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Fantasy Franzia Highschool:School for the supernatural.

Casper awkwardly sat down. He wasn't one for affection whether it was hugs, or else. He watched the two girls hug and he glanced down the hall. "I know an old tower." He suggested to both Alice and Zizi. "It doesn't have anybody in it- and we could discuss whatever all of this is up in there."

Alice let the girl go and said, "That sounds great!" Suddenly she remembered that she could put up an invisibility barrier. "I can hide us from view, so no one sees us and get's suspicious!" She suggested.
Zizi nodded. "I'm sorry," she apologized. "I haven't... haven't talked to anyone. In a long time, not since..." her voice trailed off, and she decided she didn't want to go there. "Should we go there now or later?"
Casper looked down at his watch. He sighed softly. "It's alright." He smiled sadly. "Well, we're all here now." He told her. "You guys have fun where you're going. I'm heading to the courtyard." Cas said with a grin.

"Courtyard?" Zizi asked. "What's a... courtyard?"

She was almost afraid to ask, but too curious not to say anything. "Does that mean later?"
"A courtyard..." Casper tried to find the right words. "An outdoor seating arrangement.. Like, a bunch of tables and chairs are there. I'm really bad at describing things." He knew the description was vague. "And, no. You guys can go now." He smiled softly at her. "I just assumed that it would make you uncomfortable if I was with you while we all talked. I mean, you look distraught and traumatized."
"I'm sorry. Vampires... I just never understood. Because you suck blood, right? And then... well, I've met a few. They've never liked... me, very much. But you seem nice," she spoke quickly, not wanting to offend him. She was going to say that they never liked dragons very much, but that was just the few she and Pazen had met. Maybe Casper was different.

Oh, he was definitely different. He hadn't tied her up and turned her upside down to bleed her, so he must be at least a little different then the ones she had met. Thinking of that made her smile; not because of the vampires themselves, but because Pazen had given them a speech on how dragon blood was really awful and poisonous, all the while untying his little sister so they could escape.

But thinking of Pazen made her think of his death, too. Luckily, she didn't have a nausea attack.
Casper could tell she was hesitant, and he secretly thanked that her because she didn't say anything that could trigger his vampire anger-issues. "Yes, we suck blood. And not all vampires are the same. Some are vegans and some find blood disgusting." He told her. "And don't worry. I won't bite. I usually only drink animal blood, but it sounds more intimidating to people if I don't mention that. The vampires you must have met probably were jerks. The thing about vampires is they don't attack a certain species unless one person annoys them and they'll go on a blood-thirsty strike." Cas smiled softly.

She laughed, a little bit. "Jerks is one way to describe them. But I thought vampires had to suck blood. To live."
"We do." Casper said with a smile. "But blood is blood." He chuckled. "And jerks? Well, if you looked up 'vampire' in the dictionary the first thing that would pop up would probably be 'blood-sucking jerks that have amazing hair'."
Alice listened to the two, staying close to them. "If you need that thing off I might be able to help you." She said randomly. She knew the spell to get the little things off, having helped others with it before.
Zizi couldn't help it, she laughed. Casper reminded her so much of Pazen.

But her laughter stopped when Alice said, "If you need that thing off I might be able to help you."

She looked at the bracelet, then back at Alice. "How did you know I needed it off?"
Casper chuckled, looking at Alice and Zizi. "How can you get it off?" He asked the fairy before glancing at the other girl. "Even though you guys don't need my help would you mind if stayed and watched? I mean, every room deserves to have a bit of fabulous in them." The vampire said. "So what's the deal with the bracelet?"

Alice looked at Casper with an odd expression. "Fabulous, huh... That's what you call yourself?" She said. "I want you to know that I'm here for you if you want to talk... About anything... I'm here..." She gave Casper a pat on the back, and a supportive head nod before directing her attention to Zizi again. "I've had to take them off before! It's a complicated spell, but I've done it before! I can even make it so you can put it on and take it off at will!"
Zizi glanced around. She didn't exactly want anyone else finding out about her bracelet. "Not here."

The bell rang, making Zizi jump uncomfortably. "How do you know about them? Can you really get it off?"

She allowed herself to hope, and looked at Casper. "You can stay. I'm sorry about being so... so... jumpy."
"Okay, I'm going to take what you said as an open invitation to explain all the contents of blood to you in great detail one of these days." He said playfully, clearly teasing Alice. "But, the same goes for you. I'm here. Honestly." Casper told the fairy before glancing at Zizi. "No, it's alright. I don't mind. We all get jumpy sometimes when we're on the edge." He told the girl honestly. "And thanks."

Alice smiled and said, "Well, I'm a Fairy of night, and dark magic is my main skill! I've had a few of your kind come to me needing to get the dark object constricting their soul off of them! It's no problem!"
Zizi grinned. "Well, do you need... supplies? I haven't stretched my wings for ages!" She gasped, not believing she had let that slip. But she figured that they already knew. What more harm could she do?

"Thanks for what?" She asked the vampire.
Casper smiled. "Well, thanks for including me." He told Zizi. He glanced at Alice and them as they talked. The vampire nodded- understanding the spell that the fairy was going to do.

Alice thought for a second, and said, "All I need is a water fountain! I'm thirsty!" With that she started looking around for the nearest water fountain. "You to don't happen to know where one is do you?"
Zizi shook her head, "I haven't made a mental map yet. There might've been one next to the library, though... I'm not sure. Do you know, Casper?"
Casper thought, the lay-out of the building burnt into his brain. "I think Zizi's right. There's one across from the library on the left hall." He told Alice, with a small nod.

Alice smiled, and said, "Great!" She grabbed Zizi, and Casper's hands, and bolted down the hall taking Casper and Zizi with her. "Let's go!" She yelled.
Zizi didn't like being dragged, but she was eager to be free of the cursed bracelet. She followed Alice, her memory barely remembering the last time she had flown. She had been so little... And she wasn't sure how big she would be. Or if she would turn immediately. Or how much it would hurt, since she hadn't turned for years. Or--

Skies above, she wished there was another dragon here, someone who did know these things. Pazen, especially.
Casper tried to hold back laughter as Alice grabbed his and Zizi's hands. It made him think of little human schoolgirls. He still walked with them, chuckling softly. "I guess so." He walked down the halls, looking at the wall art. The vampire took it in, documented every detail into his mind. He glanced over at Zizi, seeing a look of conflict on her face. "Are you alright?" He asked her.


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