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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Kabehchet eyes still glowing started to smile when she saw the burns healing themselves and soft downy fur growing back in spots. She did another application of the salve and recited the incantation one more time " belar ura eta olioa sendatzeko azala sooth eta kendu suteak nekatzen" and pushing out as much healing energy as she could she wanted the burns healed before she woke Miziki up
shadowz1995 said:
"Oh come on....I said impress me not disappoint me." The male's stance widens slightly and he extends both of his arms in front of him in a traditional aikido stance, hands open. As the sporadic and rather childish attack comes in, Desh finds he barely needs to deflect any of them. These fireballs were casted rapid fire and their power was much less than the first. Most of them missed their intended target but the ones that did come close Desh parried to the side with his power with ease. "Come on nephilim. This is almost child like." The vampire says while deflecting small fire balls.

She sees the small girl get engulfed in fire and she thought it was hers. "Sorry Miziki!" She called out but doesn't take her eyes off of her opponent. "I never said I was trying" she says which was true she really wasn't. She lowers herself down to the plate form. "I don't see you trying to attack." She says placing her hands in front of her. She waves them in a circular motion creating a mix of fire and ice. It almost looked like a tornado turned on its side. This was a little bit of a powerful attack but she did know it didn't kill. She quickly made it about the size of two of her opponent and sent it extremely fast towards him. She flew up in the air again. She what looked like a plate made out of fire that was much larger than a normal plate. She timed it so once the ice and fire tornado looking thing hit him, the heat plate would come down.


@shadowz1995 (sry I took forever, I was busy and I just got home)
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Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
The healing mist felt nice, she was glsd someone got her a healer relatively quickly. She whined in pain as the water splashed over her, signalling she was still concious. She was fairly sure she now had a fear of fire and explosions in general. First she almost killed Ame, now she almost killed herself. This was most definetely worse than the times she'd blown her house up.

Her ears were ringing, all she could hear was an incessant high pitched trill to accompany the pain all over her body. She hoped the explosion didn't make her deaf, she might as well give up and die if that was the case. Thankfully it became apparent as Kabetcha and KDK were healing her that she wasn't deaf.

Weakly she opened her eyes and glanced up at Kabetcha, tensing slightly as she rubbed salve on her wounds. "Thank you..what exactly happened? That..shouldn't of happened." She told her weakly. Of course, this was just Miziki's luck. She just hoped everyone else was okay. She'd never forgive herself if she hurt them badly, or worse.
" I had hoped you would not awaken before I had finished, you should feel significantly less pain if any and the ringing in your ears should stop. I will make more salve fore you."
The boy slowly opened his eyes not knowing exactly where he was at first. it all came rushing into his head after a moment and he sat up in alarm. Darius didn't question how he was healed so quickly and immediately got up to see if the others were okay. He spotted Miziki being attended to and he sighed in relief. Everything looked like it was going to be okay. He picked up Dravlon who was now sound asleep and walked over to sit by where Miziki was lying.

"Will she be all right?" he asked the people healing her. he recognized two of them as Gold and Kabetcha, but the one in the creepy plague doctor mask eluded his memory.

@Mitchs98 @CoreyXIX @Golden Glow @The Chronicler Croi
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Drakerus said:
The boy slowly opened his eyes not knowing exactly where he was at first. it all came rushing into his head after a moment and he sat up in alarm. Darius didn't question how he was healed so quickly and immediately got up to see if the others were okay. He spotted Miziki being attended to and he sighed in relief. Everything looked like it was going to be okay. He picked up Dravlon who was now sound asleep and walked over to sit by where Miziki was lying.
"Will she be all right?" he asked the people healing her. he recognized two of them as Gold and Kabetcha, but the one in the creepy plague doctor mask eluded his memory.

@Mitchs98 @CoreyXIX @Golden Glow @The Chronicler Croi
(It's "Koda" right now.)

"Yes, Darius," responded KDK."Ame will be fine. It's just difficult to heal people in Antiform." His voice, as it always was in said Form, was somewhat raspy.
"She should be fine, maybe a little stiff and sore for awhile but that is normal for a rapid heal spell and burns. I however have this that will help." Kabehchet explains filling a little glass dish. "I can add lavender or rose to it to offset the smell but otherwise it will smell pretty herby that's mostly what it is" she gives a slight glance to professor Shaltaea as if sharing a little secret. "Oh or cherry blossom" she holds up little pouches that contain the flower petals

@Mitchs98 @CoreyXIX @Golden Glow
ScarlettRose16 said:
She sees the small girl get engulfed in fire and she thought it was hers. "Sorry Miziki!" She called out but doesn't take her eyes off of her opponent. "I never said I was trying" she says which was true she really wasn't. She lowers herself down to the plate form. "I don't see you trying to attack." She says placing her hands in front of her. She waves them in a circular motion creating a mix of fire and ice. It almost looked like a tornado turned on its side. This was a little bit of a powerful attack but she did know it didn't kill. She quickly made it about the size of two of her opponent and sent it extremely fast towards him. She flew up in the air again. She what looked like a plate made out of fire that was much larger than a normal plate. She timed it so once the ice and fire tornado looking thing hit him, the heat plate would come down.


@shadowz1995 (sry I took forever, I was busy and I just got home)
@Golden Glow @CoreyXIX @Drakerus

Miziki Kurone

Miziki was unsure as to why Kate was telling her she was sorry, she hadn't been paying attention to her fight. Maybe she used fire magic and she thought it hit her, or something? It was entirely possible. She nodded slowly when Kabetcha spoke, which was true, most of the burning sensation was now gone and her ears weren't ringing. What she said next was also true, she was sore pretty much in every area the fire had made contact.

She was also very certain by now her clothes were ruined, she just hoped they were intact well enough to cover her properly. It was a random and impromptu thought, but it crossed her mind nonetheless. "Thanks for helping me." She told them, un-sure who all had a part in healing her. "But, really..how did it explode that much? It shouldn'tve did that.." She asked.
Prof. Addor was disappointed in the students that had gone to extreme lengths to assure victory. This was supposed to be fun and a way to learn how to fight better, not a competition to see how fast you can almost kill your opponent and a fellow student! There wasn't much he could do about it now that it had happened. He stood there, rubbing his temples as he looked up at the class "It doesn't matter now how it happened it's happened. . .I think that's enough for one night" he stated, giving Shaltea and Kabehchet a quick nod of thanks before ringing a bell to notify that the training was over. It was almost 9 o'clock at night but the time was the least of their worries right now. "Finish your current duel, except for you 5, and once you are finished you can have some free time" he called out to the class, slumping himself down on a

@CoreyXIX @Drakerus @Mitchs98 @Kazehana @The Chronicler Croi @ShadowCasterZ @shadowz1995 @ScarlettRose16 @Golden Glow


Emily listened tentively on what Miziki said, glad she'd get to spend time with her new friend. When she thought about where to go she stopped dead in her tracks, eyes flashing red as she fell to the ground with a conjured dagger in her back.

Mitchs98 said:
@Golden Glow @CoreyXIX @Drakerus
Miziki Kurone

Miziki was unsure as to why Kate was telling her she was sorry, she hadn't been paying attention to her fight. Maybe she used fire magic and she thought it hit her, or something? It was entirely possible. She nodded slowly when Kabetcha spoke, which was true, most of the burning sensation was now gone and her ears weren't ringing. What she said next was also true, she was sore pretty much in every area the fire had made contact.

She was also very certain by now her clothes were ruined, she just hoped they were intact well enough to cover her properly. It was a random and impromptu thought, but it crossed her mind nonetheless. "Thanks for helping me." She told them, un-sure who all had a part in healing her. "But, really..how did it explode that much? It shouldn'tve did that.." She asked.
"There were a few explosive molecules in the air after Ame made the diamond shell for Darius," responded KDK. "Gold didn't know about those, so he told you it was okay to shoot an explosive arrow. Ko'Do'Kar doesn't blame you for what happened, he blames Gold for telling you it was okay."
Shaltaea gave only a small nod when she looked over to him. Although he didn't recognize the majority of the people he thought little of it. After all, most of his time wasn't exactly spent shaking hands and sharing meals with the student body. At least his main concerns were handled for now.It was just somewhat nice not having to handle all of this himself. "Any of you require any other medical attention? It looks like the worst is dealt with and I can tend to minor injuries now." he gives a wave to the headmaster when he made the announcement

@Mitchs98 @The Chronicler Croi @Drakerus @Golden Glow @Veyd Sahvoz
CoreyXIX said:
Shaltaea gave only a small nod when she looked over to him. Although he didn't recognize the majority of the people he thought little of it. After all, most of his time wasn't exactly spent shaking hands and sharing meals with the student body. At least his main concerns were handled for now.It was just somewhat nice not having to handle all of this himself. "Any of you require any other medical attention? It looks like the worst is dealt with and I can tend to minor injuries now." he gives a wave to the headmaster when he made the announcement
@Mitchs98 @The Chronicler Croi @Drakerus @Golden Glow @Veyd Sahvoz
"Would you still like to make a late night walk to visit some "old friends" " Kabehchet asked Professor Shaltaea after hearing the time.

The Chronicler Croi]"Would you still like to make a late night walk to visit some "old friends" " Kabehchet asked Professor Shaltaea after hearing the time. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10238-coreyxix/ said:
"I would love to." Prof. Shaltaea, a light chuckle at her euphemism for their grave robbing. "We can go at any point now. I would hate to keep them waiting."
@CoreyXIX[/URL] @Drakerus @Mitchs98 @Kazehana @The Chronicler Croi @ShadowCasterZ @shadowz1995 @ScarlettRose16 @Golden Glow


Emily listened tentively on what Senki said, glad she'd get to spend time with her new friend. When she thought about where to go she stopped dead in her tracks, eyes flashing red as she fell to the ground with a conjured dagger in her back.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded weakly to Addor. "Sorry Proffessor." She told him. What KDK said made sense, her arrows had never done anything like that before. But the question was what exactly caused the molecules. An even better question would be, what the hell was a molecule. But that was better left to ask later. She just laid there and let Kabehchet finish healing her, she technicaly DID have Archery club to run. But uh, yeah..


Senki Tazuya

Senki's eyes widened as Emily fell to the floor with a dagger in her back. "Emily!" She shouted almost instantly, dropping to the ground by her side. Quickly she cast Gift of Restoration and Gift of Healing, summarily removing the dagger from Emilys' back as she did, blue light surrounding her body. "Please be okay..please don't die." She mumbled, tears starting to prick the edges of her eyes. As soon as she was sure Emily was safe she'd find a proffessor or the headmaster and tell them what happened. First thing first was ensuring Emily lived.
CoreyXIX said:
"I would love to." Prof. Shaltaea, a light chuckle at her euphemism for their grave robbing. "We can go at any point now. I would hate to keep them waiting."
Please let us be on our way. I can be reached through Proffesor Shaltaea if anyone needs me
Emily was breathing at least but there was another person running down the hallway. Once they'd reached the end of the hall they slipped before running down the stairway. Emily's vision was blury and she couldn't move, obviously some sort of paralysis, but, the culprit was on the run. And that person may be the cause of 'recent' events that'd occured. . .

[QUOTE="The Chronicler Croi]Please let us be on our way. I can be reached through Proffesor Shaltaea if anyone needs me

The lich walks down from the arena and out from academy grounds. It would take some time to arrive at the older graveyard on the edge of the nearby city, leaving it to be nice and dark out. Luckily, the professor could see the faint glow of the spirit in the soul gem he left by one of the graves. He walks over and uncovers the hidden gem. "Alright, here we are. Just be careful not to go too far in that direction." Shaltaea warns her, pointing ahead. "That leads into the city itself."
Senki Tazuya

Senki sighed with relief once she noticed Emily breathing, she'd be fine. Even if it was poison, her healing spell would quickly if not instantaneously heal her. Stopping the spell Senki glared in the direction the person had ran. She was conflicted. Either, stay and make sure Emily was safe, or run after the person.

Then the thought occured to her, why not let Atsuko guard her? "Atsuko! I need you to guard Emily for a bit, please, I'll be right back!" She called out, a massive light blue chinese dragon that barely fit in the hallway appearing soon after. He shrank down a bit before curling himself protectively around Emily.

As soon as he did that Senki ran, jumped, and took to the air after the person. She wasn't about to let them get away, not after what they'd done. Eventually she caught up to them, donning her Dragoon armor and respective spear she tossed it at him, the spear jamming into the wall mere inches from his face and hopefully tripping him up. "
Hey! Asshole! What the hell do you think you're doing!" She shouted, ready to demolish a section of the school to stop the man at a moments notice.
CoreyXIX said:
The lich walks down from the arena and out from academy grounds. It would take some time to arrive at the older graveyard on the edge of the nearby city, leaving it to be nice and dark out. Luckily, the professor could see the faint glow of the spirit in the soul gem he left by one of the graves. He walks over and uncovers the hidden gem. "Alright, here we are. Just be careful not to go too far in that direction." Shaltaea warns her, pointing ahead. "That leads into the city itself."
"The city here as in the living yes I much rather avoid the living humans tend to pass judgment pertaining to race not person." Stands looking over the cemetery " Cemeteries never do fail to look beautiful in the moonlight. Only a Necromancer would find a cemetery by moonlight a beautiful sight and slightly romantic. Have you ever visited the underdark here Shaltaea?"

(Jk. Just found the post my notifications ever so kindly omitted)

Ame blinked awake and sat up slowly, scanning the room for where everyone was. She didn't see the vague blob that had helped her, but it didn't much matter right now. She saw that everyone was gathering in what looked like a discussion, so she made her way over there, making sure to pace herself. "Hey what's going on with you guys?" she asked, still readjusting herself.

@Drakerus @Mitchs98 @Golden Glow
The Chronicler Croi]"The city here as in the living yes I much rather avoid the living humans tend to pass judgment pertaining to race not person." Stands looking over the cemetery " Cemeteries never do fail to look beautiful in the moonlight. Only a Necromancer would find a cemetery by moonlight a beautiful sight and slightly romantic. Have you ever visited the underdark here Shaltaea?" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10238-coreyxix/ said:
"I can't say I have. The opportunity never arose for me to do so." he replies to he as he pockets the gem he was using as a makeshift marker. "I've hardly left academy grounds since I became a professor. Life among the regular people is impossible for someone like myself." he adds, thinking in silent agreement on how peaceful the cemetery was at this time of night.Even if his unique vision let him see the specters of people long gone float by mist rolling on the ground. "What is it like?"
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki nodded weakly to Addor. "Sorry Proffessor." She told him. What KDK said made sense, her arrows had never done anything like that before. But the question was what exactly caused the molecules. An even better question would be, what the hell was a molecule. But that was better left to ask later. She just laid there and let Kabehchet finish healing her, she technicaly DID have Archery club to run. But uh, yeah..


Senki Tazuya

Senki's eyes widened as Emily fell to the floor with a dagger in her back. "Emily!" She shouted almost instantly, dropping to the ground by her side. Quickly she cast Gift of Restoration and Gift of Healing, summarily removing the dagger from Emilys' back as she did, blue light surrounding her body. "Please be okay..please don't die." She mumbled, tears starting to prick the edges of her eyes. As soon as she was sure Emily was safe she'd find a proffessor or the headmaster and tell them what happened. First thing first was ensuring Emily lived.
Prof. Addor looked over at the group and sighed once more, wanting so badly to get some sleep but nope he would indeed, yet again, have a ton of paperwork. He watched the last of the duels going on, that's when Ame woke up finally "It's roughly almost bed time young missy, you all better be ready to get detention" he said sternly before a small smirk ran across his lips, indicating he was lying. He hoped that joking around would lighten their moods.

@Mitchs98 @Kazehana @Golden Glow @NightCasterZ @Drakerus (I'll wait for you two aight @ScarlettRose16 @shadowz1995)

Mitchs98 said:
Senki Tazuya
Senki sighed with relief once she noticed Emily breathing, she'd be fine. Even if it was poison, her healing spell would quickly if not instantaneously heal her. Stopping the spell Senki glared in the direction the person had ran. She was conflicted. Either, stay and make sure Emily was safe, or run after the person.

Then the thought occured to her, why not let Atsuko guard her? "Atsuko! I need you to guard Emily for a bit, please, I'll be right back!" She called out, a massive light blue chinese dragon that barely fit in the hallway appearing soon after. He shrank down a bit before curling himself protectively around Emily.

As soon as he did that Senki ran, jumped, and took to the air after the person. She wasn't about to let them get away, not after what they'd done. Eventually she caught up to them, donning her Dragoon armor and respective spear she tossed it at him, the spear jamming into the wall mere inches from his face and hopefully tripping him up. "
Hey! Asshole! What the hell do you think you're doing!" She shouted, ready to demolish a section of the school to stop the man at a moments notice.
The man began growing and growing to the size of an oni. When it turned around it's sick, black, and twisted face growled at her before 3 eyes grew on it's face. "Rorik zah woh kiwr. . .heh heh heh" it said with a grin and, what seemed to be, a devilish chuckle.

@Mitchs98[/URL] @Kazehana @Golden Glow @NightCasterZ @Drakerus (I'll wait for you two aight @ScarlettRose16 @shadowz1995)

The man began growing and growing to the size of an oni. When it turned around it's sick, black, and twisted face growled at her before 3 eyes grew on it's face. "Rorik zah woh kiwr. . .heh heh heh" it said with a grin and, what seemed to be, a devilish chuckle.

Ame gasped out of horror and quickly abandoned her spot amongst her peers to address him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be bad pleeeaaasse forgive mee!" she said, hugging him as she was on the border of a sob fest. She really didn't mean to do anything that she'd done; most of it was an accident. She just hoped that he would understand.
Oh it is beautiful the bio-luminescent plants and animals the giant mushroom trees and ummm I'm trying to think of a common word for it, in my language it is sute lanbroa goroldioa. It's this super soft moss that gives off its own light. I remember sneaking out with Tanenu and making beds out of it on top of the mushroom trees.... one of the reasons I have a restriction on my magic, more my Familiars my father and mother locked the stone Tanenu resides in when he's not at my side. I've been trying to figure a way to lift it since I got here"

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[QUOTE="The Chronicler Croi]Oh it is beautiful the bio-luminescent plants and animals the giant mushroom trees and ummm I'm trying to think of a common word for it, in my language it is sute lanbroa goroldioa. It's this super soft moss that gives off its own light. I remember sneaking out with Tanenu and making beds out of it on top of the mushroom trees.... one of the reasons I have a restriction on my magic, more my Familiars my father and mother locked the stone Tanenu resides in when he's not at my side. I've been trying to figure a way to lift it since I got here,

"Sounds like an interesting place." Shaltaea remarks as she goes into detail about it. He had heard of self-illumated plants before, but few of them existed where he was from. "Who is Tanenu? A friend of yours?" the lich suspected more of a spirit given the story, but asked out of curiosity.
Everyday, after his classes, Ara goes to the library to study. While he was walking to the library, he looked down from the window, and saw some people sparring. "Those silly people. Fighting just to get... stronger?" Ara asked himself. It sparring made one stronger, Ara would have to try it out. "It can wait, first, the library" he said to himself.
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