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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

"Tanenu is my Txakal familiar his animal form is a Jackal, his humanoid is a Txakal Tyrnealy." Kabehchet gets quite for a moment "we are very close in a way my parents don't exactly like"

@Mitchs98[/URL] @Kazehana @Golden Glow @NightCasterZ @Drakerus (I'll wait for you two aight @ScarlettRose16 @shadowz1995)

The man began growing and growing to the size of an oni. When it turned around it's sick, black, and twisted face growled at her before 3 eyes grew on it's face. "Rorik zah woh kiwr. . .heh heh heh" it said with a grin and, what seemed to be, a devilish chuckle.

Senki Tazuya

Senki narrowed her gaze at the beast, she was definetely put off by it, but it had tried to kill Emily. And she wasn't about to let it roam free. And now that she knew it wasn't human...she wasn't about to hold back either. "I'm sorry, I don't speak jackass." She told it with a smirk. With a flick of her wrist the spear unwedged itself from the wall and flew back into her hand, catching it she twirled it masterfully.

Pointing the tip of the spear at the Oni a small purple glowing orb formed, which only got bigger and bigger, until it was the size of the Oni itself. "
Vortex!" She shouted, what seemed like endless massive arcs of lightning shot out for the Oni, the orb growing smaller and smaller until it did. Dust from the self-repairing walls clouded the air from the arcs that missed. Senki simply stared with her spear upright beside her, waiting for the dust to clear.
Shaltaea debated on whether or not to press the question, but decided against it for now. "I have something like a familiar myself, though I keep him confined the my room." he says. Speaking of, that damned skull was probably causing some form of trouble or another. "So, you wanted to gather a few things of your own while we're here? I may be a little while collecting my things." he asks Kabehchet.
"D-detention! But it was an accident! Surely you're not serious!" he exclaimed in outrage. He couldn't believe he was getting detention on his first few days. So much for being a model student...

Sighing in defeat he turned to the others.

"Dravlon and I are exhausted. Anyone feel like heading back to the dorms to get some rest?" he asked assuming they were as tired as he was.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Mitchs98 @Kazehana @anyone I missed
Prof. Addor rolled his eyes, obviously none of them could take a joke "Relax! I was kidding. Just. . .Next time we won't be having to intense a duels" he stated, yawning loudly. This had been a long day. . .When would a day end?

@All of you (I'm too lazy to tag you all)
Ame released her grip and stared stunned at the professor for a moment, then went back to join the others. "I think I need to go rest for tomorrow. It's going to be a long expedition," she stated, mainly in response to Darius. She stretched her wings, but flinched a little because they were still a bit sore from the explosion. "I suppose we should go back," she agreed, waiting for them to get up and get moving.

@Drakerus @Mitchs98 @Veyd Sahvoz
Col said:
((It's almost as if he was...


I'm sorry...))
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Drakerus said:
"D-detention! But it was an accident! Surely you're not serious!" he exclaimed in outrage. He couldn't believe he was getting detention on his first few days. So much for being a model student...
Sighing in defeat he turned to the others.

"Dravlon and I are exhausted. Anyone feel like heading back to the dorms to get some rest?" he asked assuming they were as tired as he was.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Mitchs98 @Kazehana @anyone I missed
Miziki Kurone

Miziki's eyes widened when Addor mentioned detention, she couldn't tell he wasn't serious for the sole reason he couldn't see his expression. She didn't want to go to detention, but she supposed she deserved it since she was the main cause of the accident. She still had no clue how it happened. When it came to the topic of sleep she didn't want to go. Sure she was tired, extremely so. But she still never got the time to explore and orientate herself with the school! Maybe she could organize something with the others and they could sneak around.

She relaxed when Addor said he was kidding about detention. "Oh..okay. I thought you were serious." She told him as she pushed herself up. Annnd she quickly found out her clothes were fairly horribly signed, namely due to the fact one sleeve of her dress outright snapped and, well it was fairly obvious what happened. Quickly covering her chest her face immediately turned dark red, "Um..uh..yeah..sleep. Let's go.." She mumbled before starting to walk out of the door, refusing for anyone to comment on the matter and doing her best to change the subject.
Ara was heading back to the dorm when he crossed paths with a group of tired and ragged students. It took him a second to realize they were the same students he saw sparring earlier, except... A lot more... Dirty. He frowned and asked one of them "what happened?"
"It's a long story..." Darius mumbled as he followed after Miziki. Dravlon was asleep in his arms. Darius was still having a hard time believing what had happened today. It was a lot more exciting than picking corn. That's for sure...

To top it all off that was only a sparring match! The boy could scarcely imagine what the item hunt would be like with possibly real danger. Not knowing whether he should be excited or terrified he opted to choose neither and continued following behind Miziki not paying any attention to her state of dress.

@everyone there @BlueAra
CoreyXIX said:
Shaltaea debated on whether or not to press the question, but decided against it for now. "I have something like a familiar myself, though I keep him confined the my room." he says. Speaking of, that damned skull was probably causing some form of trouble or another. "So, you wanted to gather a few things of your own while we're here? I may be a little while collecting my things." he asks Kabehchet.
"Masters and Familiars are imprinted at birth whether it be the master's or the familiar's it's a soul bond. Sometimes though it's not supposed to it developes further into a bond even stronger than soul mates. There is no stopping it once it's started, my parents just seek to hide their shame of having a chosen daughter."

"Well, their loss." Shaltaea remarks to her as he starts preparing a spell to cause some of the bodies to rise from their graves. he pulls out a few candles, some ground up bone, and a few other small trinkets. Unfortunately, for larger scale summon he did require a few components when he was in a hurry to get what was needed. "Don't even get me started on mine. They weren't exactly pleased with some of my aspects, either." Not that it really mattered at this point, since they were both long gone by now.
ScarlettRose16 said:
She sees the small girl get engulfed in fire and she thought it was hers. "Sorry Miziki!" She called out but doesn't take her eyes off of her opponent. "I never said I was trying" she says which was true she really wasn't. She lowers herself down to the plate form. "I don't see you trying to attack." She says placing her hands in front of her. She waves them in a circular motion creating a mix of fire and ice. It almost looked like a tornado turned on its side. This was a little bit of a powerful attack but she did know it didn't kill. She quickly made it about the size of two of her opponent and sent it extremely fast towards him. She flew up in the air again. She what looked like a plate made out of fire that was much larger than a normal plate. She timed it so once the ice and fire tornado looking thing hit him, the heat plate would come down.


@shadowz1995 (sry I took forever, I was busy and I just got home)
(Can you explain the whole thing with the plate? it wasn't very clear.)
BlueAra said:
Ara was heading back to the dorm when he crossed paths with a group of tired and ragged students. It took him a second to realize they were the same students he saw sparring earlier, except... A lot more... Dirty. He frowned and asked one of them "what happened?"
Drakerus said:
"It's a long story..." Darius mumbled as he followed after Miziki. Dravlon was asleep in his arms. Darius was still having a hard time believing what had happened today. It was a lot more exciting than picking corn. That's for sure...
To top it all off that was only a sparring match! The boy could scarcely imagine what the item hunt would be like with possibly real danger. Not knowing whether he should be excited or terrified he opted to choose neither and continued following behind Miziki not paying any attention to her state of dress.

@everyone there @BlueAra
Miziki Kurone

Of course, while they were walking, someone decided to pay attention to them! She hoped it wasn't due to her, the situation was already embarrassing enough as it is. "I..uh..blew up part of the arena and there was a fire." She explained nervously, taking the simple route and hoping he wouldn't question it further. She wanted nothing more than to get to her dorm, take a shower, and get Asada to get her new clothes at this point. As long as she didn't trip or something, which was entirely likely for her, everything would go just fine..
Col said:
( I literally told you something lol. I said if scarlet doesnt respond then you hop in.)
"I guess it is... now I just need to figure our how to get the lock off Tanenu's stone" Kabehchet breathed then began looking around the edges of the graves. "Do you get any demons in the catacombs or were there ever any up here?"

The Chronicler Croi]"I guess it is... now I just need to figure our how to get the lock off Tanenu's stone" Kabehchet breathed then began looking around the edges of the graves. "Do you get any demons in the catacombs or were there ever any up here?" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10238-coreyxix/ said:
"I believe this city may have had an issue with it once, though I wouldn't know very much. I only came here a few years ago." he explains to her with a small hint of an apologetic tone in his voice. "Demons were a little more common back where I'm from, though I prefer not to go into very much detail about that." he quickly adds to his statement as he puts a candle on the tombstones of ten different graves and lights them, along with sprinkling some of the ground up bone onto the graves. "So, how do you plan on breaking the lock off of Tanenu's stone?" he asks her.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneOf course, while they were walking, someone decided to pay attention to them! She hoped it wasn't due to her, the situation was already embarrassing enough as it is. "I..uh..blew up part of the arena and there was a fire." She explained nervously, taking the simple route and hoping he wouldn't question it further. She wanted nothing more than to get to her dorm, take a shower, and get Asada to get her new clothes at this point. As long as she didn't trip or something, which was entirely likely for her, everything would go just fine..
Ara looked at her strangely as she told her story. "You.. Blew up part of the stadium?" He said slowly "Well then, must be very strong. Maybe I can duel with you one day." Then Ara walked past them, heading to his own room. All the while think up ways he could defeat her.
"I was hoping maybe I may find one on the hunt withe the students tomorrow. Well I doubt my parents will just lift the lock. It's not a simple one either, he's locked in his stone no being in or out of his part of the realm. I need to figure out the spells" she quickly wipes a escaped tear and kneels down clears some debris "are you in need of any bat bone for anything?"

"I can never have too many bones, you know. I use them for so many things it's almost unreal." the lich replies to her as he spends a moment or two watching her moving debris around. "Bone spears, bone armor, bone bombs, skeletons in general. So many things to use them for yet so many bones are needed." he says as he walks over and places a candle on the last tombstone needed to for his ritual. "With some people I even trade for the odd body part or two for things!" he then clears his old, nearly nonexistent throat. "Anyway, need a little help with whatever it is you're doing?"
CoreyXIX said:
"I can never have too many bones, you know. I use them for so many things it's almost unreal." the lich replies to her as he spends a moment or two watching her moving debris around. "Bone spears, bone armor, bone bombs, skeletons in general. So many things to use them for yet so many bones are needed." he says as he walks over and places a candle on the last tombstone needed to for his ritual. "With some people I even trade for the odd body part or two for things!" he then clears his old, nearly nonexistent throat. "Anyway, need a little help with whatever it is you're doing?"
"Oh yes help, you would" Kabehchet jumped up and hugged him before remembering who she was hugging "Sorry Professor I didn't mean to invade your personal bubble, it's just I- I I haven't " pauses for a moment takes a deep breath and swallows "I haven't even heard Tanenu's voice since my father caught us kissing in the night garden. That was over six months ago. I haven't sparred with anyone lately he was the only one I did it with. I just miss him, I can't sleep. Yes I know I'm nocturnal and us elves don't truly sleep. We only would cuddle up and sleep we never did anything more than that everyone knows what happens first time with any type of Tyrnealy. Cuddling with Bäst doesn't feel the same, she's been working on figuring out the spells too."

Well, she apparently had somewhat misinterpreted what he had been planning to help with. But as he listened to her passionate outburst he wondered if perhaps he had actually roped himself into something rather worthwhile. If nothing else, it would prove a nice learning experience for a later date. "It's fine. Just don't make a habit of it, please." he sighs. "My personal bubble is the least of the worries of physical contact with me.There's a reason I'm so heavily dressed and masked."
Daemon had left the school building and climbed onto the platform just outside his dorm. There he rested, laying still on his back as the demonic aura started to fade.
Ko'Do'Kar sheathed Blackbird, and went to the shadows. "See ya tomorrow, everyone," he said. He disappeared, and reappeared back on his bed, when his form ended, finally, and he promptly fell asleep.

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