "I mean, clearly that has something to do with it." He motioned to the bracelet. "What is it? What does it hide? What secrets lie within it?"

Alice was about to start yelling again, when she saw the bracelet. Her eyes widened. Those bracelets were used to keep a dragon in a human form! Alice's wings came out beyond her control as she lost hold on them. She looked at the girl in shock.
Leave, Zizi's instinct told her. Leave before they start... doing whatever it is they do when they get agitated.

The fairy stared at her in shock, and Zizi knew that she should never have come here. Pazen wouldn't have wanted her to be here, among everyone else.

"It... It's just a trinket," she told them, as Alice's wings flashed out, quickly becoming huge. Zizi took a step back, trying to find a wall, needing to escape. At least no one was fighting her yet.
"Trinkets. Trinkets." Casper looked unamused. He relaxed in the chair. "I believe that the object you're wearing at this very second holds something very important in it. A separate id? A locked soul? A... a different creature?" The vampire questioned. "If so, nothing should be hidden. I mean, you couldn't be holding anything that bad could you?" He asked, standing up yet again. "Clearly, you know better than to lie to a fairy that controls darkness and a vampire that finds unique blood rather.. appetizing."

Alice's eyes lit up as her brain processed what she had seen, and the mania that came with her wings set in. She beamed from ear to ear, and said, "Why would you hide that!?" This is the most interesting thing that's happened since I got here!"
Students crowded the doorways, and where they weren't crowded eyes were watching them. Zizi couldn't stay here, her secret would get out. And then she'd be on the run from vampires who had never tasted dragon blood before and fairies who... well, who were angry at her. And she wanted a head start. If only I could take this thing off, and fly! Then they wouldn't be able to keep up.

"It doesn't hold anything. I told you, it's nothing special," she gulped, her voice shaking. "And I have to go."

"Why would you hide that!? This is the most interesting thing that's happened since I got here!"

Zizi turned, confused. Interesting? How was a lone dragon interesting?

She knows. Get out of here!

Zizi tried to slide past them, without drawing too much attention to herself. At least they haven't asked me to take it off. Even Pazen wasn't sure what would happen if she did that.
Casper looked at Zizi as she ran off. He didn't burden himself of having to go after her. Instead, he stood up and walked towards the exit. The vampire got out a piece of paper and wrote something down.

First Day

There's some interesting people here. A bubbly ghost, a strange fairy, and an anxious something. I'll check in on you later. I have a ballistic creature to catch up to. Clearly from here I've learned that: fangs = "fear". Bracelets = Secrets. Wings = ???. Ghosts = Happiness?

Okay. I'm still working on that. But hey. People are insane.

He caught up to the 'werewolf'. "Why are you running from us?" Cas asked.

Alice followed them and grabbed the girl's shoulders, and said, "Woe! I'm not going to hurt you, doll! I! Come! In! Peace!" She could understand the fear in the girl's eyes, and tried to calm her. "I think it's bad ass, and awesome! You're cool in my book!"
"People always hurt," Zizi whispered. "It's what people do. Let me go, please. I shouldn't have come here."

She looked from Casper to Alice. "You don't know how lucky you guys are. You don't have to be afraid."

The fairy was most definitely stronger than her, and she merely waited for Alice to release her. The vampire wrote something down on a piece of paper, and Zizi's eyes went to her boots.
Casper ripped the piece of papers to shreds. He threw it in the garbage, clearly trying not to snap. The vampire rubbed his temples. "Well, we're not going to hurt you. If we would want to, we would have done it along time ago." He tried to explain. "It's cool." He calmed down, his anger managing better. "At this school you shouldn't have to hide who you are. Nobody will get hurt. People don't always hurt other people. There's motives. And maybe if we all talked this through, we could come to a happy conclusion." Cas said with a small smile.

Zizi narrowed her eyes. The fairy still held her, and she could see Casper was trying not to get angry with her. And he had every right to, with how she was acting.

But was what he said true? That she wouldn't have to hide what she was here?

No, she would always have to hide. For her, that was a fact of life. But these two had figured it out, within minutes of meeting here. Maybe, if she befriended them, they could help her construct a better lie so not everyone would find out.

He was right, though. If they wanted to hurt her, a vampire and a night fairy could easily overpower a helpless dragon. "Alright. Promise not to suck my blood, and we can talk. But not here. Too... open." She was about to say too many people, but she didn't want to look any more weak than she already did.
Alice's eyes softened, seeing the distrustful look in Zizi's eyes, many times in young traumatized creatures. She hugged the girl gently, her wings rubbing soothing circles on her back. "You don't have to be afraid of me..."
Casper gave her a real smile. "I won't suck your blood." He promised, his eyes shining slightly from the thought of gaining a friend. "Where do you propose that we meet then?" The vampire asked softly. Cas was like a nut. He was hard to open and was very rough but on the inside he cared. The vampire glanced at Alice, before letting out a soft sigh. "It all will be settled properly."

The unexpected kindness shocked Zizi, and she stiffened. And she allowed herself, for the first time since Pazen had died, allowed someone to hug her.

"I don't know," Zizi answered quietly. "But somewhere... without so many people?" She asked, a small, hopeful smile on her face. Maybe vampires and night fairies weren't so bad after all.

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