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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Varien nodded and stood from his seat. "Then I shall be off to finish tonights preparations as well as reignite some old flames with old friends. Untill next we meet, which I hope to be in peace." With a small bow, he turned and strode towards the door. He stopped for a moment and opened his mouth to say something, but thought better of it. With a shake of his head, he left the foyer of the Academy and began to walk towards the city in search of the three.

"Wolves will howl,

Arrows will fly.

Blades will flash,

Dragons will fall from the sky.

And a burning fire will light the sky." Were his only words as he left the academy grounds.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana @CoreyXIX @Vaccum @The Chronicler Croi
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ScarlettRose16 said:
"Okay, and trust me, it's not all its cracked up to be." She says trying to make it sound lighthearted. She thought of her "gift" more like a curse. She only relies on her instincts to keep her in the air. She never really had to think about it. "Just tell me when we need to land." She says
Miziki Kurone

Miziki shrugged, "If you say so. And we're almost there, might as well land and we walk the rest of the way." She replied. She was sure Ame and Darius were there already, they'd left before them after all. She was pretty sure Ame could fly, so she more than likely flew Darius there.
"Okay." She says lowering them towards the ground. She soon feels the solid ground beneath her feet and she releases the small girl and her wings disappear. She rolls her shoulders slightly to losses them up. "Let's go." She says and starts walking in the direction they were heading.

ScarlettRose16 said:
"Okay." She says lowering them towards the ground. She soon feels the solid ground beneath her feet and she releases the small girl and her wings disappear. She rolls her shoulders slightly to losses them up. "Let's go." She says and starts walking in the direction they were heading.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki stretched from being in the same posistion from being carried before following her. "What do you think we'll find?" She asked her. "Well..aside from the crown. Ooh I hope we find the crown first, that'd be awesome!" She added. If she didn't need to save her energy for exploring she'd be running to the ruins, she just hoped Kate wasn't tired.
When the light-travel ended, Gold looked at Fuyuki. "Hey, bro, you okay?" he asked, confused as to why he wasn't doing anything. "I know that light-travel can be exausting, but not 'I-can't move' exausting."

Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki stretched from being in the same posistion from being carried before following her. "What do you think we'll find?" She asked her. "Well..aside from the crown. Ooh I hope we find the crown first, that'd be awesome!" She added. If she didn't need to save her energy for exploring she'd be running to the ruins, she just hoped Kate wasn't tired.
"I don't really know I just hope we find the crown first also." She just continues walking, her ears were picking up ever sound. A tree russling, a twig snapping, a heart beat, everything."

ScarlettRose16 said:
"I don't really know I just hope we find the crown first also." She just continues walking, her ears were picking up ever sound. A tree russling, a twig snapping, a heart beat, everything."
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded and continued walking, they were too far thanks to Kate. Her ears twitched every so often as a more subtle sound was heard in the distance, sounded like someone speaking, so they were definetely close. "
So. Why did you decide to join the academy?" She asked her.
"I guess I was becoming sick of being lonely, where I came from, people were terrified of me so I just w anted a place with other like me I guess. What about you?" She asks still keeping her gaze straight ahead.

ScarlettRose16 said:
"I guess I was becoming sick of being lonely, where I came from, people were terrified of me so I just w anted a place with other like me I guess. What about you?" She asks still keeping her gaze straight ahead.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded slowly. "Yeah..kinda the same for me. Though instead of them being scared of me they kinda forced me out of the village due to me being dangerous. I uh..may or may not of blew up my house twice with a failed alchemy experiment." She replied before shrugging. "Kinda glad I came though, everyone is really nice so far." She added.
Mitchs98 said:
Senki Tazuya
Senki landed beside Emily and shrugged at her question. "
Not a clue, I was just following the direction everyone else headed." She replied honestly. "I guess we should walk a bit? I'd assume the cave would be hidden by the trees." She told her, though it was more of a question than a statement. Senki had pretty much no clue what she was doing as far as finding the place, probably should've asked for a map...
"Well I could try to use my area sense but that is too draining....Though for the sake of this I could. We'd have to stay on ground" explained Emily, her eyes still blood red, hands slightly trembling. Her vampire lust made her eager to kill and suck the blood out of whatever may stand in their path but that might not be a pretty sight. If it came down to it...Perhaps?

As they walked on Emily occassionally closed her eyes to try and find anything unusual. When will this gods forsaken walking end?!


Vaccum said:
"I'very yet to learn any teleportion spells, but I have just learned haste which should help me out just fine with speed." Mouse-O explained, allowing himself to be picked up. "Just let me know when you are heading down and I will head with you Lich." Mouse-O gulped in a tiny way. Fear is ok, but I think it is custom to not show your fear to others in the human culture.
@Veyd Sahvoz @The Chronicler Croi @CoreyXIX
Draconus sighed and gave a final glance at the rest of the professors "I thank you for your help, and if you wish to start preparing for it then be my guest but for now.... And remember: Tell no students" explained Draconus, tapping the end of his staff on the table in front of him. 3 orbs appeared in front of him made of anti magic. Along with these orbs was a map of the land and all the 9 kingdoms. "Near the northeast mountains is where the last battle took place so I've no doubt that's where the Cult will likely be. I'll consider sending a detachment of the Excelius Magi out but other than that I rather not send people out. Kabehchet, Shaltea and Mouse-O. Since you will be down in the lower levels I ask that you take an everlasting light source of some kind..." for some reason as he said this he gave a quick nod to Vicar but that was about it "This will be all I take it? If so, please resume the preparations for Halloween!!" and with that Draconus sat back down and dismissed them. There was one he needed to meet himself...one he sent a letter to. Once they left, he could go and visit his old friend.

@CoreyXIX @Kazehana @The Chronicler Croi @Vaccum

Draconus sighed and gave a final glance at the rest of the professors "I thank you for your help, and if you wish to start preparing for it then be my guest but for now.... And remember: Tell no students" explained Draconus, tapping the end of his staff on the table in front of him. 3 orbs appeared in front of him made of anti magic. Along with these orbs was a map of the land and all the 9 kingdoms. "Near the northeast mountains is where the last battle took place so I've no doubt that's where the Cult will likely be. I'll consider sending a detachment of the Excelius Magi out but other than that I rather not send people out. Kabehchet, Shaltea and Mouse-O. Since you will be down in the lower levels I ask that you take an everlasting light source of some kind..." for some reason as he said this he gave a quick nod to Vicar but that was about it "This will be all I take it? If so, please resume the preparations for Halloween!!" and with that Draconus sat back down and dismissed them. There was one he needed to meet himself...one he sent a letter to. Once they left, he could go and visit his old friend.

@CoreyXIX @Kazehana @The Chronicler Croi @Vaccum
Senki Tazuya

Senki shook her head, "I can get Atsuko to scout the area real quick, though I'm pretty sure we're close. Save your energy for the search." She told her, Atsuko shimmering into exsistance before taking to the sky with a loud roar and flying off ahead of them. She then noticed Emily's obvious discomfort and her eye color. It didn't exactly take a genius to put two and two together.

Um..uh. Are you hungry?" She asked her eventually. "If you are, I don't mind. I'd rather you be able to concentrate in the caves incase there's monsters in it or something." She added before sticking her arm out towards her as they walked, she'd obviously stop walking if she accepted her offer but if she didn't she may as well keep walking. Meanwhile Atsuko was already on his way back, easily finding the scent of Darius and the rest and the catacombs themselves.
Adlin was relieved that she didn't have to participate. She would've felt guilty if she thought she'd have been useful at all. Nevertheless, she promptly stood up straight and elegantly waltzed out of the room, coffee in hand, of course.


Feu wasn't too sure what any of the people it couldn't see were talking about, but it wounded important. Especially since someone said not to tell anyone else. How delightful for Feu. However it didn't much matter what otherworldy beings were doing since it had a cave to explore. It was almost done investigating the streamed cavern, finding a few things of interest. But it was time to move on.

@Veyd Sahvoz @CoreyXIX @Vaccum @The Chronicler Croi
UnwantedTruth said:
All the students left in a hurry, leaving little Amelia alone in the large dining hall. She wasn't really the type of person to participate in contest-type activities. She stood up and turned towards the stairwell. She thought that maybe while everyone else was running around on some scavenger hunt, she could work on studying or something. But as soon as she started walking, she heard a voice from behind her. "Hey there sis." the voice said. Amelia spun around to see a beautiful girl, gentle brown curls falling onto tan skin. She wore a white dress. Amelia stared wide eyed. "Grace...you're alive..." she muttered, looking the girl up and down. "No silly!" the girl, Grace, replied. Amelia seemed a little taken aback by this. "Then what's going on?" she asked. Grace walked closer to Amelia until she was about a yard away. "It's simple! Your little brain," she tapped Amelia's forehead with her index finger, causing Amelia to flinch, "has gone haywire! I'm just a hallucination!" It was odd how this 'hallucination' nailed Amelia's sister's personality spot on. Grace then spun around and began running towards the stairs, before ascending. "Wait!" Amelia shouted, but Grace didn't stop. And so Amelia chased Grace up the stairs, until they finally reached the Head Professors' Quarters. Grace ran through a closed door, like a ghost. Amelia cautiously crept towards the door and knocked. "Anyone there?" she called.
The door slowly crept open and a faint light could be seen illuminating off the walls. The floor of the room was black with stars, almost like walking in the middle of space. A whispery voice could be heard inside, along with grunts of something....dripping?

Amelia jumped slightly when the door opened. At first she was startled, but then she was confused and curious. She cautiously crept into the room, looking around, unaware that she was shaking. "H-Hello?" she called. This was not the side of her she enjoyed letting out: the scared, timid girl who just wants to crawl into a ball and cry. "A-Anyone here?"
With a nods the Lich heads off upstairs to his personal quarters, preparing everything he can for this vigil. He knew he would have to carefully plan and prepare, otherwise he may end up regretting not bringing something vital with him he grabs a large courier's bag in order to bring things with him. Some scrolls here, some vials there, that bright stone that held Feu as well. He left his room door open in case one of his allies His multi-armed abomination just silently stayed in place.

@Kazehana @Vaccum @The Chronicler Croi
Mitchs98 said:
Senki TazuyaSenki shook her head, "I can get Atsuko to scout the area real quick, though I'm pretty sure we're close. Save your energy for the search." She told her, Atsuko shimmering into exsistance before taking to the sky with a loud roar and flying off ahead of them. She then noticed Emily's obvious discomfort and her eye color. It didn't exactly take a genius to put two and two together.

Um..uh. Are you hungry?" She asked her eventually. "If you are, I don't mind. I'd rather you be able to concentrate in the caves incase there's monsters in it or something." She added before sticking her arm out towards her as they walked, she'd obviously stop walking if she accepted her offer but if she didn't she may as well keep walking. Meanwhile Atsuko was already on his way back, easily finding the scent of Darius and the rest and the catacombs themselves.
Emily looked over at Senki's arm, almost wanting to suck all the blood out of it but that's not what friends do. It took her a moment to stop staring and say "No, I'm fine. Let's just get goin-" she stopped dead in her tracks. She could see a few of the others that went out, along with the entrance... "It's over there" said Emily, running as fast as she could, even using winter winds of frost to glide her through the trees.

@Mitchs98 (@ScarlettRose16 I don't even know if you're there) @Drakerus @Ldybug123 @Whoever else

UnwantedTruth said:
Amelia jumped slightly when the door opened. At first she was startled, but then she was confused and curious. She cautiously crept into the room, looking around, unaware that she was shaking. "H-Hello?" she called. This was not the side of her she enjoyed letting out: the scared, timid girl who just wants to crawl into a ball and cry. "A-Anyone here?"
The orb started screeching slightly as she came in, a robed man with a shrouded face. He hadn't seen her yet but he mumbled something about birds and books.

Gold entered the cave, to find a Draugr, which he quickly sliced in half. "Strange," he said. "You'd think there'd be stronger guards for something as, apparently, legendary as the Ebony helm. Great. Now that I've said that, we're gonna run into the most powerful things ever..."
@Mitchs98[/URL] (@ScarlettRose16 I don't even know if you're there) @Drakerus @Ldybug123 @Whoever else

The orb started screeching slightly as she came in, a robed man with a shrouded face. He hadn't seen her yet but he mumbled something about birds and books.

@everyone else at the cave

Senki Tazuya

Senki sighed and followed after her after lowering her arm, Atsuko sensing they'd already found the cave for themselves vanished. She could tell simply from the fact of how long she'd stared at her arm that she was, infact, hungry. She couldn't exactly force her though, so she said nothing against it. She'd just have to be extra careful protecting her if something happened. It didn't take them long to reach the mouth of the cave, of which Gold had entered seconds before they got there. "We finally made it! Maybe next time we should remember to grab a map..heh." She told her. "Ready to get this started?" She asked.
Inside the cave was a large, circular room with a plethora of pathways. Each path had no noticable difference to them and were dark beyond a lit torch sconce. On the ceiling was a mural depicting a tale of the owners of the crown and their downfalls. The paint was still vibrant, as if it was painted earlier that day.
Kabehchet slowly descended the ancient stone steps. The smell of mold prevalent, the mildew gave the walls a darker stony color than in some areas and the calcium from the limestone came from above appearing to almost to force it down. It was almost an ironic story in the stone written by the castle itself. The forces of light combating the darkness. Well sort of the forces of light, it wasn't long ago that all of her people were considered evil even if they weren't. Yes the nature of their magic may be dark, but not all that practice it are. She sighed and began walking again soon noticing she was leaving footprints. She couldn't help but giggle "Well Draconus wasn't joking when he said no one comes down here. Geeze what kind of elf am I to even leave footprints. " she again started down the stairs. When she had reached the bottom she realized that Prof. Shaltae and Mouse-O have yet to arrive so she began rummaging in he bag for the needed items....

@CoreyXIX @Vaccum
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Darius and Ame stood silently near the mouth of the cave watching some of their friends enter. None of the other students had arrived yet so it seemed like this was going to be a competition among friends to see who would get the crown first. As Senki stood in front of the cave with Emily he turned to Ame.

"Should we just sneak past them? I kind of want to talk a bit before we get this thing started but it's up to you." he whispered quietly in hopes of their nearby friends not hearing. The boy and the Aura were still invisible so now was the time to decide if an alliance would be formed or they would seek the glory for themselves.

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