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Fantasy Franzia Highschool:School for the supernatural.

"Okay I have to ask, 'cause I'm getting different signals from you but what are you?" The werewolf leaned over, whispering.

Zizi's back straigtened, and she went stiff. The wards she had were working, at least against this creature. Zizi looked back at her, her fingers resting on her dagger.

"I'm a werewolf."

Skies above, please let her leave me alone...


Ally looked over at the vampire, glitching forward towards him. She grinned, morphing back into her human self. "Hello." She greeted childishly. "You're a vampire aren't you?" She walked in a circle around the boy. "I like your hair." Allison cooed, reaching out to touch the vampire's dark mane. There was something about the vampire that was.... odd. "Why aren't you burning?" She blurted.


Corey walked into the classroom, feeling the tension around some of the students. He wondered if any of them had sea legs, or if it was only him. Sighing, he walked in and took his seat behind a brunette and a werewolf. He avoiding the ghost and vampire at the front of the room. It was way too social for his liking.​
Alice walked into the class and sat next to the odd looking boy, with 50 gallons of water by his side. She gave him a nod and folded her wings close to her, so she wouldn't hit the boy. She watched everyone file in and shook her head. "Dose no one believe in modesty anymore?" She said.
Casper narrowed his eyes as he felt the girl reach for his hair. He smirked. There was something innocent- even childish- about this girl. She was persistent on harassing him with questions. "Yes, I'm a vampire." He dragged the response out. "Don't touch my hair." Cas threatened. "Lastly, you can't just ask people why they're not burning." The vampire said. "But.. a fairy of the night helped me. She shaded me." He sighed, looking at the blonde girl.

Clarissa looked at the girl confused. This girl definitely was not a werewolf but if she didn't want to tell fine she didn't have to. The girl faked a smile and said"Oh okay."She said"Well I'm one too not that anyone should care since I wasn't born one."She said rolling her eyes. She turned back around groaning she just wanted to leave she didn't like being social but it was going to upset her that she didn't know what that girl was.

Kylie smiled as she walked in just in time for the bell to ring. She saw a bunch of variety of races. She was so ready to meet all these new people when she heard her teacher start calling out roll. When the teacher was done she said that one at a time everyone had to come up and tell them what they are and something's about them and their name. Kylie smiled hoping someone else would go first.

"A real fairy?" Her hazel eyes lit up. She took a seat next to the vampire. Ally giggled slightly. "Do you drink human blood?" The child in her asked with a cheeky grin. She could tell that he was pulling his nerves, but she couldn't help it. The newly turned seventeen year old looked at the vampire. "Do old people yell at you for having long hair?"


Corey looked over as a girl took seat by him. He kept drinking the water, watching as she removed her wings. He smiled softly. "Apparently not." The merman said, looking up as the teacher took roll and asked the opening question. "I'll go first." The merman offered, standing up. He headed to the front of the classroom. "I'm Corey. I'm a merman - siren- whichever you'd like to refer to. A thing about me? Well, ironically I hate rain even though I love water."

Clarissa stood up next looking around. "I'm Clarissa. I'm a werewolf I hate people and unlike normal ones I was bitten. I'm not very friendly and I get mad easier than most."She said rolling her eyes and sitting back down slamming her feet back up on the desk.

Kylie frowned at the werewolf she seemed mean and she didn't like that. She stood up next and said "My name is kylie I may not look like it but I'm a dream fairy. My wings are still there but you cant see them cause of the magic I use."She said extending her wings back out if her back. The flexed ger shoulders letting them spread.

"Yes, a real fairy. Look around, dear. There's fairies all around." The vampire answered. He looked at the girl. "Yes, I do drink human blood. I am a vampire, am I not?" Casper asked. He couldn't help but chuckle at her next question. "Well, they don't live long enough to insult me." He was starting to like the girl. She was friendly and very outgoing. Something a vampire didn't see much. He looked up, taking the liberty to go next after a few people went.

"I'm Casper. I'm a vampire. And as long as you don't anger me I'll be a good little vampire keeping my fangs out of your neck. Other than that, I am rather nice." He introduced.​
The smile that the werewolf wore was clearly fake. But she said she wasn't born a werewolf, so maybe... maybe she wasn't raised a werewolf, either.

Zizi shook the thought from her, and told herself, Remember? Find the spell you need, and get out. You don't need friends.

She tried to smile back, but even she could tell it was as fake as the werewolf's.

A merman rose and went to the front of the classroom. "I'm Corey," he told the classroom. "I'm a merman--siren--whichever you'd like to refer to. A thing about me? Well, ironically I hate rain even though I love water."

How strange. Zizi studied the merman curiously. He looked strong, but so did most of the creatures. And a siren? Not someone she'd want to be around. Another rumor she had heard was that sirens could control people and creatures with their voices. If it told her to do something, she would be compelled to do it.

She shuddered. She hated mind control.

The werewolf stood up. "I'm Clarissa. I'm a werewolf. I hate people and unlike normal ones I was bitten. I'm not very friendly and I get mad easier than most." She went to sit back down, her feet loudly hitting her desk as she leaned back. The sounds made Zizi jump nervously.

After a few people, Zizi decided that she better get this over with.

"My... name is Nelina," Zizi told them. Only Pazen had called her Zizi. She wouldn't let anyone else do that. "I'm a werewolf. I... um... I don't like people. Or crowds."

After the awkward silence followed, Zizi hurried to sit back down. "May I never have to do that again," she whispered to herself.
Casper sat down again, supporting his head with his elbow. He looked up at the two introduced werewolves. It was hard to believe that they were the same species. One seemed meek, the other seemed rather feisty. He smiled slightly, looking back up at the little classroom. He leaned back on his chair, tipping it backwards. "So tell me... how are you two so different for being so alike?" The vampire was eager to hear the response.

Clarissa smirked. "well handsome you see the difference between the obvious completely different people is that we aren't the same at all. Im a werewolf and its obvious that she isnt just smell her she smells of something mysterious."she said leaning ba k in her chair. "That or my nose just doesn't work right"She said tapping the tip of her nose."She may possibly be a werewolf but how should I know I've only lived with them most of my life"She shrugged.
Everything inside Zizi went cold. So the werewolf could smell the difference. Should she give it up?

No, that would mean certain death. Clarissa couldn't tell what she was, only that she wasn't a werewolf. But what else could she be? Something mysterious...

"Uh... I..."

"She may possibly be a werewolf, but how should I know? I've only lived with them most of my life." Clarissa leaned back in her chair, seeming to be satisfied with that. Zizi fingered her dragon bracelet nervously, her brain fighting to come up with a suitable answer. She couldn't say she was a dragon. Werewolves and dragons did not get along. At least, none of the werewolf packs she had met had been very friendly to dragons. Her gut told her that Clarissa would be the same.

The bracelet caught the the light of the classroom before Zizi realized she was playing with it. Hastily she yanked her sleeve over it and bit her lip. Maybe this vampire would let her be.
Something shiny caught Clarissa's eye before the girl hastily pulled her sleeve over it. It was a bracket a special one at that. She had seen it before. Clarissa's eyes got huge before they turned black. She stood up letting her chair hit the floor loudly cutting off every ones conversation. She spun on her heel and growled running out of the class room. She couldn't believe it. She should've known when she smelt her. Do her nose really wasn't messing with her. This girl was a dragon. It wasn't that she hated dragons it was that she was attacked by them before she was turned. That was the reason she was turned because something saved her and turned her into this monster. She called her breathing before walking back in the class room alot of people were looking at her she looked down letting her colorful hair cover her face.

(@Vespertide I'm sorry if I'm ruining your idea I just didn't know what else to do)
Casper crossed his legs, putting them on his desk. He watched the cat fight emerge as a wildly sinister smirk spread onto his lips. "Well of course." He responded. It was a rather amusing sight for being as a bystander. He looked down at them, a bewildered look playing his face. He pulled a black strand that was blocking his eyes away and he watched as the werewolf exited the room, leaving the stares on her. Cas turned back to face the front of the class. A werewolf in a cat fight... ironic. He thought before glancing at the other odd scented 'werewolf'. "Well isn't this a chipper class?" The vampire asked, in a small tone.

DreamCatcher99 said:
Something shiny caught Clarissa's eye before the girl hastily pulled her sleeve over it. It was a bracket a special one at that. She had seen it before. Clarissa's eyes got huge before they turned black. She stood up letting her chair hit the floor loudly cutting off every ones conversation. She spun on her heel and growled running out of the class room. She couldn't believe it. She should've known when she smelt her. Do her nose really wasn't messing with her. This girl was a dragon. It wasn't that she hated dragons it was that she was attacked by them before she was turned. That was the reason she was turned because something saved her and turned her into this monster. She called her breathing before walking back in the class room alot of people were looking at her she looked down letting her colorful hair cover her face.
(@Vespertide I'm sorry if I'm ruining your idea I just didn't know what else to do)
You're fine. I'm new to this whole RP thing so I was just kind of rambling... Thanks for putting up with it :)
(oh its wonderful I like rambling I do it all the time)

Vespertide said:
You're fine. I'm new to this whole RP thing so I was just kind of rambling... Thanks for putting up with it :)
(Oh its cool I ramble too I just thought maybe they could be friends after a little while. Maybe)
Zizi blinked, watching Clarissa stalk out of the classroom. The vampire looked amused with himself, and Zizi wasn't sure whether he was happy that he had gotten her mad or that he was just... being a vampire.

Probably both.

She did feel a little guilty, though. Zizi didn't mean to make Clarissa angry... she certainly didn't intend to make her sad, either.

Zizi sighed. She of all people and creatures alike should know the evils of prejudice. But what could she do? Anything she did could make it worse for the werewolf... But she had to do something, right? Because it was her fault?

It's what Pazen would have done.

That self doubt crept back into her mind. Pazen's dead. Because of her kind.

But not because of her.

Zizi bit her lip, and then lightly reached out, barely touching Clarissa's shoulder. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset."
Clarissa jumped slightly wiping away a tear when she turned around her eyes were still black."Your fine its bot you it was.. It was your kind they made me this way."She said."I hate being this but i cant help it so I try not to be like them but I'm so used to their ways."She said. She turned back around and looked at the vampire"And for you mister you are no help to this situation"she said looking at her black finger nails.
"My kind? You... know? How do you know?"

Zizi glanced at the dragon bracelet, and guessed the rest. "I'm sorry..."

There was nothing else she could really say, other than, "I'm Zizi."

Instantly she regretted it coming out of her mouth, but it was the only friendliness she could offer. She knew what it was like to be alone. And a chocolate muffin says that Clarissa also knew what that was like, all too well.
"You're very dreary aren't you?" Ally asked the vampire, lifting an eyebrow. She was amused by the kind of reaction he had rubbed off. Never had she faced someone that was so... so pessimistic. It was putting a tint in her optimistic ways. She could hear the friendship that was blooming behind her, but she was too focused on learning why the vampire was so bitter towards everyone. It seemed as if the dragon and the werewolf were busy mending the pasts between the two.

"I'm Clarissa some call me riss but I don't like it."She said bitterly. She was tired of homeroom and was ready for the next classm
Casper looked over at the ghost. He sighed, arching an eyebrow. "No. You wouldn't want to get dreary mixed up with bitter. There's a big difference, sweetie." He said, clinking his fangs together. "You know that stupid things human say? You know.. 'share smiles to receives smiles' or something stupid like that? Well, as innocent as you seem, miss..." He realized that he didn't even know the blonde's name. "There is no way in h*ll that anything will be all smiles and rainbows. There's the good and the bad. You take one away and the world will never be properly balanced." He smirked.

Kylie frowned at all the unhappiness on this room. She leaned over to try e sirin and night fairy and started a conversation. "Why is everyone so sad?"She said
Ally's face darkened slightly. "Well you're not in a good mood, sir!" She crossed her arms, pouting. "I guess you're right. But wouldn't the world be better if we didn't fight? I mean, I'd be alive- no, millions would be alive- if there was violence in the world!" The ghost flayed her arms around to mark her point. "Heck, most of us wouldn't be cursed if the world worked that way."


The siren looked over at Kylie. He smiled softly. "I don't know." Corey told the fairy. "It's odd. When people are sad bad things happen to everyone." He said with a small shrug and a small reassuring smile.
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