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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

All the students left in a hurry, leaving little Amelia alone in the large dining hall. She wasn't really the type of person to participate in contest-type activities. She stood up and turned towards the stairwell. She thought that maybe while everyone else was running around on some scavenger hunt, she could work on studying or something. But as soon as she started walking, she heard a voice from behind her. "Hey there sis." the voice said. Amelia spun around to see a beautiful girl, gentle brown curls falling onto tan skin. She wore a white dress. Amelia stared wide eyed. "Grace...you're alive..." she muttered, looking the girl up and down. "No silly!" the girl, Grace, replied. Amelia seemed a little taken aback by this. "Then what's going on?" she asked. Grace walked closer to Amelia until she was about a yard away. "It's simple! Your little brain," she tapped Amelia's forehead with her index finger, causing Amelia to flinch, "has gone haywire! I'm just a hallucination!" It was odd how this 'hallucination' nailed Amelia's sister's personality spot on. Grace then spun around and began running towards the stairs, before ascending. "Wait!" Amelia shouted, but Grace didn't stop. And so Amelia chased Grace up the stairs, until they finally reached the Head Professors' Quarters. Grace ran through a closed door, like a ghost. Amelia cautiously crept towards the door and knocked. "Anyone there?" she called.
@Kazehana[/URL] @Corey
CoreyXIX said:
"I assume we have some sort of contingency, but I'm guessing since we're having a meeting we need an actual plan about this. Have you any thoughts on where to begin, Draconus?" Prof. Shaltaea asks, caring more about the task at hand than anybody's feelings and emotions on the subject. "I'm guessing we shouldn't mention it to the students yet."
Adlin rolled her eyes. "Well this does see like the sort of thing you'd pull," she said before nodded at Shaltaea's words. It seemed fair that he was right, but she sort of wish he wasn't. If Draconus really didn't have a plan, what were they to do? It had been a while since she last participated in a battle that wasn't breaking up some petty fight. She wondered if she could still handle all of that.


"Now now you two. I have something to tell you all" said Draconus, looking at the head professors but speaking to Adlin and Shaltea. What he was about to say would be a shock to some, well not all. "I have news to tell you all! The Dark God of Madness and Death is sealed underneath the academy"

@Kazehana @CoreyXIX @The Chronicler Croi @Vaccum
Senki Tazuya

Destroying the forest? Oh that's easy." She replied half jokingly. Bringing her palm out to the side she slowly charged up Vortex, a ball as big as her head forming. "Vortex!" She shouted as she thrust her palm outwards, lightning effectively destroying several trees as the orb diminished. "Done." She told her, offering a cheeky grin that could only translate to 'What now?'.

ScarlettRose16 said:
"What do you mean?" She asks as they head in the same direction as Miziki had told her too. She sped up a little bit but not to fast.
@Mitchs98 (going to bed, nigh)
Miziki Kurone

"Like. Your race. What are you? I'm a Kitsune, obviously. And you're a being with wings." She explained. "It's okay if you don't wanna tell me, I was just curious." She added before shrugging. She hoped she'd tell her, but then again she didn't have to, she just wanted to know for curiosities sake after all.
Varien, after closing the portal to his room, decided to go back out, after all, his preparations were incomplete still. As he was about to exit, he raised his eyebrow at the gathering of professors. "What's sll this about? A 'day without Varien' party?" He asked with a smirk. "Eh, doesn't matter, it seems to be of importance, perhaps something I need to know?" He asked the Headmaster, his face turning serious upon noticing the general atmosphere in the room.

@Kazehana @Veyd Sahvoz @CoreyXIX @The Chronicler Croi
Darius was surprised at the sudden 180 shift Ame had undergone. One moment she was excited and now she looked averse towards proceeding further. Even worse, she wanted HIM to take the lead. He just stood there thinking of a way to get himself out of this situation but no matter how he looked at it, there was no getting around the fact he owed Ame for flying him here at top speed, even if it was mortally terrifying.

He sighed in defeat. "Fine...but only because I'd feel bad if you did all the work. Let me just get some things prepared since we pretty much just came here with no planning." he said calmly. The boy had Dravlon shift into his Keyblade form and proceeded to draw a circle in the ground around himself and Ame with the blade. He then moved to the center of the circle and stabbed the weapon into the ground.


Immediately the outline of the circle that surrounded them began to glow white and from the inside, the scenery beyond the line appeared to distort like looking into the reflection of a pool of rippling water until the image settled and made it look like nothing had happened at all if one didn't see the initial distortion. Finished with the spell, Darius removed the Keyblade from the ground and Dravlon promptly shifted back into his natural form but the preparations weren't quite finished. Darius put his hand on the hovering dragonling's back and repeated the process of creating the ball of fire he had made in Professor Vicar's class the other day. After a moment, a fist-sized sparkling ball of golden flame formed in front of Dravlon's open maw and the boy immediately proceeded with the next step.


The flame was then surrounded by a weaker version of the barrier he had used in the duel yesterday creating a transparent sphere with the flame safely contained inside. The fire was magic based so it wouldn't need oxygen like regular fire to remain lit. Finally done with the preparations that had come to mind he took the makeshift lantern in his hands and presented it to Ame.

"Here, hold this. It'll give us some light to work with down there. I've made it so we're basically invisible to normal eyes by bending the light in the area immediately surrounding us." he explained as he pointed towards the outline of the circle that was in the ground, "The distortion field will move with us as long as Dravlon remains inside but as soon as someone gets past the border they'll be able to see us. It's like a one way wall of invisibility basically." he finished and waited for Ame to take the 'lantern' before proceeding.

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Drakerus said:
Darius was surprised at the sudden 180 shift Ame had undergone. One moment she was excited and now she looked averse towards proceeding further. Even worse, she wanted HIM to take the lead. He just stood there thinking of a way to get himself out of this situation but no matter how he looked at it, there was no getting around the fact he owed Ame for flying him here at top speed, even if it was mortally terrifying.
He sighed in defeat. "Fine...but only because I'd feel bad if you did all the work. Let me just get some things prepared since we pretty much just came here with no planning." he said calmly. The boy had Dravlon shift into his Keyblade form and proceeded to draw a circle in the ground around himself and Ame with the blade. He then moved to the center of the circle and stabbed the weapon into the ground.


Immediately the outline of the circle that surrounded them began to glow white and from the inside, the scenery beyond the line appeared to distort like looking into the reflection of a pool of rippling water until the image settled and made it look like nothing had happened at all if one didn't see the initial distortion. Finished with the spell, Darius removed the Keyblade from the ground and Dravlon promptly shifted back into his natural form but the preparations weren't quite finished. Darius put his hand on the hovering dragonling's back and repeated the process of creating the ball of fire he had made in Professor Vicar's class the other day. After a moment, a fist-sized sparkling ball of golden flame formed in front of Dravlon's open maw and the boy immediately proceeded with the next step.


The flame was then surrounded by a weaker version of the barrier he had used in the duel yesterday creating a transparent sphere with the flame safely contained inside. The fire was magic based so it wouldn't need oxygen like regular fire to remain lit. Finally done with the preparations that had come to mind he took the makeshift lantern in his hands and presented it to Ame.

"Here, hold this. It'll give us some light to work with down there. I've made it so we're basically invisible to normal eyes by bending the light in the area immediately surrounding us." he explained as he pointed towards the outline of the circle that was in the ground, "The distortion field will move with us as long as Dravlon remains inside but as soon as someone gets past the border they'll be able to see us. It's like a one way wall of invisibility basically." he finished and waited for Ame to take the 'lantern' before proceeding.

Ame (nor I) had any idea how to respond to this, or even what he just did. It was all very confusing. But she didn't argue; she simply took the light and his word for his plan. With a nod, she signified that she was ready, and moved towards the entrance, careful not to get far away from Dravlon. "I guess I'm ready whenever..." she said, though not with much conviction or self confidence. She didn't know what to expect down there, but with Darius and Dravlon, she would be fine.
Feu decided that sitting around wasn't the best idea, so it decided to investigate the area. There had to be something, right? After some time, it found a peculiar rock, one that wouldn't seem unnatural, but in this strange dimension... Feu decided to look through it since there wasn't anything of interest on the outside. Under the rock, it found a strange hole that had no real business to be there. Following its trail, Feu found a large cave that, thanks to Feu, was well lit. Investigating further, it found a network of tunnels, but it didn't know where to start. With a small grin to itself, it decided to phase through to find what it needed. But every time it did, it always seemed to end up in the main cavern, no matter where it was within the network. Unfortunately, it was bound to physical limitations here, or at least it kind of was. After some mental preparation, it ventured forth into the widest tunnel to explore the caverns below.

@CoreyXIX (I don't know if you particularly care, but here ya go lmao)
CoreyXIX said:
"I assume we have some sort of contingency, but I'm guessing since we're having a meeting we need an actual plan about this. Have you any thoughts on where to begin, Draconus?" Prof. Shaltaea asks, caring more about the task at hand than anybody's feelings and emotions on the subject. "I'm guessing we shouldn't mention it to the students yet."
Kazehana said:
Adlin rolled her eyes. "Well this does see like the sort of thing you'd pull," she said before nodded at Shaltaea's words. It seemed fair that he was right, but she sort of wish he wasn't. If Draconus really didn't have a plan, what were they to do? It had been a while since she last participated in a battle that wasn't breaking up some petty fight. She wondered if she could still handle all of that.
Ms. Yves looked over at Kahehchet with a slight frown on her face from all the current, startling new. "One moment, dear. I'll have it ready in a moment" she explained, not wanting to get yelled at like a certain someone.

Draconus turned to both Kabehchet and Shaltea, giving off a grim frown before turning away and motioning them to sit. "Have a seat. We were just discussing how Saviik, the Dark God of Madness & Death, is sealed beneath the academy...And yes, I do have a stradegy, but, it is risky. At the time I didn't have the knowledge and power I do now, which is the reason it's weakening. However some of his cult have survived throughout the ages," he paused to remember what happened in that time. He still had the memories.... "My plan is for us to try and keep the academy's guard up and ready. We never know what might happen. I cannot be down in the abandoned levels of the school while we have so much to do today and tomorrow, sadly, but what we can do is select one person. That will not be so easily done" Draconus explained, looking between every professor, head professor, student teacher, etc, in the entire Grand Foyer. To think they could have one person to monitor that deep and dark part of the school. By themselves. . .

@CoreyXIX @The Chronicler Croi @Kazehana @Cruor Flumine @Vaccum
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Well, it was certainly a huge issue, that was for sure. Especially with the looming question of who would get the "privilege" of being in the dark depths by themselves. Some deep down Part of him wanted to volunteer for the perilous duty. As far as he knew, it sounded a lot like his kind of place. However, the prospect of the dark god was enough to put a damper on his prospects of it. But still, he had plenty of advantages his living counterparts didn't. Unless they had hidden aces up their sleeves, that is. "There would be less to lose if I went." The Lich remarked to Draconus and the others, attempting to make a case for him to go. "As far as I know, all of you are in real trouble if your body experiences death. With my set of skills, I may make for a good lookout. I don't require sleep, sustenance. My soul is also rather well bound elsewhere, so if worst comes to worst I can maybe flee."
Adlin wasn't as eager as her peers. "I'd rather not. I'm not particularly good at that sort of thing. And by that, I mean sitting around a dank basement for hours on end. Too boring for me," she said, dismissing herself as a candidate. She of course was probably the best suited to try to contain it since she was skilled in barriers. But the prospect of sitting around all alone was too boring for her to even consider.
"I cannot on this night, I travel through the veil. I should return if the Fates be with me I should return with Tanenu and I can bring reinforcements from my home below. As for right now did you forget you have a practicing Necromancer Priestess on your staff I can summon guards it depends what and how big you want. If Prof Shaltaea is going below I will make sure they obey him"

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana @CoreyXIX @Cruor Flumine
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Mitchs98 said:
Senki Tazuya
Destroying the forest? Oh that's easy." She replied half jokingly. Bringing her palm out to the side she slowly charged up Vortex, a ball as big as her head forming. "Vortex!" She shouted as she thrust her palm outwards, lightning effectively destroying several trees as the orb diminished. "Done." She told her, offering a cheeky grin that could only translate to 'What now?'.

Miziki Kurone

"Like. Your race. What are you? I'm a Kitsune, obviously. And you're a being with wings." She explained. "It's okay if you don't wanna tell me, I was just curious." She added before shrugging. She hoped she'd tell her, but then again she didn't have to, she just wanted to know for curiosities sake after all.
"Don't freak out but I'm half demon, half angel." She says being careful not to drop her. She didn't care about what her race was, well maybe she cared a little bit. She still went in the same direction. "Do you sense anybody?" She asks once more.

Gold gave Fuyuki a small push off of his back, and grabbed his hand. He warped with him, the light propelling then with Gold's favorite speed: breakneck (not literal) to where the snowflake landed. He let go, saying, "We're here."
ScarlettRose16 said:
"Don't freak out but I'm half demon, half angel." She says being careful not to drop her. She didn't care about what her race was, well maybe she cared a little bit. She still went in the same direction. "Do you sense anybody?" She asks once more.
Miziki Kurone

Ooh. That's pretty neat! I'm kinda jealous, I'm just a boring old Kitsune. And yeah, we're close, just a little bit longer." She replied excitedly. She was 100% without a doubt excited for the crown quest, maybe moreso than any of the other participants. It just seemed so cool, especially if she found extra treasure!
The lich did seem like it was a good idea for himself to go. Mouse-O also knew that he wouldn't be any help at all in terms of guarding the school. "I'll go with you!" Mouse-O exclaimed. "If anything stops you from getting to the school in time I can warm people about what is happening down there! Also, if anything is going to launch a suprised attack they'll target you first and I can get away." From his interactions this morning it seemed like some of the proffesors wouldn't mind it if he went away. This would also fulfill his promise to be helpful. Mouse-O just had to see what the group would say about this.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Cruor Flumine @Kazehana @CoreyXIX @The Chronicler Croi
Mitchs98 said:
Senki Tazuya
Destroying the forest? Oh that's easy." She replied half jokingly. Bringing her palm out to the side she slowly charged up Vortex, a ball as big as her head forming. "Vortex!" She shouted as she thrust her palm outwards, lightning effectively destroying several trees as the orb diminished. "Done." She told her, offering a cheeky grin that could only translate to 'What now?'.

Miziki Kurone

"Like. Your race. What are you? I'm a Kitsune, obviously. And you're a being with wings." She explained. "It's okay if you don't wanna tell me, I was just curious." She added before shrugging. She hoped she'd tell her, but then again she didn't have to, she just wanted to know for curiosities sake after all.
Emily landed on the ground of the forest from spinning in the air. "Well let's just see where Talsowrth is...." she rumadged through her satchel for her map. Unfortunately she seemed to have misplaced her spell tome....Odd. "Do you know of any places around here?"



Draconus sighed to himself, "Thank you, Kabehcet, Shaltea, we shall discuss this right away. And yes, Varien, I believe we need all the help we can get. Which is why I'm open for suggestions of any kind. I will do my part in doing what I do, which I'm sure you all have some inkling of. As we speak I'm trying to reach ties to contacts of my own" he explained, trying to keep a steady voice. He hated the thought of all this but the first priority for him was to protect his school. Like they say: A Captain always goes down with his ship.

Hearing Mouse-O he was surprised he hadn't noticed his little friend "If you think you're up to the task. And you are quite right" said Draconus, smiling at the little fellow. At least he wouldn't be doing this alone like last time...

@The Chronicler Croi @CoreyXIX @Kazehana @Cruor Flumine (@Vaccum if you want)
:puts hand down allowing Mouse -O to step up and lifts him up to be level with everyone else in the Foyer:

"I think that is very brave of you Mouse -O." Kabehchet can't help but smile " Do you know how to teleport? Maybe a small steed will assist with speed. Is there a way I may assist you. I have many a trick in this bag of enchantments of mine."

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The combined words of Draconus, Mouse-O, and Kebehcet were the good news he hoped to hear for all this. A little extra assistance during his part of his duties would be very helpful "Excellent. If you're serious Mouse-O then you're more than welcome to join me on this. And thank you as well Kebehcet." he says to them with some gratitude as he watches Kebehcet interact with the mouse. "I'll need to gather a few things after we're done discussing but before I go down. I'm taking few chances during this endeavor." he remarks.

@Vaccum @Veyd Sahvoz @The Chronicler Chroi
It felt like forever before Feu made it to a portion of the passage that opened up, though with an eerie continuous noise in the distance. Thankfully, not soon after, it came upon another cavern. It was not quite as big as the former, but just as formidable. Except this time, there was a stream that cut through the middle. Feu wasn't sure if it wanted to know where it came from or where it went, especially since it knew nothing of the strange land. Shrugging it off, it decided to investigate the cavern at hand. There was a stream, obviously. But there appeared to be some fungus growing near the stream. How strange, since there wasn't anything for it to feed off of. Perhaps the water carried nutrients. Feu didn't know.
Veyd Sahvoz]Emily landed on the ground of the forest from spinning in the air. "Well let's just see where Talsowrth is...." she rumadged through her satchel for her map. Unfortunately she seemed to have misplaced her spell tome....Odd. "Do you know of any places around here?" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:


Draconus sighed to himself, "Thank you, Kabehcet, Shaltea, we shall discuss this right away. And yes, Varien, I believe we need all the help we can get. Which is why I'm open for suggestions of any kind. I will do my part in doing what I do, which I'm sure you all have some inkling of. As we speak I'm trying to reach ties to contacts of my own" he explained, trying to keep a steady voice. He hated the thought of all this but the first priority for him was to protect his school. Like they say: A Captain always goes down with his ship.

Hearing Mouse-O he was surprised he hadn't noticed his little friend "If you think you're up to the task. And you are quite right" said Draconus, smiling at the little fellow. At least he wouldn't be doing this alone like last time...

@The Chronicler Croi @CoreyXIX @Kazehana @Cruor Flumine (@Vaccum if you want)
Senki Tazuya

Senki landed beside Emily and shrugged at her question. "
Not a clue, I was just following the direction everyone else headed." She replied honestly. "I guess we should walk a bit? I'd assume the cave would be hidden by the trees." She told her, though it was more of a question than a statement. Senki had pretty much no clue what she was doing as far as finding the place, probably should've asked for a map...
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Ooh. That's pretty neat! I'm kinda jealous, I'm just a boring old Kitsune. And yeah, we're close, just a little bit longer." She replied excitedly. She was 100% without a doubt excited for the crown quest, maybe moreso than any of the other participants. It just seemed so cool, especially if she found extra treasure!
"Okay, and trust me, it's not all its cracked up to be." She says trying to make it sound lighthearted. She thought of her "gift" more like a curse. She only relies on her instincts to keep her in the air. She never really had to think about it. "Just tell me when we need to land." She says

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