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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

CoreyXIX said:
This was getting to be a bit much for Shaltaea. He had to be misinterpreting this as something it wasn't, right? If not ,was she even aware of what was underneath all this clothing of his? there was a reason he dressed so heavily! Besides, he still had another reason for wanting nothing to do with this. As she started lowering the dress he had an idea for getting out of this. "How about we move this onto the lab table, hm?" he says, trying to remember how to do a flirtatious tone in the first place. He hadn't done so in well over three thousand years, but he hoped it would be convincing enough for this drunk to believe it.
Aldin's interest grew even more, but she decided not to move from her position. "Not so fast," she said, creating a ward around the room. She designed the spell so that nothing vould get in or out without her approval. Then again, she'd never tested it with him before. "Now it's somebody else's turn," she waid with a wink. At that, she started unbuttoning his coat, gently but nimbly. She was quite good at this part.
shadowz1995 said:
Surprisingly, the demoness was not demoness at all! "Nephilim huh?!" The vampire calls out with a wide smile. Even more surprisingly, the nephilim was able to shoot up into the air at a speed that could leave anyone watching too closely dizzy. The male hops a few steps back as the the very arena itself started be coated in a layer of ice. That's interesting hahaha. Gotta watch my footing now. The vampire follows her as she zips around in the air with relative ease and it was only his hearing that alerted him to the spikes emerging from the ice in his direction. Desh laughs and taunts the winged female, "Come on? Ice spikes?! Give me something more!" He gathers the power in his right arm and as the spikes are just about to impale him, Desh releases the kinetic energy in a concussive wave that shatters the icicles just before they run him through. The ice shatters beautifully and just as the warrior takes a moment to laugh, he picks up the sound of a spell being created and Desh turns back around to face the winged female. The fireball in her hands sent warning signals throughout Desh's entire body. Oh I love fire but gods does it hate me. As the flaming sphere is launched at him, the vampire knows he can't afford to dodge for fear of losing his footing upon the ice, especially with his speed. So he awaits the ball of flame. The anticipation comes to a high point when Desh uses his kinetic energy to redirect the flight path of the spell. Similar to parrying a punch, the vampire deflects the flaming hell fire to the left and chuckles to himself as it careens off course and lights a nearby booth on fire. It causes the students in that area to either panic and flee or stare in awe at the short exchange these two just had.
Let's try this then. Using his telekinetic abilities, Desh lifts the shards of ice from the nephilim's original attack and with a laugh launches them at blinding speed towards the airborne opponent. These projectiles were meant to to take her out of the air by whatever means necessary. The shards were spaced apart like a rain of arrows rather than all at once and with roughly 7 inches of space in between. This was so her chances to simply avoid the attack were reduced but Desh has been surprised once already. The vampire was hoping she could impress him once more.

This almost wants to make her laugh. "Those were created with my magic, they can't hurt me." She says as the come around her. 'And even if the did I can just turn it to water' she thinks to herself. As the ice bits start to rain down on her she simply turned it to water and it fell like rain. Some she missed, when it hit her body it instantly turned to water. She smiled as she watched him dodge the fireball. She got an idea, he could let the fire touch him. She simply stood there and ignited fire in both of her hands. She flies up in the air slightly. She starts shooting the fire sporadically, no pattern what so ever. She kept firing them. They weren't deadly, she made sure of that. This was way less powerful than the attack her demon self put on the people. She flew around in circles at an immense speed not stopping for a second and she kept firing.
Kazehana said:
Aldin's interest grew even more, but she decided not to move from her position. "Not so fast," she said, creating a ward around the room. She designed the spell so that nothing vould get in or out without her approval. Then again, she'd never tested it with him before. "Now it's somebody else's turn," she waid with a wink. At that, she started unbuttoning his coat, gently but nimbly. She was quite good at this part.
As she did that he had a spell of his own ready. Nothing fatal, just something to temporarily drain her strength to help him get out of this awful situation. As his hands glowed a soft light green from the spell he grabs at both her shoulders tokeep a solid gripon her while the spell did its magic.
CoreyXIX said:
As she did that he had a spell of his own ready. Nothing fatal, just something to temporarily drain her strength to help him get out of this awful situation. As his hands glowed a soft light green from the spell he grabs at both her shoulders tokeep a solid gripon her while the spell did its magic.
Adlin wasn't quite sure why he was just standing there holding her shoulders. She felt a little woozy, but she assumed it was from the drinking. With vision fading, she lost all the energy she had within her, struggling to keep her eyes open. When she finally succumbed to his magic, she fell forward, out cold.
Kazehana said:
Adlin wasn't quite sure why he was just standing there holding her shoulders. She felt a little woozy, but she assumed it was from the drinking. With vision fading, she lost all the energy she had within her, struggling to keep her eyes open. When she finally succumbed to his magic, she fell forward, out cold.
The lich simply smiled a little to himself under his plague mask. "Sorry, Professor Adlin. There's only one woman for me and you're not it." he comments as he catches her as she fell. He walks over and leaves her on the lab table so she could wake up and sober up on her own time. As he rebuttons his clothing and readjusts his scarf he turns to the exit to look into bypassing the ward o the room.
CoreyXIX said:
The lich simply smiled a little to himself under his plague mask. "Sorry, Professor Adlin. There's only one woman for me and you're not it." he comments as he catches her as she fell. He walks over and leaves her on the lab table so she could wake up and sober up on her own time. As he rebuttons his clothing and readjusts his scarf he turns to the exit to look into bypassing the ward o the room.
Adlin was out cold, but not for too long. About an hour later (I'm doing it too bad xD ), she slowly woke up, trying to get her bearings. Since she drank so often, she had built up a tolerance for alcohol, and her kidneys filtered it out faster than normal. She had a headache, which indicated to her that she was at least a little hungover, though she didn't really remember drinking that much. The ground felt cold, and she realized she was on a sort of lab bench. She looked up and saw Shaltea, a bit perplexed as to what happened. Then it hit her. "Were you going to to experiment on me? Same on you; you should be sticking to dead things, should you not?" she asked, an incredulous inflection in her tone.
Kazehana said:
Adlin was out cold, but not for too long. About an hour later (I'm doing it too bad xD ), she slowly woke up, trying to get her bearings. Since she drank so often, she had built up a tolerance for alcohol, and her kidneys filtered it out faster than normal. She had a headache, which indicated to her that she was at least a little hungover, though she didn't really remember drinking that much. The ground felt cold, and she realized she was on a sort of lab bench. She looked up and saw Shaltea, a bit perplexed as to what happened. Then it hit her. "Were you going to to experiment on me? Same on you; you should be sticking to dead things, should you not?" she asked, an incredulous inflection in her tone.
"I wasn't going to experiment on you, you ridiculous drunk." the lich says in an annoyed tone of voice, not even caring about hungover state. "I take it you don't remember a thing about what happened a little while ago. Lower your ward keeping us in so I can leave." he remarks, wanting little to do with her at the moment.This had pressed on for way too long and he had little intention of explaining what transpired.
CoreyXIX said:
"I wasn't going to experiment on you, you ridiculous drunk." the lich says in an annoyed tone of voice, not even caring about hungover state. "I take it you don't remember a thing about what happened a little while ago. Lower your ward keeping us in so I can leave." he remarks, wanting little to do with her at the moment.This had pressed on for way too long and he had little intention of explaining what transpired.
"Ugh, fine you cranky old geezer," she replied, removing the ward as well as herself from the table. She winced as she touched her head lightly, fewling the sting from her earlier decisions. "Are we supposed to be somewhere?" she asked, trying to remember the events of earlier.
Kazehana said:
"Ugh, fine you cranky old geezer," she replied, removing the ward as well as herself from the table. She winced as she touched her head lightly, fewling the sting from her earlier decisions. "Are we supposed to be somewhere?" she asked, trying to remember the events of earlier.
"Yes, we were supposed to be with the other faculty since the headmaster had announcement for us. He managed to finish the announcement before you dragged me off into this room." Shaltaea explains to her. "You'd be irritable as well if you were in my place, Professor Adlin." he says before hurrying off in the direction of the meeting. If nothing else, he at least wanted to retrieve his walking cane before someone else got their hands on it.
CoreyXIX said:
"Yes, we were supposed to be with the other faculty since the headmaster had announcement for us. He managed to finish the announcement before you dragged me off into this room." Shaltaea explains to her. "You'd be irritable as well if you were in my place, Professor Adlin." he says before hurrying off in the direction of the meeting. If nothing else, he at least wanted to retrieve his walking cane before someone else got their hands on it.
Aine rolled her eyed, casually following him back into the room. All she really understood from his babble was that they needed to get back to listen to Draconus. Sounded important. Not because Draconus was telling it, but because he scurried off so fast.
As he returned the the meeting area he picks up his dropped cane gives a glare to most of the remaining professors. "With the exception of Kabehchet, you're all assholes for letting her drag me off like that." he remarks in a slightly dour tone of voice. The walk back had gave him a moment to calm down, but he was still just a bit annoyed at what happened.

@Veyd Sahvoz @The Chronicler Croi @Kazehana
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Draconus was quite amazed at how something happened so fast. That was...a first. Sighing to himself he just got up with his staff and left.
Kazehana said:
Ame was about to scold Darius for removing her barrier, but sensed more arrows on the horizon before she could. Using very abrupt jet propulsion, she jerked herself out of the way of the arrows, assuming they flew straight. Once she had finished that, she decided to fly as high as she could so as to have maximum time to avoid attacks thrown at her. After all, she was only there to defend. She watched Darius warily, making sure he was okay before she sent more discs of air at Miziki, paying her back for the arrows.
@Drakerus @Mitchs98
Miziki Kurone

Miziki frowned slightly to herself as her arrows were dodged again. Though she didn't exactly have time to sulk due to more wind discs things being sent at her. Doing what any logical thinking Kitsune would do she rolled to the side, one nicked her arm but eh. Seeing as Ame was out of range for any logical sort of attack, she turned to the dome Darius was under.

Much like before she drew back an arrow and held it, only this time charging it for longer seeing as the surface was thicker. And of course, Miziki had no way of knowing about the vast amount of explosive gases in the air. She wasn't exactly to skilled with such matters. Once it was glowing roughly ten times as bright as before she loosed it and it connected with the dome. And then. Boom.
Drakerus said:
After Darius had successfully knocked Miziki away he was surprised to suddenly find himself trapped in a crystal barrier. It looked like it was made of diamond so it would require extreme force to break. Unfortunately, the boy didn't have that kind of power at the moment.
If only I had a telephoning spell! Come on Darius think! There has to be some way!

As Darius sat on the ground thinking of a way out he noticed the vortex outside. He was both amazed and fearful of Ace's overwhelming power. Hopefully Miziki would be all right. All he could do now was think.
Prof. Addor continued spectating, surprised by all of their talent. He'd be forced to intervene, if they attempted to kill anyone.
NightCasterZ said:
(@Golden Glow dude wtf? We were fighting yet what's happening now? Oh, and my character being knocked out? Isn't that technically controlling my character? I went away and was doing other things. That means I'm not coming on again? Could you maybe have some patience? -.-)
(Bro, that gives you an advantage! Gold thought you'd passed out, so his back is turned, as he doesn't want to strike a downed opponent. You could attack him while he doesn't expect it.)

Daemon suddenly stood up and lunged at Gold's heart, attempting to use his claws to potential puncture a hole right next to his heart.
Varien smiled as he stood from his. Over the past half hour the Archemage had been drawing a large circle around the grave. Holding his hand over the circle, he used a small blade to make a laceration on his hand, allowing the blood to flow from his palm and onto the circle. Soon enough, the circle began to grow a bright green, and a large pentagram glowed, the tall gravestone marking the center of the rune. From the stone, a glowing, white, armored hand emerged, grasping the edge. From within the stone was pulled an armored figure, standing at least two heads taller than Varien. Looking down at the mage, the armored figure approached. "Varien...It's been too long dearest brother..." It said, it's voice echoing through the clearing.

Varien smiled at the spirits words. If he could, he would have embraced the tall ghost. "And you too Artorias, it's been much too long. How has the spirit realm been?" The spirit shrugged. "As boring as ever, I sit around all day doing absolutely nothing. And so it repeats for year after year." Varien nodded. Well then, I have a proposition for you..." With a wave of his hand, a purple colored line appeared, cutting vertically through the space next to him. It opened up into a large circle, and from within that circle, a suit of black armor walked out and stood stationary beside Varien as the portal closed. "How about joining the land of the living for a bit?" Wordlessly, the spirit deformed and spun, funneling into the suit. As if it was human, it stretched its arms, now in complete control of the armor. "Oh Varien...It's been too long...I must thank you for this." The possessed armor strode over to the sword and pulled it from the earth. The blade itself was a full head taller than Varien, but the spirit twirled it with one hand with ease. The white spirit, then turned black and let out a laugh. "So...What would you have me do...brother?"


(If ya need a better image of him, look up Artorias the Abysswalker)
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NightCasterZ said:
Daemon suddenly stood up and lunged at Gold's heart, attempting to use his claws to potential puncture a hole right next to his heart.
Gold hears him coming, but his reflexes were too slow, and he got his left arm scraped to the bone. "GAAH!!!" Gold, bleeding fast, used a Close Wounds spell, though it only fixed his muscle. He casted it again and again, until his skin, every layer of it, and his scales were fine. He turned to Daemon, and shouted. "Sii Griid Nau!" Before the morph finished, Gold says, with a distorted voice. "Ko'Do'Kar's a little... harsher than I am, with better reflexes. Have fun trying to do that with him!"

Ko'Do'Kar appears, and goes Antiform, running to a patch of shadows behind him. "Something Gold forgot to mention is that Ko'Do'Kar can use his Anti-Form much better than Gold uses Final." Proving his point, Ko'Do'Kar disappears into the shadows, reappearing behind Daemon silently, and slashing at his back with his claws.
Daemon shifts back to normal. "You're way too easy..." He glanced back, smirking. "I skinned your arm alive." He added as he walked back inside the main school.
CoreyXIX said:
As he returned the the meeting area he picks up his dropped cane gives a glare to most of the remaining professors. "With the exception of Kabehchet, you're all assholes for letting her drag me off like that." he remarks in a slightly dour tone of voice. The walk back had gave him a moment to calm down, but he was still just a bit annoyed at what happened.
@Veyd Sahvoz @The Chronicler Croi @Kazehana
Follows after Professor Shaltaea "Excuse me professor did you say you were going to be excavating Necro materials, if so would it be rude of me to ask if I could join or assist you? I don't know of any catacombs or crypts here and we'll I guess I'd find out tomorrow but.. I kind of also need to find the middle digit of the pinky finger of a medium level demon "
Daemon turned with great speed, creating a blade of wind which repelled the attack. "Pathetic..." He muttered, his demonic aura returning. "And people ask why I hate others..." He growled, grabbed Gold's arm and threw him to the other side of the room before walking off.
[QUOTE="The Chronicler Croi]Follows after Professor Shaltaea "Excuse me professor did you say you were going to be excavating Necro materials, if so would it be rude of me to ask if I could join or assist you? I don't know of any catacombs or crypts here and we'll I guess I'd find out tomorrow but.. I kind of also need to find the middle digit of the pinky finger of a medium level demon "

"I suppose I could use some extra help, though it's nowhere near as glamorous as you're probably thinking." he replies to her. "I'll be departing in a few hours to the graveyard in the nearby city in order to 'acquire' a few bodies in a place I already marked. If you're still interested meet me at the academy's exit at that time." he explains, referring to his earlier errands. "Sadly, I won't be much help on the demon finger. I would recommend either the headmaster or Varien for that."
Ko'Do'Kar used levitate upside-down, which pushed him to the ground. Specifically, the shadow the wall made on it. He put on some boots he pickpocketed from a Dark Brotherhood Assassin, and warped silently behind him, sneaking, unseen. He slashed again, silently. He could tell it was silent because, even with his vampire-esque hearing, he couldn't hear the slash.

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