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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Nerdyy said:
"Greetings," he said. Drikai didn't even look up at the person he had spoken to, too busy fiddling with his bag. "If you don't mind me asking, can you grab a vial from inside my bag? It is approximately 10 centimeters large, and it has a blue fluid in it," he asked, and eventually looked up at him. He asked this because he began to fiddle with something else. Another vial, filled with a strange blue liquid.
@Golden Glow
"But this one is already holding one," responded KDK, who had searched through the bag anyways. He pulled a second bottle out, with a blue fluid. "Oh. There were two. Ko'Do'Kar's bad. Anyways, Ko'Do'Kar is the name. What is this one's?"
Drakerus said:
Darius smiled at the two who were apparently good friends. He soon frowned however when he thought about the Oni. How did it even get inside the academy? Unless...maybe this school had some serious secrets.
"I'm glad you're ok too even though we've just met. Do you guys have any idea where that monster came from? I'd expect this place to have better security considering it's so big..." he said a little shaken at the news that he might get attacked in his sleep.

Dravlon was happy to join Atsuko in his playing. it was almost like he wasn't exhausted from earlier.
Senki Tazuya

Senki stood, helped Emily up, and shrugged. "It was an Oni. It said something about there's more secrets underground? Or something along those lines?" She replied, un-sure. "It died and left this, some kinda note in a variation of Draconic I can't read well. Or at all really." She added before holding the note up. "I'll give it to Draconus in the morning. We should probably get to sleep for now though." She told them before folding the note and placing it in her bag. She couldn't help but grin at the scene between Atsuko and Dravlon, "Looks like your little buddy really likes Atsuko, Darius." She told him. "I'll walk you both to your dorms, last thing I want or we need is either of you getting attacked." She told them before proceeding up the stairs slowly. "Let's go."
"My name is Drikai," he said. The name seemed very familiar, but from where? That may take awhile to figure out, though. "Thank you," he grabbed the vial, and mixed them together. It turned into a red fluid, strangely, and he drank the fluid. "Ah..."

@Golden Glow
Nerdyy said:
"My name is Drikai," he said. The name seemed very familiar, but from where? That may take awhile to figure out, though. "Thank you," he grabbed the vial, and mixed them together. It turned into a red fluid, strangely, and he drank the fluid. "Ah..."

@Golden Glow
"So what did you need those for, Drikai?" asked KDK. "What does that potion do?"
"I... I would prefer to not reveal that to you," he said. It kept him alive, but he didn't want anyone to know he was dying. It would bring up too much commotion.

@Golden Glow
Nerdyy said:
"I... I would prefer to not reveal that to you," he said. It kept him alive, but he didn't want anyone to know he was dying. It would bring up too much commotion.
@Golden Glow
"Okay," responded KDK, walking forward into the library. "Everyone has their secrets." He walks to the "M" section.
Mitchs98 said:
Senki TazuyaSenki stood, helped Emily up, and shrugged. "It was an Oni. It said something about there's more secrets underground? Or something along those lines?" She replied, un-sure. "It died and left this, some kinda note in a variation of Draconic I can't read well. Or at all really." She added before holding the note up. "I'll give it to Draconus in the morning. We should probably get to sleep for now though." She told them before folding the note and placing it in her bag. She couldn't help but grin at the scene between Atsuko and Dravlon, "Looks like your little buddy really likes Atsuko, Darius." She told him. "I'll walk you both to your dorms, last thing I want or we need is either of you getting attacked." She told them before proceeding up the stairs slowly. "Let's go."
"Alright. That seems reasonable although it doesn't exactly comfort me that I'll need an escort at all heh heh..." he chuckled nervously as he sped up to be in front of Senki since she probably didn't know which room was his. Dravlon and Atsuko were flying behind them.

Oh so noooow he decides to use his wings

Darius inwardly rolled his eyes as he continued walking towards the dorm floor. He was supposed to have a new roommate. hopefully he was nice. He had a bad feeling it was someone arrogant though.
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ScarlettRose16 said:
She remembered most things up to a point. "It's fuzzy but when we arrived we ran into some guys and they took me and I passed out when I came out of the teleportation. I woke up in a cage and then they got in my head. I loss control." She says stopping for a second. "I got taken to this area with wizards and some guy." She says stopping. This was almost like a horror story for her. "They...they put barriers around me and I was able to break through the first one, but then I got out in this obsidian thing and I lost all sense. I couldn't get out." She stops again, that was almost the worse part. "Someone, I think his name is Gold got me out." She says trying to recal more. "I fought the guy but then he used something that made me pass out. Then they started the ritual again and it was painful." She says remembering that she couldn't move but it hurt. It was horrible . "Then I wake up and I'm back here." She says finishing. She was shaking, what happened terrified her.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Draconus' listened attentively, every word ringing and echoing in his head. This sounded like the work of a necromancer or something "What did the magic look like?....Was it an incantation? Dark magic? What?" he asked, still trying to wrap his head around what she was saying. This was turning out to be more of a hassle than he thought...


Mitchs98 said:
Senki Tazuya
Senki stood, helped Emily up, and shrugged. "It was an Oni. It said something about there's more secrets underground? Or something along those lines?" She replied, un-sure. "It died and left this, some kinda note in a variation of Draconic I can't read well. Or at all really." She added before holding the note up. "I'll give it to Draconus in the morning. We should probably get to sleep for now though." She told them before folding the note and placing it in her bag. She couldn't help but grin at the scene between Atsuko and Dravlon, "Looks like your little buddy really likes Atsuko, Darius." She told him. "I'll walk you both to your dorms, last thing I want or we need is either of you getting attacked." She told them before proceeding up the stairs slowly. "Let's go."
Emily nodded and picked up her staff, heading up the stairs to the hallway where the dorms were located. "Oh Senki, I wonder if we're roommates. That'd be great!" she exclaimed, wrapping the green cloak around herself. She remembered the last time she was here but never had she slept at the academy. So many questions and so little time to ask. Why couldn't I have came here sooner?

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus
Mouse-O had his new staff. It was a swirling silver with a mystic ruby on top to channel magic. He was standing on the nearest table watching the teachers in the room.

"Whatever you need me to do Proffesor."

Mouse-O was a new mouse after his death. He realized the true extent of his power. Not very much. This was a very humbling realization. This left Mouse-O wondering greatly what Draconus had in mind. He was learning new spells the best he could.

He was proud of his new skill though. He learned to tailor a bit. He made a coat for himself. A blue coat that billowed out a bit behind him when he flew with his levitation. He also had a new hat. It was less impressive than his old hat with a drooped point and a smaller brim.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Drakerus said:
"Alright. That seems reasonable although it doesn't exactly comfort me that I'll need an escort at all heh heh..." he chuckled nervously as he sped up to be in front of Senki since she probably didn't know which room was his. Dravlon and Atsuko were flying behind them.
Oh so noooow he decides to use his wings

Darius inwardly rolled his eyes as he continued walking towards the dorm floor. He was supposed to have a new roommate. hopefully he was nice. He had a bad feeling it was someone arrogant though.
(He's just chillin inside alright?)

Emily nodded and picked up her staff, heading up the stairs to the hallway where the dorms were located. "Oh Senki, I wonder if we're roommates. That'd be great!" she exclaimed, wrapping the green cloak around herself. She remembered the last time she was here but never had she slept at the academy. So many questions and so little time to ask. Why couldn't I have came here sooner?

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus

"I think it was dark magic, it's still fuzzy." She says. Parts and peices were flashing through her head and yet other parts, it was like someone just stole that out of her head. She puts her fingers to her temples trying to not feel like she was going crazy. "Do you have anymore of what you gave me that other time u was here?" She asks clenching her hands trying to stop her hands from shaking.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Drakerus said:
"Alright. That seems reasonable although it doesn't exactly comfort me that I'll need an escort at all heh heh..." he chuckled nervously as he sped up to be in front of Senki since she probably didn't know which room was his. Dravlon and Atsuko were flying behind them.
Oh so noooow he decides to use his wings

Darius inwardly rolled his eyes as he continued walking towards the dorm floor. He was supposed to have a new roommate. hopefully he was nice. He had a bad feeling it was someone arrogant though.

Emily nodded and picked up her staff, heading up the stairs to the hallway where the dorms were located. "Oh Senki, I wonder if we're roommates. That'd be great!" she exclaimed, wrapping the green cloak around herself. She remembered the last time she was here but never had she slept at the academy. So many questions and so little time to ask. Why couldn't I have came here sooner?

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus
Senki Tazuya

You probably don't, but I'll feel better knowing you're both safe." She replied simply as they walked up the stairs. She shrugged when Emily asked her question. "I already have a room mate, though I haven't seen her since last night. Maybe she left? I dunno. It'd be cool if they assigned you as my room mate instead." She told her. "If you don't have one you're welcome to stay in my room until or if my room mate shows up again." She added. It didn't take them long to reach the dorm floor, even with Senki having to burry Atsuko along at times. "Alright guys, here we are. I'll see you in the morning." She told them before walking over to her dorm door and unlocking it. "Gunna stay with me or?" She asked Emily for confirmation before walking in.
Darius waved them farewell and walked towards his room. Dravlon seemed to be in a good mood but the signs of exhaustion were back and teh dragonling looked like he was ready to pass out on the bed which he promptly did as soon as they entered the room. Darius was about to do so himself until he saw the figure sitting in the other bed. He couldn't quite make out their features in the darkness but they certainly had a powerful air about them. The boy was much to tired to care though.

"Oh, you must be my roommate. Nice to meet you. I'm Darius." he said before yawning tiredly. The boy moved to sit on his own bed facing the figure.

Vaccum said:
Mouse-O had his new staff. It was a swirling silver with a mystic ruby on top to channel magic. He was standing on the nearest table watching the teachers in the room.
"Whatever you need me to do Proffesor."

Mouse-O was a new mouse after his death. He realized the true extent of his power. Not very much. This was a very humbling realization. This left Mouse-O wondering greatly what Draconus had in mind. He was learning new spells the best he could.

He was proud of his new skill though. He learned to tailor a bit. He made a coat for himself. A blue coat that billowed out a bit behind him when he flew with his levitation. He also had a new hat. It was less impressive than his old hat with a drooped point and a smaller brim.

@Veyd Sahvoz
ScarlettRose16 said:
"I think it was dark magic, it's still fuzzy." She says. Parts and peices were flashing through her head and yet other parts, it was like someone just stole that out of her head. She puts her fingers to her temples trying to not feel like she was going crazy. "Do you have anymore of what you gave me that other time u was here?" She asks clenching her hands trying to stop her hands from shaking.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Draconus gave Mouse-O a quick glance before looking back at Kate "I do not recall. . .What was it I gave you?" asked Draconus, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.


Mitchs98 said:
Senki Tazuya
You probably don't, but I'll feel better knowing you're both safe." She replied simply as they walked up the stairs. She shrugged when Emily asked her question. "I already have a room mate, though I haven't seen her since last night. Maybe she left? I dunno. It'd be cool if they assigned you as my room mate instead." She told her. "If you don't have one you're welcome to stay in my room until or if my room mate shows up again." She added. It didn't take them long to reach the dorm floor, even with Senki having to burry Atsuko along at times. "Alright guys, here we are. I'll see you in the morning." She told them before walking over to her dorm door and unlocking it. "Gunna stay with me or?" She asked Emily for confirmation before walking in.
Emily's cheeks flushed red when Senki actually considered letting her stay with her. Apparently having a blood sucking vampire half-elf as a roommate isn't a bad idea for some people. "Are y-you sure? I mean I-I-I'd love to!" she exclaimed, already feeling the warmness of the room from out in the hall. This truly had been a great day and Senki being so kind and warm hearted only added to it.


Emily's cheeks flushed red when Senki actually considered letting her stay with her. Apparently having a blood sucking vampire half-elf as a roommate isn't a bad idea for some people. "Are y-you sure? I mean I-I-I'd love to!" she exclaimed, already feeling the warmness of the room from out in the hall. This truly had been a great day and Senki being so kind and warm hearted only added to it.

"I think you called it alcohol." She says trying to recal exactly what he called it. She rememebered the horrible taste but it did calm her nerves. "I haven't got an explanation for anything. The shadows, whatever the hell happened at the mission I was sent on. I do t know what to make of it anymore." She says

Marie made her way to the office. Once she found it she hestited. Pulling her bags closer to her she knocked. "Hello, It's Marie Portise. may I come in?" She said nervous. After introducing herself she felt stupid. She just wanted to get her dorm assignment and directions to the dorms. Also wanted to collapse from exchustion @Veyd Sahvoz
Drakerus said:
Darius waved them farewell and walked towards his room. Dravlon seemed to be in a good mood but the signs of exhaustion were back and teh dragonling looked like he was ready to pass out on the bed which he promptly did as soon as they entered the room. Darius was about to do so himself until he saw the figure sitting in the other bed. He couldn't quite make out their features in the darkness but they certainly had a powerful air about them. The boy was much to tired to care though.
"Oh, you must be my roommate. Nice to meet you. I'm Darius." he said before yawning tiredly. The boy moved to sit on his own bed facing the figure.

"Aye. My name is Desh. Nice to meet you. Seems like we'll be stuck with each other for awhile so let's get along kay?" The vampire turns his luminescent amber irises towards the man that would now be his roommate. Well....more like young man. "You look exhausted man. What happened to you out there? Well, actually tell me about it in the morning. You should probably rest. Go ahead and sleep bud."
"You don't have to tell me twice..." he said as he immediately laid down and closed his eyes, falling asleep.

Emily's cheeks flushed red when Senki actually considered letting her stay with her. Apparently having a blood sucking vampire half-elf as a roommate isn't a bad idea for some people. "Are y-you sure? I mean I-I-I'd love to!" she exclaimed, already feeling the warmness of the room from out in the hall. This truly had been a great day and Senki being so kind and warm hearted only added to it.

Senki Tazuya

Senki smiled, "Awesome." She replied happily before opening the door and walking in. "I'm gunna take a quick shower, pick whichever bed you want." She told her, assuming she was already in the room, while she got another of the plain white shirts they had in the dresser. She supposed she'd have to find a town later and get some more clothes, not that she had any money..but still. Once she got her clothes she walked into the bathroom and set to work taking a shower, the warm water feeling nice after the events of the day.
Ko'Do'Kar looked through the M and H sections, until he found the book he wanted. He went back to his dorm, and put a weak Candlelight spell up, so he could read it, but it wouldn't disturb Fuyuki's sleep when he got here.

"Remember, Gold. Look through Ko'Do'Kar's memory for this book in the morning. That way we won't be bothered by that gods damn nightmare ever again," KDK said to Gold.

"All right, Ko'Do'Kar. Honestly, I didn't think they'd have a book for this," responded Gold.
Emily took off her green cloak and her leather gauntlets, and fought with the knots in her red fiery hair. It always made her wonder why she had red hair since she liked ice and lightning more. She was a cryomancer after all. The bed in these dorm rooms were quite relaxing and they had bathrooms as well, even clothes ready for them. It gave her something to think about as she drifted to sleep, closing her eyes and thinking about what tomorrow would be like.



(Eyup, enough waiting let's just time skip to morning)

After assuring Kate that he'd look into this oddity in her mission, Draconus resumed writing his letter. Tomorrow would be a busy day, and after tomorrow would be Halloween, everyone's favorite holiday. The students who were signed up for the competition to get the Ebony Crown would have breakfast and then set out, classes would be cancelled due to other club activities and preperations for Halloween. Perhaps he should go to the abandonned part of the academy again. Think Draconus. How am I supposed to protect my school if I don't know what's going on? He asked himself, finishing his letter. A raven landed on the window sil, poor bird, having to fly so high into the sky just to retrieve a message. Draconus got up from his desk "You took your time," pulling his hood from his robes over his head, Draconus tied the letter to it's back, being carful not to have it overlap one of its wings "Of you go little one." After sending the note he walked to his bedroom, putting out the hearth, and layed on his own bed. Something he hadn't done for many a year. Allowing himself to fall asleep, uttering 3 words that he hadn't said in long time and filled him with hate and regret.

"Welcome back, Saviik"

@Golden Glow @Kazehana @CoreyXIX @The Chronicler Croi @Cruor Flumine @Ldybug123 @UnwantedTruth @Mitchs98 @Col @Scylla (@LilyannaGaming let's just pretend you got your dorm arrangments) @Drakerus @Vaccum @shadowz1995 @ScarlettRose16 @Ras
Ko'Do'Kar woke up, book still on his face, unfinished. "Dammit," he said, using a piece of scrap paper as a bookmark. "Should have finished that. No matter." He went out the window, and just before he hit the ground, he cast levitate. "Sii Griid Nau!" KDK became Gold, who went through the door, and to the dining room.
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