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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

She frowned, not sure what to make of his behavior. "You shouldn't lie. I know there's something. What's down there?" she pressed, determined to get some answers. She knew what was suppised to be down there, but perhaps he had a weird developmental error..?

@Cruor Flumine
"So when is the time?" she grumbled, reluctantly snatching the book from its resting position and stalking out of the room. She decided to pick a different book. It looked pretty because it had flowers and such in it. So she took it to the bed and started looking at it, mainly at the pretty flowers. She would do this until he came out and was ready for bed because why not?

@Cruor Flumine
"I don't know!" He yelled from the room before he used his magic to push the door shut. With a sigh, he fell back into a relaxed position, just ready to relax for once. After about a half hour later, the Archemage emerged from the room with a cloud of steam and a silver, silken robe covering his form.

CoreyXIX said:
Well, she apparently had somewhat misinterpreted what he had been planning to help with. But as he listened to her passionate outburst he wondered if perhaps he had actually roped himself into something rather worthwhile. If nothing else, it would prove a nice learning experience for a later date. "It's fine. Just don't make a habit of it, please." he sighs. "My personal bubble is the least of the worries of physical contact with me.There's a reason I'm so heavily dressed and masked."
" Not to be nosey but how much of you is left? I mean I am a Necromancer and trained in preservation of the dead. I also know spells and potions for regeneration. I could possibly bring back some of the man you once were. Teach you hands on the way to maintain it. Take you through the veil maybe or even through to the Shadow world to bond with a magical familiar. Unless you are fond of Naga that requires a different set of rules entirely Apep does not reside in a stone ever she is Naga or boa. "

Âme had shifted to a more comfortable position: on her stomach with her legs kicking up in the air. She flipped the page with her free hand that wasn't holding her head up while humming to herself. When she noticed him come out, she looked up, but only for a moment. "Took you long enough," she commented, scanning the pages. "I'm surprised that there are some flowers I've never seen before," she added, flipping to yet another page.

@Cruor Flumine
Hide shrugs at the banning of fighting for the rest of the day, sighing, he quickly teleports back to his dorm and continues his meditating.
The Chronicler Croi]" Not to be nosey but how much of you is left? I mean I am a Necromancer and trained in preservation of the dead. I also know spells and potions for regeneration. I could possibly bring back some of the man you once were. Teach you hands on the way to maintain it. Take you through the veil maybe or even through to the Shadow world to bond with a magical familiar. Unless you are fond of Naga that requires a different set of rules entirely Apep does not reside in a stone ever she is Naga or boa. " [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10238-coreyxix/ said:
"Enough of my flesh is left to know that too much of it is left. I fully believe my plague-ridden flesh is best left forgotten about. The sickness that took most of my homeland nearly took me along with it had I not sought undeath's cold embrace." he explains to her. By now it looked as if he could begin and finish any time now, but continued to engage her in conversation instead. "The man I once was deserves to be forgotten about, much like the bodies of the people I'm stealing tonight. He couldn't stop a supernatural plague even with both necromancy and healing at his disposal. After all these centuries I'm a new, superior man." he remarks, trying to keep the traces of bitterness from seeping into his voice. Within a moment he recomposes himself, intending to act as if that bit of information was never spoken. It wasn't his place to be speaking lowly sob stories. "A magical familiar,you say? I can't say I'm too familiar with the benefits of one. What good would one bring to a mage?"
He shrugged. "Just like there are things I've never seen or done before. It's normal, even for aurai." Varien said, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "Do you plan on staying here tonight, or are you going to your dorm?"

Âme blinked, taking a moment to think. "Do you want me to stay?" she asked. It was an innocent question, but it was something she needed to know. No need to intrude somewhere she wasn't wanted.

@Cruor Flumine
He shrugged and smiled. "Only if you want to, Ame. I wouldn't mind it, but only if you want." Varien said, falling back onto the bed, his head on the pillow.

"Well," Âme started, closing the book and placing it on the nightstand I am assuming is there right now. Then, she positioned herself to mimic him, laying on her side so she could face him. "Why not?" she asked, smiling. It would be another great sleepover.

@Cruor Flumine
CoreyXIX said:
"Enough of my flesh is left to know that too much of it is left. I fully believe my plague-ridden flesh is best left forgotten about. The sickness that took most of my homeland nearly took me along with it had I not sought undeath's cold embrace." he explains to her. By now it looked as if he could begin and finish any time now, but continued to engage her in conversation instead. "The man I once was deserves to be forgotten about, much like the bodies of the people I'm stealing tonight. He couldn't stop a supernatural plague even with both necromancy and healing at his disposal. After all these centuries I'm a new, superior man." he remarks, trying to keep the traces of bitterness from seeping into his voice. Within a moment he recomposes himself, intending to act as if that bit of information was never spoken. It wasn't his place to be speaking lowly sob stories. "A magical familiar,you say? I can't say I'm too familiar with the benefits of one. What good would one bring to a mage?"
Kabehchet closes her eyes and for the first time in the night she smiles when she opens them their clear green glowing gently. "Much, they hold their own powers and in response their own and your own bonding with you they grow stronger "

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Well, it certainly was an interesting proposition. An entirely new avenue for him to enter and learn of. Given the circumstances that were occurring, it may be a wise idea to pick up a few new abilities. The red glow from his eye sockets met with hers as he witnessed the gentle glow of her eyes. "Alright, I'll accept your offer. Thank you for the opportunity." he finally replies as he made his decision.
CoreyXIX said:
Well, it certainly was an interesting proposition. An entirely new avenue for him to enter and learn of. Given the circumstances that were occurring, it may be a wise idea to pick up a few new abilities. The red glow from his eye sockets met with hers as he witnessed the gentle glow of her eyes. "Alright, I'll accept your offer. Thank you for the opportunity." he finally replies as he made his decision.
"Well then we will need to plan a little "field trip" I would say to Egypt but you would be surprised how many places here where the veil will be thin and you can actually cross over to my world from some of your deeper points.... you do not have a gate keeper nor have that ability or can you open barriers between worlds and time? If not I can at least create a couple doorways you can access to get supplies I will show you one of mine that I have for the moment... some are much better than you find here but you could speak to no one of these places. There are creatures down there that are deadly and love the taste of flesh elf, human, nekko anything magic
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[QUOTE="The Chronicler Croi]"Well then we will need to plan a little "field trip" I would say to Egypt but you would be surprised how many places here where the veil will be thin and you can actually cross over to my world from some of your deeper points.... you do not have a gate keeper nor have that ability or can you open barriers between worlds and time? If not I can at least create a couple doorways you can access to get supplies I will show you one of mine that I have for the moment... some are much better than you find here but you could speak to no one of these places. There are creatures down there that are deadly and love the task of flesh elf, human, nekko anything magic

Flesh-eating monsters, huh? The thought nearly made the old lich chuckle at the thought of one of these things consuming his flesh, and subsequent illness that would befall the eater. They may even die! "I'm afraid I haven't any such power, no." Prof. Shaltaea replies to her. "I'm rather fascinated to see what would try to eat me, though. Good chance it's whole species would probably catch what I'm infected with." he remarks with a small chuckle. "I'll keep my mouth shut about the places you show me, don't worry about that. If we're going to be gone for an extended period of time on our little 'field trip' we may wish to inform the headmaster, since I am in charge in two classes at the academy."
Ame readjusted herself to the unfamiliar feel of the blanket on top of them. They just didn't feel natural. But she was too tired to fight them, and lay there with mostly thoughts of flowers in her head. She scooted a little closer to him herself, using the last of her energy to do so. Feeling the comfort he gave her just from being there, she closed her eyes. But this night, they closed fully. This could have indicated that she was just that comfortable with him; however, it meant that she was about to experience something every aura fears.

@Cruor Flumine
With a smile still on his face, he pulled her closer to him and rested his head next to hers before closing his eyes. He sat there for a few moments before slipping off into unconsciousness.

Some time after, Ame woke with a start, jolting into an upright position. Her eyes were wide, and she was shaking at the threshold of visibility. Her breathing came in short, shallow cycles, but she didn't make a sound aside from that.

@Cruor Flumine
After composing herself, at least slightly, she looked back at Varien. Seeing him sleep so peacefully made her wish she could do the same. She lay back down and looked at him for a moment. It would be alright, or at least that's what she kept telling herself. She turned herself around and took his arms around her. It made her feel better, but nor enough to make her sleep right away. After a bit though, sleep finally found her.

@Cruor Flumine
As she fell asleep, Varien pulled her closer to him, seeking her warmth unconsciously. His head came to rest next to her head as his body once more settled into a deep sleep.

Darius, exhausted from the day's events was now dragging his feet due to the ludicrous amount of stairs he had to climb just to get to his room. He was about halfway there when he heard what sounded like destructive magic coming from somewhere down one of the hallways. Curiosity peaking, he cautiosly made his way towards the sounds until he came upon a smoke filled corridor. The boy took cover behind a corner and peeked around it. Dravlon was still out like a light in his arms so he wouldn't be able to fight. When he was finally able to see past the smoke he noticed that there was a figure clad in armor that resembled a dragon. They were facing the source of the smoke, spear at the ready, as if they were waiting for something to emerge. Deciding it was best to remain hidden for now he continued to quietly spy on the mysterious figure.

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