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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Ame woke up with a bit of crust in her eyes; she did not sleep well last night. Either way, the sun was shining, so she should be too. She didn't really want to leave Varien's warm embrace, but the day had to go on. She gently lifted his arm off of her and slowly edged her way off the bed. Looking around, she wasn't sure what to do before breakfast. So, she thought she might get him some new clothes for the day since humans seemed to change them whenever the sun rose. Must be a custom.

Either way, she hummed a song quietly while she rummaged through the drawers, picking out one article per type of clothing. She, of course, made sure the outfit went together and matched that coat he always insisted on wearing. When she had finished, she looked at her work, pleased with herself. Unfortunately, she still didn't know what that one piece of clothing was for since she couldn't remember seeing anyone wear it. Oh well. She put it off to the side just in case he for some reason needed it. There had to be a reason he had so many, right? The outfit she had laid out included a dark red button up, black pants, and black socks to go with the pants, of course. The coat... well it couldn't be altered, so she left it as is. She thought it might look nice on him, but she wouldn't know until he wore them. The underpants were also black because, wherever it went, it would need to match.

Once she finished, she really didn't know what to do, so she went to the window and opened it, looking outside and breathing in the fresh morning air. The birds were chirping, the sun was warm, the trees rustling. It would be a good day. Once she realized that they needed to go to breakfast, however, she was forced to tear her attention away from the window in favor of waking Varien up finally. So she glided over to the bed, careful not to make loud noises, then gently lay back down on the bed, just in front of his sleeping position. She smiled and giggled little before she hugged him, whispering in his ear to get up.

@Cruor Flumine
Kazehana said:
Ame woke up with a bit of crust in her eyes; she did not sleep well last night. Either way, the sun was shining, so she should be too. She didn't really want to leave Varien's warm embrace, but the day had to go on. She gently lifted his arm off of her and slowly edged her way off the bed. Looking around, she wasn't sure what to do before breakfast. So, she thought she might get him some new clothes for the day since humans seemed to change them whenever the sun rose. Must be a custom.
Either way, she hummed a song quietly while she rummaged through the drawers, picking out one article per type of clothing. She, of course, made sure the outfit went together and matched that coat he always insisted on wearing. When she had finished, she looked at her work, pleased with herself. Unfortunately, she still didn't know what that one piece of clothing was for since she couldn't remember seeing anyone wear it. Oh well. She put it off to the side just in case he for some reason needed it. There had to be a reason he had so many, right? The outfit she had laid out included a dark red button up, black pants, and black socks to go with the pants, of course. The coat... well it couldn't be altered, so she left it as is. She thought it might look nice on him, but she wouldn't know until he wore them. The underpants were also black because, wherever it went, it would need to match.

Once she finished, she really didn't know what to do, so she went to the window and opened it, looking outside and breathing in the fresh morning air. The birds were chirping, the sun was warm, the trees rustling. It would be a good day. Once she realized that they needed to go to breakfast, however, she was forced to tear her attention away from the window in favor of waking Varien up finally. So she glided over to the bed, careful not to make loud noises, then gently lay back down on the bed, just in front of his sleeping position. She smiled and giggled little before she hugged him, whispering in his ear to get up.

@Cruor Flumine
(I think it would be funny as crap if Ame saw KDK on his way down.)
Varien's eyes fluttered open as the girl began to whisper. He patted her back and sat up tiredly. "Good mornin Ame...How did you sleep?" He asked groggily.

She flopped on her back, mulling the question over. "Not great. But that... Can wait. We need to go eat now," she said, rolling her head over to look at him while they spoke. "How about you?" she asked, a small part of her smile returning. She sort of already knew the answer since he had slept so soundly, but it didn't hurt to ask.

@Cruor Flumine
He let out a smile and nodded. "Just fine." He said, sliding his feet of the bed and onto the floor. Varien rubbed the sleep from his eyes before standing up and stretching. Normaly he wouldn't drink coffee, but today seemed like a good day to do so. After all, it would be a late night.

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Seeing him get up, she mirrored his movements and got up after him. He was going quite slow for the morning, but perhaps that was because he wasn't a morning person. But how could you not be? Mornings were great! Just look outside! Oh well. Instead of questioning it, she went up to him, hands behind hr back, and smiled. "I got some clothes out!" she said, proud of herself for being so productive already. Normally though, she would be foraging for breakfast by now. But since she didn't need to, this didn't seem to be a problem for her. "Oh, and are you gonna come on the expedition with us?" she asked, excited at the idea but baffled that she hadn't brought it up sooner.

@Cruor Flumine


(Eyup, enough waiting let's just time skip to morning)

After assuring Kate that he'd look into this oddity in her mission, Draconus resumed writing his letter. Tomorrow would be a busy day, and after tomorrow would be Halloween, everyone's favorite holiday. The students who were signed up for the competition to get the Ebony Crown would have breakfast and then set out, classes would be cancelled due to other club activities and preperations for Halloween. Perhaps he should go to the abandonned part of the academy again. Think Draconus. How am I supposed to protect my school if I don't know what's going on? He asked himself, finishing his letter. A raven landed on the window sil, poor bird, having to fly so high into the sky just to retrieve a message. Draconus got up from his desk "You took your time," pulling his hood from his robes over his head, Draconus tied the letter to it's back, being carful not to have it overlap one of its wings "Of you go little one." After sending the note he walked to his bedroom, putting out the hearth, and layed on his own bed. Something he hadn't done for many a year. Allowing himself to fall asleep, uttering 3 words that he hadn't said in long time and filled him with hate and regret.

"Welcome back, Saviik"

@Golden Glow @Kazehana @CoreyXIX @The Chronicler Croi @Cruor Flumine @Ldybug123 @UnwantedTruth @Mitchs98 @Col @Scylla (@LilyannaGaming let's just pretend you got your dorm arrangments) @Drakerus @Vaccum @shadowz1995 @ScarlettRose16 @Ras
Senki Tazuya

Senki blinked and looked around, glaring at the sun before noticing the note on the bedside table from the Oni. Deciding to get up before Emily so she could give Draconus the note now so she didn't miss breakfast she stood and grabbed said note. Slipping on her shoes she walked out of the dorm and silently closed the door behind her.

Quickly flying up the stairs seeing as there was plenty of room to do so she knocked on Draconus' door. "Headmaster Draconus I need to talk to you for a minute." She called out to accompany her knocking.



Miziki Kurone

Yawning and stretching Miziki woke up rather forcefully thanks to the sun. She'd have to get curtains for those.. Despite being blind the warmth was annoying, and annoying wasn't nice. Deciding to quickly brush her teeth and such she rushed down the stairs for breakfast seeing as she skipped dinner she was starving. Ordering her usual sashimi and orange juice she sat down at a table. After all, they'd most likely be leaving to search for the crown soon, and she wanted to be ready ASAP.
He turned to her and raised an eyebrow. "You got clothes out for me? Thank you Ame. And sadly not. I have festivities to help prepare while you students are out."

Ame was visibly disappointed, but didn't let it get to her for long. She perked back up and pushed him towards the clothes. "Well hurry up! You need to get ready so we can go eaaattt!" she said, grunting as she tried to push him forward. In all likelihood, she was probably doing nothing but putting pressure on his back, but that wasn't going to stop her from trying.

@Cruor Flumine
Darius awoke with the feeling of moisture pressing against his face repeatedly. He groaned in annoyance before pulling the dragonling who had been licking his face off his chest. Wiping the saliva off with his blanket the boy yawned drowsily.

"You're hungry aren't you..."he stated rather than asked, "luckily for you I'm in the same boat" he said before chuckling. Darius got up from his bed and performed the usual morning routine before he put Dravlon on his head. Before leaving , the boy turned to Desh.

"Morning Desh. I'm going to meet up with my friends at breakfast. Feel free to join us if you want" he said before he walked out of the room closing the door behind him.
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He shook his head and walked over to where she had set his clothes out. Thankfully, the girl knew what colors went well together. With a sigh, and the ignoring of Ame, he quickly dressed and finished clasping the cloak around his neck. "Done. Shall we leave?"

Ame nodded with determination, though she was excited to get food. "Do you have to eat at the other table again?" she asked, beginning to walk towards the door. If only buildings weren't so confined, she'd fly more. To be candid, she wanted to. Unfortunately, she would just have to make time elsewhere to maintain her skills. Not that she would ever lose them.

@Cruor Flumine
Drakerus said:
Darius awoke with the feeling of moisture pressing against his face repeatedly. He groaned in annoyance before pulling the dragonling who had been locking his face off his chest. Wiping the saliva off with his blanket the boy yawned drowsily.
"You're hungry aren't you..."he stated rather than asked, "luckily for you I'm in the same boat" he said before chuckling. Darius got up from his bed and performed the usual morning routine before he put Dravlon on his head. Before leaving , the boy turned to Desh.

"Morning Desh. I'm going to meet up with my friends at breakfast. Feel free to join us if you want" he said before he walked out of the room closing the door behind him.
Desh hadn't slept in nearly 7 centuries as he never really got the urge to after he became immortal. So he was simply standing about in the kitchen when Darius rose from his slumber. "Good morning." The vampire replies. He also nods to the little dragonling in greeting for simple respect. "Well, if your friends are awkward I'll have a good laugh hahaha. Alright let's go." He grabs his cloak and throws it over himself to ward off the sunlight before following after his roommate.
He nodded. "Yes, that's where the teachers eat. But I won't be eating today. I need to go directly into preparations." He said, he thoughts drifting to Artorias.

Professors Addor, Yves, and Vicar were already in the dining hall, discussing Halloween matters, by the time most students had arrived. "I think we should go easy on the kids this year. No need to scare them to death like last year," Yves retorted, keeping her calm as she replied to Addor's proposal. "But it would be such fun! And I bet some of the students would find it exhilarating!" Addor proposed, still stuck on his own idea. Yves rolled her eyes and was very much tempted to place her two forefingers on her temple and thumb under her chin for support. "Addor, we simply cannot have that kind of liability on our hands again!" she stated, firmly rejecting his proposal. Addor mostly ignored her and kept babbling about his idea with an inextinguishable enthusiasm. Vicar was ignoring them, mainly because he didn't think either of their opinions mattered on such subjects. What was to happen had already been decided without this ludicrous idea. He sipped some of his morning tea, careful not to give any indication that he was listening to them. Otherwise, they might drag him into an unwanted argument.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Mouse-O hovered to the teacher's table. They were babbling about something he didn't catch the beggining of. Mouse-O then took his self-designated spot at the table his coat fluttering to a stop. From his coat he withdrew some tiny mouse sized utensils he transmuted recently. No need to eat like a barbarian today!

Mouse-O had decided it was in his, and others best interests if he focused his energy on helping people with tasks if they needed him. His goal today is to help at least one person.

@Kazehana @Veyd Sahvoz
Ame nodded reluctantly. "I suppose... Will I see you again today?" she asked, a flicker of hope ad grief mixing in her voice. Today wouldn't be all that fun if she didn't even get to see him. Or maybe it would, but it wouldn't be easy.

@Cruor Flumine
Vaccum said:
Mouse-O hovered to the teacher's table. They were babbling about something he didn't catch the beggining of. Mouse-O then took his self-designated spot at the table his coat fluttering to a stop. From his coat he withdrew some tiny mouse sized utensils he transmuted recently. No need to eat like a barbarian today!
Mouse-O had decided it was in his, and others best interests if he focused his energy on helping people with tasks if they needed him. His goal today is to help at least one person.

@Kazehana @Veyd Sahvoz
Vicar was still making sure he wasn't a part of anything those two had to offer, and he especially didn't want to be associated with Mouse-O. However, the other two weren't so keen on keeping others out. Addor immediately took notice of his arrival, and started asking, "Mouse-O! What do you think abo-" "Oh shove it. You can't seriously be so desperate for backing that you'd consult a mouse!" Yves retorted, seizing the opportunity to discredit him. Addor frowned and averted his gaze to her for a moment, then back at Mouse-O. "Why shouldn't I consult a fellow faculty member about such matters?" he asked, smiling back at Mouse-O. Yves snorted, looking away from both of them. "He doesn't work here and you know it." Addor waved her off, paying her comment no mind. "How are you today, Mouse-O?" he asked, changing the subject.
A hidden smirk crossed his face as he turned from the girl and stepped towards the teleportation circle. "Yes Ame, You will." He said before steeping into the circle and teleporting to the academy grounds.

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As she joined him, she thought about it for a moment. "But we're going to be gone all day!" she insisted. She wasn't sure how long it would take to finish whatever this was, but it sure sounded like she wouldn't have a lot of free time.

@Cruor Flumine
He nodded. "I know. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll see me tonight after you return to the Academy." He stopped and turned towards Ame. "Before I forget, you might need this tonight." He said, pulling the blue glass sword from within his cloak, now cased it its own teal colored leather sheath. "Don't take it out unless you absolutely need it, alright?" He asked, handing the sheathed sword to the girl.

His ominous warning gave her chills, but she knew he was right. She had no idea what could be down there, though she'd like to think that there wasn't anything but a confusing maze of tombs. She gently took it, holding it for a moment before strapping it to her waist. She silently nodded, acknowledging that she had understood his message. Now she was a bit worried. Not for her own safety of course, but because if she used the sword, it might chip or scrape, flawing its glimmering beauty.

@Cruor Flumine
It had certainly been in an interesting evening for Prof. Shaltaea, even though he never get the time to start on getting a familiar. For now, the eleven corpses lying on small tables in his quarters was reward enough. He would have time for a new avenue of magic and power when he was finished with some of the concerns currently on his mind. Luckily, his quarter door was locked in order to keep the weak of mind out as he began the process of making his new undead creature out of all the acquired specimens. He really wished he had somewhere else to do these things. Maybe he would ask Draconus if he could clear out a nearby cave or something for his work. Most of the professors didn't seem to complain much about his work, other than it mentally scarring some students. Oh well, being a mage wasn't always easy. Doubly so being a necromancer.

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