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Fantasy Franzia Highschool:School for the supernatural.

ERR0R said:
Ally's face darkened slightly. "Well you're not in a good mood, sir!" She crossed her arms, pouting. "I guess you're right. But wouldn't the world be better if we didn't fight? I mean, I'd be alive- no, millions would be alive- if there was violence in the world!" The ghost flayed her arms around to mark her point. "Heck, most of us wouldn't be cursed if the world worked that way."

The siren looked over at Kylie. He smiled softly. "I don't know." Corey told the werewolf. "It's odd. When people are sad bad things happen to everyone." He said with a small shrug and a small reassuring smile.
(Kylie is a fairy darling.)
"But the world doesn't work that way." Casper pointed out. He leaned back, looking at the clock. He didn't know when the next period would be. "And if there was no violence in the world? You are innocent, dear. You should know that there is no such thing as a world without violence. People crash and thrash, lie and cry... and eventually die. End of the story." He couldn't believe how downhill his attitude had became. He took a breath and smiled. "I'm Casper." The vampire introduced himself.

"I like Clarissa. I think it's pretty," Zizi told her.

The bell, or whatever it was, rang loudly, startling the class. Zizi nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the sound. The teacher, who had been trying to teach a lesson ever since the class had finished introducing themselves, threw his hands up in the air and gave up with a loud sigh. "Class dismissed!" He yelled.

"Where... Where do we go now?" Zizi asked Clarissa, hoping she had found a friend. Her mind warned her that werewolves were not to be trusted, but Zizi was wanting to find a library in this place, maybe even find a spell for her bracelet.

Though Clarissa didn't seem like the type that would know where or what a library was. None of the creatures around her seemed very studious, as they all had ignored the teacher.
Clarissa looked at the girl and smiled. "We go to a sparring class. Its so people can learn to control their abilities" she said smiling.


ERR0R said:
(( Sorry got a little mixed up in the jumble of characters. (: ))
(Its fine)
Ally looked at Casper, her eyes wide. She giggled. "Well, clearly you've never read a fairy tale." She said with a wink, looking at the vampire. "And I know. I'm Allison. Call me Ally." She introduced, doing a half bow. The ghost looked up as the class ended. She wasn't sure where she had to go next. The girl sighed, and looked up at Casper. "Where's your next class, Cas? Call I call you Cassie? I'm calling you Cassie."


Corey slowly got up, the first class being rather boring. He grabbed his luggage - which was full of water- and headed out of the class. At least everybody seemed nice.
Inwardly, Zizi had to chuckle a little bit. It wasn't controlling her abilities that was the problem. It was actually using them. She doubted the next teacher would be very useful for her.

"Do you know where the library is?" She asked Clarissa. Maybe if the werewolf didn't know, Casper the vampire would. Or maybe that rather bubbly ghost would.

Someone had to know.
Casper looked at the little ghost girl. "Well, clearly you've never realized that fairy tales and reality are two completely different things." He said, giving her a strange look. The vampire chuckled, watching Allison. She's a fire cracker. He thought to himself. The vampire had never thought someone so cheerful existed. He was proven wrong the second Ally spoke. What did I get myself into? He face palmed. "No. You're not calling me Cassie. My name is Casper." Cas tried to enforce the point further. "I think I have a free period." He told the ghost before glancing back at the girl who had fallen against him. She looked lost, possibly even a little confused.

Alice smiled in accomplishment that she didn't get to introduce herself. "On an ironically lighter note, I don't have to give everyone a reason to call me crazy!" She said loudly as her wings sprouted from her back in her mad happiness. She looked out the window at the completely over casted sky, and grinned wildly at the lack of light. She stood up, nearly hitting Corey in the face with her wings, as she darted for the door and slid into the hall way. Perhaps she was a tiny bit mad.

(Sorry the thingy-m-bobbin wasn't alerting me!)
Ally smiled widely, looking at Casper. "Not true! I totally know the difference between fantasy and reality. I'm in high school, aren't I?" She asked with a giggle. Getting out a pen, she doodled something down on her arm. It was a circle. "Cassie fits you, dude. It's amazing." Allison told the vampire. "And I'll latch on." She said.


Corey looked over at Alice. He laughed softly. The merman ducked, barely avoiding her wings. "Whoa." He said with a smile. The boy stood up, putting the bag around his shoulders. "You're going to say something like that and then leave me?" He questioned, tapping his cheek. "That does sound crazy. You just gave me a reason." Corey said, following after the fairy.

(( That happens to me sometimes! ))
Alice came to a screeching halt, as she heard some one behind her. She turned to see the merman following her. She tilted her head and watched the boy seeing something oddly familiar about him. "You don't happen to have any nocturnal relatives do you?" She called.
"Sometimes I really question that." Casper snorted with an amused grin. He gathered up his books, and his umbrella. He put his umbrella into his bag. He looked over at Allison. "I really, really question that." He said with a chuckle as he headed out of the classroom.

Did she just go up and ask? Was that what normal creatures did?

Zizi laughed at herself. Normal. Since when was any of this normal?

She fingered the bracelet nervously before pulling herself together and stepping closer to the vampire. His fangs protruded from his lips, making Zizi want to keep her distance. But from her studying of people and other creatures, he did seem the type to know about the library. Clarissa hadn't answered her; maybe she had spoken too quietly.

He began to leave, making Zizi want to just stay in the classroom and wait for Clarissa to respond, but she didn't want to spend another minute in the school. She had forgotten what it was like to be a dragon.

"Excuse me?" Zizi asked the vampire, as he was leaving. "May I... talk to you?"
Casper looked down at his textbooks, brushing them off. He turned around to glance at the girl. "Mhm?" He asked before nodding. "Um... sure." The vampire said softly. Cas wasn't sure why she'd want to talk to him but he had an idea that it had to do with directions. "Hit me with your best shot. I mean, as long as your best shot isn't a wooden stake through my heart." He chuckled.
A wooden stake through his heart? What in the skies above could he mean?

Perhaps it was a vampire thing.

"I'm looking for the library," she told him nervously, quietly. "Or a library. Do you know where one is?"
Casper let his hair down from the pony tail. He ruffled it slightly while looking at the girl. "I haven't had much time to scan the perimeter... but I can tell you for sure that it's on the next hall to the left." He said honestly. The vampire sent the dragon a smile.

Next hall to the left. Zizi left him, pushing her way through the crowd of students. Vampires, she shuddered. They always gave her the heeby jeebies.

She turned down the left hallway, and the crowd of students was suddenly gone. There was no one here, and Zizi was finally alone.

"Oh, thank the skies above," she whispered, relieved. All those crowds... it was too much for her. The sooner she left, the better.

She walked down the hallway, her boots clicking on the stone floor. She wished they would be more quiet and stealthy, but she couldn't do anything about that now. Her mind spun with curiosity as she wondered why no one was in the hallway leading to the library. Surely there were some students who enjoyed reading or studying. There had to be, right? Or was she supposed to be in class?

Well, to the skies with classes. She was finding that spell, and then she was going to get out of here.

Zizi continued down the hallway, reaching the heavy iron door. It smelled strange, like someone had poured a sweet smelling perfume all over it. She shook her head, telling herself that she was crazy. Why would someone pour a perfume on a door?

With both hands she pushed the library open, stepping inside and shutting the door behind her with a heavy thud.

She was in.
( :( my stupid phone isnt giving me notifications!!)

Clarissa ran to the sparring class hoping to see someone she maybe knew. She ran to what was maybe a gym. She sat down a little after the "bell" rang it sound more like a cat dying to her. She chuckled to herself and smiled. She watched as a couple of people had already started. It was a cat shifter and a fairy. She was pretty sure the fairy was winning too.
Alice heard the 'bell' ring, and looked back at the merman. "Sorry! I'm late! Got to go!!" She called, and took off again, running towards the gym. She burst through the door and yelled, "Sorry I'm late, I was held up by a fish out of water!" With that she sat down next to Clarissa, trying not to hit her with her wings, as she hid them.
Zizi coughed as the dust spilled out of the book. She had found a book with a dragon on the cover, and hoped it had something to do with dragons. But she was slightly disheartened to find it was in an old draconic language, one she couldn't read.

"You're not supposed to be here," a haggard voice called. Zizi jumped, becoming face to face with yet another vampire. He was old though, much older than Casper had looked.

"I-I'm sorry," she shakily said. "I just--"

"Leave, creature, whatever you are," the Vampire growled. "Unless you want to give some blood, of course."

His fangs glinted against his lucid red lips. Zizi quickly decided it was time to go, and slid past him, leaving the open draconic book on the table she had set it on. She figured the creepy librarian would be able to put it away, and she left without another word.

She headed back down the hallway, planning to come back that night. But where was she supposed to be now? Clarissa said something about a sparring class... Where was that supposed to be?

Zizi felt lost until she saw the fairy with black wings run through a doorway. Wasn't that... What was her name? Lisa? Maybe?

Whatever her name was, she had been in the first class Zizi had been in. So she followed her into a gym thing, and sat down beside Clarissa, opposite of where the fairy had sat.

"We don't fight in here, do we?"
Alice shifted as her wings disappeared, and looked at Zizi. From just one look she could tell the creature was a Day Walker, and that made her pissed as hell. "Naw, we make kites in here!" She said sarcastically. "The sign on the door said 'Sparring Class!' What did you think that meant!?!"
Zizi looked down, feeling dumb. "I'm sorry," she muttered, and quickly interested herself in the fighting styles of what looked like a fairy and a shifter of some sort. Pazen had tried to teach her how to fight, but they had been on the run for so long that it was the only thing she really knew how to do well; to hide. To stand and fight... That's what got Pazen killed.

Maybe it was time she learned how to defend herself.

(( What the freak is going on with my notifications? I just swooped in and there's like 7 new messages that never popped up. ))

Casper was hesitant about going to his next class. He saw that the bigger majority was going into this 'sparring class'. Instead of following Alice, Zizi and Clarissa into the room he stayed outside. My mum told me that I had to come to the castle... she never said I had to be on time to any of my classes. He thought, with a sigh. Looking both ways, he looked slightly conflicted.​
Alice felt a rage in her that always came when she hid her wings. Her wings were a sore of mania for her, and she was ready to show someone the true meaning of that. She twirled a piece of her hair, as she watched the current sparring, and scoffed. "The shifter has a weakness in her left knee... The fairy is limited on her magical abilities... Nether of them are willing to exploit the other's weakness, or their just to stupid to see it..." She said, more to herself than anyone.
Casper stood by the shadows, glancing over at the fairy who had helped him out earlier that day. He ran a hand through his hair, looking at her. "Hey." He said, trying to approach in a nicer way. The vampire listened to her little prep speech with an amused look that he always seemed to have glued to his face. "I can tell you're not about to take any crap." The boy said with a chuckle.


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