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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Darius arrived at the dining hall relatively late due to the time he took admiring all the halloween decorations. There was everything form flying jack-o-lanterns to magically conjured ghosts. The dining hall was decorated as well. The staff sure knew how to make things lively. The boy also remembered that the big expedition was today and recalled that Ame was his partner. Unfortunately it seemed she wasn't in the dining hall yet but he did spot Miziki. She seemed to be eating some kind of sliced fish.

"Morning Miziki. Ready for that crown hunt today?" he asked as he sat down next to her.

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Hide yawned loudly, turning over he realized that it was time too get up, shrugging he yawns again and dresses, today was the expedition for the ebony crown, he still didn't have a partner for the trip but he truely didn't care, as he had no desire for the crown, no, this trip he was going to be looking for creatures to battle so he could take and sell their beast cores.

Hide teleports to a area outside of the dining hall so he wouldn't be seen and heads in, stopping by the food table he grabs a pear, quickly looking around he decides to take a seat by Miziki, "Hello" he says and waits for a reply.

Slowly, a vivid blush began to grow on his face. After a few more steps, he stopped in front of tge door to the dining hall. "And here we are." He said, the blush still on his face.

Ame hopped off, turning around to face him. "Are you okay? You look kinda sick again," she commented, frowning. Then, she had an idea, denoted by a small upstart. Silently, she hugged him tightly. That seemed to help when others were feeling down. "I'll come back to check on you right when we get back, okay?" she reassured.
Drakerus said:
Darius arrived at the dining hall relatively late due to the time he took admiring all the halloween decorations. There was everything form flying jack-o-lanterns to magically conjured ghosts. The dining hall was decorated as well. The staff sure knew how to make things lively. The boy also remembered that the big expedition was today and recalled that Ame was his partner. Unfortunately it seemed she wasn't in the dining hall yet but he did spot Miziki. She seemed to be eating some kind of sliced fish.
"Morning Miziki. Ready for that crown hunt today?" he asked as he sat down next to her.

Col said:
Hide yawned loudly, turning over he realized that it was time too get up, shrugging he yawns again and dresses, today was the expedition for the ebony crown, he still didn't have a partner for the trip but he truely didn't care, as he had no desire for the crown, no, this trip he was going to be looking for creatures to battle so he could take and sell their beast cores.
Hide teleports to a area outside of the dining hall so he wouldn't be seen and heads in, stopping by the food table he grabs a pear, quickly looking around he decides to take a seat by Miziki, "Hello" he says and waits for a reply.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki was happily eating her sashimi while humming to herself and of course wandering about the crown quest that'd occur in a little while. She hoped her and Kate would do well, she hoped all of them would honestly, but it'd be kind of neat if they found it themselves she supposed. But on the topic of the fish..even if she hadn't made many or even any friends so long as no one particularly hated her she'd of stayed in the academy for the sole reason of the food. It was so fresh and tasted so good, plus she could have it for every meal if she wanted to! Soon after she was brought out of her thoughts by the arrival of Darius. "Morning Darius! And you bet I am, that's all I've been thinking about since I woke up. Well, that and breakfast since I skipped dinner." She replied before laughing briefly. "What about yo-Oh hi Hide!" She began to ask, but was quickly interrupted by Hide sitting on the opposite side of her. "Hey, Hide, you coming for the crown hunt today too?" She asked him.
He smiled as the door closed. Turning away from it, he began to walk towards the forest. After all, tonight would be a night to remember.
Kazehana said:
Yves scoffed, rolling her eyes and returning to her food. She didn't see the point in arguing with a mouse; it would make her seem mad if anything. With a sigh, she took a sip of her morning tea, returning to her own business.
Addor payed her no mind, instead focusing on his new conversational partner. "Are you going to help with Halloween preparations? Or has Draconus not discussed it with you yet?" he inquired. His face beamed at the very concept that Halloween was tomorrow, and he could not stop talking about it out of his excitement. Not to say he wasn't particularly happy to see the rodent; Halloween just helped.

Vicar twitched slightly due to his repressed compulsion to shoo the mouse away, but he didn't want to cause a scene. That, and it would look silly of him to confront a rodent as if he were their equal. The very idea!
Mouse-O grabbed his staff with both hands in front of him and said "No, I've been quite busy lately, this is my first real day back." Looking more confident he stated "But, I will help in whatever way you need! Or at least if I can do it."


Emily went out from under the. . .bed? Huh, weird, when had she gotten under there? Looking over at Senki she was no where there, not even in the dorm. She let out a long sigh, putting her leather gauntlets back on, along with her green cloak. After she'd gotten her satchel ready with all her books and with everything else she'd need -a few tomes, a notebook, a spell book used for summoning- not to mention her herb pouch. Before she left the room she checked around her neck for her necklace and sighed in relief when she saw it was still there.

As she walked down from the 18th floor Emily couldn't help but notice the decorations of floating pumpkins and candles along the huge circular stairway that lead from the 16th floor and down. Looks like they really work hard to decorate this place. That is, since the last time I've been here.



Vicar picked up one of his daggers, wiping away the blood from it. Pesky little goblins. . .Always screwing around with his studies. Not that there was anything wrong with his quarters being in the abandoned part of the academy. Just meant he had more privacy to work. . .Something others needed to learn to respect.

Addor looked around the table, taking a swig of his tea, wondering what else he could have for breakfast. Today would be great! Running around the academy's enormous stairwells, helping set up activities, and not an ounce of sleep again. "Don't worry Mouse-O, she's just jealous, and you're welcome to sit here. . .Say, have you seen Adlin?" he asked, scratching at the band around his forehead. So that's why my head was itchy. He thought, taking out a quill from the side of it. To think he'd been walking around like that all day?!

@Kazehana (Thank you for posting for them :) I can take it from here) @Vaccum
(Veyd is taking over these roles. Also, I think he added stuff here)

Mitchs98 said:
Senki TazuyaSenki arched a brow, Saviik? Who or what is that.. She wondered to herself. It seemed more important than Senki had realized at first, probably moreso than she currently did for that matter. She nodded at his question, "Yeah, an Oni, had to be. It said something in some weird language after it transformed from a relatively human figure. I didn't know what it said, nor did I exactly give it time to elaborate, before I killed it." She explained. "It's a good thing your walls are enchanted to not break and stuff..a small chunk of that floor woulda kinda been destroyed otherwise." She added before shrugging. "Why? Is there something particularly interesting about it being an Oni and not something else?" She asked.
Draconus glanced up at her with the look of a man who'd seen the worst horror in his life "An Oni? Carrying a cipher that was indeed made by the Dark God of Madness and Death? Why would any being from the 9 hells help him? That's childs' talk!" he stated, not wanting to admit his suspicions. Why not just teleport to the Dining Hall and announce it to everyone? It seemed everyone knew lately.


Drakerus said:
Darius arrived at the dining hall relatively late due to the time he took admiring all the halloween decorations. There was everything form flying jack-o-lanterns to magically conjured ghosts. The dining hall was decorated as well. The staff sure knew how to make things lively. The boy also remembered that the big expedition was today and recalled that Ame was his partner. Unfortunately it seemed she wasn't in the dining hall yet but he did spot Miziki. She seemed to be eating some kind of sliced fish.
"Morning Miziki. Ready for that crown hunt today?" he asked as he sat down next to her.

Emily walked in to the Dining Hall, aiming to find Ms. Yves but first wanting something to eat. I suppose the school doesn't supply blood as a drink of some sort? She thought, sighing as she took a few fruits and some slices of bread. She was about to find a seat to eat by herself, that is, until she noticed Darius. "Morning!" said Emily, yawning loudly and plopping herself on a chair next to him.

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Col

Emily walked in to the Dining Hall, aiming to find Ms. Yves but first wanting something to eat. I suppose the school doesn't supply blood as a drink of some sort? She thought, sighing as she took a few fruits and some slices of bread. She was about to find a seat to eat by herself, that is, until she noticed Darius. "Morning!" said Emily, yawning loudly and plopping herself on a chair next to him.

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Col
Senki Tazuya

Senki blinked at his question in confusion, was...he expecting her to know the answer? Possibly know this dark god he was referring to? She shook her head slowly to herself in confusion before answering him. "Well, unless you're telling me I wrote it in a dialect I can't even read let alone right in and made up a story just for fun..I guess so?" She replied, still heavily confused. "Sorry..not trying to sound rude or anything, but I have no clue what you're talking about a god being helped by an Oni or anything else. I dunno who or what the god is, I'm just telling you what happened, nor did I mention any gods before now." She told him. "I mean..you don't have to tell me what it's all about if it's something extremely important, I just wanted to tell you and give you the note." She added before shrugging. "I'll do my best to protect Emily and the rest in the mean time, I won't let them get hurt like what happened in my village..not gunna let that repeat itself." She spoke, although mostly to herself.

Emily walked in to the Dining Hall, aiming to find Ms. Yves but first wanting something to eat. I suppose the school doesn't supply blood as a drink of some sort? She thought, sighing as she took a few fruits and some slices of bread. She was about to find a seat to eat by herself, that is, until she noticed Darius. "Morning!" said Emily, yawning loudly and plopping herself on a chair next to him.

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Col
Darius was eating some buttered bread when Emily greeted him. Dravlon was ripping into a mango voraciously not paying any mind to them.

"Oh, good morning Emily. How are you feeling? I slept like a log last night..." he said trying to sound coherent with the bread in his mouth. He usually had better manners but he was starving from skipping lunch yesterday.
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As Prof. Shaltaea finishes the final stitching on all the attached parts, he couldn't help but feel a bit of pride in his work. He had started just before sun rose with the dismemberment and reattaching, but it the lich's (metaphorical) eyes it would all be worth just to have a somewhat constant guardian for his things, and maybe for the academy if anything went seriously wrong enough for him to go full freak show on whatever was causing problems. As he put a large soul gem in the open chest cavity of his multi-armed monstrosity he chanted necromantic magics to prepare the gem as the source of empowering that it would serve to be for his new creation. After he snugly places it in he stitches the chest up and takes a step back as the thing's eyes opened, some spark of intellect in its eyes. "Rise." Shaltaea commands to the thing. Slowly and with difficulty it rose from the small table it was on, eventually walking unstably as if never having walked before. He would still have to come with a name for this thing, but what? He could decide on it later. "Guard this room until I return. Don't let anyone in." he says in a commanding tone to the thing as he turns and unlocks the door. "Guard.." it slowly says, as if rolling the word in its mind to comprehend it as it stood completely still, not reacting to the lich's departure.
Varien, choosing to forgo the coffee he had thought of earlier, quickly left the academy and traveled down the dirt path once more. He skirted around the Raven tree and followed the same hidden path he took the night before. Upon arriving at the massive grave, he gaze out upon the field of wildflowers that covered a portion of the clearing. Artorias approached the Archemage, a rather large wolf trotting along beside him. "Good morning brother...I trust you slept well?" He asked. Varien nodded. "Yes, thank you. How was your night out here?" The possessed armor shrugged. "Simple enough. I befriended a wolf. I shall call him Sif." In response, the wolf let out a bark and began to wag its tail. "So, how long will you be able to keep me here?" Artorias asked. "As long as you wish, dear brother. Regardless, tonight is the event and you will be needed. I have your shield in my quarters. Would you like to join me there?" He asked, gesturing towards the tall tower in the distance. After a moment, Artorias nodded. "I shall. Maybe you could even repair this old blade too. Strengthen its power." Varien nodded, and with a wave of his hand, a portal opened beside him. "I shall. Now, after you dear brother." Without hesitation, the armor, sword resting on its shoulder, stepped through the swirling purple circle and dissapeared. After a moment, Sif trotted happily through after its new master. Varien sighed, and then he too stepped through the portal. The portal closed, and the field was once again quiet, the wildflowers spreading their scent.
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Ame sighed as she got her food, not too interested in fighting her social anxiety today. Instead of eating where everyone else was, she opted to go outside. It might be more peaceful and natural to her. Perhaps she would limit her time in the dining hall to one meal a day; perhaps lunch. It was far too early for her in the mornings at least. Once she got outside, she breathed in the fresh air, letting the wind gently tug at her feathers and the sun warm her skin. She found a nice tree to sit atop of, eating like she always did in the forests. Now, she had time to meditate on the important issues, with no people to distract her.

For one, she had to remember that Darius was her partner. She had no idea what he was capable of, but she figured that they had to be at least somewhat similar, right? If not, opposites compliment. Another thing she had to worry about was getting claustrophobic in yet another cave system. As long as there was a trace of wind, she figured she may be fine. Lastly, what to do about Varien... She like to spend time with him, but the High Order made it explicitly clear... That was nonsense. They weren't right about him. They didn't know her like she did. Then again, they did seem to know a lot more than ordinary aurai...
Vaccum said:
Mouse-O grabbed his staff with both hands in front of him and said "No, I've been quite busy lately, this is my first real day back." Looking more confident he stated "But, I will help in whatever way you need! Or at least if I can do it."
"So is challenging an anthropomorphic lizard a good idea?" asked Addor, a smug grin growing on his face.


Mitchs98 said:
Senki TazuyaSenki blinked at his question in confusion, was...he expecting her to know the answer? Possibly know this dark god he was referring to? She shook her head slowly to herself in confusion before answering him. "Well, unless you're telling me I wrote it in a dialect I can't even read let alone right in and made up a story just for fun..I guess so?" She replied, still heavily confused. "Sorry..not trying to sound rude or anything, but I have no clue what you're talking about a god being helped by an Oni or anything else. I dunno who or what the god is, I'm just telling you what happened, nor did I mention any gods before now." She told him. "I mean..you don't have to tell me what it's all about if it's something extremely important, I just wanted to tell you and give you the note." She added before shrugging. "I'll do my best to protect Emily and the rest in the mean time, I won't let them get hurt like what happened in my village..not gunna let that repeat itself." She spoke, although mostly to herself.
Draconus nodded "Please do so, I can tell you are brave. I will do my part and look into this, I thank you for notifying me. . ." he said, slumping over his desk and beginning to cipher the letter/note.


Drakerus said:
Darius was eating some buttered bread when Emily greeted him. Dravlon was ripping into a mango voraciously not paying any mind to them.
"Oh, good morning Emily. How are you feeling? I slept like a log last night..." he said trying to sound coherent with the bread in his mouth. He usually had better manners but he was starving from skipping lunch yesterday.
Emily approached them with a bright smile, noticing that they all seemed to have a little group going on. "Morning" she said, sitting down at the end of the table and writing down as much information as she could about what she already knew about the Ebony Crown. Okay, so I'm teamed with Senki, we're going through the field, past the forest, and to Kilead. . .Wait, no. Through the forest, past Kilead, to Talsworth? She was slightly confused by the directions they'd been given but not like they could do anything about it now.

@Drakerus @shadowz1995 (@ScarlettRose16 @Col I don't know if you 2 are at the table)
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Draconus nodded "Please do so, I can tell you are brave. I will do my part and look into this, I thank you for notifying me. . ." he said, slumping over his desk and beginning to cipher the letter/note.


Emily approached them with a bright smile, noticing that they all seemed to have a little group going on. "Morning" she said, sitting down at the end of the table and writing down as much information as she could about what she already knew about the Ebony Crown. Okay, so I'm teamed with Senki, we're going through the field, past the forest, and to Kilead. . .Wait, no. Through the forest, past Kilead, to Talsworth? She was slightly confused by the directions they'd been given but not like they could do anything about it now.

@Drakerus @shadowz1995 (@ScarlettRose16 @Col I don't know if you 2 are at the table)
(Mouse-O challenged an anthropomorphic lizard...)
Darius nodded at Emily who was now focused on her paper. He turned back to Miziki who he almost forgot to respond to.

"I'm good. I slept like a log after yesterday's duel heh heh.." he said sheepishly. He cleared his throat and took another bite of his bread.

"Ame's my partner for the expedition. I wonder where she is." he said thinking about where she would be around this time. Unfortunately he didn't know her all that well other than she was very good with air elemental magic.

[QUOTE="Golden Glow](Mouse-O challenged an anthropomorphic lizard...)

(Miziki went first. You showed up during the fight)

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