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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Miziki Kurone

Once everyone had left her alone and stopped talking Miziki quickly ran to her room while being careful not to trip. If anyone was going to talk to her it'd be her room mate, and hopefully after she was properly clothed. Upon reaching her room she quickly ran in, slammed the door, and locked it.

Sighing heavily she leaned against the door to catch her breath. "I really hope no one noticed that.." She thought out-loud. The last thing she needed was some of the students, even worse her friends, discussing what had happened. Both the explosion, and the fact of her dress. Still holding her dress up with one arm she summoned Asada with the other. Almost immediately she was met with an amused grin by Asada. "Not a word. Not one. Or so help me you won't see this world for as long as I live." She told him while glaring as best as a blind girl could.

He held his hands up in front of him apprenhsively and chuckled, "
I wasn't gunna, don't worry. Let me guess, new clothes again?" He replied. "What do you think." She commented coldly. "Say please." He told her, his grin only widenening. "Please.." She growled. "Now was that so hard? Open the door and I'll go." Sighing heavily she unlocked the door, opened it, and summarily forced him out before shutting and locking it back.

Tossing her now second ruined set of clothes into the trash she trudged into the bathroom and bathed herself. A little while later Asada had apparently returned with her clothes, as she found an outfit laid out for her on the bed and his symbol smeared from the floor. Not thinking much of it she dressed and practically collapsed onto her bed, more or less instantly falling asleep.


Drakerus said:
Darius, exhausted from the day's events was now dragging his feet due to the ludicrous amount of stairs he had to climb just to get to his room. He was about halfway there when he heard what sounded like destructive magic coming from somewhere down one of the hallways. Curiosity peaking, he cautiosly made his way towards the sounds until he came upon a smoke filled corridor. The boy took cover behind a corner and peeked around it. Dravlon was still out like a light in his arms so he wouldn't be able to fight. When he was finally able to see past the smoke he noticed that there was a figure clad in armor that resembled a dragon. They were facing the source of the smoke, spear at the ready, as if they were waiting for something to emerge. Deciding it was best to remain hidden for now he continued to quietly spy on the mysterious figure.

@Veyd Sahvoz

Senki Tazuya

Senki continued to try to see through the smoke, hoping her attack had killed or at-least weakened the Oni. Even if it didn't kill it, all she'd have to do was attack it with another spell. It seemed like a lower tier Oni, at least to her, so it was doubtful it could survive too much of a beating. It was also a good think the school repaired itself, otherwise a sizeable portion of it would be destroyed from that blast.

Admist the waiting she sensed another figure approach, not taking any chances she quickly turned to face it, drew back her arm, and summarily tossed her spear. The spear wasn't aimed to kill or even hit Darius, it was meant to scare him off and signal Senki wasn't playing around. She'd destroy them both if they were in on trying to kill Emily.

She stayed silent whilst waiting on a reaction from either the Oni or Darius. Practically daring either to move.
Col said:
Hide shrugs at the banning of fighting for the rest of the day, sighing, he quickly teleports back to his dorm and continues his meditating.
Prof. Addor sighed as he waited for the rest of the students to finish their duels. Good to know there'd be no more extreme explosions tonight. That only led him to wonder what might happen tonight...

@shadowz1995 @ScarlettRose16 @Col

Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Once everyone had left her alone and stopped talking Miziki quickly ran to her room while being careful not to trip. If anyone was going to talk to her it'd be her room mate, and hopefully after she was properly clothed. Upon reaching her room she quickly ran in, slammed the door, and locked it.

Sighing heavily she leaned against the door to catch her breath. "I really hope no one noticed that.." She thought out-loud. The last thing she needed was some of the students, even worse her friends, discussing what had happened. Both the explosion, and the fact of her dress. Still holding her dress up with one arm she summoned Asada with the other. Almost immediately she was met with an amused grin by Asada. "Not a word. Not one. Or so help me you won't see this world for as long as I live." She told him while glaring as best as a blind girl could.

He held his hands up in front of him apprenhsively and chuckled, "
I wasn't gunna, don't worry. Let me guess, new clothes again?" He replied. "What do you think." She commented coldly. "Say please." He told her, his grin only widenening. "Please.." She growled. "Now was that so hard? Open the door and I'll go." Sighing heavily she unlocked the door, opened it, and summarily forced him out before shutting and locking it back.

Tossing her now second ruined set of clothes into the trash she trudged into the bathroom and bathed herself. A little while later Asada had apparently returned with her clothes, as she found an outfit laid out for her on the bed and his symbol smeared from the floor. Not thinking much of it she dressed and practically collapsed onto her bed, more or less instantly falling asleep.


@Veyd Sahvoz

Senki Tazuya

Senki continued to try to see through the smoke, hoping her attack had killed or at-least weakened the Oni. Even if it didn't kill it, all she'd have to do was attack it with another spell. It seemed like a lower tier Oni, at least to her, so it was doubtful it could survive too much of a beating. It was also a good think the school repaired itself, otherwise a sizeable portion of it would be destroyed from that blast.

Admist the waiting she sensed another figure approach, not taking any chances she quickly turned to face it, drew back her arm, and summarily tossed her spear. The spear wasn't aimed to kill or even hit Darius, it was meant to scare him off and signal Senki wasn't playing around. She'd destroy them both if they were in on trying to kill Emily.

She stayed silent whilst waiting on a reaction from either the Oni or Darius. Practically daring either to move.
(Destroying a 'sizable portion' of the school? That would be unlikely because the school is larger than you may think xD )

The Oni chuckled as he was killed, black blood spewing on the floor as he mustered a last laugh with his awfully disgusting dark voice "Heh heh...There is more than you know....underground...." and with that his body was burner in hell fire, leaving behind burned ashes. Left behind was a note written in a strange writing, close to that of draconic but it was far more conplex. The note was dark and scorched but it did have an insignia of some sort.

At that percise moment Emily's eyes returned to their colour and she awoke from the paralysis gasping for air. When she looked around her she grew more and more perplexed at why there was a...dragon around her. "Umm...excuse me Mister, or miss...dragon... but what are you doing here?"

@Mitchs98 @Col

(Again, sorry for the hold up guys, but it's the weekend! :D )
Ame was drifting off when she felt him pull her closer. It made her feel all fuzzy that he did, though she couldn't put her finger on why. Suddenly, her eyes flung open. She had an idea. A great idea.

She carefully maneuvered the hand that she could move over his arm and back behind her. Once she did, she carefully probed where she thought he was hiding something earlier. She knew she could figure out what he was hiding if she could just do it without him knowing. And since he was such a heavy sleeper, or so it seemed, now was her chance.

She finally found something, but she wasn't sure what it was. It felt like... maybe it was that third arm? But it was a little squishy. So what did that mean? Ame frowned, mainly because she had no idea what it was. She decided to let it go for now, returning her hand in front of her. For a few moments longer, she wondered what it was. However, she knew she could figure it out later, so she decided to try to go to sleep instead.

In short, she pressed her body back onto his, and tried once more to let sleep take her.

@Cruor Flumine
CoreyXIX said:
Flesh-eating monsters, huh? The thought nearly made the old lich chuckle at the thought of one of these things consuming his flesh, and subsequent illness that would befall the eater. They may even die! "I'm afraid I haven't any such power, no." Prof. Shaltaea replies to her. "I'm rather fascinated to see what would try to eat me, though. Good chance it's whole species would probably catch what I'm infected with." he remarks with a small chuckle. "I'll keep my mouth shut about the places you show me, don't worry about that. If we're going to be gone for an extended period of time on our little 'field trip' we may wish to inform the headmaster, since I am in charge in two classes at the academy."
"Most of the creatures down in the Nimkoehther are immune to the diseases of the flesh they consume in the dark it pays to be a scavenger just as much as it does to be a predator. Some predators have different ways of seeing at least you will be at an advantage I doubt you put off much of a heat signature anymore. It may be a week. "
Darius stumbled back at the spear that was close to hitting him but he did not flee. He could tell it was only meant to scare him off. When he peeked around the corner again he saw a monstrous demon creature burning away in corrupted fire. When the demon was gone he cautiously approached the figure in confusion.

"What...was that?" he asked a little scared but his curiosity outweighed it. Dravlon had now stirred from hsi slumber and was tiredly watching the girl in front of them.

Even through the fight in front of her, she was still questioning what happened when she was there. Why did they want her? What did they do? She figured she could go talk to Dracnous, but she really didn't know if he would know anything. She hopefully could get done with this duel quickly so she could go ask some questions before the night was over. Even though it happened a while ago, it still weighed heavily on her mind. She had to clear her head and focus on her opponent in front of her. It was weighing heavily on her mind and she tried so hard to focus. After a while of attacks and defending she was just getting bored and finally changed back into her normal form. "This was fun but I'm done for now, I have to go take care of a couple things. I look forward to dueling you again." She says with a smile before lowering herself back on the ground. She turn and starts walking towards the door. She walks out and heads towards the stairs. She starts going up them.

20 minutes later

She finally gets to the floor she knows that Dracnous was on and she leans against the wall. These stairs are tiring. She walked down the hallway a bit and found the doorShe was hoping he was still in his office and she knocked on the door.

@shadowz1995 @Veyd Sahvoz
[QUOTE="The Chronicler Croi]"Most of the creatures down in the Nimkoehther are immune to the diseases of the flesh they consume in the dark it pays to be a scavenger just as much as it does to be a predator. Some predators have different ways of seeing at least you will be at an advantage I doubt you put off much of a heat signature anymore. It may be a week. "

"A week, eh?" Prof. Shaltaea parrots back, expecting as much but a tad disappointed given his time table. It would take advanced notice for sure then. And he still had a few things of his own to! "Our trek will have to wait then. As things are now I simply haven't the time! I'll need a few days to finish my current experiments and get Halloween over with. I am expected to help a little, being a professor and all. I would love to do so afterwards, though." He explains to her. "Now, if you'll excuse me for just a moment while I finish this spell....."
CoreyXIX said:
"A week, eh?" Prof. Shaltaea parrots back, expecting as much but a tad disappointed given his time table. It would take advanced notice for sure then. And he still had a few things of his own to! "Our trek will have to wait then. As things are now I simply haven't the time! I'll need a few days to finish my current experiments and get Halloween over with. I am expected to help a little, being a professor and all. I would love to do so afterwards, though." He explains to her. "Now, if you'll excuse me for just a moment while I finish this spell....."
" We could take a few short day trips as well, but to take the main doorway to the Shadow realm takes a few days to reach... you still possess a majority of your soul and are you sworn to service with anyone? I did mention bonding usually happens at birth, that is usually the case and you grow or your familiar grows with you. Well I grew up with my Familiars the only one older than me is Apep and well ok I guess all 3 are the other 2 only a few Tanenu 6yr. There are those that wait years to find those.... Wait I may know of one she could at least meet you. I know of a few actually there is a bar not far from one of the doors I made. "

"I possess my entire soul, thank you very much. I'm not some fool that bargains it away. However, my soul is seperate from me in a hiding place of my choosing." He says as he begins channeling energy through himself to the candles, the harsh green glow turning the candle flames to the same color as the energy. As the energy slithered from the flames it went into the ground where the corpses were. Within a couple of minutes the soft sounds of the risen dead could be heard digging their way out if the ground where they were buried. "If meeting one would be beneficial then I'll agree to it once we've finished here."
(Way to go, me, realizing I haven't posted here, like, ever...)

Drikai sighed. He figured most of the time, people didn't like him. Often students would avoid him and not really talk to him at hall. He wishes he could just... Just control people who were alive, not dead. He got up out of his bed, and prepared for the day. People... people, people, he thought. He hated people now, as they would avoid him, as said above. Like most students, he had a schedule. Screw the schedule, I need the library again, he thought as he walked out of his door, now ready, with his necessities next to him.
KDK had another nightmare. He thought he had gotten away from them a few weeks ago, but no. The same one happened, the worst one. (Same flashback feom Himdah)

His parents turned around to him, an unlikely couple of parents: an Altmer father and an Argonian mother. His mother said, "We're going to go to the Market District, buy some food. We'll be back in an hour, Gol'diir."

Gold smiled, and said, "Okay, Mom, Dad. See you in a bit."

An hour later, and they weren't back. Gold decided to explore the city to find them. He searched the whole city, his golden, altmer-esque scale color turning heads. When he got to the Talos plaza district, his parents were on an execution stage, the headsmen eagerly lifting their axes. "People of the Imperial City," said one of the executioners, "we have here a pair of vandalizers. This Altmer and Argonian have each vandalized a statue of the Divine, Talos! The price: Death!"

The headsmen walked up to Gold's parents, and hefted their axes. "NO!" the yound Gold screamed, but his cry fell upon deaf ears. The headsmen lifted their axes, and Gold's father saw him. He mouthed a silent "Goodbye, my son," ant the headsmen dispatched of them.

KDK woke up in a cold sweat. "Thanks a lot, Gold," he thought. "Could you not plague ko'Do'Kar's mind wit that memory?"

He decided to go read, maybe about how to get annoying memories out of one's head. He saw a person on his way, and decided to talk to him, calm his nerves.

"Hello," he said, waving a hand.

"Greetings," he said. Drikai didn't even look up at the person he had spoken to, too busy fiddling with his bag. "If you don't mind me asking, can you grab a vial from inside my bag? It is approximately 10 centimeters large, and it has a blue fluid in it," he asked, and eventually looked up at him. He asked this because he began to fiddle with something else. Another vial, filled with a strange blue liquid.

@Golden Glow
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Veyd Sahvoz]Prof. Addor sighed as he waited for the rest of the students to finish their duels. Good to know there'd be no more extreme explosions tonight. That only led him to wonder what might happen tonight... [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21857-shadowz1995/ said:
@shadowz1995[/URL] @ScarlettRose16 @Col

(Destroying a 'sizable portion' of the school? That would be unlikely because the school is larger than you may think xD )

The Oni chuckled as he was killed, black blood spewing on the floor as he mustered a last laugh with his awfully disgusting dark voice "Heh heh...There is more than you know....underground...." and with that his body was burner in hell fire, leaving behind burned ashes. Left behind was a note written in a strange writing, close to that of draconic but it was far more conplex. The note was dark and scorched but it did have an insignia of some sort.

At that percise moment Emily's eyes returned to their colour and she awoke from the paralysis gasping for air. When she looked around her she grew more and more perplexed at why there was a...dragon around her. "Umm...excuse me Mister, or miss...dragon... but what are you doing here?"

@Mitchs98 @Col

(Again, sorry for the hold up guys, but it's the weekend! :D )
Drakerus said:
Darius stumbled back at the spear that was close to hitting him but he did not flee. He could tell it was only meant to scare him off. When he peeked around the corner again he saw a monstrous demon creature burning away in corrupted fire. When the demon was gone he cautiously approached the figure in confusion.
"What...was that?" he asked a little scared but his curiosity outweighed it. Dravlon had now stirred from hsi slumber and was tiredly watching the girl in front of them.
(A sizeable portion of that floor, you nerd. You clearly don't understand Draconic magic >_>)

Senki Tazuya

Senki did little more than stare curiously as the beast died while processing what it said. More underground? What could possibly be underground? Draconus' stash of dirty magazines? Shaking her head she landed on the ground and walked over to the pile of ash, carefully picking up the note and shaking the dust off. She could read some of it, bits and pieces mostly, nothing comprehensible. She most definetely had to bring this to Draconus as soon as possible.

It was roughly that time Darius approached her with Dravlon in tow, another flick of her wrist sent her spear careening back into the palm of her outstretched hand. She stared at him in silence momentarily, gauging whether or not he was a threat. She figured he would of tried something by now if he was, so she dismissed her armor and spear, straightening her dress slightly as she did.

Finally, she spoke. "An Oni. For some reason, it tried to kill one of my friends. At the time I thought it was just a person, but it turns out it wasn't." She explained. "Sorry about the whole..spear thing. I wasn't sure if you were with that thing or not. Names' Senki, by the way." She told him before donning a friendly smile.

Meanwhile Atsuko was still curled around Emily, soon after he noticed her moving and speaking. "Protecting you at the request of Senki. Someone tried to kill you, or rather something. Its very dead now. She should be coming to check on you soon." He replied in a low rumbling voice.
CoreyXIX said:
"I possess my entire soul, thank you very much. I'm not some fool that bargains it away. However, my soul is seperate from me in a hiding place of my choosing." He says as he begins channeling energy through himself to the candles, the harsh green glow turning the candle flames to the same color as the energy. As the energy slithered from the flames it went into the ground where the corpses were. Within a couple of minutes the soft sounds of the risen dead could be heard digging their way out if the ground where they were buried. "If meeting one would be beneficial then I'll agree to it once we've finished here."
You may meet a few depending on the time, you may get to try some drinks, cuisine some of it may be a bit strange for your pallet. I thought of preparing some native dishes for the students. I think they may shy away from them if they knew the ingredients. Kind of like the salve for the student earlier it contains parts of a frog and mushroom found on my home world. I don't know if she would use it if she knew it contained exotic frog mucus, skin and bone"

Mitchs98 said:
(A sizeable portion of that floor, you nerd. You clearly don't understand Draconic magic >_>)
Senki Tazuya

Senki did little more than stare curiously as the beast died while processing what it said. More underground? What could possibly be underground? Draconus' stash of dirty magazines? Shaking her head she landed on the ground and walked over to the pile of ash, carefully picking up the note and shaking the dust off. She could read some of it, bits and pieces mostly, nothing comprehensible. She most definetely had to bring this to Draconus as soon as possible.

It was roughly that time Darius approached her with Dravlon in tow, another flick of her wrist sent her spear careening back into the palm of her outstretched hand. She stared at him in silence momentarily, gauging whether or not he was a threat. She figured he would of tried something by now if he was, so she dismissed her armor and spear, straightening her dress slightly as she did.

Finally, she spoke. "An Oni. For some reason, it tried to kill one of my friends. At the time I thought it was just a person, but it turns out it wasn't." She explained. "Sorry about the whole..spear thing. I wasn't sure if you were with that thing or not. Names' Senki, by the way." She told him before donning a friendly smile.

Meanwhile Atsuko was still curled around Emily, soon after he noticed her moving and speaking. "Protecting you at the request of Senki. Someone tried to kill you, or rather something. Its very dead now. She should be coming to check on you soon." He replied in a low rumbling voice.
Darius was still a little confused as to how a demon or oni or whatever ended up wandering the halls. He shrugged it off though and introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Darius and this is..." he trailed off as he noticed Dravlon had somehow left his arms without him noticing. The little blue dragonling had made his way to Atsuko and hopped into the larger dragon's embrace with Emily. Darius just stared at the scene until he coughed awkwardly and turned back to Senki.

"That's my friend Dravlon. He seems to have taken a liking to your...friend? Wait, is that a dragon!? Oh my gosh we can be dragon buddy buddies!" he exclaimed.

((Plz Mitch I can barely read light blue over white lol))
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ScarlettRose16 said:
Even through the fight in front of her, she was still questioning what happened when she was there. Why did they want her? What did they do? She figured she could go talk to Dracnous, but she really didn't know if he would know anything. She hopefully could get done with this duel quickly so she could go ask some questions before the night was over. Even though it happened a while ago, it still weighed heavily on her mind. She had to clear her head and focus on her opponent in front of her. It was weighing heavily on her mind and she tried so hard to focus. After a while of attacks and defending she was just getting bored and finally changed back into her normal form. "This was fun but I'm done for now, I have to go take care of a couple things. I look forward to dueling you again." She says with a smile before lowering herself back on the ground. She turn and starts walking towards the door. She walks out and heads towards the stairs. She starts going up them.

20 minutes later

She finally gets to the floor she knows that Dracnous was on and she leans against the wall. These stairs are tiring. She walked down the hallway a bit and found the doorShe was hoping he was still in his office and she knocked on the door.

@shadowz1995 @Veyd Sahvoz
"Who is it?" asked Draconus, motioning his hand in a door opening motion. He was surprised to see Kate there but it seemed that recently a ton of things surprised him. Where was Adlin and Vicar when he needed them? He, actually, looked up from his work for once at least.


Mitchs98 said:
(A sizeable portion of that floor, you nerd. You clearly don't understand Draconic magic >_>)
Senki Tazuya

Senki did little more than stare curiously as the beast died while processing what it said. More underground? What could possibly be underground? Draconus' stash of dirty magazines? Shaking her head she landed on the ground and walked over to the pile of ash, carefully picking up the note and shaking the dust off. She could read some of it, bits and pieces mostly, nothing comprehensible. She most definetely had to bring this to Draconus as soon as possible.

It was roughly that time Darius approached her with Dravlon in tow, another flick of her wrist sent her spear careening back into the palm of her outstretched hand. She stared at him in silence momentarily, gauging whether or not he was a threat. She figured he would of tried something by now if he was, so she dismissed her armor and spear, straightening her dress slightly as she did.

Finally, she spoke. "An Oni. For some reason, it tried to kill one of my friends. At the time I thought it was just a person, but it turns out it wasn't." She explained. "Sorry about the whole..spear thing. I wasn't sure if you were with that thing or not. Names' Senki, by the way." She told him before donning a friendly smile.

Meanwhile Atsuko was still curled around Emily, soon after he noticed her moving and speaking. "Protecting you at the request of Senki. Someone tried to kill you, or rather something. Its very dead now. She should be coming to check on you soon." He replied in a low rumbling voice.
Emily was about to say something but then some other male spoke and she was rudely interrupted. Using levitation she was brought right back up onto her feet. "And who might you be?" she asked, almost as confused as ever.

@Drakerus @Mitchs98

Emily was about to say something but then some other male spoke and she was rudely interrupted. Using levitation she was brought right back up onto her feet. "And who might you be?" she asked, almost as confused as ever.

@Drakerus @Mitchs98

She walked in and smiled slightly. "I just....what happened when you sent us on that mission, what ritual happened, what did they even do to me?" She asks the words just flowing out of her mouth not being able to not talk. She sat down on a chair I front of his desk. She needed answers and she was determined not to leave here without answers. She looks at him a look of distress on her face. "What even happened?" She asks still dwelling on it and she hated that her memory was fuzzy.

@Veyd Sahvoz

Emily was about to say something but then some other male spoke and she was rudely interrupted. Using levitation she was brought right back up onto her feet. "And who might you be?" she asked, almost as confused as ever.

@Drakerus @Mitchs98
Darius was surprised by the girl who suddenly emerged from Atsuko. He recovered quickly though.

"oh uh, I'm Darius. nice to meet you. I got here when I noticed Senki fighting that Oni." he explained. He looked back at Dravlon and the dragonling seemed to be quite satisfied that he was the only one left to receive the warm embrace of the coincidentally same colored dragon.
"She may not, but you never know. The young fox girl uses similar magics to my own. Though I admit it's a shame I cannot normally eat or drink now. Most of my organs are long gone as well." The Lich says to her in response of the cuisine. The students may enjoy it though. "Don't blame you for making it a secret. A lot if the healing I use is actually mixed with Necromancy spells for a few extra effects. Though I would never mention that to the others."
Drakerus said:
Darius was still a little confused as to how a demon or oni or whatever ended up wandering the halls. He shrugged it off though and introduced himself.
"Nice to meet you! I'm Darius and this is..." he trailed off as he noticed Dravlon had somehow left his arms without him noticing. The little blue dragonling had made his way to Atsuko and hopped into the larger dragon's embrace with Emily. Darius just stared at the scene until he coughed awkwardly and turned back to Senki.

"That's my friend Dravlon. He seems to have taken a liking to your...friend? Wait, is that a dragon!? Oh my gosh we can be dragon buddy buddies!" he exclaimed.

((Plz Mitch I can barely read light blue over white lol))

Emily was about to say something but then some other male spoke and she was rudely interrupted. Using levitation she was brought right back up onto her feet. "And who might you be?" she asked, almost as confused as ever.

@Drakerus @Mitchs98
Drakerus said:
Darius was surprised by the girl who suddenly emerged from Atsuko. He recovered quickly though.
"oh uh, I'm Darius. nice to meet you. I got here when I noticed Senki fighting that Oni." he explained. He looked back at Dravlon and the dragonling seemed to be quite satisfied that he was the only one left to receive the warm embrace of the coincidentally same colored dragon.
Senki Tazuya

Senki smiled at the two and at the scene between Dravlon and Atsuko. "Nice to meet you both, and yep that's my buddy Atsuko. Annd yep he's a dragon." She replied. Atsuko then shrank down to a bit bigger than Dravlons size so he could more comfortably be on top of him. He whizzed around with him on his back, attempting to have fun with the little dragonling who was obviously excited to meet him.

Roughly that time Emily stood, or rather levitated, up. After Darius introduced himself Senki ran and tackle-hugged Emily. "
You're okay! I was so worried about you. The thing that hurt you is dead now, don't worry. I'm not sure why it even did though." She told her.
Mitchs98 said:
Senki TazuyaSenki smiled at the two and at the scene between Dravlon and Atsuko. "Nice to meet you both, and yep that's my buddy Atsuko. Annd yep he's a dragon." She replied. Atsuko then shrank down to a bit bigger than Dravlons size so he could more comfortably be on top of him. He whizzed around with him on his back, attempting to have fun with the little dragonling who was obviously excited to meet him.

Roughly that time Emily stood, or rather levitated, up. After Darius introduced himself Senki ran and tackle-hugged Emily. "
You're okay! I was so worried about you. The thing that hurt you is dead now, don't worry. I'm not sure why it even did though." She told her.
Darius smiled at the two who were apparently good friends. He soon frowned however when he thought about the Oni. How did it even get inside the academy? Unless...maybe this school had some serious secrets.

"I'm glad you're ok too even though we've just met. Do you guys have any idea where that monster came from? I'd expect this place to have better security considering it's so big..." he said a little shaken at the news that he might get attacked in his sleep.

Dravlon was happy to join Atsuko in his playing. it was almost like he wasn't exhausted from earlier.
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ScarlettRose16 said:
Even through the fight in front of her, she was still questioning what happened when she was there. Why did they want her? What did they do? She figured she could go talk to Dracnous, but she really didn't know if he would know anything. She hopefully could get done with this duel quickly so she could go ask some questions before the night was over. Even though it happened a while ago, it still weighed heavily on her mind. She had to clear her head and focus on her opponent in front of her. It was weighing heavily on her mind and she tried so hard to focus. After a while of attacks and defending she was just getting bored and finally changed back into her normal form. "This was fun but I'm done for now, I have to go take care of a couple things. I look forward to dueling you again." She says with a smile before lowering herself back on the ground. She turn and starts walking towards the door. She walks out and heads towards the stairs. She starts going up them.

20 minutes later

She finally gets to the floor she knows that Dracnous was on and she leans against the wall. These stairs are tiring. She walked down the hallway a bit and found the doorShe was hoping he was still in his office and she knocked on the door.

@shadowz1995 @Veyd Sahvoz
"Mmm..I agree. I get bored of an opponent who isn't even trying. Go on then. And don't duel me again if you aren't going to take it seriously. That's an insult to any self-respecting warrior Nephilim." The vampire drops his stance and hops off the stage, leaving in a rather foul mood . The duel had started off interesting but just into something pathetic. Maybe it was the experience gap. Desh merely shrugged and headed to his dorm brooding.
Drakerus said:
Darius smiled at the two who were apparently good friends. He soon frowned however when he thought about the Oni. How did it even get inside the academy? Unless...maybe this school had some serious secrets.
"I'm glad you're ok too even though we've just met. Do you guys have any idea where that monster came from? I'd expect this place to have better security considering it's so big..." he said a little shaken at the news that he might get attacked in his sleep.

Dravlon was happy to join Atsuko in his playing. it was almost like he wasn't exhausted from earlier.
Mitchs98 said:
Senki TazuyaSenki smiled at the two and at the scene between Dravlon and Atsuko. "Nice to meet you both, and yep that's my buddy Atsuko. Annd yep he's a dragon." She replied. Atsuko then shrank down to a bit bigger than Dravlons size so he could more comfortably be on top of him. He whizzed around with him on his back, attempting to have fun with the little dragonling who was obviously excited to meet him.

Roughly that time Emily stood, or rather levitated, up. After Darius introduced himself Senki ran and tackle-hugged Emily. "
You're okay! I was so worried about you. The thing that hurt you is dead now, don't worry. I'm not sure why it even did though." She told her.
Emily felt rather glad that Senki was hugging her but the unexpecting part was when she tackled her to the ground "What was it that attacked us?" she asked, looking up at everyone else who was all gathered around. They were just about to be killed and everyones all happy?. . . Well I guess this school really is accepting.

ScarlettRose16 said:
She walked in and smiled slightly. "I just....what happened when you sent us on that mission, what ritual happened, what did they even do to me?" She asks the words just flowing out of her mouth not being able to not talk. She sat down on a chair I front of his desk. She needed answers and she was determined not to leave here without answers. She looks at him a look of distress on her face. "What even happened?" She asks still dwelling on it and she hated that her memory was fuzzy.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Draconus considered her for a moment, thinking about this 'ritual' and what she was talking about. "I'm sorry, could you be a little more specific? What exactly happened on your 'mission'?" he asked with utter seriousness. If this was something to do with the return of the Dark God then it would be far more than some petty witchs' trying to harness great power.


She remembered most things up to a point. "It's fuzzy but when we arrived we ran into some guys and they took me and I passed out when I came out of the teleportation. I woke up in a cage and then they got in my head. I loss control." She says stopping for a second. "I got taken to this area with wizards and some guy." She says stopping. This was almost like a horror story for her. "They...they put barriers around me and I was able to break through the first one, but then I got out in this obsidian thing and I lost all sense. I couldn't get out." She stops again, that was almost the worse part. "Someone, I think his name is Gold got me out." She says trying to recal more. "I fought the guy but then he used something that made me pass out. Then they started the ritual again and it was painful." She says remembering that she couldn't move but it hurt. It was horrible . "Then I wake up and I'm back here." She says finishing. She was shaking, what happened terrified her.

@Veyd Sahvoz

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