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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Drakerus said:
Darius was unsure what to do for a moment since both of them had agreed to participate. After thinking it over for a minute he decided that the reckless plan was the way to go.
"Alright, since you're both up to the challenge let's have a 3 person free for all. I can't fight both of you in one day and I'd hate to leave one of you to just watch so why not? It'll be fun!" he said excited. Without waiting for them to agree he took a position in an open space of the arena. Dravlon was now hovering in the air by Darius' side rather than on laying his head to allow for better positioning.

@Kazehana @Mitchs98
Kazehana said:
Ame was rather uncomfortable with the idea, but she didn't want to seem like a prude to her partner. She simply nodded, but didn't mean it. She figured if anything else, she could pretend to fight but instead make sure no one gets hurt. She didn't think Darius was weak, but she wanted to make sure he was okay at the same time. To be honest, she didn't care if he was the most powerful mage in the world; she was going to protect him no matter what. He was too important to see hurt. So, she simply stepped slightly into the arena, prudently and purposefully. With a plan in mind, she waited for someone else to go.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, "Okay, sounds fine to me." She replied before walking to a spot near them in the arena. Rather than forming any weapons she decided to fight un-armed. She needed practice in doing so, after all, and what better time to practice than now? Plus her nails were kinda very extremely sharp. "Ready when you guys are!" She told them. She didn't assume a stance, she simply closed her eyes and slowed her breathing. She wondered if Ame had figured out if she was blind yet. Probably not. But it was possible.
Draconus remained in the foyer, still at the table with the rest of the teachers. Now was the time to have this meeting. "Adlin! Shaltea, Varien, Vicar!. . . I need to talk to you all" he said grimly at the table with an empty plate in front of him. Oh how much he didn't want to say this but he was no liar "Vicar already knows this but. . ." he stopped himself, taking a moment to recollect his thoughts. "There is a dark god beneath the academy"

@Cruor Flumine @Kazehana @CoreyXIX @The Chronicler Croi (if you are still in the foyer)
@Cruor Flumine[/URL] @Kazehana @CoreyXIX @The Chronicler Croi (if you are still in the foyer)
"A dark god?" Prof. Shaltaea says, a bit of confusion and doubt laced in the lich's voice. Underneath the school? For what purpose would this have struck anybody as a good idea was beyond him, unless the school was somehow meant to be some kind sealing arrangement. "Who in their right mind would set a school above an eldritch horror? Assuming you're completely right." He asks Draconus. Thus was...interesting news, to say the least. A part of him couldn't help but wonder at the possibilities.
Darius figured he would be the first to make a move so he pointed towards Ame signaling Dravlon to focus his gaze and therefore his aim, towards the Aurai.


Dravlon's eyes glowed and a fairly high pressure jet of water spewed from his maw heading straight for Ame. The attack was non-lethal in nature but was forceful enough to cause minor damage if it hit directly. As the jet sped towards Ame Darius made sure he was ready to move if he was counterattacked.

@Mitchs98 @Kazehana
Adlin tilted her head and gave an overly dramatic surprise look. "Oh reaalllyyyyy?" she asked, taking another sip of wine. She'd had quite a bit, and she was bordering on drunk. She was still lucid, and she would probably remember all of this. But for now, she was just too unserious for the situation.

She turned to Shaltaea as he spoke. "Of course there was a reason," she replied, laughing to herself. She took another sip of wine, and almost slipped off the table she was sitting on. She loved halloween, that's for sure.

@Veyd Sahvoz @CoreyXIX
"I am in the events committee with Ms. Yves, the duelling club and witchhunting" replied Emily, twirling shapes that created snowflakes with her staff and creating balls of ice here and there. "So. . .Where do you want to go?" asked Emily, continuing to walk alongside Senki. It was awkward to be walking around with only one person as company but any company was company. She felt that eventually she'd so something wrong and Senki would hate her. . .

@Mitchs98 (I have to go yet again :P )
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Ame smiled and created a simple air barrier in front of her, causing the water to disperse in all directions once it hit. She decided to strike while he wasn't quite expecting it, or so she thought at least. She artificially increased the gravity all around her with air, causing the two to be affected by its pull. But she left the air around her normal. No need to make herself suffer through it too. Once she had done that, she sent a simple air slash towards him, invisible, but it made a whirring noise.

@Drakerus @Mitchs98
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Darius replied to Gold by speaking out loud in his mind assuming the telepathy worked that way.

Sorry Gold, but I'd rather do this on my own. Thanks for the offer though.

Darius wasn't surprised when Ame blocked his attack. He had to admit that Ame had very good defensive skills. What he didn't expect however, was the sudden heaviness he felt all over his body. Dravlon had to land on the ground due to the increased gravity. He then noticed Ame make a slashing motion with her arm that seemed pointless until he heard a whoosh sound that seemed to be getting closer to him. Reacting quickly, Darius pointed to where he thought the sound was coming from and casted the spell.

"Ma Seshirudo!"


A disk shaped barrier materialized in front of them and the invisible attack collided with the wall making a crashing sound. The shield did not falter and the wind slash was stopped. However, instead of dissipating like it normally would the attack was held in place until the attack seemingly bounced off the surface with the same amount of force it had when first colliding with it. The reflected attack was now heading towards Miziki.

@Mitchs98 @Kazehana @Golden Glow
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Drakerus said:
Darius figured he would be the first to make a move so he pointed towards Ame signaling Dravlon to focus his gaze and therefore his aim, towards the Aurai.

Dravlon's eyes glowed and a fairly high pressure jet of water spewed from his maw heading straight for Ame. The attack was non-lethal in nature but was forceful enough to cause minor damage if it hit directly. As the jet sped towards Ame Darius made sure he was ready to move if he was counterattacked.

@Mitchs98 @Kazehana
Kazehana said:
Ame smiled and created a simple air barrier in front of her, causing the water to disperse in all directions once it hit. She decided to strike while he wasn't quite expecting it, or so she thought at least. She artificially increased the gravity all around her with air, causing the two to be affected by its pull. But she left the air around her normal. No need to make herself suffer through it too. Once she had done that, she sent a simple air slash towards him, invisible, but it made a whirring noise.
@Drakerus @Mitchs98
Drakerus said:
Darius replied to Gold by speaking out loud in his mind assuming the telepathy worked that way.

Sorry Gold, but I'd rather do this on my own. Thanks for the offer though.

Darius wasn't surprised when Ame blocked his attack. He had to admit that Ame had very good defensive skills. What he didn't expect however, was the sudden heaviness he felt all over his body. Dravlon had to land on the ground due to the increased gravity. He then noticed Ame make a slashing motion with her arm that seemed pointless until he heard a whoosh sound that seemed to be getting closer to him. Reacting quickly, Darius pointed to where he thought the sound was coming from and casted the spell.

"Ma Seshirudo!"


A disk shaped barrier materialized in front of them and the invisible attack collided with the wall making a crashing sound. The shield did not falter and the wind slash was stopped. However, instead of dissipating like it normally would the attack was held in place until the attack seemingly bounced off the surface with the same amount of force it had when first colliding with it. The reflected attack was now heading towards Miziki.

@Mitchs98 @Kazehana @Golden Glow
Miziki Kurone

Miziki had clamly stood and listened to everything going on, she buckled slightly from the increase of gravity but otherwise held her ground. She also, of course, heard Ame's attack long before it even reached Darius. Though, she didn't do anything. She wanted to see what Darius was capable of after all. Next thing she knew he formed a circular barrier of sorts and..deflected the attack back at her. Right at the last minute she moved out of the way, the blade cutting a strand of hair from her forehead as she did. Turning towards Darius she ran right for him, jumped, and sent a flying round house for his back.
Darius was caught off guard when Miziki dodged the attack and immediately came running right at him. Not being able to keep up with her speed, the boy felt Miziki's surprisingly strong kick collide with his back and he was sent flying forward a couple feet and landed on his knees. What she didn't account for however, was that Dravlon now had a clear shot on her from the ground since Darius was the only one affected by the attack. Hoping to create some distance, Darius tried to retaliate with a knock back.


The water jet immediately left Dravlon's maw and was flying the short distance between him and the kitsune. Darius hoped it would hit since it was strong enough to knock her back towards where Ame was and thus, would buy him some time to recover.

@Mitchs98 @Kazehana
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@Mitchs98[/URL] (I have to go yet again :P )
Senki Tazuya

Senki nodded. "
I'm in the dueling club and events planning club, I kinda didn't join the witch hunting club because everyone said Vicar was a jerk soo...yea." She replied. "And we can go to dueling club if you want to? Or event planning. Whichever one interests you most really, I'm fine with either." She added. She noticed Emily felt a bit nervous but paid it no mind. She doubted there was anything the girl could do to make her mad. She honestly felt she owed her her life for how much she'd helped her.

Drakerus said:
Darius was caught off guard when Miziki dodged the attack and immediately came running right at him. Not being able to keep up with her speed, the boy felt Miziki's surprisingly strong kick collide with his back and he was sent flying forward a couple feet and landed on his knees. What she didn't account for however, was that Dravlon now had a clear shot on her from the ground since Darius was the only one affected by the attack. Hoping to create some distance, Darius tried to retaliate with a knock back.

The water jet immediately left Dravlon's maw and was flying the short distance between him and the kitsune. Darius hoped it would hit since it was strong enough to knock her back towards where Ame was and thus, would buy him some time to recover.

@Mitchs98 @Kazehana
Miziki Kurone


Miziki landed not so gracefully after the kick landed, infact she kinda landed on her face. Why she decided an attack that involved jumping was a good idea was beyond her. But what was done was done. Pushing herself up and shaking her dazed head she turned to be greeted by a jet of water to the chest, forcing her off the ground and towards Ame at a pretty fast speed.
Hide shrugs, feeling the need to draw blood he quickly locates the dueling arena and teleports nearby so not to reveal his abilities, he heads towards the arena and views the particapents, selecting an arena he calls out, "May I have the next fight?" Not caring that they were in an heated battle.

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus
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Âme watched what happened and, upon seeing Darius hurt, started off towards him. But as he retaliated, she figured he would be fine for now. So, instead, she decided to make some status changes to the field. First, she raised the temperature and gathered nitrogenous molecules as well as the smaller hydrocarbons in the air, centering them in the middle of the arena. Next, she created a crystal barrier around Darius, manipulating carbon molecules in the area to covalently link themselves in a network, forming a diamond shell. This, of course, took a lot of energy from the area and released hydrogen gas as a byproduct, but that didn't much matter to her. Couldn't have him getting hurt, now. Last, she created a whirring vortex around her, one so strong it could tear up anyone that tried to cross it. It also created an air field that repelled those who tried to get in as a side-effect that Ame was pleased with.

@Drakerus @Mitchs98

Next, she created a vortex with herself in the center. It was rather strong, so anyone who tried to cross it would likely get torn up pretty badly.

Next, she created a vortex with herself in the center. It was rather strong, so anyone who tried to cross it would likely get torn up pretty badly.
CoreyXIX said:
"A dark god?" Prof. Shaltaea says, a bit of confusion and doubt laced in the lich's voice. Underneath the school? For what purpose would this have struck anybody as a good idea was beyond him, unless the school was somehow meant to be some kind sealing arrangement. "Who in their right mind would set a school above an eldritch horror? Assuming you're completely right." He asks Draconus. Thus was...interesting news, to say the least. A part of him couldn't help but wonder at the possibilities.
Kazehana said:
Adlin tilted her head and gave an overly dramatic surprise look. "Oh reaalllyyyyy?" she asked, taking another sip of wine. She'd had quite a bit, and she was bordering on drunk. She was still lucid, and she would probably remember all of this. But for now, she was just too unserious for the situation.
She turned to Shaltaea as he spoke. "Of course there was a reason," she replied, laughing to herself. She took another sip of wine, and almost slipped off the table she was sitting on. She loved halloween, that's for sure.

@Veyd Sahvoz @CoreyXIX
@The Chronicler Croi[/URL] @Kazehana @CoreyXIX
@The Chronicler Croi[/URL] @Kazehana @CoreyXIX
As the lich cast a glance over to his drunken coworker he briefly wondered how she got so drunk so quickly. Had she started before the meeting? Even more concerning was how the headmaster managed to forget an ancient god underneath the school. It wasn't like misplacing socks or some of your own blood! "I see..." he says, trailing off a bit. "So, what are we going to do? I'm assuming 'harness its power for our own use' is probably off the table."
As you say sir Draconus I will be writing home shortly and just note to them to that the possible need may arise and to assess the restrictions just in case

@Veyd Sahvoz
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Adlin was too busy drinking and giggling to herself to be paying much attention. To be honest, all she heard was something about a god. "No need to be religious," she said, swaying back and forth with a ridiculous smile. "And what are you doing later?" she asked Shaltea, walking her fingers up his arm.

@Veyd Sahvoz @CoreyXIX @The Chronicler Croi
Kazehana said:
Adlin was too busy drinking and giggling to herself to be paying much attention. To be honest, all she heard was something about a god. "No need to be religious," she said, swaying back and forth with a ridiculous smile. "And what are you doing later?" she asked Shaltea, walking her fingers up his arm.
@Veyd Sahvoz @CoreyXIX @The Chronicler Croi
Shaltaea's red points of eyes looked over at Adlin. How smashed was did someone have to be to flirt with the undead? Apparently Adlin-level smashed. "I'm stealing corpses for experiments." he replies in a honest yet deadpan tone of voice. He waited to see her reaction to the news.
CoreyXIX said:
Shaltaea's red points of eyes looked over at Adlin. How smashed was did someone have to be to flirt with the undead? Apparently Adlin-level smashed. "I'm stealing corpses for experiments." he replies in a honest yet deadpan tone of voice. He waited to see her reaction to the news.
"Stealing corpses you say?" she started, swirling her glass and watching it make a weak vortex. "Why use silly old corpses when you can experiment on me?" she asked, looking back at him and giggling. After that, she twirled her hair a little bit and bit her bottom lip, watching him expectantly.
After Darius had successfully knocked Miziki away he was surprised to suddenly find himself trapped in a crystal barrier. It looked like it was made of diamond so it would require extreme force to break. Unfortunately, the boy didn't have that kind of power at the moment.

If only I had a telephoning spell! Come on Darius think! There has to be some way!

As Darius sat on the ground thinking of a way out he noticed the vortex outside. He was both amazed and fearful of Ace's overwhelming power. Hopefully Miziki would be all right. All he could do now was think.

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